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File: app/views/properties.php

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File: app/views/properties.php
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Class: PHP Real Estate Website
Manage the properties of a real estate business
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<?php if( $_SESSION['user_type'] == 'administrador' or $_SESSION['user_type'] == 'suporte' or isset($_SESSION['properties_view']) ) { $url = new app\controls\securePage(); ?> <SECTION CLASS="container-fluid"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <H4 CLASS="text-darkgray"><STRONG>Imóveis Cadastrados</STRONG></H4> <OL CLASS="breadcrumb bg-white"> <LI><a href="/app/admin/home"><I CLASS="fa fa-home"></I></a></LI> <LI><a href="/app/admin/properties"><i class="fa fa-industry"></i> Imóveis</a></LI> </OL> </div> </div> </SECTION> <SECTION CLASS="container-fluid"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <NAV CLASS="navbar"> <!-- Brand and toggle get grouped for better mobile display --> <DIV CLASS="navbar-header"> <button type="button" class="navbar-toggle collapsed" DATA-TOGGLE="collapse" DATA-TARGET="#bs-example-navbar-collapse-1" aria-expanded="false"><i class="fa fa-bars"></i></button> </DIV> <!-- Collect the nav links, forms, and other content for toggling --> <DIV CLASS="collapse navbar-collapse" ID="bs-example-navbar-collapse-1"> <UL CLASS="nav navbar-nav"> <LI CLASS="dropdown"> <a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" DATA-TOGGLE="dropdown" role="button" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">Ordernar Por: <SPAN CLASS="caret"></SPAN></a> <UL CLASS="dropdown-menu"> <LI><a href="<?php echo $url->getVars($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '&order=date-desc'); ?>"><I CLASS="fa fa-sort-numeric-desc"></I> Data mais recente</a></LI> <LI><a href="<?php echo $url->getVars($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '&order=date-asc'); ?>"><I CLASS="fa fa-sort-numeric-asc"></I> Data mais antiga</a></LI> <LI class="hidden"><a href="<?php echo $url->getVars($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '&order=views-desc'); ?>"><I CLASS="fa fa-sort-amount-desc"></I> Mais acessadas</a></LI> <LI class="hidden"><a href="<?php echo $url->getVars($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '&order=views-desc'); ?>"><I CLASS="fa fa-sort-amount-asc"></I> Menos acessadas</a></LI> <LI class="hidden"><a href="<?php echo $url->getVars($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '&order=views-desc'); ?>"><I CLASS="fa fa-star"></I> Marcadas como favoritas</a></LI> <LI><a href="<?php echo $url->getVars($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '&order=vclear'); ?>"><I CLASS="fa fa-bars"></I> Padrão</a></LI> </UL> </LI> <LI CLASS="dropdown"> <a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" DATA-TOGGLE="dropdown" role="button" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">Número de Registros: <SPAN CLASS="caret"></SPAN></a> <UL CLASS="dropdown-menu"> <LI><a href="<?php echo $url->getVars($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '&limit=25'); ?>">25</a></LI> <LI><a href="<?php echo $url->getVars($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '&limit=50'); ?>">50</a></LI> <LI><a href="<?php echo $url->getVars($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '&limit=100'); ?>">100</a></LI> <LI><a href="<?php echo $url->getVars($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '&limit=250'); ?>">250</a></LI> <LI><a href="<?php echo $url->getVars($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '&limit=500'); ?>">500</a></LI> <LI><a href="<?php echo $url->getVars($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '&limit=todos'); ?>">Todas</a></LI> </UL> </LI> <LI CLASS="dropdown"> <a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" DATA-TOGGLE="dropdown" role="button" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">Visualizar: <SPAN CLASS="caret"></SPAN></a> <UL CLASS="dropdown-menu"> <LI><a href="<?php echo $url->getVars($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '&select=featured&pagination=0'); ?