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File: mysql.class.php

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File: mysql.class.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: The main MySQL Class
Class: Best MySQL Class
MySQL database access wrapper
Author: By
Last change: Updated to v1.1
Date: 16 years ago
Size: 32,903 bytes


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<?php /* ######################################### MySQL Class by aldo of Version: 1.1 (Feb 14, 2009) PHP 4.3.0 >= required This script is provided "AS IS" without warranty, you can use this script in any way shape or form. I (aldo, the creator) nor anyone else, be it distributors and what not are not responsible for anything that may occur while using this script in whole or in part. You are allowed to use this script under the terms of the GNU Lesser GPL which can be found here: Enjoy this script! ######################################### */ class MySQL { # Our connection holder. private $db_con = null; # The connection details private $db_host = null; private $db_user = null; private $db_pass = null; private $db_name = null; private $db_persist = null; # # Default Constructor, used when doing something such as: # $db = new MySQL('localhost', 'root', '', null, false); # Basically an alias of $this->connect(); # public function __construct($db_host = null, $db_user = null, $db_pass = null, $db_name = null, $db_persist = false) { # They might not be trying at all to connect through the # default constructor, but they might, so see if the # database host is empty or not :) if(!empty($db_host)) { # Lets use the connect function... $this->connect($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass, $db_name, $db_persist); } } # # Connect to the MySQL Server. # bool MySQL::connect(string $db_host, string $db_user, string $db_pass[, string $db_name = null[, bool $db_persist = false]]); # string $db_host - The hostname or address (Like IP) of the MySQL # server you wish to connect to, a lot of the times # it is localhost. # # string $db_user - Your MySQL Username to identify as. # # string $db_pass - The MySQL Password of the MySQL Username. # # string $db_name - The Database you would like to select and use by # default, however, not required and can be later # set with $this->select_db(string $db_name); # # bool $db_persist - Whether or not to connect with a persistent # connection with the MySQL Server, if you are # unsure of what this means, you can take a look # at # # returns bool - If the connection was successful, you will get a true # however if connecting failed, you will get a false. # Need to know what happened? Check out $this->error(); # public function connect($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass, $db_name = null, $db_persist = false) { # So do you want a persistent connection or not? # If you want more information about the difference # check out's super useful website: # if($db_persist) $this->db_con = @mysql_pconnect($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass); else $this->db_con = @mysql_connect($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass); # So did we connect? o-O if(!$this->db_con) return false; # I guess so, do we want to select a database? If not, # we won't bother, whatever floats your boat... if(!empty($db_name)) if(!$this->select_db($db_name)) return false; # Save the details ;) # Why? This is so we can switch users and stuff # and we might need the details again... $this->db_host = $db_host; $this->db_user = $db_user; $this->db_pass = $db_pass; $this->db_persist = (bool)$db_persist; # If we are still going, we must have done it all # successfully... So return true :) return true; } # # Close the current MySQL connection. # bool MySQL::close(); # returns bool - If the connection is closed successfully # you will get true, otherwise on failure a # false will be returned. # public function close() { # Of course you must be connected to be able to close! if($this->db_con) { # Just close it ;) $success = @mysql_close($this->db_con); # Was closing the connection a success? # If so, remove all our stuffs. if($success) { $this->db_host = null; $this->db_user = null; $this->db_pass = null; $this->db_name = null; $this->db_persist = false; $this->db_con = null; } return $success ? true : false; } else { trigger_error('Must be connected to a MySQL Server', E_USER_NOTICE); return