//require class file
require_once 'class.datetimeconverter.php';
* To format a date or time, simply initialize the class and supply the original date/time and mask,
* then call the convert() function and supply the new mask/format.
// The following is a list of example date/time conversions with this class.
// You can use many different date/time formats, you only need to provide the mask (as in the php date() function)
// Currently, d, j, S, D, m, M, n, o, Y, y, a, A, g, G, h, H, i, s are supported.
// Dates and times without leading zeros will also work too (example: 5/25/08 5:45pm)
//you can get the new date a few different ways...
//example: echo $obj->convert($new_mask);
//first, the convert() function will return the new date
$orig_date = "03/19/2008";
$orig_mask = "m/d/Y";
$new_mask = "n/j/y";
$obj = new Date_Time_Converter($orig_date, $orig_mask);
$new_date = $obj->convert($new_mask);
echo "<b>Original Date/Time:</b> " . $orig_date;
echo "<br>";
echo "<b>Original Mask:</b> " . $orig_mask;
echo "<br>";
echo "<b>New Mask: </b>" . $new_mask;
echo "<br>";
echo "<b>New Date/Time: </b>" . $new_date;
echo "<hr>";
//outputs 3/19/08
//or second, you can retreive it from the public date_time variable
//example: echo $obj->date_time;
$orig_date = "Apr 5th, 2008";
$orig_mask = "M jS, Y";
$new_mask = "Y-m-d";
$obj = new Date_Time_Converter($orig_date, $orig_mask);
$new_date = $obj->convert($new_mask);
echo "<b>Original Date/Time:</b> " . $orig_date;
echo "<br>";
echo "<b>Original Mask:</b> " . $orig_mask;
echo "<br>";
echo "<b>New Mask: </b>" . $new_mask;
echo "<br>";
echo "<b>New Date/Time: </b>" . $obj->date_time;
echo "<hr>";
//outputs 2008-04-05
$orig_date = "1:20 AM";
$orig_mask = "g:i A";
$new_mask = "H:i";
$obj = new Date_Time_Converter($orig_date, $orig_mask);
$new_date = $obj->convert($new_mask);
echo "<b>Original Date/Time:</b> " . $orig_date;
echo "<br>";
echo "<b>Original Mask:</b> " . $orig_mask;
echo "<br>";
echo "<b>New Mask: </b>" . $new_mask;
echo "<br>";
echo "<b>New Date/Time: </b>" . $obj->date_time;
echo "<hr>";
//outputs 01:20
$orig_date = "3 9 08";
$orig_mask = "n j y";
$new_mask = "Y, m d";
$obj = new Date_Time_Converter($orig_date, $orig_mask);
$new_date = $obj->convert($new_mask);
echo "<b>Original Date/Time:</b> " . $orig_date;
echo "<br>";
echo "<b>Original Mask:</b> " . $orig_mask;
echo "<br>";
echo "<b>New Mask: </b>" . $new_mask;
echo "<br>";
echo "<b>New Date/Time: </b>" . $obj->date_time;
echo "<hr>";
//outputs 2008, 03 09
$orig_date = "Fri, Feb 9th, 2007";
$orig_mask = "D, M jS, Y";
$new_mask = "m/d/Y";
$obj = new Date_Time_Converter($orig_date, $orig_mask);
$new_date = $obj->convert($new_mask);
echo "<b>Original Date/Time:</b> " . $orig_date;
echo "<br>";
echo "<b>Original Mask:</b> " . $orig_mask;
echo "<br>";
echo "<b>New Mask: </b>" . $new_mask;
echo "<br>";
echo "<b>New Date/Time: </b>" . $obj->date_time;
echo "<hr>";
//outputs 02/09/2007
$orig_date = "02/09/2007";
$orig_mask = "m/d/Y";
$new_mask = "D, M jS, Y";
$obj = new Date_Time_Converter($orig_date, $orig_mask);
$new_date = $obj->convert($new_mask);
echo "<b>Original Date/Time:</b> " . $orig_date;
echo "<br>";
echo "<b>Original Mask:</b> " . $orig_mask;
echo "<br>";
echo "<b>New Mask: </b>" . $new_mask;
echo "<br>";
echo "<b>New Date/Time: </b>" . $obj->date_time;
echo "<hr>";
//outputs Fri, Feb 9th, 2007