>"><I CLASS="fa fa-star text-yellow"></I> Destaques na minha página</a></LI> <LI><a href="<?php echo $url->getVars($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '&select=hide&pagination=0'); ?>"><I CLASS="fa fa-eye-slash text-violet"></I> Elementos ocultos</a></LI> <LI><a href="<?php echo $url->getVars($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '&select=sold&pagination=0'); ?>"><I CLASS="fa fa-tag text-mediumgray"></I> Imóveis vendidos</a></LI> <LI><a href="<?php echo $url->getVars($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '&select=rented&pagination=0'); ?>"><I CLASS="fa fa-tag text-mediumgray"></I> Imóveis alugados</a></LI> <LI><a href="<?php echo $url->getVars($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '&select=all&pagination=0'); ?>"><I CLASS="fa fa-retweet"></I> Todos</a></LI> </UL> </LI> </UL> <form class="navbar-form navbar-right" role="search"> <DIV CLASS="form-group"> <input type="text" class="form-control" data-control="search-filter" placeholder="Buscar registros" style="width:400px"> </DIV> </form> </DIV> <!-- /.navbar-collapse --> </NAV> </div> </div> </SECTION> <SECTION CLASS="container-fluid"> <DIV CLASS="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <a href="/app/admin/add_properties" class="btn btn-success btn-flat pull-right"><I CLASS="fa fa-industry"></I> <STRONG>Cadastrar Imóvel</STRONG></a> <div class="clearfix space-20"></div> </div> <DIV CLASS="" id="table-properties"> <?php $where = ''; if (empty($_GET['pagination']) or !isset($_GET['pagination']) or !is_numeric($_GET['pagination'])) { $pagination = '0'; } else { $pagination = filterString($_GET['pagination'], 'INT'); } if (empty($_GET['limit']) or !isset($_GET['limit']) or !is_numeric($_GET['limit'])) { $limit = 25; } else if ($_GET['limit'] == 'all') { $start = 0; $limit = 99999; } else { $limit = filterString($_GET['limit'], 'INT'); } if ($pagination and $pagination != '') { $start = ($pagination - 1) * $limit; } else { $start = 0; } if (!empty($_GET['select']) and isset($_GET['select'])) { $select = filterString($_GET['select'], 'CHAR'); if ($select === 'featured') { $where = "WHERE featured = 'Y'"; } else if ($select === 'hide') { $where = "WHERE visibility = 'N'"; } else if ($select === 'rented') { $where = "WHERE status = 'alugado'"; } else if ($select === 'sold') { $where = "WHERE status = 'vendido'"; } else { $where = ''; } } if (!empty($_GET['order']) and isset($_GET['order'])) { $order = filterString($_GET['order'], 'CHAR'); if ($order === 'date-desc') { $order = 'ORDER by id DESC'; } else if ($order === 'date-asc') { $order = 'ORDER by id ASC'; } else { $order = 'ORDER by id DESC'; } } else { $order = 'ORDER by id DESC'; } $con_db = new config\connect_db(); $con = $con_db->connect(); $properties = $con->query("SELECT id, status, ref, situation, finality, segment, type, value_total, hidden_value_total, value_monthly, hidden_value_monthly, address_state, address_city, address_street, address_number, address_neighborhood, cover_image, featured, visibility, date_post, user_post FROM properties $where $order LIMIT $start,$limit"); $rows = $properties->num_rows; if( $properties and $rows > 0) { $item = ''; while( $reg = $properties->fetch_assoc() ) { $cover_image = (!empty($reg['cover_image'])) ? SUBDOMAIN_IMGS.'/docs/properties/'.$reg['id'].'/small/'.$reg['cover_image'] : '/app/images/no-image.png' ; if($reg['finality'] === 'venda-aluguel') { $finality = 'venda ou aluguel'; if($reg['hidden_value_total'] === 'Y' and !empty( $reg['value_total'])) { $venda = '<p>Venda:<strong class="text-blue"> R$ '.decimalMoeda( $reg['value_total']).' </strong> - <small>Sob consulta</small></p>'; } else if($reg['hidden_value_total'] === 'Y' and empty( $reg['value_total'])) { $venda = '<p>Venda:<strong class="text-blue"> Não informado </strong> - <small>Sob consulta</small></p>'; } else if($reg['hidden_value_total'] === 'N' and !empty( $reg['value_total'])) { $venda = '<p>Venda:<strong