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File: Bvb/Grid/Deploy/Pdf.php

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  Classes of Filipe Sá   Zend Framework Data Grid   Bvb/Grid/Deploy/Pdf.php   Download  
File: Bvb/Grid/Deploy/Pdf.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Deploy the results to a pdf file
Class: Zend Framework Data Grid
Display and edit data from a database in a grid
Author: By
Last change: Version 0.6
Date: 14 years ago
Size: 20,009 bytes


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<?php /** * * LICENSE * * This source file is subject to the new BSD license * It is available through the world-wide-web at this URL: * * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email * to so we can send you a copy immediately. * * @package Bvb_Grid * @copyright Copyright (c) ( * @license New BSD License * @version $Id: Pdf.php 1011 2010-03-17 16:18:51Z $ * @author Bento Vilas Boas < > */ class Bvb_Grid_Deploy_Pdf extends Bvb_Grid implements Bvb_Grid_Deploy_Interface { const OUTPUT = 'pdf'; public $deploy; function __construct ($options) { $this->_setRemoveHiddenFields(true); parent::__construct($options); } /** * @copyright * @param $string * @param $font * @param $fontSize */ function widthForStringUsingFontSize ($string, $font, $fontSize) { @$drawingString = iconv('', 'UTF-16BE', $string); $characters = array(); for ( $i = 0; $i < strlen($drawingString); $i ++ ) { $characters[] = (ord($drawingString[$i ++]) << 8) | ord($drawingString[$i]); } $glyphs = $font->glyphNumbersForCharacters($characters); $widths = $font->widthsForGlyphs($glyphs); $stringWidth = (array_sum($widths) / $font->getUnitsPerEm()) * $fontSize; return $stringWidth; } function calculateCellSize () { $titles = parent::_buildTitles(); $sqlexp = parent::_buildSqlExp(); $grid = parent::_buildGrid(); $font = Zend_Pdf_Font::fontWithName(Zend_Pdf_Font::FONT_HELVETICA); $i = 0; foreach ( $titles as $titulos ) { if ( (@$titulos['field'] != $this->getInfo('hRow,field') && $this->getInfo('hRow,title') != '') || $this->getInfo('hRow,title') == '' ) { $larg[$i] = $this->widthForStringUsingFontSize($titulos['value'], $font, 8); $i ++; } } $i = 0; if ( is_array($sqlexp) ) { foreach ( $sqlexp as $sql ) { if ( ($sql['field'] != $this->getInfo('hRow,field') && $this->getInfo('hRow,title') != '') || $this->getInfo('hRow,title') == '' ) { if ( $larg[$i] < strlen($sql['value']) ) { $larg[$i] = strlen($sql['value']); } $i ++; } } } ///////////////// ///////////////// ///////////////// if ( $this->getInfo('hRow,title') != '' ) { $bar = $grid; $hbar = trim($this->getInfo('hRow,field')); $p = 0; foreach ( $grid[0] as $value ) { if ( $value['field'] == $hbar ) { $hRowIndex = $p; } $p ++; } $aa = 0; } ////////////// ////////////// ////////////// foreach ( $grid as $row ) { $i = 0; $a = 1; foreach ( $row as $value ) { $value['value'] = strip_tags($value['value']); if ( (isset($value['field']) && $value['field'] != $this->getInfo('hRow,field') && $this->getInfo('hRow,title') != '') || $this->getInfo('hRow,title') == '' ) { if ( $larg[$i] < strlen($value['value']) ) { $larg[$i] = strlen($value['value']); } $i ++; } $a ++; } $i ++; } return $larg; } function deploy () { if ( ! in_array(self::OUTPUT, $this->_export) ) { echo $this->__("You dont' have permission to export the results to this format"); die(); } $width = 0; $this->setPagination(0); parent::deploy(); $colors = array('title' => '#000000', 'subtitle' => '#111111', 'footer' => '#111111', 'header' => '#AAAAAA', 'row1' => '#EEEEEE', 'row2' => '#FFFFFF', 