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File: xoops_version.php

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File: xoops_version.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: XOOPS Modules Builder
Generate new modules for the XOOPS CMS
Author: By
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Date: 3 years ago
Size: 20,856 bytes


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<?php /* You may not change or alter any portion of this comment or credits of supporting developers from this source code or any supporting source code which is considered copyrighted (c) material of the original comment or credit authors. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. */ /** * modulebuilder module. * * @copyright XOOPS Project ( * @license GNU GPL 2 ( * * @since 2.5.7 * * @author Txmod Xoops */ \defined('XOOPS_ROOT_PATH') || die('Restricted access'); $moduleDirName = \basename(__DIR__); $moduleDirNameUpper = \mb_strtoupper($moduleDirName); $modversion['version'] = 3.04; $modversion['module_status'] = 'Final'; $modversion['release_date'] = '2020/11/11'; $modversion['name'] = _MI_MODULEBUILDER_NAME; $modversion['description'] = _MI_MODULEBUILDER_DESC; $modversion['author'] = 'Xoops TDM'; $modversion['author_website_url'] = ''; $modversion['author_website_name'] = 'Xoops Team Developers Module'; $modversion['author_mail'] = ''; $modversion['credits'] = 'Mamba(Xoops), Timgno(Txmod Xoops), Goffy(German Xoops)'; $modversion['help'] = 'page=help'; $modversion['license'] = 'GNU GPL 2.0 or later'; $modversion['license_url'] = ''; $modversion['release_info'] = 'README'; $modversion['release_file'] = ''; $modversion['manual'] = 'MANUAL'; $modversion['manual_file'] = XOOPS_URL . "/modules/{$moduleDirName}/docs/manual.txt"; $modversion['image'] = "assets/images/logoModule.png"; $modversion['dirname'] = $moduleDirName; // Frameworks icons $modversion['dirmoduleadmin'] = '/Frameworks/moduleclasses/moduleadmin'; $modversion['sysicons16'] = '../../Frameworks/moduleclasses/icons/16'; $modversion['sysicons32'] = '../../Frameworks/moduleclasses/icons/32'; // Module icons $modversion['modicons16'] = 'assets/images/icons/16'; $modversion['modicons32'] = 'assets/images/icons/32'; $modversion['targetdir'] = XOOPS_UPLOAD_PATH . "/{$moduleDirName}/repository/"; $modversion['module_website_url'] = ''; $modversion['module_website_name'] = 'GitHub Xoops'; $modversion['min_php'] = '7.2'; $modversion['min_xoops'] = '2.5.11'; $modversion['min_admin'] = '1.2'; $modversion['min_db'] = ['mysql' => '5.5']; //about $modversion['demo_site_url'] = ''; $modversion['demo_site_name'] = 'Xoops TDM'; $modversion['forum_site_url'] = ''; $modversion['forum_site_name'] = 'ModuleBuilder 3.03 for Testing'; $modversion['module_website_name'] = 'Xoops TDM'; // Admin things $modversion['system_menu'] = 1; $modversion['hasAdmin'] = 1; $modversion['adminindex'] = 'admin/index.php'; $modversion['adminmenu'] = 'admin/menu.php'; // Templates admin $modversion['templates'][] = ['file' => 'modulebuilder_about.tpl', 'description' => '', 'type' => 'admin']; $modversion['templates'][] = ['file' => 'modulebuilder_building.tpl', 'description' => '', 'type' => 'admin']; $modversion['templates'][] = ['file' => 'modulebuilder_fields.tpl', 'description' => '', 'type' => 'admin']; $modversion['templates'][] = ['file' => 