class="text-blue"> R$ '.decimalMoeda( $reg['value_total']).' </strong></p>'; } else if($reg['hidden_value_total'] === 'N' and empty( $reg['value_total'])) { $venda = '<p>Venda:<strong class="text-blue"> Não informado </strong></p>'; } else { $venda = '<p>Venda:<strong class="text-blue"> Indefinido </strong></p>'; } if($reg['hidden_value_monthly'] === 'Y' and !empty($reg['value_monthly'])) { $aluguel = '<p>Aluguel:<strong class="text-blue"> R$ '.decimalMoeda($reg['value_monthly']).' </strong> - <small>Sob consulta</small></p>'; } else if($reg['hidden_value_monthly'] === 'Y' and empty($reg['value_monthly'])) { $aluguel = '<p>Aluguel:<strong class="text-blue"> Não informado </strong> - <small>Sob consulta</small></p>'; } else if($reg['hidden_value_monthly'] === 'N' and !empty($reg['value_monthly'])) { $aluguel = '<p>Aluguel:<strong class="text-blue"> R$ '.decimalMoeda($reg['value_monthly']).' </strong></p>'; } else if($reg['hidden_value_monthly'] === 'N' and empty($reg['value_monthly'])) { $aluguel = '<p>Aluguel:<strong class="text-blue"> Não informado </strong></p>'; } else { $aluguel = '<p>Aluguel:<strong class="text-blue"> Indefinido </strong></p>'; } } else if( $reg['finality'] === 'venda' ) { $finality = 'venda'; if($reg['hidden_value_total'] == 'Y' and !empty( $reg['value_total'])) { $venda = '<p>Venda:<strong class="text-blue"> R$ '.decimalMoeda( $reg['value_total']).' </strong> - <small>Sob consulta</small></p>'; } else if($reg['hidden_value_total'] == 'Y' and empty( $reg['value_total'])) { $venda = '<p>Venda:<strong class="text-blue"> Não informado </strong> - <small>Sob consulta</small></p>'; } else if($reg['hidden_value_total'] == 'N' and !empty( $reg['value_total'])) { $venda = '<p>Venda:<strong class="text-blue"> R$ '.decimalMoeda( $reg['value_total']).' </strong></p>'; } else if($reg['hidden_value_total'] == 'N' and empty( $reg['value_total'])) { $venda = '<p>Venda:<strong class="text-blue"> Não informado </strong></p>'; } else { $venda = '<p>Venda:<strong class="text-blue"> Indefinido </strong></p>'; } $aluguel = ''; } else if( $reg['finality'] === 'aluguel' or $reg['finality'] === 'temporada' or $reg['finality'] === 'arrendamento') { $finality = 'aluguel'; if($reg['hidden_value_monthly'] == 'Y' and !empty($reg['value_monthly'])) { $aluguel = '<p>Aluguel:<strong class="text-blue"> R$ '.decimalMoeda($reg['value_monthly']).' </strong> - Sob consulta</p>'; } else if($reg['hidden_value_monthly'] == 'Y' and empty($reg['value_monthly'])) { $aluguel = '<p>Aluguel:<strong class="text-blue"> Não informado </strong> - <small>Sob consulta</small></p>'; } else if($reg['hidden_value_monthly'] == 'N' and !empty($reg['value_monthly'])) { $aluguel = '<p>Aluguel:<strong class="text-blue"> R$ '.decimalMoeda($reg['value_monthly']).' </strong></p>'; } else if($reg['hidden_value_monthly'] == 'N' and empty($reg['value_monthly'])) { $aluguel = '<p>Aluguel:<strong class="text-blue"> Não informado </strong></p>'; } else { $aluguel = '<p>Aluguel:<strong class="text-blue"> Indefinido </strong></p>'; } $venda = ''; } else { $finality = $reg['finality']; $venda = '<p>Indefinido</p>'; $aluguel = '<p>Indefinido</p>'; } //--------------------------- if($reg['featured'] == 'Y') { $featured = '<a class="featured text-yellow" data-action="unfeatured" href="javascript:;" title="Remover dos destaques" data-tid="'.$reg['id'].'"><i class="fa fa-2x fa-star"></i></a>'; } else if($reg['featured'] == 'N') { $featured = '<a class="featured text-yellow" data-action="featured" href="javascript:;" title="Marcar como destaque" data-tid="'.$reg['id'].'"><i class="fa fa-2x fa-star-o"></i></a>'; } else { $featured = ''; } //--------------------------- if($reg['visibility'] == 'Y') { $visibility= '<a class="view text-violet" data-action="hidden" href="javascript:;" title="Visível no meu site/tornar invisível" data-tid="'.$reg['id'].'"><i class="fa fa-eye"></i></a>'; } else if($reg['visibility'] == 'N') { $visibility = '<a class="view text-violet" data-action="show" href="javascript:;" title="Oculto no meu site/tornar visível" data-tid="'.