'sqlexp' => '#BBBBBB', 'lines' => '#111111', 'hrow' => '#E4E4F6', 'text' => '#000000'); $this->deploy['colors'] = array_merge($colors, $this->deploy['colors']); $la = ''; if ( ! isset($this->deploy['save']) ) { $this->deploy['save'] = false; } if ( ! isset($this->deploy['download']) ) { $this->deploy['download'] = false; } if ( $this->deploy['save'] != 1 && $this->deploy['download'] != 1 ) { throw new Exception('Nothing to do. Please specify download&&|save options'); } if ( empty($this->deploy['name']) ) { $this->deploy['name'] = date('H_m_d_H_i_s'); } if ( substr($this->deploy['name'], - 4) == '.xls' ) { $this->deploy['name'] = substr($this->deploy['name'], 0, - 4); } if ( ! isset($this->deploy['noPagination']) ) { $this->deploy['noPagination'] = 0; } $this->deploy['dir'] = rtrim($this->deploy['dir'], '/') . '/'; if ( ! isset($this->deploy['dir']) || ! is_dir($this->deploy['dir']) ) { throw new Bvb_Grid_Exception($this->deploy['dir'] . ' is not a dir'); } if ( ! is_writable($this->deploy['dir']) ) { throw new Bvb_Grid_Exception($this->deploy['dir'] . ' is not writable'); } $larg = self::calculateCellSize(); $total_len = array_sum($larg); $cellFontSize = 8; //set font ///////////// $titulos = parent::_buildTitles(); $sql = parent::_buildSqlExp(); $grid = parent::_BuildGrid(); if ( ! $this->getInfo('hRow,field') ) { $this->_info['hRow']['field'] = ''; } if ( strtoupper($this->deploy['orientation']) == 'LANDSCAPE' && strtoupper($this->deploy['size']) == 'A4' ) { $totalPaginas = ceil(count($grid) / 26); } elseif ( strtoupper($this->deploy['orientation']) == 'LANDSCAPE' && strtoupper($this->deploy['size']) == 'LETTER' ) { $totalPaginas = ceil(count($grid) / 27); } else { $totalPaginas = ceil(count($grid) / 37); } if ( $totalPaginas < 1 ) { $totalPaginas = 1; } $pdf = new Zend_Pdf(); // Create new Style $style = new Zend_Pdf_Style(); $style->setFillColor(new Zend_Pdf_Color_Html($this->deploy['colors']['lines'])); $topo = new Zend_Pdf_Style(); $topo->setFillColor(new Zend_Pdf_Color_Html($this->deploy['colors']['header'])); $td = new Zend_Pdf_Style(); $td->setFillColor(new Zend_Pdf_Color_Html($this->deploy['colors']['row2'])); $td2 = new Zend_Pdf_Style(); $td2->setFillColor(new Zend_Pdf_Color_Html($this->deploy['colors']['row1'])); $hRowStyle = new Zend_Pdf_Style(); $hRowStyle->setFillColor(new Zend_Pdf_Color_Html($this->deploy['colors']['hrow'])); $styleSql = new Zend_Pdf_Style(); $styleSql->setFillColor(new Zend_Pdf_Color_Html($this->deploy['colors']['sqlexp'])); $styleText = new Zend_Pdf_Style(); $styleText->setFillColor(new Zend_Pdf_Color_Html($this->deploy['colors']['text'])); // Add new page to the document if ( strtoupper($this->deploy['size'] = 'LETTER') && strtoupper($this->deploy['orientation']) == 'LANDSCAPE' ) { $page = $pdf->newPage(Zend_Pdf_Page::SIZE_LETTER_LANDSCAPE); } elseif ( strtoupper($this->deploy['size'] = 'LETTER') && strtoupper($this->deploy['orientation']) != 'LANDSCAPE' ) { $page = $pdf->newPage(Zend_Pdf_Page::SIZE_LETTER); } elseif ( strtoupper($this->deploy['size'] != 'A4') && strtoupper($this->deploy['orientation']) == 'LANDSCAPE' ) { $page = $pdf->newPage(Zend_Pdf_Page::SIZE_A4_LANDSCAPE); } else { $page = $pdf->newPage(Zend_Pdf_Page::SIZE_A4); } $page->setStyle($style); $pdf->pages[] = $page; $font = Zend_Pdf_Font::fontWithName(Zend_Pdf_Font::FONT_HELVETICA); $page->setFont($font, 14); //logotipo Federação $font = Zend_Pdf_Font::fontWithName(Zend_Pdf_Font::FONT_HELVETICA); if ( file_exists($this->deploy['logo']) ) { $image = Zend_Pdf_Image::imageWithPath($this->deploy['logo']); list ($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($this->deploy['logo']); $page->drawImage($image, 40, $page->getHeight() - $height - 40, 40 + $width, $page->getHeight() - 40); } $page->drawText($this->__($this->deploy['title']), $width + 70, $page->getHeight() - 70, $this->getCharEncoding()); $page->setFont($font, $cellFontSize); $page->drawText($this->__($this->deploy['subtitle']), $width + 70, $page->getHeight() - 80, $this->getCharEncoding()); //Iniciar a contagem de páginas $pagina = 1; $page->drawText($this->deploy['footer'], 40, 40, $this->getCharEncoding()); if ( @$this->deploy['noPagination'] != 1 ) { $page->drawText($this->__($this->deploy['page']) . ' ' . $pagina . '/' . $totalPaginas, $page->getWidth() - (strlen($this->__($this->deploy['page'])) * $cellFontSize) - 50, 40, $this->getCharEncoding()); } $page->setFont($font, $cellFontSize); $pl = $page->getWidth() - 80; $i = 0; foreach ( $larg as $final ) { $cell[$i] = round($final * $pl / $total_len); $i ++; } $total_celulas = count($titulos); if ( $this->getInfo('hRow,title') != '' ) { $total_celulas --; } $largura = ($page->getWidth() - 80) / $total_celulas; $altura = $page->getHeight() - 120; $i = 0; $page->setFont($font, $cellFontSize + 1); foreach ( $titulos as $value ) { if ( ($value['field'] != $this->getInfo('hRow,field') && $this->getInfo('hRow,title') != '') || $this->getInfo('hRow,title') == '' ) { if ( (int) $la == 0 ) { $largura1 = 40; } else { $largura1 = $cell[$i - 1] + $largura1; } $page->setStyle($topo); $page->drawRectangle($largura1, $altura - 4, $largura1 + $cell[$i] + 1, $altura + 12); $page->setStyle($styleText); $page->drawText($value['value'], $largura1 + 2, $altura, $this->getCharEncoding()); $la = $largura1; $i ++; } } $page->setFont($font, $cellFontSize); $page->setStyle($style); ///////////// if ( is_array($grid) ) { ///////////////// if ( $this->getInfo('hRow,title') != '' ) { $bar = $grid; $hbar = trim($this->getInfo('hRow,field')); $p = 0; foreach ( $grid[0] as $value ) { if ( $value['field'] == $hbar ) { $hRowIndex = $p; } $p ++; } $aa = 0; } ////////////// ////////////// ////////////// $ia = 0; $aa = 0; foreach ( $grid as $value ) { if ( $altura <= 80 ) { // Add new page to the document if ( strtoupper($this->deploy['size'] = 'LETTER') && strtoupper($this->deploy['orientation']) == 'LANDSCAPE' ) { $page = $pdf->newPage(Zend_Pdf_Page::SIZE_LETTER_LANDSCAPE); } elseif ( strtoupper($this->deploy['size'] = 'LETTER') && strtoupper($this->deploy['orientation']) != 'LANDSCAPE' ) { $page = $pdf->newPage(Zend_Pdf_Page::SIZE_LETTER); } elseif ( strtoupper($this->deploy['size'] != 'A4') && strtoupper($this->deploy['orientation']) == 'LANDSCAPE' ) { $page = $pdf->newPage(Zend_Pdf_Page::SIZE_A4_LANDSCAPE); } else { $page = $pdf->newPage(Zend_Pdf_Page::SIZE_A4); } $page->setStyle($style); $pdf->pages[] = $page; $pagina ++; $font = Zend_Pdf_Font::fontWithName(Zend_Pdf_Font::FONT_HELVETICA); $page->setFont($font, 14); //logotipo Federação $font = Zend_Pdf_Font::fontWithName(Zend_Pdf_Font::FONT_HELVETICA); if ( file_exists($this->deploy['logo']) ) { $image = Zend_Pdf_Image::imageWithPath($this->deploy['logo']); list ($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($this->deploy['logo']); $page->drawImage($image, 40, $page->getHeight() - $height - 40, 40 + $width, $page->getHeight() - 40); } $page->drawText($this->__($this->deploy['title']), $width + 70, $page->getHeight() - 70, $this->getCharEncoding()); $page->setFont($font, $cellFontSize); $page->drawText($this->__($this->deploy['subtitle']), $width + 