//please note before running this file please download the XMLparser
//from http://www.shipstaff.com/XMLPARSER.zip
//without this notjhing is going to work
$xmlDocument =
"<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>
<document version=\"42\">
<firstname value=\"Bård\" />
<lastname value=\"Farstad\" />
<firstname value=\"Christoffer A.\" />
<lastname value=\"Elo\" />
$tree =eZXML::domTree($xmlDocument, array( "TrimWhiteSpace" => true ));
foreach ($tree->children as $document)
// parse the document
if ( $document->name == "document" )
// get the document version attribute
foreach ($document->attributes as $documentAttr)
if ( $documentAttr->name == "version" )
print( "Found document with version: " . $documentAttr->content . "<br>" );
// parse all persons
foreach ( $document->children as $person )
if ( $person->name == "person" )
print( "Found a new person <br>" );
$firstName = "";
$lastName = "";
$descriptionName = "";
// get the name and description
foreach ( $person->children as $personAttribute )
//echo $personAttribute->name;
//echo '<br>';
switch ( $personAttribute->name )
case "firstname" :
//$firstName = $firstname->content;
$firstName = getAttrValue( $personAttribute, "value" );;
case "lastname" :
$lastName = getAttrValue( $personAttribute, "value" );
case "description" :
//this is the only modification from previous version
// get the description text
/* foreach ( $personAttribute->children as $description21 )
$description = $description21->content;
/* if ( $description->type == 3 )
$description = $description->content;
// }
print( "The persons firstname is: $firstName <br>" );
print( "The persons lastname is: $lastName <br>" );
print( "The persons description is: $description <br>" );