'modulebuilder_fields_item.tpl', 'description' => '', 'type' => 'admin']; $modversion['templates'][] = ['file' => 'modulebuilder_footer.tpl', 'description' => '', 'type' => 'admin']; $modversion['templates'][] = ['file' => 'modulebuilder_header.tpl', 'description' => '', 'type' => 'admin']; $modversion['templates'][] = ['file' => 'modulebuilder_index.tpl', 'description' => '', 'type' => 'admin']; $modversion['templates'][] = ['file' => 'modulebuilder_modules.tpl', 'description' => '', 'type' => 'admin']; $modversion['templates'][] = ['file' => 'modulebuilder_tables.tpl', 'description' => '', 'type' => 'admin']; $modversion['templates'][] = ['file' => 'modulebuilder_tables_item.tpl', 'description' => '', 'type' => 'admin']; $modversion['templates'][] = ['file' => 'modulebuilder_settings.tpl', 'description' => '', 'type' => 'admin']; $modversion['templates'][] = ['file' => 'modulebuilder_morefiles.tpl', 'description' => '', 'type' => 'admin']; $modversion['templates'][] = ['file' => 'modulebuilder_devtools.tpl', 'description' => '', 'type' => 'admin']; // ------------------- Mysql ------------------- // $modversion['sqlfile']['mysql'] = 'sql/mysql.sql'; // Tables created by sql file (without prefix!) $modversion['tables'] = [ $moduleDirName . '_' . 'settings', $moduleDirName . '_' . 'modules', $moduleDirName . '_' . 'tables', $moduleDirName . '_' . 'fields', $moduleDirName . '_' . 'languages', $moduleDirName . '_' . 'fieldtype', $moduleDirName . '_' . 'fieldattributes', $moduleDirName . '_' . 'fieldnull', $moduleDirName . '_' . 'fieldkey', $moduleDirName . '_' . 'fieldelements', $moduleDirName . '_' . 'morefiles', ]; // Scripts to run upon installation or update $modversion['onInstall'] = 'include/install.php'; $modversion['onUpdate'] = 'include/update.php'; // Menu $modversion['hasMain'] = 0; // Config $c = 1; $modversion['config'][] = [ 'name' => 'break' . $c, 'title' => '_MI_MODULEBUILDER_CONFIG_BREAK_GENERAL', 'description' => '_MI_MODULEBUILDER_CONFIG_', 'formtype' => 'line_break', 'valuetype' => 'textbox', 'default' => 'head', ]; \xoops_load('xoopseditorhandler'); $editorHandler = \XoopsEditorHandler::getInstance(); $modversion['config'][] = [ 'name' => 'modulebuilder_editor', 'title' => '_MI_MODULEBUILDER_CONFIG_EDITOR', 'description' => '_MI_MODULEBUILDER_CONFIG_EDITOR_DESC', 'formtype' => 'select', 'valuetype' => 'text', 'default' => 'dhtml', 'options' => array_flip($editorHandler->getList()), ]; $modversion['config'][] = [ //Uploads : mimetypes 'name' => 'mimetypes_image', 'title' => '_MI_MODULEBUILDER_CONFIG_MIMETYPES_IMAGE', 'description' => '_MI_MODULEBUILDER_CONFIG_MIMETYPES_IMAGE_DESC', 'formtype' => 'textbox', 'valuetype' => 'text', 'default' => 'gif|jpeg|jpg|pjpeg|png', ]; $modversion['config'][] = [ //Uploads : maxsize 'name' => 'maxsize_image', 'title' => '_MI_MODULEBUILDER_CONFIG_MAXSIZE_IMAGE', 'description' => '_MI_MODULEBUILDER_CONFIG_MAXSIZE_IMAGE_DESC', 'formtype' => 'textbox', 'valuetype' => 'int', 'default' => '5000000', ]; $modversion['config'][] = [ 'name' => 'settings_adminpager', 'title' => '_MI_MODULEBUILDER_CONFIG_SETTINGS_ADMINPAGER', 'description' => '_MI_MODULEBUILDER_CONFIG_SETTINGS_ADMINPAGER_DESC', 'formtype' => 'textbox', 'valuetype' => 'int', 'default' => 10, ]; $modversion['config'][] = [ 'name' => 