false; } } # # Select your default database. # bool MySQL::select_db(string $db_name); # string $db_name - The name of the database you want # to use as the default one for the # current connection. # # returns bool - If your database was successfully selected # you will get a bool of true, otherwise false # and an error notice. # public function select_db($db_name) { # We need to be connected... if($this->db_con) { # Just select it and we are done. $success = @mysql_select_db($db_name, $this->db_con); # If its a success, save the new database name... if($success) $this->db_name = $db_name; return $success ? true : false; } else { trigger_error('Must be connected to a MySQL Server', E_USER_NOTICE); return false; } } # # Query the MySQL Server. # mixed MySQL::query(string $db_query[, bool $unbuffered = false]); # string $db_query - The query you want to send to the # MySQL Server to be parsed and the # result will of course, be returned. # # bool $unbuffered - Whether or not to do an unbuffered # query. Not sure what this means? # Basically you want start messing # around with the results of the query # without the query needing to be 100% # executed. Very useful when you are # expecting a lot of results. # # returns mixed - Depending upon if the query was successful # you might get a MySQL resource or a false. # Obviously if the query was a success you will # get a resource back, otherwise if the query # failed you will get a false. # public function query($db_query, $unbuffered = false) { # We must be connected!!! if($this->db_con) { # So unbuffered or not? if($unbuffered) return @mysql_unbuffered_query($db_query, $this->db_con); else return @mysql_query($db_query, $this->db_con); } else { trigger_error('Must be connected to a MySQL Server', E_USER_NOTICE); return false; } } # # Escape a string safely with the MySQL Server. # string MySQL::escape(string $dirtyStr); # string $dirtyStr - The dirty string that needs to be # sanitized so you can be sure that the # data is safe to put in a MySQL Query. # # returns string - The cleaned string will be returned. # # NOTE: Only PHP 4.3.0 and above have the ability to have # the MySQL Server itself clean the string, which is # a lot safer, however older PHP versions must then # use the deprecated function which PHP cleans the # string itself, which is OK, just the MySQL one is better. # public function escape($dirtyStr) { # We must be connected! As the string is cleaned by the server. if($this->db_con) { # So does mysql_real_escape_string exist? if(function_exists('mysql_real_escape_string')) return @mysql_real_escape_string($dirtyStr, $this->db_con); else # Nope, use the old one. return @mysql_escape_string($dirtyStr); } else { trigger_error('Must be connected to a MySQL Server', E_USER_NOTICE); return false; } } # # Get the number of affected rows from the last query # to the server. # int MySQL::affected_rows(); # returns int - Returns the number of affected rows from # the last REPLACE, INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE # query. # # NOTE: When doing a REPLACE query you will get the number # not only inserted/updated rows but also the number # deleted as well. # public function affected_rows() { # Yes, must be connected... if($this->db_con) # Simple... as most are... return @mysql_affected_rows($this->db_con); else { trigger_error('Must be connected to a MySQL Server', E_USER_NOTICE); return false; } } # # Move the internal pointer in a MySQL Query result. # bool MySQL::data_seek(resource $db_result, int $row_number); # resource $db_result - The MySQL resource of a MySQL Query. # # int $row_number - The desired row number to be pointed to. # # returns bool - Returns whether or not moving the pointer # was a success. # public function data_seek($db_result, $row_number) { if($this->db_con) # Lets try it... return @mysql_data_seek($db_result, (int)$row_number); else { trigger_error('Must be connected to a MySQL Server', E_USER_NOTICE); return false; } } # # The last MySQL Error Number from the last MySQL operation # int MySQL::errno(); # returns int - Returns the last MySQL Error Number from the # last MySQL operation and 0 if no error occurred. # public function errno() { # I guess you don't need a connection this time... return @mysql_errno($this->db_con ? $this->db_con : null); } # # The latest MySQL Error from the MySQL Server # string MySQL::error(); # returns string - This