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File: Dates.php

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File: Dates.php
Role: Class source
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Description: Dates utility class
Class: Easy PHP Date
Convert, manipulate and verify dates
Author: By
Last change: Added getAge and getTimeZonesInCountry
Date: 3 years ago
Size: 16,382 bytes


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<?php /** * This class encapsulates various date and time functionality. * * @version 2.0 * @author Jeff Williams */ class Dates { // Default time zone used as a default parameter for date functions // Time zones are listed here: const DEFAULT_TIMEZONE = 'UTC'; // UTC&#65533;00:00 Coordinated Universal Time // const DEFAULT_TIMEZONE = 'America/New_York'; // Eastern // const DEFAULT_TIMEZONE = 'America/Chicago'; // Central // const DEFAULT_TIMEZONE = 'America/Denver'; // Mountain // const DEFAULT_TIMEZONE = 'America/Phoenix'; // Mountain no DST // const DEFAULT_TIMEZONE = 'America/Los_Angeles'; // Pacific /** * Converts any English textual datetimes into a date object * * @param string $date Date string * @param string $timezone [OPTIONAL] Default timezone * @param boolean $forceFixDate [OPTIONAL] Force fixing all dates with dashes * (this might be incompatible with some countries and may default to false) * @return date Date if valid and false if not */ public static function convertToDate($date, $timezone = self::DEFAULT_TIMEZONE, $forceFixDate = true) { // If the input was not a DateTime object if (!$date instanceof DateTime) { // Set the timezone to default date_default_timezone_set($timezone); // If we need to use the date fix for United States dates // and there are no characters as in 02-JAN-03 then... if (($forceFixDate || self::isTimeZoneInCountry($timezone, 'US')) && is_string($date) && !preg_match('/[a-z]/i', $date)) { // U.S. dates with '-' do not convert correctly so replace them with '/' $datevalue = self::fixUSDateString($date); } else { // No fix needed... // Use the date passed in $datevalue = $date; } // Convert the string into a linux time stamp $timestamp = strtotime($datevalue); // If this was a valid date if ($timestamp) { // Convert the UNIX time stamp into a date object $date = DateTime::createFromFormat('U', $timestamp); } else { // Not a valid date // This was not a valid date $date = false; } } // Make sure the date isn't a converted "0000-00-00 00:00:00" if ($date instanceof DateTime) { if (intval($date->format('Y')) <= 0) { $date = false; } } // Return the date object or false if invalid return $date; } /** * Add or subtract an interval of time to a date * * @param DateTime/String $date1 Date to be modified * @param Integer $interval The amount of time * @param String $type The DateInterval format * @param Boolean $is_time TRUE if interval is hours, minutes, or seconds * @return DateTime Returns the new date */ private static function modifyDateInterval($date, $interval, $type, $is_time) { // Let's make sure we have a date if ($date instanceof DateTime) { // Don't make changes to the original date $new_date = clone $date; } else { // Convert the date $new_date = self::convertToDate($date); } // If we have a valid date if ($new_date) { // Is this an hour, minute, or second? if ($is_time) { $pre = 'PT'; } else { // This is a year, month, or day $pre = 'P'; } // If the interval of time is negative if (intval($interval) < 0) { // Subtract the interval $new_date->sub(new DateInterval($pre . strval($interval * -1) . $type)); } else { // Add the interval $new_date->add(new DateInterval($pre . strval($interval) . $type)); } } return $new_date; } /** * Add days to a date * * @param DateTime/String $date1 Date to be modified * @param Integer $days The number of days to add (negative subtracts) * @return DateTime Returns the new date */ public static function addDays($date, $days) { return self::modifyDateInterval($date, intval($days), 'D', false); } /** * Add hours to a date * * @param DateTime/String $date1 Date to be modified * @param Integer $hours The number of hours to add (negative subtracts) * @return DateTime Returns the new date */ public static function addHours($date, $hours) { return self::modifyDateInterval($date, intval($hours), 'H', true); } /** * Add minutes to a date * * @param DateTime/String $date1 Date to be modified * @param Integer $minutes The number of minutes to add (negative subtracts) * @return DateTime Returns the new date */ public static function addMinutes($date, $minutes) { return self::modifyDateInterval($date, intval($minutes), 'M', true); } /** * Add months to a date * * @param DateTime/String $date1 Date to be modified * @param Integer $months The number of months to add (negative subtracts) * @return DateTime Returns the new date */ public static function addMonths($date, $months) { return self::modifyDateInterval($date, intval($months), 'M', false); } /** * Add seconds to a date * * @param DateTime/String $date1 