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File: folder_space.class.php

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  Classes of Ersin Güvenç   Folder Space Folder Quota with Percent Bar   folder_space.class.php   Download  
File: folder_space.class.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: main class
Class: Folder Space Folder Quota with Percent Bar
Shows bars with the available space in directories
Author: By
Last change: version 0.2
-build horizontal method css bug fixed.
Date: 15 years ago
Size: 12,538 bytes


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<?php /************************************************* * * Folder Space Folder Quota Class * @filename: folder_space.class.php * Php version PHP5. * Revision : 27 * version: 0.2 * @author: Ersin Güvenç <> (C) 2008. * Web: * @license GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * */ //catch all error.. you can customize exception class.look at php5 manual. Class folder_space_Exception extends Exception { function __toString(){ return __CLASS__ . ": [Error]: {$this->getMessage()} [Line]: {$this->getLine()}\n"; } } /**/ Class folder_space { //folder path private $path = ""; //static instance. static $instance; //this object can not copy except getInstance() method. private function __clone() {} private function __construct(){} //lets prevent duplication of memory using by Singleton. public static function getInstance() { if(! (self::$instance instanceof self)) { self::$instance = new self(); } return self::$instance; } //initalize check disk space public function check($path) { //start process... $total = $this->get_size($path); $result['byte'] = $total; $result['filesize'] = $this->file_size($total); return $result; } // find the correct size type.. public function file_size($size) { $filesizename = array(" Byte", " KB", " MB", " GB", " TB", " PB", " EB", " ZB", " YB"); return $size ? round($size/pow(1024, ($i = floor(log($size, 1024)))), 2) . $filesizename[$i] : '0 Byte'; } /* From PHP.NET */ function get_size($path){ if(!is_dir($path)) throw new folder_space_Exception('Directory not found! '.__FUNCTION__.' error!'); $dir = opendir($path); while($file = readdir($dir)) { $convert = mb_convert_case($file, MB_CASE_LOWER, "UTF-8"); if(eregi("[^a-z0-9]^[._-]", $convert)) throw new folder_space_Exception('Directory not found! '.__FUNCTION__.' error!'); if(is_file($path."/".$file))$size+=filesize($path."/".$file); if(is_dir($path."/".$file) && $file!="." && $file !="..")$size +=$this->get_size($path."/".$file); } closedir($dir); return $size; } } //end of the folder_space class Class percent_bar extends folder_space { public $numberOf = ""; public $totalNumberOf = ""; public $percent = ""; public $bar_name = ""; private $used = ""; private $filesize = ""; private $disk_full = false; //if disk full true... private $exceed = false; //if disk exceed over the quota exceed true /* */ public $maxheight = "120"; public $maxwidth = "3"; //minumum 3px for ie. //static instance. static $instance; //this object can not copy except getInstance() method. private function __clone() {} private function __construct(){} //lets prevent duplication of memory using by Singleton. public static function getInstance() { if(! (self::$instance instanceof self)) { self::$instance = new self(); } return self::$instance; } //...set data function set_params($data){ if($data['total'] < $data['used']): $this->exceed = true; $this->disk_full = false; $this->numberOf = $data['total']; elseif($data['total'] == $data['used']): $this->numberOf = $data['used']; $this->disk_full = true; $this->exceed = false; else: $this->numberOf = $data['used']; $this->exceed = false; $this->disk_full = false; endif; $this->filesize = $data['filesize']; $this->used = $data['used']; $this->totalNumberOf = $data['total']; $this->maxheight = $data['max_height']; $this->maxwidth = $data['max_width']; $this->bar_name = $data['bar_name']; $this->percent = round(($this->numberOf / $this->totalNumberOf) * 100); } function usedPercent(){ return (100-$this->percent); } //calculate used disk space div height ... function used_divHeight(){ return round(($this->maxheight * $this->percent) / 100); } //calculate none used disk space div height ... function none_used_divHeight(){ return round(($this->maxheight * $this->usedPercent()) / 100); } function build_vertical($empty_color,$full_color,$float){ /* MAIN DIV */ echo "<div class=\"vertical_frame\" style=\" \n"; echo "float:$float; \n"; echo "display:block; \n"; echo "width:100px; \n"; //edit here for extend div echo "font-family:verdana; \n"; echo "color:#999; \n"; echo "\">"; ## 100 MB label ## echo "<div class=\"vertical_quota_size\" style=\" \n"; echo "width:100px; \n"; //and set here for extend div echo "font-weight:bold; font-size:15px; \n"; echo "\">"; if($this->disk_full) { echo "<b>FULL</b>"; } elseif($this->exceed){ echo "<b>EXCEED</b>"; } else{ echo $this->file_size($this->totalNumberOf);} echo "</div>"; ## 100 MB label ## echo "<div class=\"vertical_percentbar\" style=\" \n"; echo "overflow: hidden;"; echo "width:".