Bluetrait 2.0 Config File
Michael Dale 2007
//database host (often localhost)
$bt_db_host = '';
database name (e.g. bluetrait)
If (and only if) you're using SQlite then this should be the full path to your db file.
e.g. /home/user/bluetrait.db
Please put this database outside your public html area
$bt_db_name = '';
//database user name
$bt_db_user = '';
//database password
$bt_db_pass = '';
//database type (i.e mysql or sqlite).
$bt_db_type = 'mysql';
//database charset (i.e. UTF8)
$bt_db_charset = 'UTF8';
//table prefix. Used if you have more than one version of bluetrait running in a single database
$bt_tb_prefix = 'bt2_';
//blog id (for future use)
define('BT_ID', 1);
//we're installed!
define('BT_INSTALLED', true);