Date to be modified * @param Integer $seconds The number of seconds to add (negative subtracts) * @return DateTime Returns the new date */ public static function addSeconds($date, $seconds) { return self::modifyDateInterval($date, intval($seconds), 'S', true); } /** * Add years to a date * * @param DateTime/String $date1 Date to be modified * @param Integer $years The number of years to add (negative subtracts) * @return DateTime Returns the new date */ public static function addYears($date, $years) { return self::modifyDateInterval($date, intval($years), 'Y', false); } /** * Get the interval of time between two dates * * @param DateTime/String $date1 First date * @param DateTime/String $date2 Second date * @return interval Returns an interval object */ private static function differenceInterval($date1, $date2) { // Make sure our dates are DateTime objects $datetime1 = self::convertToDate($date1); $datetime2 = self::convertToDate($date2); // If both variables were valid dates... if ($datetime1 && $datetime2) { // Get the time interval between the two dates return $datetime1->diff($datetime2); // The dates were invalid } else { // Return false return false; } } /** * Get the number of days between two dates * * @param DateTime/String $date1 First date * @param DateTime/String $date2 Second date * @return integer Returns the number of days or false if invalid dates */ public static function differenceDays($date1, $date2) { // Get the difference between the two dates $interval = self::differenceInterval($date1, $date2); if ($interval) { // Return the number of days return $interval->days; } else { // The passed in values were not dates return false; } } /** * Get the number of hours between two dates * * @param DateTime/String $date1 First date * @param DateTime/String $date2 Second date * @return integer Returns the number of hours or false if invalid dates */ public static function differenceHours($date1, $date2) { // Get the difference between the two dates $interval = self::differenceInterval($date1, $date2); if ($interval) { // Return the number of hours return ($interval->days * 24) + $interval->h; } else { // The passed in values were not dates return false; } } /** * Get the number of minutes between two dates * * @param DateTime/String $date1 First date * @param DateTime/String $date2 Second date * @return integer Returns the number of minutes or false if invalid dates */ public static function differenceMinutes($date1, $date2) { // Get the difference between the two dates $interval = self::differenceInterval($date1, $date2); if ($interval) { // Return the number of minutes return ((($interval->days * 24) + $interval->h) * 60) + $interval->i; } else { // The passed in values were not dates return false; } } /** * Get the number of months between two dates * * @param DateTime/String $date1 First date * @param DateTime/String $date2 Second date * @return integer Returns the number of months or false if invalid dates */ public static function differenceMonths($date1, $date2) { // Get the difference between the two dates $interval = self::differenceInterval($date1, $date2); if ($interval) { // Return the number of months return ($interval->y * 12) + $interval->m; } else { // The passed in values were not dates return false; } } /** * Get the number of seconds between two dates * * @param DateTime/String $date1 First date * @param DateTime/String $date2 Second date * @return integer Returns the number of seconds or false if invalid dates */ public static function differenceSeconds($date1, $date2) { // Get the difference between the two dates $interval = self::differenceInterval($date1, $date2); if ($interval) { // Return the number of minutes return ((((($interval->days * 24) + $interval->h) * 60) + $interval->i) * 60) + $interval->s; } else { // The passed in values were not dates return false; } } /** * Get the number of years between two dates * * @param DateTime/String $date1 First date * @param DateTime/String $date2 Second date * @return integer Returns the number of years or false if invalid dates */ public static function differenceYears($date1, $date2) { // Get the difference between the two dates $interval = self::differenceInterval($date1, $date2); if ($interval) { // Return the number of years return $interval->y; } else { // The passed in values were not dates return false; } } /** * U.S. dates with - do not convert correctly in PHP so replace them with / * (See comments * * @param string $date A date string * @return string If the passed in value is a string, returns fixed date * otherwise return the value passed in to the function */ public static function fixUSDateString($date) { // If the passed in value is a string and there are not alpha // characters that hold month names (as in 02-JAN-03) then... if (is_string($date) && !preg_match('/[a-z]/i', $date)) { // Replace '-' with '/' $return = str_replace('-', '/', $date); } else { // No fix needed... // Use the date passed in $return = $date; } return $return; } /** * Formats a date * * @param string/date $date A string or date object * @param string $format A valid PHP date format * * 'Y-m-d H:i:s' is the MySQL date format * @param string $timezone [OPTIONAL] The timezone to use * @return string The date formatted as a string or false if not a date */ public static function formatDate($date, $format, $timezone = self::DEFAULT_TIMEZONE) { // Convert the string to a date $new_date = self::convertToDate($date, $timezone); // If the string was successfully converted into a date if ($new_date) { // Format it $output = $new_date->format($format); } else { // Return false $output = false; } return $output; } /** * Get the age of a person using their birth date * * @param string/object $dob Date string or DateTime object * @param string $timezone Default timezone * @return int The age in number of years */ public static function getAge($dob, $timezone = self::DEFAULT_TIMEZONE) { $date = self::convertToDate($dob, $timezone); $now = new DateTime(); $interval = $now->diff($date); return $interval->y; } /** * Returns the current year * * @param string $timezone [OPTIONAL] The timezone to use * @return integer The current year formatted as an integer */ public static function getCurrentYear($timezone = self::DEFAULT_TIMEZONE) { return intval(self::formatDate('Today', 'Y', $timezone)); } /** * Returns the last day of this month or for a given date * * @param string/DateTime $date [OPTIONAL] A date * @return integer The number of the last day of the month */ public static function getLastDayOfMonth($date = 'Today') { $datetime = self::convertToDate($date); if ($datetime) { $return = intval($datetime->format('t')); } else { $return = false; } return $return; } /** * Get a list of time zones for a specified country * * @param string $country The name of the country * @return array Returns an array with a list of valid time zones */ public static function getTimeZonesInCountry($country) { // Get an array of all the timezones for the specified country return DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers(DateTimeZone::PER_COUNTRY, $country); } /** * Determines if a string contains a valid date * * @param string $value The value to inspect * @param boolean $us_fix Fix U.S. dates? * @return boolean TRUE if the value is a date, FALSE if not */ public static function isDate($value, $timezone = self::DEFAULT_TIMEZONE) { return (self::convertToDate($value, $timezone) instanceof DateTime); } /** * Determines if a time zone is in the specified country * * @param string $timezone Time zone from * @param string $country The name of the country * @return boolean TRUE if in the country and FALSE if not */ public static function isTimeZoneInCountry($timezone, $country) { // Get an array of all the timezones (for example, in the U.S.) $timezone_identifiers = array_map('strtolower', DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers(DateTimeZone::PER_COUNTRY, $country)); // Determine if the passed in time zone is in that list return in_array(strtolower(trim($timezone)), $timezone_identifiers); } /** * Builds a DateTime object from date parts * * @param integer $day [OPTIONAL] The day or if not specified today * @param integer $month [OPTIONAL] The month or if not specified this month * @param integer $year [OPTIONAL] The year or if not specified this year * @return DateTime Returns a DateTime object with the specified date */ public static function makeDate($day = false, $month = false, $year = false) { if ($day === false || $month === false || $year === false) { $date_parts = explode('-', self::convertToDate('Today')->format('d-m-Y')); if ($day === false) { $day = $date_parts[0]; } if ($month === false) { $month = $date_parts[1]; } if ($year === false) { $year = $date_parts[2]; } } return self::convertToDate($year . '/' . $month . '/' . $day); } /** * Returns the current date and time as a DateTime object or formatted string * * @param string $format [OPTIONAL] If specified, will format the date as a string * If not specified, returns a DateTime object * (example: 'Y-m-d H:i:s') * @param string $timezone [OPTIONAL] Default timezone * @return DateTime/string The DateTime object or a formatted string */ public static function now($format = false, $timezone = self::DEFAULT_TIMEZONE) { $now = new DateTime(); $now->setTimeZone(new DateTimeZone($timezone)); if ($format) { return $now->format($format); } else { return $now; } } /** * Returns the current date (not time) as a DateTime object or formatted string * * @param string $format [OPTIONAL] If specified, will format the date as a string * If not specified, returns a DateTime object * (example: 'Y-m-d') * @param string $timezone [OPTIONAL] Default timezone * @return DateTime/string The DateTime object or a formatted string */ public static function today($format = false, $timezone = self::DEFAULT_TIMEZONE) { $today = self::convertToDate('Today', $timezone); if ($format) { return $today->format($format); } else { return $today; } } }