$this->maxwidth."px; \n"; echo "height:".$this->maxheight."px; \n"; echo "float:left; \n"; echo "margin-right:20px; \n"; echo "background-color: $empty_color; \n"; echo "border: 1px solid $full_color; \n"; echo "\">"; ## none used space ## echo "<div class=\"vertical_none_used\" style=\" "; if($this->none_used_divHeight() > 0) //IE hack. echo "width:".$this->maxwidth."px;"; if($this->none_used_divHeight() > 0) echo "height:".$this->none_used_divHeight()."px;"; echo "\">"; echo "</div>"; ## none used space ## ## used space ## echo "<div class=\"vertical_used\" style=\"height: \n"; echo $this->used_divHeight(); echo "px;width:".$this->maxwidth."px;background-color: $full_color; \">"; echo "</div>"; ## used space ## echo "</div> \n"; //vertical percent_bar end echo "<div style=\"clear:both;\"></div>"; ## used Percent %100 ## echo "<div class=\"vertical_num\" style=\"color:$full_color;width:80px; "; echo "margin-top:4px;text-align:left;font-size:14px;font-weight:bold;"; echo "\"> \n"; echo "% ".$this->percent."\n"; echo "</div> \n"; ## used Percent %100 ## ## used space ## echo "<div class=\"vertical_used_num\" style=\"color:$full_color;width:80px; "; echo "margin-top:4px;text-align:left;font-size:12px;"; echo "\"> \n"; echo $this->file_size($this->used)." kullan&#305;lan"; echo "</div> \n"; ## used Percent %100 ## echo "<div style=\"clear:both;\"></div>"; ## Barname ## echo "<div class=\"vertical_bar_name\" style=\"width:80px;text-align:left;font-size:12px;\"> \n"; echo $this->bar_name."\n"; echo "</div> \n"; ## Barname ## echo "</div>"; // vertical_frame div end /* MAIN DIV END*/ } function build_horizontal($empty_color,$full_color,$float){ /* MAIN DIV */ echo "<div class=\"horizontal_frame\" style=\" \n"; echo "float:$float; \n"; echo "display:block; \n"; //version 0.2 ; error fixed. echo "width:150px; \n"; //edit here for extend div echo "height:80px; \n"; echo "font-family:verdana; \n"; echo "color:#999; \n"; echo "\">"; ## 100 MB label ## echo "<div class=\"horizontal_quota_size\" style=\" \n"; //echo "width:100px; \n"; //and set here for extend div echo "font-weight:bold; font-size:15px; \n"; echo "\">"; if($this->disk_full) { echo "<b>FULL</b>"; } elseif($this->exceed){ echo "<b>EXCEED</b>"; } else{ echo $this->file_size($this->totalNumberOf);} echo "</div>"; ## 100 MB label ## echo "<div class=\"horizontal_percentbar\" style=\" \n"; echo "overflow: hidden;"; //IE height hack. echo "width:".$this->maxheight."px; \n"; echo "height:".$this->maxwidth."px; \n"; //height px version 0.2 fixed. echo "color:#999; \n"; //echo "float:left; \n"; echo "margin-right:20px; \n"; echo "background-color: $empty_color; \n"; echo "border: 1px solid $full_color; \n"; echo "\">"; ## used space ## echo "<div class=\"horizontal_used\" style=\"overflow: hidden;float:left;width: \n"; echo $this->used_divHeight(); echo "px;height:".$this->maxwidth."px;background-color: $full_color; \"> \n"; echo "</div>"; ## used space ## ## none used space ## echo "<div class=\"horizontal_none_used\" style=\"float:left; "; //if($this->none_used_divHeight() > 0) //echo "width:".$this->none_used_divHeight()."px;"; echo "\">"; echo "</div>"; ## none used space ## //echo "<div style=\"clear:left;\"></div>"; echo "</div> \n"; //horizontal percent_bar end echo "<div style=\"clear:both;\"></div>"; ## Percent %100 ## echo "<div class=\"horizontal_num\" style=\"color:$full_color; \n"; echo "width:".$this->maxheight."px;"; echo "margin-top:4px;text-align:left;font-size:14px;"; echo "\"> \n"; echo "<span style=\"font-weight:bold;\">% ".$this->percent."</span>\n"; echo "<span style=\"font-size:12px;\">".$this->file_size($this->used)." kullan&#305;l&#305;yor"; echo "</span>"; echo "</div> \n"; ## Percent %100 ## echo "<div style=\"clear:both;\"></div>"; ## barname ## echo "<div class=\"horizontal_bar_name\" style=\" \n"; echo "width:".$this->maxheight."px;"; echo "text-align:left;font-size:12px;\"> \n"; echo $this->bar_name."\n"; echo "</div> \n"; ## barname ## echo "</div>"; } } // end of the class... //folder_space with percent_bar Controller class. class handle { /* */ function create($data){ try{ ///... if(is_array($data['dir'])){ foreach ($data['dir'] as $val){ $result = folder_space::getInstance()->check($val); $total['byte'] += $result['byte']; $total['filesize'] += $result['filesize']; //print_r($total); } }else{ $result = folder_space::getInstance()->check($data['dir']); $total['byte'] = $result['byte']; $total['filesize'] = $result['filesize']; } }catch(Exception $e) {echo $e;} $data['used'] = $total['byte']; $data['filesize'] = $total['filesize']; switch ($data['axis']) { case 'vertical': $bar = percent_bar::getInstance(); $bar->set_params($data); $bar->build_vertical($data['empty_color'],$data['full_color'],$data['float']); if($data['var_dump']) var_dump($bar); break; case 'horizontal': $bar2 = percent_bar::getInstance(); $bar2->set_params($data); $bar2->build_horizontal($data['empty_color'],$data['full_color'],$data['float']); if($data['var_dump']) var_dump($bar2); break; } } } // end of the handle class. ?>