70, $page->getHeight() - 80, $this->getCharEncoding()); //set font $altura = $page->getHeight() - 120; $page->drawText($this->__($this->deploy['footer']), 40, 40, $this->getCharEncoding()); if ( $this->deploy['noPagination'] != 1 ) { $page->drawText($this->__($this->deploy['page']) . ' ' . $pagina . '/' . $totalPaginas, $page->getWidth() - (strlen($this->__($this->deploy['page'])) * $cellFontSize) - 50, 40, $this->getCharEncoding()); } //Colocar novamento os títulos em cada página reset($titulos); $i = 0; $largura1 = 40; $page->setFont($font, $cellFontSize + 1); foreach ( $titulos as $title ) { if ( ($title['field'] != $this->getInfo('hRow,field') && $this->getInfo('hRow,title') != '') || $this->getInfo('hRow,title') == '' ) { if ( (int) $la == 0 ) { $largura1 = 40; } else { $largura1 = $cell[$i - 1] + $largura1; } $page->setStyle($topo); $page->drawRectangle($largura1, $altura - 4, $largura1 + $cell[$i] + 1, $altura + 12); $page->setStyle($style); $page->drawText($title['value'], $largura1 + 2, $altura, $this->getCharEncoding()); $la = $largura1; $i ++; } } $page->setFont($font, $cellFontSize); } $la = 0; $altura = $altura - 16; $i = 0; $tdf = $ia % 2 ? $td : $td2; $a = 1; //////////// //A linha horizontal if ( $this->getInfo('hRow,title') != '' ) { if ( $bar[$aa][$hRowIndex]['value'] != $bar[$aa - 1][$hRowIndex]['value'] ) { $centrar = $page->getWidth() - 80; $centrar = round($centrar / 2) + 30; if ( (int) $la == 0 ) { $largura1 = 40; } else { $largura1 = $cell[$i - 1] + $largura1; } $page->setStyle($hRowStyle); $page->drawRectangle($largura1, $altura - 4, $page->getWidth() - 40, $altura + 12); $page->setStyle($styleText); $page->drawText($bar[$aa][$hRowIndex]['value'], $centrar, $altura, $this->getCharEncoding()); $la = 0; $altura = $altura - 16; } } //////////// //Vamos saber qauntas linhas tem este registo $nlines = array(); $nl = 0; foreach ( $value as $lines ) { $line = $this->widthForStringUsingFontSize(strip_tags(trim($lines['value'])), $font, 8); $nlines[] = ceil($line / $cell[$nl]); $nl ++; } sort($nlines); $totalLines = end($nlines); $nl = 0; foreach ( $value as $value1 ) { $value1['value'] = strip_tags(trim($value1['value'])); if ( ($value1['field'] != $this->getInfo('hRow,field') && $this->getInfo('hRow,title') != '') || $this->getInfo('hRow,title') == '' ) { if ( (int) $la == 0 ) { $largura1 = 40; } else { $largura1 = $cell[$i - 1] + $largura1; } $page->setStyle($tdf); $page->drawRectangle($largura1, $altura - 4, $largura1 + $cell[$i] + 1, $altura + 12); $page->setStyle($styleText); $page->drawText($value1['value'], $largura1 + 2, $altura, $this->getCharEncoding()); $la = $largura1; $i ++; $nl ++; } $a ++; } $aa ++; $ia ++; } } ///////////// $la = 0; $altura = $altura - 16; $i = 0; if ( is_array($sql) ) { foreach ( $sql as $value ) { if ( (int) $la == 0 ) { $largura1 = 40; } else { $largura1 = $cell[$i - 1] + $largura1; } $page->setStyle($styleSql); $page->drawRectangle($largura1, $altura - 4, $largura1 + $cell[$i], $altura + 12); $page->setStyle($styleText); $page->drawText($value['value'], $largura1 + 2, $altura, $this->getCharEncoding()); $la = $largura1; $la = $largura1; $i ++; } } $pdf->save($this->deploy['dir'] . $this->deploy['name'] . '.pdf'); if ( $this->deploy['download'] == 1 ) { header('Content-type: application/pdf'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $this->deploy['name'] . '.pdf"'); readfile($this->deploy['dir'] . $this->deploy['name'] . '.pdf'); } if ( $this->deploy['save'] != 1 ) { unlink($this->deploy['dir'] . $this->deploy['name'] . '.pdf'); } die(); } }