* @Project kxc-php
* @author colin.mckinnon
* KeePassWriter provides an API wrapper around the
* Keepassxc-cli binary, allowing the creation
* of a KeePass database.
* No data is committed to the local storage unencrypted (unless in swap)
require_once('kpx_icons.inc.php'); // define contstants to describe icons
class KeePassWriter {
private $filename;
private $passphrase;
private $data;
private $exec; // path to keepassxc-cli binary
private $timeout;
public $keepass_error; // will contain any errors reported by the keepassxc-cli runtime
* param string $filename path to write database to (dirs will created if permitted) MUST NOT EXIST!
* param string $passphrase passphrase used to encrypt the data
* Permform some sanity checks and prepare the stub data
function __construct($filename, $passphrase, $timeout=30, $exec=false)
$this->changeParams($filename, $passphrase);
if ($exec && !is_executable($exec)) {
trigger_error("Supplied path for keepassxc-cli is not executable", E_USER_ERROR);
if (!$exec) {
if (!function_exists('posix_mkfifo')) {
trigger_error("KeePassWriter requires the POSIX extension", E_USER_ERROR);
if ((integer)$timeout) {
} else {
$this->keepass_error="Not yet invoked";
$this->Data=array('Name'=>'Root', 'IconID'=>KPX_ICON_DEFAULT, 'Notes'=>'', 'g'=>array(), 'e'=>array());
* @param string $filename - set the path for the new database
* @param string $passphrase - set the passphrase for the new database
* It's a rather involved process populating the dataset. This method is here to simplify
* the creation of multiple instances with different passphrases without
* having to regenerate the data structure
public function changeParams($filename, $passphrase)
if (file_exists($filename)) {
trigger_error("File already exists", E_USER_ERROR);
if (!is_dir($path) && !mkdir($path, true)) {
trigger_error("Path does not exist / cannot be created", E_USER_ERROR);
* @param resource $handle Open file handle to write data to
* Normally this should not be called directly but is exposed as a public
* function for debugging purposes ( $kpx->writedata(STDOUT); )
public function writedata($handle)
fputs($handle, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?>\n");
fputs($handle, "<KeePassFile>\n<Root>\n");
$this->writegroups($handle, $this->data['Root']);
fputs($handle, "</Root>\n</KeePassFile>\n");
private function writegroups($handle, $arr)
fputs($handle, "<Group>\n<Name>"
. htmlspecialchars($arr['Name'], ENT_XML1, 'UTF-8')
. "</Name>");
if (isset($arr['Notes'])) {
fputs($handle, "<Notes>"
. htmlspecialchars($arr['Notes'], ENT_XML1, 'UTF-8')
. "</Notes>\n");
if (!isset($arr['IconID']) || !(integer)$arr['IconID']) {
$arr['IconID']=KPX_ICON_DEFAULT; // Default folder
fputs($handle, "<IconID>" . (integer)$arr['IconID'] . "</IconID>\n");
foreach($arr['g'] as $subgroup) {
$this->writegroups($handle, $subgroup);
foreach($arr['e'] as $entry) {
fputs($handle, "<Entry>\n$entry\n</Entry>\n");
fputs($handle, "</Group>\n");
* param string $path Hierarchy of groups written as a file path e.g. infrastructure/switches/Cisco
* param string $notes Any runtime supplied description of the group
* param integer $icon id for one of the Keepassxc icons
* Keepass "Groups" are folders - analogous to directories on a filesystem
* At the top level, Keepass has a group named "Root" but this is automatically added by this lib
public function addgroup($path, $notes, $icon=false)
$parts=explode("/", "Root/" . trim($path, " /\r\n"));
$this->buildpath($parts, $this->data, $notes, $icon);
* Recursive slave function to addgroup() method
private function buildpath($parts, &$arr, $notes, $icon)
if (!isset($arr[$part])) {
$arr[$part]=array('Name'=>$part, 'e'=>array(), 'g'=>array());
if (count($parts)) {
$this->buildpath($parts, $arr[$part]['g'], $notes, $icon);
} else {
* param string $path See "addgroup" method
* param string $title The name for the secret record
* param string $username The account name on the target
* param string $secret The authentication token (usually a password) for the target
* param string $url The URL for the target
* param string $notes Any runtime supplied description of the record
* Creates the XML for a secret record and places it in the specified group hierarchy
public function additem($path, $title, $username, $secret, $url, $notes)
. htmlspecialchars($title, ENT_XML1, 'UTF-8')
. "</Value></String>\n"
. "<String><Key>UserName</Key><Value>"
. htmlspecialchars($username, ENT_XML1, 'UTF-8')
. "</Value></String>\n"
. "<String><Key>Password</Key><Value ProtectInMemory=\"True\">"
. htmlspecialchars($secret, ENT_XML1, 'UTF-8')
. "</Value></String>\n"
. "<String><Key>URL</Key><Value>"
. htmlspecialchars($url, ENT_XML1, 'UTF-8')
. "</Value></String>\n"
. "<String><Key>Notes</Key><Value>"
. htmlspecialchars($notes, ENT_XML1, 'UTF-8')
. "</Value></String>";
$parts=explode("/", "Root/" . trim($path, " /\r\n"));
$this->builditem($parts, $this->data, $item);
* Recursive slave function to additem method
private function builditem($pathparts, &$arr, $item)
if (!isset($arr[$pathpart]) || !is_array($arr[$pathpart])) {
$arr[$pathpart]=array('Name'=>$pathpart, 'g'=>array(), 'e'=>array());
if (count($pathparts)) {
$this->builditem($pathparts, $arr[$pathpart]['g'], $item);
} else {
* Create a Keepass data using the previously supplied data
* this gets complicated due to the fact that opening a FIFO for writing
* blocks until a reader also opens the file.