$reg['id'].'"><i class="fa fa-eye-slash"></i></a>'; } else { $visibility = ''; } $status = ( !empty($reg['status']) ) ? '<span class="sale-status text-capitalize">'.$reg['status'].'</span>' : ''; $item .= '<div class="col-md-3 col-sm-4 col-xs-12" data-control="elem-filter">'; $item .= '<div class="card flat animated zoomIn">'; $item .= $status; $item .= $featured; $item .= '<div class="card-image" data-background="'.$cover_image.'" style="background-image: url(/app/images/loading-circle.gif);">'; $item .= '<div class="card-title">'; $item .= '<h5 class="text-capitalize">'.$reg['type'].' para '.$finality.'</h5>'; $item .= '<small class="label label-info flat"><strong>REF:</strong> '.$reg['ref'].'</small>'; $item .= '</div>'; $item .= '</div>'; $item .= '<div class="card-content card-properties">'; $item .= '<small class="text-blue text-uppercase">'.$reg['segment'].'</small>'; $item .= '<p class="text-darkgray">'.$reg['address_street'].', '.$reg['address_neighborhood'].' '.$reg['address_number'].', '.$reg['address_city'].'-'.$reg['address_state'].'</p>'; $item .= $venda; $item .= $aluguel; $item .= '</div>'; $item .= '<div class="card-footer">'; $item .= $visibility; $item .= '<div class="pull-right">'; $item .= '<a role="button" class="dropdown-toggle text-mediumgray" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-expanded="false"><i class="fa fa-cogs"></i></a>'; $item .= '<ul class="dropdown-menu pull-right" role="menu">'; $item .= '<li><a HREF="/app/admin/edit_properties/'.base64_encode($reg['id']).'" ><I CLASS="fa fa-edit text-green"></I> Editar informações</a></li>'; $item .= '<li><a HREF="/app/admin/preview_property/'.base64_encode($reg['id']).'" ><I CLASS="fa fa-external-link-square text-blue"></I> Prever</a></li>'; $item .= '<li><a HREF="/app/admin/images_properties/'.base64_encode($reg['id']).'" ><I CLASS="fa fa-picture-o text-orange"></I> Imagens</a></li>'; $item .= '<li class="divider"></li>'; $item .= '<li><a href="javascript:;" data-control="change-status-properties" data-control-value="vendido" data-tid="'.$reg['id'].'"><I CLASS="fa fa-tag text-mediumgray"></I> Marcar como vendido</a></li>'; $item .= '<li><a href="javascript:;" data-control="change-status-properties" data-control-value="alugado" data-tid="'.$reg['id'].'"><I CLASS="fa fa-tag text-mediumgray"></I> Marcar como alugado</a></li>'; $item .= '<li><a href="javascript:;" data-control="change-status-properties" data-control-value="remove" data-tid="'.$reg['id'].'"><I CLASS="fa fa-times text-mediumgray"></I> Remover marcação</a></li>'; $item .= '<li class="divider"></li>'; $item .= '<li><a HREF="javascript:;" role="BUTTON" data-control="del-properties" data-tid="'.$reg['id'].'"><I CLASS="fa fa-trash text-red"></I> Deletar imóvel</a></li>'; $item .= '</ul>'; $item .= '</div>'; $item .= '</div>'; $item .= '</div>'; $item .= '</div><!-- //. Card item -->'; }// end while echo $item; } else { echo '<div class="col-md-12 clearfix"> <div class="callout callout-info"> <h4>Nenhum imóvel encontrado para essa busca.</h4> </div></div>'; } // paginação---------- $total = $rows; $prox = $pagination + 1; $ant = $pagination - 1; $ultima_pag = ceil($total / $limit); $penultima = $ultima_pag - 1; @$adjacentes = 2; if ($pagination>1) { $pages = '<li><a href="'.$url->getVars($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '&pagination='.$ant).'"><i class="fa fa-arrow-left"></i></a>'; } if ($ultima_pag <= 5) { for ($i=1; $i< $ultima_pag+1; $i++) { if ($i == $pagination) { @$pages .= '<li><a class="atual" href="'.$url->getVars($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '&pagination='.$i).'">'.$i.'</a>'; } else { @$pages .= '<li><a class="atual" href="'.$url->getVars($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '&pagination='.$i).'">'.$i.'</a>'; } } } if ($ultima_pag > 5) { if ($pagination < 1 + (2 * $adjacentes)) { for ($i=1; $i< 2 + (2 * $adjacentes); $i++) { if ($i == $pagination) { @$pages .= '<li><a class="atual" href="'.$url->getVars($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '&pagination='.$i).'">'.$i.'