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File: php_cat.class.php

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  Classes of Ersin Güvenç   PHP Cat Nested Model Category Class   php_cat.class.php   Download  
File: php_cat.class.php
Role: Class source
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Description: main class
Class: PHP Cat Nested Model Category Class
Manage an hierarchy of categories stored in MySQL
Author: By
Last change: query_link problem fixed.
Date: 16 years ago
Size: 21,166 bytes


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<?php if (realpath(__FILE__) == realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) {exit('No direct access!');} /* Php_Cat Mysql Nested Category Software. Copyright (C) 2008 Ersin GÜVENÇ. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. *********************************************************************************************************** * * @filename: php_cat.class.php * Php version PHP5. * Mysql version 4 and Newer * @author Ersin Güvenç <> * @license: GPL * @Revision: 48 * @version $Id: php_cat.class.php 2008-07-13 11:24:27 * @version: v.0.0.3 @alpha 2 * ************************************************************************************************************ */ require ""; /* # Constant: Standard Table Definitions */ if (!defined ('TABLE_NAME')) define ('TABLE_NAME', 'category'); if (!defined ('CAT_ID')) define ('CAT_ID', 'cat_id'); if (!defined ('PARENT_ID')) define ('PARENT_ID', 'parent_id'); if (!defined ('CAT_NAME')) define ('CAT_NAME', 'cat_name'); if (!defined ('DSC')) define ('DSC', 'dsc'); if (!defined ('CAT_LINK')) define ('CAT_LINK', 'cat_link'); if (!defined ('LEFT')) define ('LEFT', 'lft'); if (!defined ('RIGHT')) define ('RIGHT', 'rgt'); //if (!defined ('TOP')) define ('TOP', 'tp'); //deprecated ! //catch errors.. you can customize exception classes.look at php5 manual. Class cat_Exception extends Exception { function __toString(){ $msg = "<center>"; $msg.= "<div style=\"padding:4px;width:400px;background-color:#FFFFCC;border:1px solid #CCFF66;text-align:left;\">"; $msg.= "<b>".__CLASS__ . ": [Error]:</b>&nbsp;". $this->getMessage()."<br /><b>[Line]:</b>&nbsp;".$this->getLine()."\n"; $msg.="</div>"; $msg.="</center>"; return $msg; } } //feedback for php_cat actions.. Class feedback { static function add($feedback){ $msg = "<center>"; $msg.= "<div style=\"padding:4px;width:400px;background-color:#FFFFCC;border:1px solid #CCFF66;text-align:left;\">"; $msg.= "<b>Info:</b>&nbsp;". $feedback."<br />"; $msg.="</div>"; $msg.="</center>"; echo $msg; } } Class php_cat { /** * Define your path separator style. * home > forum > member */ public $separator = "&nbsp; / &nbsp;"; /** * list_cat() method returns to associative array. * @access: private. */ private $list_cat_row = array(); /** * path() method returns to associative array. * @access: private. */ private $path_row = array(); /** * top_cat() method returns to associative array. * @access: private. */ private $top_row = array(); /** * map() method returns to associative array. * @access: private. */ private $map_row = array(); /** * children() method returns to associative array. * @access: private. */ private $child_row = array(); /** * Create Search Engine friendly links from cat_names.. * example : ..?cat=portable-devices-2 */ public $seo = false; //boolean /** * Allowed options variables.. option - default value. * @access: private. */ private $allowed_options = array( 