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  Classes of Steve   Deviantart Feed   INSTALL   Download  
Role: Documentation
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Description: Install instructions
Class: Deviantart Feed
Generate RSS feeds from submissions to Deviantart
Author: By
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Date: 16 years ago
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DeviantARTFeed INSTALL NOTE: This file is a plin text copy of the docbook documentation found via the above link. 1. REQUIREMENTS --------------- PHP5 with the following extentions installed: - XSL extension - DOM XML extension PHP must not be running in safe mode. 2. RECOMMENDATIONS ------------------ This software can either be set up with using a crontab entry to cache at an appropriate interval. Or cache via direct access to the script. I strongly reccommend the crontab option. Additionally I recommend a minimum cache maxage of 86400 seconds, or one day. I am told that at one stage DeviantART was not fond of the use of scripts such as this, keeping the recache time to a minimum and using the local file cache for thumbnails will hopefully keep them happy. However I am not responsible for any action that DeviantART may choose to take in response to your use of this script. 3. SETUP -------- 3.1. FILES AND FOLDERS ---------------------- Using the default file structure you will need to ensure that there is a folder named "cache" under the folder where your deviantart.php script resides. This folder will need to have write permission and be accessible to the public. 3.2. INI FILE ------------- All settings are stored in a single ini file. You will need to edit the deviantart.ini file and at least change the values of [feed][user], [general][url] and [imagecache][url]. NOTE! Please test with your own username and not mine or that of another deviant's. Doing so may be in violation of DeviantART's Terms of Service. 3.2.1. CHANNEL ELEMENTS ----------------------- Most settings will require only an edit of the ini file. However if you want to add additional elements to your channel you will need to also edit the xsl file. You will find plenty of tutorials by searching the web for xsl or xslt. 3.2.2. INI FILE LOCATION ------------------------ If you would like to change the location of the ini file you will need to edit the deviantart.php script. Find the "config_file" constant defined at the begining of the class. 3.3. XSL -------- The xsl file should not need any modifications to use this script. 3.3.1. MODIFYING THE XSL ------------------------ The script uses xsl to translate the relativley raw data from DeviantART into a well formatted rss 2.0 feed. If you wish to create an Atom feed or make additons to the feed doing so should be very simple if you have a basic understanding of xsl.