PHP Classes

File: .github/workflows/test.yml

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  Classes of Marcel Pociot   BotMan   .github/workflows/test.yml   Download  
File: .github/workflows/test.yml
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: BotMan
A framework agnostic PHP library to build chat bot
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 4 years ago
Size: 3,735 bytes


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name: Run tests on: push env: REDIS_HOST: REDIS_PORT: 6380 jobs: php-tests: runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} strategy: fail-fast: false max-parallel: 15 matrix: php: [7.4, 7.3, 7.2, 7.1] laravel: [6.*, 5.8.*, 5.7.*, 5.6.*, 5.5.*] dependency-version: [prefer-stable] os: [ubuntu-latest] redis-versions: [5-alpine] exclude: - laravel: 6.* php: 7.1 - laravel: 5.7.* php: 7.4 - laravel: 5.6.* php: 7.4 - laravel: 5.5.* php: 7.4 name: P${{ matrix.php }} - L${{ matrix.laravel }} - Insecure steps: - name: Checkout code uses: actions/checkout@v1 - name: Setup PHP uses: shivammathur/setup-php@v2 with: php-version: ${{ matrix.php }} ini-values: variables_order="EGPCS" extensions: dom, curl, libxml, mbstring, zip, pcntl, pdo, sqlite, pdo_sqlite, bcmath, redis coverage: none - name: Cache dependencies uses: actions/cache@v2 with: path: ~/.composer/cache/files key: dependencies-laravel-${{ matrix.laravel }}-php-${{ matrix.php }}-composer-${{ hashFiles('composer.json') }} - name: Run redis without a password run: | docker run --rm --name redis -p $REDIS_PORT:6379 -d redis:${{ matrix.redis-versions }} - name: Check which docker images is running run: docker ps -a - name: Install dependencies run: | composer require "laravel/framework:${{ matrix.laravel }}" --no-interaction --no-update composer update --${{ matrix.dependency-version }} --prefer-dist --no-interaction --no-suggest - name: Execute tests run: vendor/bin/phpunit --exclude-group=redis-secure redis-with-password: runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} env: REDIS_PASS: secret REDIS_SECURE: true strategy: max-parallel: 15 fail-fast: false matrix: php: [7.4, 7.3, 7.2, 7.1] laravel: [6.*, 5.8.*, 5.7.*, 5.6.*, 5.5.*] dependency-version: [prefer-stable] os: [ubuntu-latest] redis-versions: [5-alpine] exclude: - laravel: 6.* php: 7.1 - laravel: 5.7.* php: 7.4 - laravel: 5.6.* php: 7.4 - laravel: 5.5.* php: 7.4 name: P${{ matrix.php }} - L${{ matrix.laravel }} - Secure steps: - name: Checkout code uses: actions/checkout@v1 - name: Setup PHP uses: shivammathur/setup-php@v2 with: php-version: ${{ matrix.php }} ini-values: variables_order="EGPCS" extensions: dom, curl, libxml, mbstring, zip, pcntl, pdo, sqlite, pdo_sqlite, bcmath, redis coverage: none - name: Cache dependencies uses: actions/cache@v2 with: path: ~/.composer/cache/files key: dependencies-laravel-${{ matrix.laravel }}-php-${{ matrix.php }}-composer-${{ hashFiles('composer.json') }} - name: Run redis with a password run: | docker run --rm --name redis -p $REDIS_PORT:6379 -d redis:${{ matrix.redis-versions }} redis-server --requirepass "secret" --port 6379 - name: Install dependencies run: | composer require "laravel/framework:${{ matrix.laravel }}" --no-interaction --no-update composer update --${{ matrix.dependency-version }} --prefer-dist --no-interaction --no-suggest - name: Check that redis is still alive run: docker ps -a - name: Execute tests run: vendor/bin/phpunit --exclude-group=redis-insecure