'separator', 'area', 'seo' //'menu' ); /** * if params value not set default values will be set. * @access: private. */ private $default_parameters = array( 'separator'=>'&nbsp; / &nbsp;', 'area'=>'admin', 'seo'=>true ); /** * Choose working area administrator or client. * @access: private. */ private $area = "client"; //or admin /** * * @Method: __construct * @Access: public * @Parameters: 1 * @Param-1: Array(). * @Description: Set variables if key exists in allowed options. */ public function __construct($params = array()) { //Auto set variables & factory... $this->factory($params); } /** * * @Method: factory. * @Access: public * @Parameters: 1 * @Param-1: Array(). * @Description: Auto Set variables if key exists in allowed options. */ public function factory($params) { try{ //Auto set variables... if(empty($params)) $params = $this->default_parameters; foreach ($params as $key => $value) { if (in_array(strtolower($key), $this->allowed_options,true) && (!is_null($value))): $this->{strtolower($key)} = $value; else: throw new cat_Exception(" You supply a wrong parameter or null value please check parameters or look at the documentation.".__FUNCTION__.'error!'); endif; } switch ($this->area) { case 'client': if($this->seo) //blabla... break; case 'admin': if($this->seo){ require_once ""; require_once "actions.class.php"; }else{ //require_once ""; require_once "actions.class.php"; } break; } }catch(Exception $e) {echo $e;} } //end function /** * @Method: version */ public function version() { return 'Php Cat 0.0.3 @alpha 2'; } /** * * @Method: add_cat * @Access: public * @Parameters: 1 * @Param-1: data - array() - pointer .. WHERE = 'cat_name' or WHERE = 'parent_id' * @Description: Add New Category (add a not existing category). */ public function add_cat($data){ try{ if (empty($data['new_name'])) throw new cat_Exception("New category name empty!"); $params['seo'] = $this->seo; Actions::getInstance()->set_params($params); Actions::getInstance()->{__FUNCTION__}($data); }catch(Exception $e) {echo $e;} } /** * * @Method: add_subcat * @Access: public * @Parameters: 1 * @Param-1: data - array() - pointer .. WHERE = 'cat_name' or WHERE = 'parent_id' * @Description: Add New Category (add a not existing category). */ public function add_subcat($data){ try{ if (empty($data['new_name'])) throw new cat_Exception("New category name empty!"); $params['seo'] = $this->seo; Actions::getInstance()->set_params($params); Actions::getInstance()->{__FUNCTION__}($data); }catch(Exception $e) {echo $e;} } /** * * @Method: del_cat * @Access: public * @Parameters: 1 * @Param-1: data - array() * @Description: Delete current category and all children. */ public function del_cat($data){ try{ Actions::getInstance()->{__FUNCTION__}($data); }catch(Exception $e) {echo $e;} } /** * * @Method: update_cat * @Access: public * @Parameters: 1 * @Param-1: data - array() * @Description: Delete one category not their children. */ public function update_cat($data){ try{ if (empty($data['new_name'])) throw new cat_Exception("Category name empty!"); $params['seo'] = $this->seo; Actions::getInstance()->set_params($params); Actions::getInstance()->{__FUNCTION__}($data); }catch(Exception $e) {echo $e;} } ###################### # LIST CATEGORY SQL # You can create data store procudure from original sql. ###################### /* SELECT node.cat_name, node.cat_link, node.cat_id, node.dsc, (COUNT( parent.cat_name ) - ( sub_tree.depth +1 )) AS depth FROM category AS node, category AS