* This file is part of the Carbon package.
* (c) Brian Nesbitt <brian@nesbot.com>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
* Authors:
* - Philippe Vaucher
* - pirminis
* - Tsutomu Kuroda
* - tjku
* - Andris Z??eris
* - Max Melentiev
* - Edgars Beigarts
* - Juanito Fatas
* - Vitauts Sto?ka
* - Akira Matsuda
* - Christopher Dell
* - Enrique Vidal
* - Simone Carletti
* - Aaron Patterson
* - Kaspars Bankovskis
* - Nicolás Hock Isaza
* - Kavacky
return [
'year' => '0 gadiem|:count gada|:count gadiem',
'y' => '0 gadiem|:count gada|:count gadiem',
'month' => '0 m?ne?iem|:count m?ne?a|:count m?ne?iem',
'm' => '0 m?ne?iem|:count m?ne?a|:count m?ne?iem',
'week' => '0 ned???m|:count ned??as|:count ned???m',
'w' => '0 ned???m|:count ned??as|:count ned???m',
'day' => '0 dien?m|:count dienas|:count dien?m',
'd' => '0 dien?m|:count dienas|:count dien?m',
'hour' => '0 stund?m|:count stundas|:count stund?m',
'h' => '0 stund?m|:count stundas|:count stund?m',
'minute' => '0 min?t?m|:count min?tes|:count min?t?m',
'min' => '0 min?t?m|:count min?tes|:count min?t?m',
'second' => '0 sekund?m|:count sekundes|:count sekund?m',
's' => '0 sekund?m|:count sekundes|:count sekund?m',
'ago' => 'pirms :time',
'from_now' => 'p?c :time',
'after' => ':time v?l?k',
'before' => ':time pirms',
'year_after' => '0 gadus|:count gadu|:count gadus',
'month_after' => '0 m?ne?us|:count m?nesi|:count m?ne?us',
'week_after' => '0 ned??as|:count ned??u|:count ned??as',
'day_after' => '0 dienas|:count dienu|:count dienas',
'hour_after' => '0 stundas|:count stundu|:count stundas',
'minute_after' => '0 min?tes|:count min?ti|:count min?tes',
'second_after' => '0 sekundes|:count sekundi|:count sekundes',
'year_before' => '0 gadus|:count gadu|:count gadus',
'month_before' => '0 m?ne?us|:count m?nesi|:count m?ne?us',
'week_before' => '0 ned??as|:count ned??u|:count ned??as',
'day_before' => '0 dienas|:count dienu|:count dienas',
'hour_before' => '0 stundas|:count stundu|:count stundas',
'minute_before' => '0 min?tes|:count min?ti|:count min?tes',
'second_before' => '0 sekundes|:count sekundi|:count sekundes',
'first_day_of_week' => 1,
'day_of_first_week_of_year' => 4,
'list' => [', ', ' un '],
'formats' => [
'LT' => 'HH:mm',
'LTS' => 'HH:mm:ss',
'L' => 'DD.MM.YYYY.',
'LL' => 'YYYY. [gada] D. MMMM',
'LLL' => 'DD.MM.YYYY., HH:mm',
'LLLL' => 'YYYY. [gada] D. MMMM, HH:mm',
'weekdays' => ['sv?tdiena', 'pirmdiena', 'otrdiena', 'tre?diena', 'ceturtdiena', 'piektdiena', 'sestdiena'],
'weekdays_short' => ['Sv.', 'P.', 'O.', 'T.', 'C.', 'Pk.', 'S.'],
'weekdays_min' => ['Sv.', 'P.', 'O.', 'T.', 'C.', 'Pk.', 'S.'],
'months' => ['janv?r?', 'ferbru?r?', 'mart?', 'apr?l?', 'maij?', 'j?nij?', 'j?lij?', 'august?', 'septembr?', 'oktobr?', 'novembr?', 'decembr?'],
'months_short' => ['Janv', 'Febr', 'Marts', 'Apr', 'Maijs', 'J?n', 'J?l', 'Aug', 'Sept', 'Okt', 'Nov', 'Dec'],
'meridiem' => ['priek?pusdiena', 'p?cpusdiena'],