error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE | E_NOTICE);
require_once ('include/easy_console.php');
* Lets use static class to perform simple math example...
class Some_User_Class{
/*!variable with the same name as mathod treats as description*/
public static $plus = "Basic sum - Adds [a] to [b] / or [a] ++ (if 1 argument posted)";
public static function plus($arg){
/*Using easy_console to chek parameters*/
if (easy_console::chek_arg($arg, 1, 2)) return;
if (count($arg) == 2){
echo $arg[1]."++ = ".$arg[1]++;
echo "!!!!!!!!!!!\n";
echo $arg[1]." + ".$arg[2]." = ".($arg[1] + $arg[2]);
echo "\n";
/*if no description added - (no info) will be shown" /*
/*No parameters getting, no cheking*/
public function dir(){
$dir = '.';
$files1 = scandir($dir);
public static $quit = "";
public function quit($a){
/*Using static private variable...*/
static $name = "Unknown";
/*only public methods are commands*/
private function Change_Name($a){
Some_User_Class::$name = $a;
public static $chn = "Show or Change name (Takes 0 or 2 arguments)";
public function chn($arg){
if (easy_console::chek_arg($arg, 0, 1)) return;
if (count($arg) == 2){
} else {
echo (Some_User_Class::$name)."\n";