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File: class.mysql_xml.phtml

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  Classes of Ricardo Costa   MySQL to XML - XML to MySQL   class.mysql_xml.phtml   Download  
File: class.mysql_xml.phtml
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Insert XML in MySQL and transform MySQL in XML using XMLFile class
Class: MySQL to XML - XML to MySQL
Insert XML in MySQL and export MySQL to XML
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 22 years ago
Size: 2,457 bytes


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// Por Ricardo Costa - [email protected] - 2002
// Classe conversão de query MySQL em XML
// Requer as classes recordSet e XMLFile
// mysql2xml
// +---- recordSet // Instancia de recordSet
// +---- xml // Instancia de XMLFile
// +---- mysql2xml() // Inicia as Instancias de recordset e XMLFile
// +---- convertToXML( Seltença SQL, Nome do Arquivo )
// +---- insertIntoMySQL( Nome do Arquivo, Nome da Tabela) {


mysql2xml {


# Inicializa criando os membros
function mysql2xml() {
$this->recordSet = new recordSet();
$this->xml = new XMLFile();
# Inicializa criando os membros

   # Convert a query em XML
function convertToXML($sql, $filename) {
$result = $this->recordSet->select($sql);
$this->xml->roottag->name = "table";
      while (
$list_result = $this->recordSet->setRow($result)) {

$this->xml->roottag->add_subtag("ROW", array());
$tag = &$this->xml->roottag->curtag;
         for (
$i = 0; $i <= $this->recordSet->fieldsCount($result)- 1; $i++){
$tag->add_subtag($this->recordSet->getFieldName($result, $i), array());
$tag->curtag->cdata = $list_result[$i];
$xml_file = fopen($filename, "w" );
$this->xml->write_file_handle( $xml_file );
# Convert a query em XML

   # Inseri XML em tabela
function insertIntoMySQL($filename, $tablename) {
$xml_file = fopen($filename, "r");
$numRows = $this->xml->roottag->num_subtags();
      for (
$i = 0; $i < $numRows; $i++) {
$arrFields = null;
$arrValues = null;

$row = $this->xml->roottag->tags[$i];
$numFields = $row->num_subtags();

           for (
$ii = 0; $ii < $numFields; $ii++) {
$field = $row->tags[$ii];
$arrFields[] = $field->name;
$arrValues[] = "\"".$field->cdata."\"";

$fields = join($arrFields, ", ");
$values = join($arrValues, ", ");

$this->recordSet->exec("Insert Into $tablename ($fields) Values ($values)");
# Inseri XML em tabela

} # Final da Classe