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File: plugins/EagerImageLoader/eager-image-loader.js

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File: plugins/EagerImageLoader/eager-image-loader.js
Role: Auxiliary data
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Description: Auxiliary data
Class: PHP Real Estate Website
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Date: 3 years ago
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/* * EagerImageLoader * * * Copyright (c) 2015 anseki * Licensed under the MIT license. */ ;(function(global, undefined) { 'use strict'; var DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { autoStart: true, loadingClass: 'loading' }, RE_LIKESPACE = /[\t\r\n\f]/g, RE_NOSPACE = /\S+/g, RE_TRIM = /^[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+|[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+$/g; function EagerImageLoader(targets, options) { var that = this; /* ==== targets ==== [ { // stepTarget imageTargets: [ <imageTarget>, <imageTarget> ... ], started: <boolean>, }, ... ] ==== imageTarget ==== { element: <element>, src, data, background, // <string> Attrs start, load, error, abort, // <function> Callbacks stopLoading: <boolean>, startTime: <number>, endTime: <number> _attrName, _url // <string> } */ function parseTargets() { var list2array =, uniqueElements = []; function getArray(elements, onlyElement) { var constructorName; if (elements) { if (typeof elements === 'string') { return list2array(document.querySelectorAll(elements)); } if (typeof elements === 'object' || typeof elements === 'function') { // for object/embed in FF (NPObject?) constructorName =; if (constructorName === '[object NodeList]' || constructorName === '[object HTMLCollection]' || constructorName === '[object Elements]') { // DOM4 return list2array(elements); } if (elements instanceof HTMLElement || (!onlyElement && elements.element)) { return [elements]; } } } global.console.warn('Couldn\'t get element.'); global.console.warn(elements); return []; } function checkElement(imageTarget) { function getAttrName(element) { var proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(element); return ( // element property for old DOM proto.hasOwnProperty('src') || element.hasOwnProperty('src') ? 'src' : proto.hasOwnProperty('data') || element.hasOwnProperty('data') ? 'data' : 'background' ); } var element = imageTarget.element, attrName = getAttrName(element), url = imageTarget[attrName] || (element.dataset ? element.dataset[attrName] : element.getAttribute('data-' + attrName)); if (url) { imageTarget._attrName = attrName; imageTarget._url = url; return true; } else { global.console.warn('Couldn\'t get URL.'); global.console.warn(imageTarget); return false; } } function isNew(element) { // This check has to be last. if (uniqueElements.indexOf(element) > -1) { global.console.warn('Element was specified in duplicate.'); global.console.warn(element); return false; } uniqueElements.push(element); return true; } that.targets = []; (Array.isArray(targets) ? targets : getArray(targets || '[data-src],[data-data],[data-background]') ).forEach(function(target) { var imageTargets = []; (Array.isArray(target) ? target : [target]).forEach(function(target) { var elementsTarget = target, imageTargetBase; // check for [null] or [[null]] if (target && typeof target === 'object' && target.element) { elementsTarget = target.element; imageTargetBase = target; } getArray(elementsTarget, true).forEach(function(element) { var imageTarget = {element: element}; if (imageTargetBase) { imageTarget = ['src', 'data', 'background', 'start', 'load', 'error', 'abort', 'stopLoading'].reduce( function(imageTarget, objKey) { // shallow copy imageTarget[objKey] = imageTargetBase[objKey]; return imageTarget; }, imageTarget); } if (checkElement(imageTarget) && isNew(imageTarget.element)) { imageTargets.push(imageTarget); } }); }); if (imageTargets.length) { that.targets.push({imageTargets: imageTargets}); // stepTarget } else { global.console.warn('Couldn\'t get any element in a step.'); global.console.warn(target); } }); if (!that.targets.length) { that.done = true; } else { that.stepIndex = 0; if (that.options.autoStart) { that.start(); } } } that.options = Object.keys(DEFAULT_OPTIONS).reduce(function(options, optionName) { if (options[optionName] === undefined) { options[optionName] = DEFAULT_OPTIONS[optionName]; } return options; }, options || {}); that.stepIndex = -1; that.done = that.stopped = false; if (document.readyState === 'complete') { parseTargets(); } else { document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', parseTargets, false); } } function trim(text) { /* jshint eqnull:true */ return text != null ? (text + '').replace(RE_TRIM, '') : ''; /* jshint eqnull:false */ } function addClass(element, value) { var curClassValue = element.className, classText = curClassValue ? // space for indexOf() (' ' + curClassValue + ' ').replace(RE_LIKESPACE, ' ') : ' '; ((value || '').match(RE_NOSPACE) || []).forEach(function(target) { if (classText.indexOf(' ' + target + ' ') < 0) { classText += target + ' '; } }); classText = trim(classText); if (classText !== curClassValue) { element.className = classText; } return element; } function removeClass(element, value) { var curClassValue = element.className, classText = curClassValue ? (' ' + curClassValue + ' ').replace(RE_LIKESPACE, ' ') : ''; if (classText) { if (value) { (value.match(RE_NOSPACE) || []).forEach(function(target) { while (classText.indexOf(' ' + target + ' ') >= 0) { classText = classText.replace(' ' + target + ' ', ' '); } }); classText = trim(classText); } else { // remove all classText = ''; } if (classText !== curClassValue) { element.className = classText; } } return element; } function nextTarget(loader) { var stepTarget = loader.targets[loader.stepIndex]; if (loader.done || loader.stopped || stepTarget.started) { return; } stepTarget.started = true; stepTarget.imageTargets.forEach(function(imageTarget) { var loadImage = new Image(); function imageTargetFinish(event) { if (event.type === 'load') { if (imageTarget._attrName === 'src' || imageTarget._attrName === 'data') { imageTarget.element[imageTarget._attrName] = loadImage.src; } else { = 'url("' + loadImage.src + '")'; } } loadImage = null; if (loader.options.loadingClass) { removeClass(imageTarget.element, loader.options.loadingClass); } imageTarget.endTime =; if (imageTarget[event.type]) { event.imageTarget = imageTarget; event.eagerImageLoader = loader; imageTarget[event.type](event); // `this` is imageTarget } if (stepTarget.imageTargets.every( function(imageTarget) { return !!imageTarget.endTime; })) { if (loader.stepIndex >= loader.targets.length - 1) { loader.done = true; if (loader.options.complete) {; } } else { loader.stepIndex++; setTimeout(function() { nextTarget(loader); }, 0); } } } if (imageTarget.stopLoading) { loader.stop(); } // Stop when current step is finished. if (loader.options.loadingClass) { addClass(imageTarget.element, loader.options.loadingClass); } imageTarget.startTime =; if (imageTarget.start) { // `this` is imageTarget imageTarget.start(createEvent('start', {imageTarget: imageTarget, eagerImageLoader: loader})); } ['load', 'error', 'abort'].forEach( function(type) { loadImage.addEventListener(type, imageTargetFinish, false); }); loadImage.src = imageTarget._url; }); } function createEvent(type, props) { var evt, funcs = [ function() { evt = new Event(type, {bubbles: false, cancelable: false}); }, function() { evt = new CustomEvent(type); }, function() { evt = document.createEvent('Event'); evt.initEvent(type, false, false); }, function() { evt = document.createEvent('CustomEvent'); evt.initCustomEvent(type, false, false, null); } ]; if (!funcs.some(function(func) { try { func(); return true; } catch (e) {} })) { evt = {type: type}; // In the worst case. } Object.keys(props).forEach(function(propName) { evt[propName] = props[propName]; }); return evt; } EagerImageLoader.prototype.start = function() { if (!this.done) { this.stopped = false; if (this.stepIndex >= 0) { nextTarget(this); } else { // before parseTargets this.options.autoStart = true; } } return this; }; EagerImageLoader.prototype.stop = function() { this.stopped = true; return this; }; global.EagerImageLoader = EagerImageLoader; })( /* jshint evil:true, newcap:false */ Function('return this')() /* jshint evil:false, newcap:true */ );