</a>'; } else { @$pages .= '<li><a href="'.$url->getVars($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '&pagination='.$i).'">'.$i.'</a>'; } } $pages .= '<li><a href="javascript:;">...</a></li>'; $pages .= '<li><a href="'.$url->getVars($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '&pagination='.$penultima).'">'.$penultima.'</a></li>'; $pages .= '<li><a href="'.$url->getVars($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '&pagination='.$ultima_pag).'">'.$ultima_pag.'</a></li>'; } elseif($pagination > (2 * $adjacentes) && $pagination < $ultima_pag - 3) { $pages .= '<li><a class="atual" href="'.$url->getVars($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '&pagination=1').'">1</a></li>'; $pages .= '<li><a href="javascript:;">...</a></li>'; for ($i = $pagination-$adjacentes; $i<= $pagination + $adjacentes; $i++) { if ($i == $pagination) { $pages .= '<li><a class="atual" href="'.$url->getVars($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '&pagination='.$i).'">'.$i.'</a></li>'; } else { $pages .= '<li><a href="'.$url->getVars($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '&pagination='.$i).'">'.$i.'</a></li>'; } } $pages .= '<li><a href="javascript:;">...</a></li>'; $pages .= '<li><a href="'.$url->getVars($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '&pagination='.$penultima).'">'.$penultima.'</a></li>'; $pages .= '<li><a href="'.$url->getVars($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '&pagination='.$ultima_pag).'">'.$ultima_pag.'</a></li>'; } else { $pages .= '<li><a class="atual" href="'.$url->getVars($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '&pagination=1').'">1</a></li>'; $pages .= '<li><a href="'.$url->getVars($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '&pagination=2').'">2</a></li>'; for ($i = $ultima_pag - (2 + (2 * $adjacentes)); $i <= $ultima_pag; $i++) { if ($i == $pagination) { $pages .= '<li><a class="atual" href="'.$url->getVars($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '&pagination='.$i).'">'.$i.'</a></li>'; } else { $pages .= '<li><a href="'.$url->getVars($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '&pagination='.$i).'">'.$i.'</a></li>'; } } } } if ($prox <= $ultima_pag && $ultima_pag > 2) { $pages .= '<li><a href="'.$url->getVars($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '&pagination='.$prox).'"><i class="fa fa-arrow-right"></i></a></li>'; } ?> </div> <div class="clearfix col-md-12"> <p class="text-info"><strong><?php echo $total ?> imóveis encontrados </strong></p> </div> <NAV class="col-md-12"> <UL CLASS="pagination" id="pagination-mysql"> <?php echo @$pages ?> </UL> </NAV><!--//.pagination--> </div> </SECTION> <script src="/plugins/bootstrap-validator-master/dist/validator.min.js"></script> <script src="/app/javascript/properties.js"></script> <script> $(document).ready(function(){ //$('#table-properties').load("/app/modules/properties/query_properties.php", function(){ // new EagerImageLoader(); //}); function getParameterByName(name, url) { if (!url) { url = window.location.href; } name = name.replace(/[\[\]]/g, "\\$&"); var regex = new RegExp("[?&]" + name + "(=([^&#]*)|&|#|$)"), results = regex.exec(url); if (!results) return null; if (!results[2]) return ''; return decodeURIComponent(results[2].replace(/\+/g, " ")); } var foo = getParameterByName('foo'); // "lorem" var bar = getParameterByName('bar'); // "" (present with empty value) var baz = getParameterByName('baz'); // "" (present with no value) var qux = getParameterByName('qux'); // null (absent) url = window.location.href; //location.href = url + '&teste=laudir'; }); </script> <?php } else { echo '<DIV CLASS="error-page">', '<P CLASS=" headline text-yellow"> <I CLASS="fa fa-lock fa-2x" ARIA-HIDDEN="true"></I></P>', '<DIV CLASS="error-content">', '<H3><I CLASS="fa fa-warning text-yellow"></I> Oops! Você não tem permissão para acessar esta página.</H3>', '<P>Você não tem privilégio suficiente para acessar esta página!<BR> Retorne a página <a href="/app/index/home">inicial</a>.', '</P>', '</DIV> ', '</DIV>'; } ?>