<?php /** * This is a some examples about common operations of class * In order for Parsing & UnParsing examples to be useful * you must import the DB Backup given in DB Stated in your * Config file * @package Examples * @author Mohammed Yousef Bassyouni <harrrrpo@gmail.com> * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License */ /** * Examples on Inserting Types of Tags to DB */ require ("../Config.php"); require ("../BBE_DB_Op.php"); $DBOp=new BBE_DB_Operations(); /** * First Adding a Direct Tag * our example here is the [center] famout BBCode * we replace it with <div> that has the arguments style="text-align: center;" * and give it a priority 1.23 (really just another number and for this case does't have impact) */ $DBOp->Add_Direct_Tag_BB("center","div","style=\"text-align: center;\"",1.23); //------------------------------- /** * Second Adding a Direct word * our example here is the famout :happy: smile * we directly replace it with an image * NOTE : Here a direct Case insensitive replace happen so be careful */ $DBOp->Add_Direct_Word_BB(":happy:","<img src=\"http://arabteam2000-forum.com/style_emoticons/default/happy.gif\" border=\"0\">",3.8); //----------------------------------- /** * Third Adding an Indirect Recursive tag * our example here is for a strange tag UPP to converts to upper case and optionally takes * a Strart and End points (e.g. [UPP Startm Start=2 End=4]Another Sad Story[/UPP]) * First we provide the Replacing function (using heredoc NOTE TAKE CARE OF ESCAPING $ in heredoc * A very Appealing alternative is newdoc if you are using PHP >=5.3) * which is passed two varaibles Start and End * * After that the reversing function which converts BBCode to Html * In inserting we specify tag as recursive (as we can write [UPP] QQ CC[UPP]BB NN MM[/UPP]VV BB[/UPP]) */ $Func=<<<EOF if (!isset(\$Args['Start']) ||!isset(\$Args['End'])) return strtoupper(\$Data); else return strtolower(substr(\$Data,0,\$Args['Start'])).strtoupper(substr(\$Data,\$Args['Start'],\$Args['End']-\$Args['Start']+1)).strtolower(substr(\$Data,\$Args['End']+1)); EOF; $R_Func=<<<EOF \$c=0; \$st=-1; for (\$i=0;\$i<strlen(\$Data);\$i++) { if (\$Data[\$i]<="Z" && \$Data[\$i]>="A") { \$c++; if (\$st==-1)\$st=\$i; } } \$end=\$st+\$c-1; return "[UPP Start={\$st} End={\$end}]".strtolower(\$Data)."[/UPP]"; EOF; $DBOp->Add_Indirect_BB("UPP","",mysql_real_escape_string($Func),"Upper Maker",3.9,1,mysql_real_escape_string($R_Func)); ?>