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File: assets/js/functions.js

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File: assets/js/functions.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: XOOPS Modules Builder
Generate new modules for the XOOPS CMS
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 4 years ago
Size: 4,132 bytes


Class file image Download
/* * JQuery javascript functions * */ function swapImg(swap) { obj = document.getElementById(swap); obj.src = !(obj.src == img_minus) ? img_minus : img_plus; } function showImgSelected2(imgId, selectId, imgDir, extra, xoopsUrl) { if (xoopsUrl == null) { xoopsUrl = "."; } imgDom = xoopsGetElementById(imgId); selectDom = xoopsGetElementById(selectId); if (selectDom.options[selectDom.selectedIndex].value != "") { imgDom.src = xoopsUrl + "/" + imgDir + "/" + selectDom.options[selectDom.selectedIndex].value + extra; } else { imgDom.src = xoopsUrl + "/modules/modulebuilder/assets/images/blank.png"; } } function createNewModuleLogo(xoopsUrl) { // this is JavaScript function iconDom = xoopsGetElementById(image4); iconName = iconDom.src; res = xoopsGetElementById(mod_name).value; caption = res.replace(' ', ''); logoDom = xoopsGetElementById(image3); moduleImageDom = xoopsGetElementById(mod_image); moduleImageSelected = moduleImageDom.options[moduleImageDom.selectedIndex].value; $.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: xoopsUrl + "/class/LogoGenerator.php?f=phpFunction&iconName=" + iconName + "&caption=" + caption, // call php function , phpFunction=function Name , x= parameter data: {}, dataType: "html", success: function (data1) { //alert(data1); logoDom.src = data1.split('\n')[0]; //the data returned has too many lines. We need only the link to the image logoDom.load; //refresh the logo mycheck = caption + '_logo.png'; //name of the new logo file //if file is not in the list of logo files, add it to the dropdown menu var fileExist; elems = moduleImageDom.options; for (var i = 0, max = elems.length; i < max; i++) { if (moduleImageDom.options[i].text == mycheck) { fileExist = true; } } if (null == fileExist) { var opt = document.createElement('option'); document.getElementById('mod_image').options.add(opt); opt.text = mycheck; opt.value = mycheck; } $('#mod_image').load; $('#mod_image').val(mycheck); //change value of selected logo file to the new file } }); } $(document).ready(function () { // Hide/Show Tables or Fields $('tr.toggleMain td:nth-child(1) img').click(function () { $(this).closest('tr.toggleMain').nextUntil('tr.toggleMain').toggle(); }); // Hide/Show Modules Tables $('#modtab').hide(); $('td#modtabs').click(function () { $(this).next('#modtab').slideToggle('slow'); }); $('.rSetting').click(function () { var selValue = $('input[name=rNumber]:checked').val().split(",")[0]; var rpValue = $('input[name=rNumber]:checked').val().split(",")[1]; }); }); function modulebuilder_setStatus(data, img, file) { // Post request $.post(file, data, function (reponse, textStatus) { if (textStatus == 'success') { $('img#' + img).hide(); $('#loading_' + img).show(); setTimeout(function () { $('#loading_' + img).hide(); $('img#' + img).fadeIn('fast'); }, 500); // Change image src if ($('img#' + img).attr("src") == IMG_ON) { $('img#' + img).attr("src", IMG_OFF); } else { $('img#' + img).attr("src", IMG_ON); } } }); } function presetField(typeId) { eleSelected = xoopsGetElementById('field_element[' + typeId + ']'); vselected = eleSelected.value; defaultType = xoopsGetElementById('fe_defaulttype[' + vselected + ']').value; defaultValue = xoopsGetElementById('fe_defaultvalue[' + vselected + ']').value; eleType = xoopsGetElementById('field_type[' + typeId + ']').value = defaultType; eleValue = xoopsGetElementById('field_value[' + typeId + ']').value = defaultValue; }