function can be very useful when # debugging, so when a query fails and # you are not sure why, check out this # function to see if it can help you fix # the problem. # public function error() { # You don't need a connection :) return @mysql_error($this->db_con ? $this->db_con : null); } # # Fetch a row as an array from the given MySQL result. # mixed MySQL::fetch_array(resource $db_result[, int $result_type = MYSQL_BOTH]); # resource $db_result - A MySQL result from a MySQL Query. # # int $result_type - The result type to get, valid options # are MYSQL_NUM, MYSQL_ASSOC and MYSQL_BOTH # # returns mixed - You will get an array if there are results left # otherwise it issues false. # public function fetch_array($db_result, $result_type = MYSQL_BOTH) { # No connection needed here ;) return @mysql_fetch_array($db_result, (int)$result_type); } # # Fetch an associative array from the given MySQL result. # This would be like doing MySQL::fetch_array($db_result, MYSQL_ASSOC); # mixed MySQL::fetch_assoc(resource $db_result); # resource $db_result - The MySQL result from a MySQL Query. # # returns mixed - If there are any rows left, you will get an # array, otherwise you will get a false upon # running into the end of the line. # public function fetch_assoc($db_result) { # No connection needed here either :D return @mysql_fetch_assoc($db_result); } # # Fetch an object with the data of a given row from a MySQL result. # mixed MySQL::fetch_object(resource $db_result); # returns mixed - Upon success you will be returned an object # otherwise a false upon failure, aka no more # rows are available! # public function fetch_object($db_result) { # Once again... no connection needed! return @mysql_fetch_object($db_result); } # # Gets the specified column name by the field offset. # mixed MySQL::field_name(resource $db_result, int $field_offset); # resource $db_result - A MySQL Query result. # # int $field_offset - The field offset of the wanted field, # starts at 0. # # returns mixed - If the field actually exists, you will # get the name of the field, as expected # however if the field does not exist at # that offset you will get a false returned. # public function field_name($db_result, $field_offset) { # No connection ^(._.)^ return @mysql_field_name($db_result, (int)$field_offset); } # # Returns a number indexed array from the result. # mixed MySQL::fetch_row(resource $db_result); # returns mixed - If there is actually a row to be returned # then you will get an array, if there are # no more rows, you will get a false returned. # public function fetch_row($db_result) { # No connection either! CRAZY! return @mysql_fetch_row($db_result); } # # Free all resources associated with the given result. # bool MySQL::free_result(resource $db_result); # resource $db_result - The MySQL resource from a MySQL Query. # # returns bool - If the resources were successfully freed you # will get a true, otherwise false of failure. # public function free_result($db_result) { # Need I say anything..? return @mysql_free_result($db_result); } # # Gets the Client MySQL version # string MySQL::get_client_info(); # returns string - You will get the Client Library version. # public function get_client_info() { return @mysql_get_client_info(); } # # Gives you the MySQL Server version # string MySQL::get_server_info(); # returns string - Returns the MySQL Server version like: # 5.0.67-community # public function get_server_info() { # Of course we need to be connected for this!!! if($this->db_con) return @mysql_get_server_info($this->db_con); else { trigger_error('Must be connected to a MySQL Server', E_USER_NOTICE); return false; } } # # Gives you information about the last MySQL Query. # mixed MySQL::last_info(); # returns mixed - If anything about the last query # is available you will get a string # otherwise you will get a false. # public function last_info() { # Need a connection!!! if($this->db_con) return @mysql_info($this->db_con); else { trigger_error('Must be connected to a MySQL Server', E_USER_NOTICE); return false; } } # # Very useful, gets the last inserted ID # int MySQL::last_id(); # returns int - If there was an AUTO_INCREMENT value in the # last MySQL Query, you will get that number # but if no queries have an AUTO_INCREMENT you # will get a 0. # public function last_id() { # Of course you need a connection... :) if($this->db_con) return @mysql_insert_id($this->db_con); else { trigger_error('Must be connected to a MySQL Server', E_USER_NOTICE); return false; } } # # The total number of fields (columns) from the given # MySQL result. # mixed MySQL::num_fields(resource $db_result); # resource $db_result - A MySQL Query result, a SELECT. # # returns mixed - The number of fields in the MySQL Query SELECT # resource, however if nothing, a false. # public function num_fields($db_result) { # Nope, no connection needed! return @mysql_num_fields($db_result); } # # The number of rows from a SHOW or SELECT Query. # mixed MySQL::num_rows(resource $db_result); # resource $db_result - A MySQL resource from a SHOW or SELECT Query. # # returns mixed - If the resource is valid you will get a integer, # however, if not a false for failure. # public function num_rows($db_result) { # No connection needed as well... return @mysql_num_rows($db_result); } # # Returns the SQL Query to create the given table. # mixed MySQL::show_create(string $tbl_name); # string $tbl_name - The table name you wish to get the # CREATE TABLE Query for. # # returns mixed - If the table actually exists, you will # get a string, which is the actual CREATE # TABLE query. If the table does not exist # you will get a false. # public function show_create($tbl_name) { # Yes... we definitely need a connection. if($this->db_con) { # Okay, lets see if the table exists. $db_result = $this->query('SHOW CREATE TABLE `'. $tbl_name. '`'); # Anything? if($this->num_rows($db_result)) { # So get the query. @list($show_create) = $this->fetch_row($db_result); $this->free_result($db_result); # Return the query and we are done. return $show_create; } else # Nothing, so it must not exist! return false; } else { trigger_error('Must be connected to a MySQL Server', E_USER_NOTICE); return false; } } # # Changes your MySQL User, basically it reimplements mysql_change_user(); # bool MySQL::change_user(string $new_user, string $new_pass[, string $new_db = null]); # string $new_user - The new MySQL Username to identify as. # # string $new_pass - The password of the new MySQL Username. # # string $new_db - The new database to select, however if none # is specified the old one is used, if any. # # returns bool - Returns whether or not the username was changed successfully. # # NOTE: This function roughly implements the old mysql_change_user(); function # in PHP, the way it is done is by closing and making a new connection on # the same host, just without requiring you needing to do so yourself. # public function change_user($new_user, $new_pass, $new_db = null) { # We need to be connected of course of course! if($this->db_con) { # Sweet, all it is is closes the old one and connects again :D $this->close(); return $this->connect($this->db_host, $new_user, $new_pass, !empty($new_db) ? $new_db : $this->db_name, $this->db_persist); } else { trigger_error('Must be connected to a MySQL Server', E_USER_NOTICE); return false; } } # # Returns the current Client Encoding. # string MySQL::client_encoding(); # returns string - This returns the current client encoding # but of course if you are not connected # a false will be returned. # public function client_encoding() { # Connection needed... if($this->db_con) { # Simple to do, just return it ;) return @mysql_client_encoding($this->db_con); } else { trigger_error('Must be connected to a MySQL Server', E_USER_NOTICE); return false; } } # # Creates a new MySQL Database. # bool MySQL::create_db(string $db_name); # string $db_name - The name of the database to be created. # # returns bool - Returns whether or not the database was created # successfully. # # NOTE: You must have the CREATE privilege assigned to your # MySQL user to do this. # public function create_db($db_name) { # Connection..? if($this->db_con) { # Lets try to make the database... $db_result = $this->query('CREATE DATABASE `'. $db_name. '`'); if($db_result) # Must have been created successfully! return true; else # Guess not, tough luck! return false; } else { trigger_error('Must be connected to a MySQL Server', E_USER_NOTICE); return false; } } # # Drops the given database name. # bool MySQL::drop_db(string $db_name); # string $db_name - The database to drop. # # returns bool - Whether or not the database was # successfully dropped or not. # # NOTE: You might not have permission to use this # on your MySQL Server, either way, this can # be dangerous! Dropping a database CANNOT # be undone and all data will be lost! # public function drop_db($db_name) { # Need a connection... if($this->db_con) { # Lets give it a shot! $db_result = $this->query('DROP DATABASE `'. $db_name. '`'); if($db_result) # Must be gone, Congratulations! (I hope) return true; else # Didn't happen, phew! return false; } else { trigger_error('Must be connected to a MySQL Server', E_USER_NOTICE); return false; } } # # Executes a query against the given database, instead of, # if selected, the database you used with MySQL::select_db(); # mixed MySQL::db_query(string $db_query, string $db_name[, bool $permanent = false]); # string $db_query - The query to execute against the given database. # # string $db_name - The database name of which to execute the query against. # Only temporarily, of course (Unless otherwise specified). # # bool $permanent - If you choose true, then your database WON'T be switched # back to the other one before using this method, if you set # it to false (which is the default) then your database will # be switched back, if one was selected. # # returns mixed - This can return a MySQL resource on a successful # SELECT, but a false on a failed SELECT. Also on # UPDATE, INSERT, REPLACE or DELETE it will return a # bool respectively if it was a success or not. # # NOTE: PHP does have a built in function for this, however it # is now deprecated, so I have made an implementation of my # own. # public function db_query($db_query, $db_name, $permanent = false) { # We need to be connected! if($this->db_con) { # Do you want to switch back after the query? if(!$permanent && !empty($this->db_name)) # Yup, save the current one temporarily $old_db = $this->db_name; # Okay. Select the new one if($this->select_db($db_name)) { # So we switched the database successfully... do the query :) $db_result = $this->query($db_query); # Got it done, switch back? if(!$permanent && isset($old_db)) $this->select_db($old_db); # Return the result... return $db_result; } else { # Output the error since we switch back... trigger_error($this->error(), E_USER_NOTICE); # Select the old one :P if(!$permanent && isset($old_db)) $this->select_db($old_db); return false; } } else { trigger_error('Must be connected to a MySQL Server', E_USER_NOTICE); return false; } } # # Get a resource with a list of databases. # resource MySQL::list_dbs(); # returns resource - If nothing bad occurred, you will # get a MySQL resource with a list of # databases which is used with something # like MySQL::fetch_array(), fetch_assoc(), # fetch_object(), etc. however if it # failed you will get a false. # public function list_dbs() { # A connection is required. if($this->db_con) { # Lets try! return @mysql_list_dbs($this->db_con); } else { trigger_error('Must be connected to a MySQL Server', E_USER_NOTICE); return false; } } # # Get a resource with a list of tables from a database. # resource MySQL::list_tables([string $db_name = null]); # string $db_name - The database to get the table listing from # though if none are supplied, the current is used. # # returns resource - On success, you will get a MySQL resource # which can be used with MySQL::fetch_array(), # fetch_assoc(), fetch_object(), etc. however # if it failed, you will get a false. # # NOTE: The PHP function for this is DEPRECATED, so this # is an implementation I have done myself. # public function list_tables($db_name = null) { # Need a connection... if($this->db_con) { # Lets give the query a try! $db_result = $this->query('SHOW TABLES'. (!empty($db_name) ? ' FROM `'. $db_name. '`' : '')); # And return it :) return $db_result; } else { trigger_error('Must be connected to a MySQL Server', E_USER_NOTICE); return false; } } # # Pings the MySQL Server, and if you choose to, you can # have it reconnect if the ping failed. # bool MySQL::ping([bool $reconnect_on_failure = true]); # bool $reconnect_on_failure - Whether or not to attempt to # reconnect to the MySQL Server # if the ping failed. Default is # set to true. # # returns bool - If the ping failed, you will get a false. However # if $reconnect_on_failure is true, and if it reconnects # successfully on a ping fail you will get a true, but # if reconnection on failure, fails, you will get a false. # public function ping($reconnect_on_failure = true) { # Yeah, connection, duh... if($this->db_con) { # Ping it. $db_ping = @mysql_ping($this->db_con); # Hmm, did it fail? And did we want to reconnect? if(!