PHP Classes

File: inc/cls_form.lan.en.php

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  Classes of Francisco Caserio   cls_form   inc/cls_form.lan.en.php   Download  
File: inc/cls_form.lan.en.php
Role: Configuration script
Content type: text/plain
Description: cls_form 2.4.3 english support
Class: cls_form
Generate Web pages to manipulate database records
Author: By
Last change: role revision
Date: 16 years ago
Size: 1,930 bytes


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// titles
$this->lang_title_insert = "INSERT";
$this->lang_title_update = "UPDATE";
$this->lang_title_delete = "DELETE";
$this->lang_title_report = "REPORT: ";
$this->lang_title_complete = "MANAGE";
$this->lang_confirm_insert = "RECORD ADDED";
$this->lang_confirm_update = "RECORD UPDATED";
$this->lang_confirm_delete = "RECORD(S) DETETED";
// labels
$this->lang_label_required = "required fields";
$this->lang_label_no_select_NXN = "NOT SELECTED: click to open";
$this->lang_label_no_events_1XN = "There is no events for association";
$this->lang_label_non_active = "NOT ACTIVE";
// js
$this->lang_js_field = "The field";
$this->lang_js_line = "at line";
$this->lang_js_req = "is required";
$this->lang_js_format = "was not filled properly";
$this->lang_js_password = "must be equal to confirmation";
$this->lang_js_unique = "There is already a record on database with values: ";
// form
$this->lang_button_label = "ok";
$this->lang_close_button_label = "Close";
$this->lang_print_button_label = "Print";
$this->lang_back_button_label = "Back";
$this->lang_search_button_label = "Search";
$this->lang_form_dropdown_choose = "Choose";
$this->lang_not_found = "No record found";
$this->lang_return_pk = "CODE GENERATED TO";
$this->lang_remove_image = "Remove Image";
$this->lang_remove_file = "Remove File";
$this->lang_filter = "Filter in";
$this->lang_password_confirm = "Confirm";
$this->lang_password_alter = "Change";
$this->lang_prompt_entity = "How many entries do you want to add?";
$this->lang_global_edition = "Global Edition";
$this->lang_delete_dependency = "Not allowed delete registers related to the table";
$this->lang_new_entity_complete = "Click bellow to complete the new records created";
$this->lang_print_label = "PRINT VERSION";
$this->lang_file_format = "INVALID IMAGE FORMAT TO THE FILE";
$this->lang_file_format_types = "ACCEPTED FORMATS: JPG, PNG or GIF";