'modules_adminpager', 'title' => '_MI_MODULEBUILDER_CONFIG_MODULES_ADMINPAGER', 'description' => '_MI_MODULEBUILDER_CONFIG_MODULES_ADMINPAGER_DESC', 'formtype' => 'textbox', 'valuetype' => 'int', 'default' => 10, ]; $modversion['config'][] = [ 'name' => 'tables_adminpager', 'title' => '_MI_MODULEBUILDER_CONFIG_TABLES_ADMINPAGER', 'description' => '_MI_MODULEBUILDER_CONFIG_TABLES_ADMINPAGER_DESC', 'formtype' => 'textbox', 'valuetype' => 'int', 'default' => 10, ]; $modversion['config'][] = [ 'name' => 'fields_adminpager', 'title' => '_MI_MODULEBUILDER_CONFIG_FIELDS_ADMINPAGER', 'description' => '_MI_MODULEBUILDER_CONFIG_FIELDS_ADMINPAGER_DESC', 'formtype' => 'textbox', 'valuetype' => 'int', 'default' => 10, ]; $modversion['config'][] = [ 'name' => 'morefiles_adminpager', 'title' => '_MI_MODULEBUILDER_CONFIG_MOREFILES_ADMINPAGER', 'description' => '_MI_MODULEBUILDER_CONFIG_MOREFILES_ADMINPAGER_DESC', 'formtype' => 'textbox', 'valuetype' => 'int', 'default' => 10, ]; ++$c; $modversion['config'][] = [ 'name' => 'break' . $c, 'title' => '_MI_MODULEBUILDER_CONFIG_BREAK_REQUIRED', 'description' => '_MI_MODULEBUILDER_CONFIG_', 'formtype' => 'line_break', 'valuetype' => 'textbox', 'default' => 'head', ]; $modversion['config'][] = [ 'name' => 'name', 'title' => '_MI_MODULEBUILDER_CONFIG_NAME', 'description' => '_MI_MODULEBUILDER_CONFIG_', 'formtype' => 'textbox', 'valuetype' => 'text', 'default' => 'My Module', ]; $modversion['config'][] = [ 'name' => 'dirname', 'title' => '_MI_MODULEBUILDER_CONFIG_DIRNAME', 'description' => '_MI_MODULEBUILDER_CONFIG_', 'formtype' => 'textbox', 'valuetype' => 'text', 'default' => 'mymoduledirname', ]; $modversion['config'][] = [ 'name' => 'version', 'title' => '_MI_MODULEBUILDER_CONFIG_VERSION', 'description' => '_MI_MODULEBUILDER_CONFIG_', 'formtype' => 'textbox', 'valuetype' => 'text', 'default' => '1.0', ]; $modversion['config'][] = [ 'name' => 'since', 'title' => '_MI_MODULEBUILDER_CONFIG_SINCE', 'description' => '_MI_MODULEBUILDER_CONFIG_', 'formtype' => 'textbox', 'valuetype' => 'text', 'default' => '1.0', ]; $modversion['config'][] = [ 'name' => 'min_php', 'title' => '_MI_MODULEBUILDER_CONFIG_MIN_PHP', 'description' => '_MI_MODULEBUILDER_CONFIG_', 'formtype' => 'textbox', 'valuetype' => 'text', 'default' => '5.5', ]; $modversion['config'][] = [ 'name' => 'min_xoops', 'title' => '_MI_MODULEBUILDER_CONFIG_MIN_XOOPS', 'description' => '_MI_MODULEBUILDER_CONFIG_', 'formtype' => 'textbox', 'valuetype' => 'text', 'default' => '2.5.9', ]; $modversion['config'][] = [ 'name' => 'min_admin', 'title' => '_MI_MODULEBUILDER_CONFIG_MIN_ADMIN', 'description' => '_MI_MODULEBUILDER_CONFIG_', 'formtype' => 'textbox', 'valuetype' => 'text', 'default' => '1.2', ]; $modversion['config'][] = [ 'name' => 'min_mysql', 'title' => '_MI_MODULEBUILDER_CONFIG_MIN_MYSQL', 'description' => '_MI_MODULEBUILDER_CONFIG_', 'formtype' => 'textbox', 'valuetype' => 'text', 'default' => '5.5', ]; $modversion['config'][] = [ 'name' => 'description', 'title' => '_MI_MODULEBUILDER_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION', 'description' => '_MI_MODULEBUILDER_CONFIG_', 'formtype' => 'textarea', 'valuetype' => 'text', 'default' => 'This module is for doing following...', ]; $modversion['config'][] = [ 'name' => 'author', 'title' => '_MI_MODULEBUILDER_CONFIG_AUTHOR', 