#!/usr/local/bin/php -q
//sample calls to this function.......
$helptext = "
/|/| /||)|/ fate_amendable_to_change@yahoo.com
madeby/ |/-||\|\
you must specify a database to connect to - even if this is just a space
for commands without needing this info - eg: processlist, show databases, etc
### sample usage ####
//show current process list
db \"show processlist\" \" \"
//describe the services table of userdata database
db \"desc services\" \"userdata\"
// get 10 username/service_id's from the services table of userdata
db \"select username, service_id from services limit 10\", \"userdata\"
#### intergrating with bash ######
// show all the tables for databases userdata, financial and products.
for i in `db \"show databases\" \" \"; do db \"show tables\" \"$i\"; done
// update servies table - set blah=\"blah\" for each username in a text file called biglistofusers.
echo for i in `cat biglistofusers`; do db \"update services set blah=\'blah\' where username = \'$i\'; done
$DBHOST = "localhost";
$DBUSER = "";
$DBPASS = "";
$sql = $argv[1];
$db = $argv[2];
$no_output = $argv[3]; //if true - dont draw mysql table round results
if(empty($sql) || empty($db)){
echo "Error! No sql or database name passed to function!\n";
echo "\nUsage: db 'SELECT * FROM BLA' 'database_name' \n";
echo $helptext;
$connection = mysql_pconnect("$DBHOST", "$DBUSER", "$DBPASS") or die(mysql_error());
$foo = mysql_select_db($db);
$result = mysql_query($sql, $connection) or die(mysql_error()."\n");
while($rows = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)){
$all[] = $rows;
foreach($all as $xkey=>$xval){
foreach($xval as $zkey=>$zval){
echo $zval."\n";
//uses mysqllikedisplay class to render mysql style table
$t = new display($all);
echo "\n\n";