$db_ping && $reconnect_on_failure) { # Reconnect and return the results :P return $this->reconnect(); } # Now return whether or not the ping was a success. return $db_ping ? true : false; } else { trigger_error('Must be connected to a MySQL Server', E_USER_NOTICE); return false; } } # # Reconnect to the MySQL Server, useful for if a ping fails, # though you should just do MySQL::ping(true); # bool MySQL::reconnect(); # returns bool - If the reconnection is successful you will # get a true, otherwise false for failure. # # NOTE: This function is used by MySQL::ping() to reconnect # to the MySQL Server if pinging failed. # NOTE NOTE: This takes no parameters, this uses the old # saved MySQL details from doing a MySQL connect. # public function reconnect() { # We need a connection, or what we this is one. if($this->db_con) { # Try to connect and return the results. return $this->connect($this->db_host, $this->db_user, $this->db_pass, $this->db_name, $this->db_persist); } else { trigger_error('Must be connected to a MySQL Server', E_USER_NOTICE); return false; } } # # Get the MySQL Server Statistics. # mixed MySQL::stat([bool $return_array = false]); # bool $return_array - You can have the statistics returned # as an array instead of a string, default # is false. # # returns mixed - If you are not connected to a MySQL Server, you # will get a false. If you are connected and set # $return_array as true, you will recieve an array # otherwise # public function stat($return_array = false) { if($this->db_con) { # Get the stats. $stats = mysql_stat($this->db_con); # Return them, array though? return $return_array ? $stats : @explode(' ', $stats); } else { trigger_error('Must be connected to a MySQL Server', E_USER_NOTICE); return false; } } # # Get the Full MySQL Server Statistics. # mixed MySQL::full_stats([bool $return_resource = false]); # bool $return_resource - If you just want the resource # to be used on something like # MySQL::fetch_assoc(), set this # to true. # # returns mixed - If you are not connected to a MySQL Server # you will get a false. If you set $return_resource # to true, you will receive a resource, otherwise an # array. # # NOTE: This is somewhat like MySQL::stat(), however a lot more # information can be obtained with this function compared # to MySQL::stat() which only returns a few key statistics. # public function full_stats($return_resource = false) { if($this->db_con) { # Query the server. $db_result = $this->query('SHOW STATUS'); # Want it turned into an array? if(!$return_resource && $db_result) { # Setup a temporary array. $temp = array(); # Loop through the result. while($row = $this->fetch_row($db_result)) # Add it to the array. $temp[$row[0]] = $row[1]; # Now that we are done with the result # set db_result to the array for returning. $db_result = $temp; } # Return the db_result, array or not ;) return $db_result; } else { trigger_error('Must be connected to a MySQL Server', E_USER_NOTICE); return false; } } # # Get the MySQL Variables. # mixed MySQL::variables([bool $return_resource = false]); # bool $return_resource - Whether or not to return a resource # which can be used with MySQL::fetch_assoc() # instead of an array. # # returns mixed - If you are not connected to a MySQL Server # you will get a false. If you set $return_resource # to true, you will receive a resource, otherwise an # array. # public function variables($return_resource = false) { if($this->db_con) { # Query the server for the variables. $db_result = $this->query('SHOW VARIABLES'); # Want an array instead? Good. if(!$return_resource && $db_result) { # Setup a temporary array. $temp = array(); # Loop through the result. while($row = $this->fetch_row($db_result)) # Add it to the array. $temp[$row[0]] = $row[1]; # Now that we are done with the result # set db_result to the array for returning. $db_result = $temp; } # Return the db_result, array or not ;) return $db_result; } else { trigger_error('Must be connected to a MySQL Server', E_USER_NOTICE); return false; } } # # Returns the MySQL Thread ID. # int MySQL::thread_id(); # returns int - Returns the Thread ID of the MySQL Server. # On failure, you get false. # public function thread_id() { if($this->db_con) { # Just return the Thread ID. return @mysql_thread_id($this->db_con); } else { trigger_error('Must be connected to a MySQL Server', E_USER_NOTICE); return false; } } } ?>