<?php include_once("sqlitepdo.class.php"); #create new sqlite database object($dblink) $dblink = new sqlitePDO("step7", "sqlite3"); #connect to sqlite3 database $dblink->connect(); #query sqlite3 database $qry = "SELECT * FROM currval ORDER BY currid ASC LIMIT 5"; $dblink->query($qry); #data is fed via an array #this example shows array values used to format as xml, html, urlencoded data. #create a tableheader array $tharr = array( 'ID', 'Currency', 'Value' ); #create a tablecell array $tdarr = array( 'currid', 'currname', 'currval' ); #EXAMPLE 1: Outputting data in html tablulated format #specify a css class for table (optional) # $css = 'tablelist'; $dblink->showDataAsTable($tharr, $tdarr, $css); #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #EXAMPLE 2: Outputting data in urlencoded format( useful for flash fed data) #specify the name of the variable that will hold urlencoded data ($varname) #$varname = "data"; #$dblink->showDataAsURLEncoded($varname, $tharr, $tdarr); #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #EXAMPLE 3: output data as xml #specify (a) the outer xml tag ($otag) and #(b) the inner xml tag($itag) that will encase the xml data - adhering to well-formedness rule. #eg: #<?xml version="1.0"?\> # <$otag> # <$itag> # <itemtitle>item</itemtitle> # <itemtitle>item</itemtitle> # <itemtitle>item</itemtitle> # </$itag> # </$otag> #$otag = "currencydata"; #$itag = "currency"; #$dblink->showDataAsXML($otag, $itag, $tharr, $tdarr); #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #EXAMPLE 4: write data to xml file #$otag = "currencydata"; #$itag = "currency"; #$dblink->writeDataToXMLFile($otag, $itag, $tharr, $tdarr);