// IMPLEMENTATION define("DB_NAME", "temp1"); define("DB_HOST", "localhost"); define("DB_USER", "root"); define("DB_PASS", "root");
/* If constants defined then no need to pass the arguments in mysql function other wise pass arguments in following order $db = new mysql(datbase_name, host, user_name, password); */
//$db = new mysql("test","localhost","root","root"); $db = new mysql(); //$db->debug = false;
/* INSERTION: assign variables to the row of db object and call insert method by passing table name as arg */ /* $db->row->no = 5; $db->row->class = '8th'; $db->row->name = 'sami'; $db->insert('table1'); echo $db->row->id; */
echo "<H3>Updating</H1>"; $db->row->no = 8; $db->row->class = '6th'; $db->row->name = 'nomi'; //in case, condition based on primary key such as where id =4 then just enter the id no $db->update("table1", 6); //in case condition based on some other criteria then enter full criteria //$db->update("table1", "name='sami'");
//DATA FETCHING echo "<H3>Data</H3>"; $sql = "select * from `table1`"; $db->query($sql); while ($db->next()) { echo $db->row->id . "\t"; echo $db->row->no . "\t"; echo $db->row->class . "\t"; echo $db->row->name . "<br>"; }