parent, category AS sub_parent, (SELECT node.cat_name, (COUNT( parent.cat_name ) -1) AS depth FROM category AS node, category AS parent WHERE node.lft BETWEEN parent.lft AND parent.rgt AND node.cat_name = '$parent' GROUP BY node.cat_name ORDER BY node.lft) AS sub_tree WHERE node.lft BETWEEN parent.lft AND parent.rgt AND node.lft BETWEEN sub_parent.lft AND sub_parent.rgt AND sub_parent.cat_name = sub_tree.cat_name GROUP BY node.cat_name HAVING depth >=0 ORDER BY node.lft */ /** * * @Method: list_cat * @Access: public * @param-1: data - array() * @Description: List children in associative arrays with action. */ public function list_cat($data) { try{ //exception start if($this->seo): $node_cat_link = ',node.'.CAT_LINK; else: $node_cat_link = ""; endif; $depth = 1; //category level.. if(array_key_exists('cat_id',$data)) { $parent = $data['cat_id']; $index = sprintf("AND node.%s = '%d'",CAT_ID,$parent); //"AND node.cat_id = '$parent'" //$having_depth = ">= 1"; if($data['cat_id'] == "" || $data['cat_id'] == 0){ $index = sprintf("AND node.%s = '%d'",PARENT_ID,0); //"AND node.parent_id = '0'"; //Get top categories... //$index = "AND node.lft = '1'"; //$index = "AND node.rgt=(SELECT MAX(rgt) FROM category)"; $having_depth = "< 1"; }else{ $having_depth = "= ".$depth; } }elseif(array_key_exists('cat_name',$data)){ $parent = $data['cat_name']; $index = sprintf("AND node.%s = '%s'",CAT_NAME,$parent); //... if($data['cat_name'] == "") { $index = sprintf("AND node.%s = '%d'",PARENT_ID,0); //"AND node.parent_id = '0'"; //Get top categories... //$index = "AND node.lft = '1'"; //$index = "AND node.rgt=(SELECT MAX(rgt) FROM category)"; $having_depth = "< 1"; }else{ $having_depth = "= ".$depth; //">=1" } }elseif(array_key_exists('cat_link',$data)){ $parent = $data['cat_link']; $index = sprintf("AND node.%s = '$parent'",CAT_LINK,$parent); //... if($data['cat_link'] == ""){ $index = sprintf("AND node.%s = '%d'",PARENT_ID,0); //"AND node.parent_id = '0'"; //Get top categories... //$index = "AND node.lft = '1'"; //$index = "AND node.rgt=(SELECT MAX(rgt) FROM category)"; $having_depth = "< 1"; }else{ $having_depth = "= ".$depth; } } $sql = sprintf("SELECT node.%s %s,node.%s, node.%s, (COUNT( parent.%s ) - ( sub_tree.depth +1 )) AS depth FROM %s AS node, %s AS parent, %s AS sub_parent, (SELECT node.%s, (COUNT( parent.%s ) -1) AS depth FROM %s AS node, %s AS parent WHERE node.%s BETWEEN parent.%s AND parent.%s %s GROUP BY node.%s ORDER BY node.%s) AS sub_tree WHERE node.%s BETWEEN parent.%s AND parent.%s AND node.%s BETWEEN sub_parent.%s AND sub_parent.%s AND sub_parent.%s = sub_tree.%s GROUP BY node.%s HAVING depth %s ORDER BY node.%s", CAT_NAME,$node_cat_link,CAT_ID,DSC,CAT_NAME,TABLE_NAME,TABLE_NAME,TABLE_NAME,CAT_ID, //group by cat_name problem fixed. CAT_ID,TABLE_NAME,TABLE_NAME,LEFT,LEFT,RIGHT,$index,CAT_ID,LEFT,LEFT,LEFT,RIGHT,LEFT, LEFT,RIGHT,CAT_ID,CAT_ID, //group by cat_name problem fixed. CAT_ID,$having_depth,LEFT); $query = mysql_query($sql); if(!