'description' => '_MI_MODULEBUILDER_CONFIG_', 'formtype' => 'textbox', 'valuetype' => 'text', 'default' => 'XOOPS Development Team', ]; $modversion['config'][] = [ 'name' => 'image', 'title' => '_MI_MODULEBUILDER_CONFIG_IMAGE', 'description' => '_MI_MODULEBUILDER_CONFIG_', 'formtype' => 'textbox', 'valuetype' => 'text', 'default' => 'empty.png', ]; $modversion['config'][] = [ 'name' => 'display_admin', 'title' => '_MI_MODULEBUILDER_CONFIG_DISPLAY_ADMIN_SIDE', 'description' => '_MI_MODULEBUILDER_CONFIG_', 'formtype' => 'yesno', 'valuetype' => 'int', 'default' => 1, ]; $modversion['config'][] = [ 'name' => 'display_user', 'title' => '_MI_MODULEBUILDER_CONFIG_DISPLAY_USER_SIDE', 'description' => '_MI_MODULEBUILDER_CONFIG_', 'formtype' => 'yesno', 'valuetype' => 'int', 'default' => 1, ]; $modversion['config'][] = [ 'name' => 'active_blocks', 'title' => '_MI_MODULEBUILDER_CONFIG_ACTIVE_BLOCKS', 'description' => '_MI_MODULEBUILDER_CONFIG_', 'formtype' => 'yesno', 'valuetype' => 'int', 'default' => 1, ]; $modversion['config'][] = [ 'name' => 'active_search', 'title' => '_MI_MODULEBUILDER_CONFIG_ACTIVE_SEARCH', 'description' => '_MI_MODULEBUILDER_CONFIG_', 'formtype' => 'yesno', 'valuetype' => 'int', 'default' => 0, ]; $modversion['config'][] = [ 'name' => 'active_comments', 'title' => '_MI_MODULEBUILDER_CONFIG_ACTIVE_COMMENTS', 'description' => '_MI_MODULEBUILDER_CONFIG_', 'formtype' => 'yesno', 'valuetype' => 'int', 'default' => 0, ]; $modversion['config'][] = [ 'name' => 'active_notifications', 'title' => '_MI_MODULEBUILDER_CONFIG_ACTIVE_NOTIFICATIONS', 'description' => '_MI_MODULEBUILDER_CONFIG_', 'formtype' => 'yesno', 'valuetype' => 'int', 'default' => 0, ]; $modversion['config'][] = [ 'name' => 'active_permissions', 'title' => '_MI_MODULEBUILDER_CONFIG_ACTIVE_PERMISSIONS', 'description' => '_MI_MODULEBUILDER_CONFIG_', 'formtype' => 'yesno', 'valuetype' => 'int', 'default' => 0, ]; $modversion['config'][] = [ 'name' => 'inroot_copy', 'title' => '_MI_MODULEBUILDER_CONFIG_INROOT_COPY', 'description' => '_MI_MODULEBUILDER_CONFIG_', 'formtype' => 'yesno', 'valuetype' => 'int', 'default' => 0, ]; ++$c; $modversion['config'][] = [ 'name' => 'break' . $c, 'title' => '_MI_MODULEBUILDER_CONFIG_BREAK_OPTIONAL', 'description' => '_MI_MODULEBUILDER_CONFIG_', 'formtype' => 'line_break', 'valuetype' => 'textbox', 'default' => 'head', ]; $modversion['config'][] = [ 'name' => 'author_email', 'title' => '_MI_MODULEBUILDER_CONFIG_AUTHOR_EMAIL', 'description' => '_MI_MODULEBUILDER_CONFIG_', 'formtype' => 'textbox', 'valuetype' => 'text', 'default' => '', ]; $modversion['config'][] = [ 'name' => 'author_website_url', 'title' => '_MI_MODULEBUILDER_CONFIG_AUTHOR_WEBSITE_URL', 'description' => '_MI_MODULEBUILDER_CONFIG_', 'formtype' => 'textbox', 'valuetype' => 'text', 'default' => '', ]; 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'_' . 'SHOW_SAMPLE_BUTTON', 'description' => 'CO_' . $moduleDirNameUpper . '_' . 'SHOW_SAMPLE_BUTTON_DESC', 'formtype' => 'yesno', 'valuetype' => 'int', 'default' => 1, ]; /** * Show Developer Tools? */ $modversion['config'][] = [ 'name' => 'displayDeveloperTools', 'title' => 'CO_' . $moduleDirNameUpper . '_' . 'SHOW_DEV_TOOLS', 'description' => 'CO_' . $moduleDirNameUpper . '_' . 'SHOW_DEV_TOOLS_DESC', 'formtype' => 'yesno', 'valuetype' => 'int', 'default' => 0, ];