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  Classes of Silvan von Felten  >  SVF_Log  >  INSTALL.TXT  >  Download  
Role: Documentation
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Description: Install instructions
Class: SVF_Log
Logging class and plug-ins for Zend framework
Author: By
Last change: changed Zend_Log::.... to SVF_Log::......
Date: 2008-12-05 10:49
Size: 5,206 bytes


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SVF_Log  0.1 requires Zend Framework 1.7 or later. 
SVF_Log  0.1 requires PHP 5.2.4 or later. 


SVF_Log installation steps. 

If you start new with Zend Framework or you like the test the SVF_Log class.
1. Untar app.tar.gz [tar -xvzf app.tar.gz]
2. Rename the Sites folder to your need.
3. Download the Zend Framework from http://framework.zend.com/download/latest. 
4. Put the Zend directory located in the /ZendFramework/library directory in to the /app/library directory.
5. Copy the app directory or the conntend files and directorys to your destination.
6. You have the configure your include paths to match the /library directory. 
For more information how to set an include path in php read the Zend Framework INSTALL.TXT.
7. Create the log directory in /apllication directory
mkdir /app/apllication/log
8. Chmod the /app directory
chmod -R 755 /app
9. Last chmod the log directory located in the /app/apllication directory to 755 or 777.
chmod  777 /app/apllication/log
Finish !!!

You can now point your browser to the directory sites or how you renamed it.

The SVF_Log class with front plugins
1. Simply create an directory SVF in your library folder.
mkdir /library/SVF
1. Untar app.tar.gz [tar -xvzf app.tar.gz]
3. Copy the /app/library/SVF class file in to your /library folder.
5. Chmod /library/SVF directory to 755.
chmod -R 755 /library/SVF
4. Create the log directory in your specified path
mkdir /your/path/log
5. Chmod your specified log directory to 777.
chmod  777 /your/path/log
Finish !!!

Only the SVF_Log  Class
1. Simply create an directory SVF in your library folder.
mkdir /library/SVF
2. Untar app.tar.gz [tar -xvzf app.tar.gz]
3. Copy the /app//library/SVF/SVF_Log.php class file in to your /library/SVF folder.
5. Chmod /library/SVF directory to 755.
chmod -R 755 /library/SVF
4. Create the log directory in your specified path
mkdir /your/path/log
5. Chmod your specified log directory to 777.
chmod  777 /your/path/log
Finish !!!


 * The hard logger plugin generates output to firebug, 
 * php, access_log and error_log file.
 * The logger files are gennerated in directory /application/log.
require_once 'SVF/Controller/Plugin/Log/Hard.php';
$front->registerPlugin(new SVF_Controller_Plugin_Log_Hard());
Zend_Registry::get('log')->warn('Hello i am a warning msg...');

 * The file logger plugin generates output to messages_log file.
 * in the directory /application/log.
require_once 'SVF/Controller/Plugin/Log/File.php';
$front->registerPlugin(new SVF_Controller_Plugin_Log_File());
Zend_Registry::get('log')->warn('Hello i am a warning msg...');

 * The php logger plugin outputs msg to the browser
require_once 'SVF/Controller/Plugin/Log/Php.php';
$front->registerPlugin(new SVF_Controller_Plugin_Log_Php());
Zend_Registry::get('log')->warn('Hello i am a warning msg...');

 * The firebug logger plugin outputs msg to Firebug
require_once 'SVF/Controller/Plugin/Log/Firebug.php';
$front->registerPlugin(new SVF_Controller_Plugin_Log_Firebug());
Zend_Registry::get('log')->warn('Hello i am a warning msg...');


// Output to file
$file = '../application/log/messages_log';
require_once 'SVF/Log.php';
$log = new SVF_Log;
$log->warn('Hello i am a warning msg...');

// Output to php
require_once 'SVF/Log.php';
$log = new SVF_Log;
$log->warn('Hello i am a warning msg...');

// Output to firebug
require_once 'SVF/Log.php';
$log = new SVF_Log;
$log->warn('Hello i am a warning msg...');

// Take them all
require_once 'SVF/Log.php';
$file = '../application/log/messages_log';
$log = new SVF_Log;
$log->warn('Hello i am a warning msg...');


Documentation for SVF library can be downloaded from http://webutilities.ch/svf/doc-0.1.tar.gz. 
In the directory /app/library/SVF/Conntroller/Plugin/Log/ you see four plugins take a look at them.
Also take a look at the bootstrap file located in /app/application.

Only the SVF_LOG class
Documentation for SVF_Log class can be downloaded from http://webutilities.ch/svf/doc-0.1.tar.gz.
The SVF_Lib class dokumantation is located in the directory /doc/SVF_Lib. 
In the directory /app/library/SVF/Conntroller/Plugin/Log/ you see four plugins take a look at them. 
Create your own logger plugin and add it to zend front controller.
You can also see how to usse a plugin in the bootstrap file located in /app/application directory.

More dokumetation on how to usse SVF_Log class and firebug use take an look at 


It woud be nice if you spend some money for my work.
If you want spend send me a mail to svf@webutilities.ch.