$query) throw new cat_Exception(mysql_error()); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)){ $this->list_cat_row[] = $row; } return $this->list_cat_row; //exception end }catch(Exception $e) {echo $e;} } ###################### # CHILDREN SQL ###################### /* SELECT node.cat_name, (COUNT(parent.cat_name) - (sub_tree.depth + 1)) AS depth FROM category AS node, category AS parent, category AS sub_parent, (SELECT node.cat_name, (COUNT(parent.cat_name) - 1) AS depth FROM category AS node, category AS parent WHERE node.lft BETWEEN parent.lft AND parent.rgt AND node.cat_name = 'PORTABLE ELECTRONICS' GROUP BY node.cat_name ORDER BY node.lft) AS sub_tree WHERE node.lft BETWEEN parent.lft AND parent.rgt AND node.lft BETWEEN sub_parent.lft AND sub_parent.rgt AND sub_parent.cat_name = sub_tree.cat_name GROUP BY node.cat_name HAVING depth = 1 // for show current cat <=1 ORDER BY node.lft; */ /** * * @Method: children * @Access: public * @param-1: data - array() * @Description: Get children of the requested category. */ public function children($data) { try{ if(array_key_exists('cat_id',$data)) { $parent = $data['cat_id']; $constant = "CAT_ID"; }elseif(array_key_exists('cat_name',$data)){ $parent = $data['cat_name']; $constant = "CAT_NAME"; }elseif(array_key_exists('cat_link',$data)){ $parent = $data['cat_link']; $constant = "CAT_LINK"; } $sql = sprintf("SELECT node.%s,node.%s,node.%s, (COUNT(parent.%s) - (sub_tree.depth + 1)) AS depth FROM %s AS node, %s AS parent, %s AS sub_parent, (SELECT node.%s, (COUNT(parent.%s) - 1) AS depth FROM %s AS node, %s AS parent WHERE node.%s BETWEEN parent.%s AND parent.%s AND node.%s = '%s' GROUP BY node.%s ORDER BY node.%s) AS sub_tree WHERE node.%s BETWEEN parent.%s AND parent.%s AND node.%s BETWEEN sub_parent.%s AND sub_parent.%s AND sub_parent.%s = sub_tree.%s GROUP BY node.%s HAVING depth = 1 ORDER BY node.lft",CAT_NAME,CAT_LINK,CAT_ID,CAT_ID,TABLE_NAME,TABLE_NAME,TABLE_NAME, CAT_ID,CAT_ID,TABLE_NAME,TABLE_NAME,LEFT,LEFT,RIGHT,constant($constant),$parent, CAT_ID,LEFT,LEFT,LEFT,RIGHT,LEFT,LEFT,RIGHT,CAT_ID,CAT_ID,CAT_ID,LEFT); /* return associative array*/ $query = mysql_query($sql); if(!$query) throw new cat_Exception(mysql_error()); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)){ $this->child_row[] = $row; } return $this->child_row; //exception end }catch(Exception $e) {echo $e;} } ###################### # PATH SQL ###################### /* SELECT parent.cat_name FROM category AS node, category AS parent WHERE node.lft BETWEEN parent.lft AND parent.rgt AND node.cat_name = 'FLASH' ORDER BY parent.lft; */ /** * * @Method: path * @Access: public * @param-1: data - array() * @Description: Get current single path. */ public function path($data) { try{ if(array_key_exists('cat_id',$data)) { $node = $data['cat_id']; $constant = "CAT_ID"; }elseif(array_key_exists('cat_name',$data)){ $node = $data['cat_name']; $constant = "CAT_NAME"; }elseif(array_key_exists('cat_link',$data)){ $node = $data['cat_link']; $constant = "CAT_LINK"; } $sql = sprintf("SELECT parent.%s,parent.%s,parent.%s FROM %s AS node, %s AS parent WHERE node.%s BETWEEN parent.%s AND parent.%s AND node.%s = '%s' ORDER BY parent.%s",CAT_NAME,CAT_LINK,CAT_ID,TABLE_NAME,TABLE_NAME, LEFT,LEFT,RIGHT,constant($constant),$node,LEFT); /* return associative array*/ $query = mysql_query($sql); if(!$query) throw new cat_Exception(mysql_error()); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)){ $this->path_row[] = $row; } return $this->path_row; //exception end }catch(Exception $e) {echo $e;} } ###################### # TOP CATEGORY SQL ###################### /* SELECT * FROM category WHERE parent_id='-1'; */ /** * * @Method: top_cat * @Access: public * @param-1: data - array() * @Description: Get top categories - with (0). */ public function top_cat($data) { try{ $sql = sprintf("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE %s='%d'",TABLE_NAME,PARENT_ID,0); $query = mysql_query($sql); if(!