require_once 'autoloader.php';
require_once 'XFPDFExample.class.php';
$pdf = new ExampleXPDF();
// set some file information
$pdf->SetInfo('XFPDF', 'Example', 'PHP classes', 'Keyword1, Keyword2, ...');
$pdf->SetPageHeader('Create PDF Table', 'using extpdf package from PHPClasses.org');
// prepare grid and just insert a bulk of lines
$date = time();
for ($iRow = 1; $iRow <= 100; $iRow++) {
// just a simple demo - most cases data comes from DB-query ;-)
$row = array(
'text' => 'Text in var Col, Line ' . $iRow,
'weight' => (rand(10, 500) / 10),
'date' => date('Y-m-d', $date),
'price' => (rand(10, 2000) / 9),
'grp_id' => rand(1, 4)
$date += 24 * 60 * 60;
// ...and end of the grid