* To deal with this, the code calls pcntl_fork()
* - the child opens the FIFO, sends the data in and exits
* - the original process starts keepassxc-cli and sends it the passphrase
* then waits to see how keepassxc-cli responds
* Hopefully the OS memory COW means that we don't double the memory usage!
function createdb()
// print "assigned filename $tmpfile\n";
// print "Master process is " . getmypid() . "\n";
if (-1 == $pid) {
trigger_error("Failed to fork", E_USER_ERROR);
if (0==$pid) {
// this is the spawned process
// which will write to the fifo
// print "Writer process is " . getmypid() . "\n";
} else {
// this is the controlling process
return $result;
* @param string $tmpfile path+name of fifo
* Invoked in the child process ONLY
private function datasender($tmpfile)
if (function_exists('pcntl_async_signals')) {
pcntl_signal(SIGALRM, array($this, 'timeout'));
pcntl_alarm($this->timeout); // Note, only set in child
$fifo=fopen($tmpfile, "w"); // this blocks until fifo also open for reading
// hence earlier pcntl_fork()
// print "opened fifo for write\n";
if (!is_resource($fifo)) {
trigger_error("Failed to open fifo for write", E_USER_ERROR);
// print "fifo opened\n";
// print "data sent\n";
// print "datasender has closed fifo\n";
* in case child gets blocked indefinitely....
function timeout()
* @param string $tmpfile path+name of fifo
* @param string $pid process id of forked (child) instance
* @return bool true if database created
* invoked in the parent process ONLY
private function controlslaves($tmpfile, $pid)
0 => array('pipe', 'r'),
1 => array('pipe', 'w'),
2 => array('pipe', 'w'));
$cmd=$this->exec . " import " . escapeshellarg($tmpfile) . " " . escapeshellarg($this->filename);
$proc=proc_open($cmd, $iodef, $io, sys_get_temp_dir());
if (!is_resource($proc)) {
trigger_error("Failed to invoke executable");
$this->keepass_error="KeePass import process invoked";
// print "Key set\n";
// $cmd will now open the fifo and start reading from it.
// we wait for the sender to finish....
pcntl_waitpid($pid, $status);
if (!pcntl_wifexited($status)) { // did it fail to exit cleanly?
trigger_error("Forked instance did not exit cleanly", E_USER_WARNING);
} else {
if (!strstr($response, 'Successfully imported database')) {
// print "response=$response\n====\nerr=$err_response\n";
return $result;
* Generate a unique filename for the FIFO
* (to mitigate but not eliminate MITM)
private function mkfifo()
$tmpfile=tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), "KPX");
if (!$tmpfile) {
trigger_error("Failed to create pipe file", E_USER_ERROR);
if (!posix_mkfifo($tmpfile, 0600)) {
trigger_error("Failed to create fifo", E_USER_ERROR);
return $tmpfile;
* @param array $io the 3 file handles created by proc_open
private function setpassphrase($io)
while (!feof($io[2])) {
fputs(STDOUT, $c);
if (':'==$c) {
if (feof($io[2]) || $prompt!='Enter password to encrypt database (optional):') {
trigger_error("Unexpected prompt from executable " . base64_encode($prompt), E_USER_ERROR);
fputs($io[0], $this->passphrase . "\n");
while (!feof($io[2])) {
if (':'==$c) {
if (feof($io[2]) || $prompt!='Repeat password:') {
trigger_error("Unexpected second prompt from executable " . base64_encode($prompt), E_USER_ERROR);
fputs($io[0], $this->passphrase . "\n");