$query) throw new cat_Exception(mysql_error()); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)){ $this->top_row[] = $row; } return $this->top_row; //exception end }catch(Exception $e) {echo $e;} } /** * * @Method: top_cat * @Access: public * @param-1: data - array() * @Description: return the last biggest category id. */ ###################### # MAX CATEGORY SQL ###################### /* SELECT cat_id,cat_link,cat_name, MAX(rgt) AS max_c FROM category WHERE parent_id='-1' GROUP BY cat_name ORDER BY max_c DESC LIMIT 1 */ public function max_cat() { try{ $sql = sprintf("SELECT %s,%s,%s, MAX(%s) AS max_c FROM %s WHERE %s='%d' GROUP BY %s ORDER BY max_c DESC LIMIT 1",CAT_ID, CAT_LINK,CAT_NAME,RIGHT,TABLE_NAME,PARENT_ID,0,CAT_NAME); $query = mysql_query($sql); if(!$query) throw new cat_Exception(mysql_error()); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query); return $row; //exception end }catch(Exception $e) {echo $e;} } ###################### # MAP CATEGORY SQL ###################### /* SELECT node.cat_name, node.cat_link, node.cat_id, node.dsc, (COUNT(parent.cat_name) - 1) AS depth FROM category AS node, category AS parent WHERE node.lft BETWEEN parent.lft AND parent.rgt GROUP BY node.cat_name ORDER BY node.lft */ /** * * @Method: map * @Access: public * @Description: index all categories into array. */ public function map() { try{ $sql = sprintf("SELECT node.%s, node.%s, node.%s, node.%s, (COUNT(parent.%s) - 1) AS depth FROM %s AS node, %s AS parent WHERE node.%s BETWEEN parent.%s AND parent.%s GROUP BY node.%s ORDER BY node.%s",CAT_NAME,CAT_LINK,CAT_ID,DSC,CAT_NAME,TABLE_NAME, TABLE_NAME,LEFT,LEFT,RIGHT,CAT_NAME,LEFT); $query = mysql_query($sql); if(!$query) throw new cat_Exception(mysql_error()); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)){ $this->map_row[] = $row; } return $this->map_row; //exception end }catch(Exception $e) {echo $e;} } ###################### # DEPTH CATEGORY SQL ###################### /* SELECT node.cat_name, node.cat_link, node.cat_id, (COUNT(parent.cat_name) - 1) AS depth FROM category AS node, category AS parent WHERE node.lft BETWEEN parent.lft AND parent.rgt AND node.cat_name = 'FLASH' GROUP BY node.cat_name ORDER BY node.lft */ /** * * @Method: depth * @Access: public * @Description: get depth of the current category. */ public function depth($data) { try{ if(array_key_exists('cat_id',$data)) { $node = $data['cat_id']; $constant = "CAT_ID"; }elseif(array_key_exists('cat_name',$data)){ $node = $data['cat_name']; $constant = "CAT_NAME"; }elseif(array_key_exists('cat_link',$data)){ $node = $data['cat_link']; $constant = "CAT_LINK"; } $sql = sprintf("SELECT node.%s, node.%s, node.%s, (COUNT(parent.%s) - 1) AS depth FROM %s AS node, %s AS parent WHERE node.%s BETWEEN parent.%s AND parent.%s AND node.%s = '%s' GROUP BY node.%s ORDER BY node.%s",CAT_NAME,CAT_LINK,CAT_ID,CAT_NAME,TABLE_NAME, TABLE_NAME,LEFT,LEFT,RIGHT,constant($constant),$node,CAT_NAME,LEFT); $query = mysql_query($sql); if(!$query) throw new cat_Exception(mysql_error()); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query); return $row; //exception end }catch(Exception $e) {echo $e;} } /** * * @Method: fetch_num * @Access: public * @Description: check database have any record or not */ public function fetch_num(){ try{ $sql = sprintf("SELECT * FROM %s",TABLE_NAME); $query = mysql_query($sql); if(!$query) throw new cat_Exception(mysql_error()); return mysql_num_rows($query); }catch(Exception $e) {echo $e;} } } // end of the php_cat class... ?>