You may not change or alter any portion of this comment or credits
of supporting developers from this source code or any supporting source code
which is considered copyrighted (c) material of the original comment or credit authors.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* wgTransifex module for xoops
* @copyright 2020 XOOPS Project (https://xooops.org)
* @license GPL 2.0 or later
* @since 1.0
* @min_xoops 2.5.9
* @author Goffy - Email:<webmaster@wedega.com> - Website:<https://wedega.com> / <https://xoops.org>
use XoopsModules\Wgtransifex\Helper;
$moduleDirName = \basename(__DIR__);
$moduleDirNameUpper = \mb_strtoupper($moduleDirName);
// ------------------- Informations ------------------- //
$modversion = [
'version' => 1.04,
'module_status' => 'final',
'release_date' => '2020/10/11',
'description' => \_MI_WGTRANSIFEX_DESC,
'author' => 'TDM XOOPS',
'author_mail' => 'info@email.com',
'author_website_url' => 'http://xoops.org',
'author_website_name' => 'XOOPS Project',
'credits' => 'XOOPS Development Team',
'license' => 'GPL 2.0 or later',
'license_url' => 'http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html',
'help' => 'page=help',
'release_info' => 'release_info',
'release_file' => XOOPS_URL . "/modules/$moduleDirName/docs/release_info file",
'manual' => 'link to manual file',
'manual_file' => XOOPS_URL . "/modules/$moduleDirName/docs/install.txt",
'min_php' => '7.3',
'min_xoops' => '2.5.10',
'min_admin' => '1.2',
'min_db' => ['mysql' => '5.6', 'mysqli' => '5.6'],
'image' => 'assets/images/logoModule.png',
'dirname' => \basename(__DIR__),
'dirmoduleadmin' => 'Frameworks/moduleclasses/moduleadmin',
'sysicons16' => '../../Frameworks/moduleclasses/icons/16',
'sysicons32' => '../../Frameworks/moduleclasses/icons/32',
'modicons16' => 'assets/icons/16',
'modicons32' => 'assets/icons/32',
'demo_site_url' => 'https://xoops.org',
'demo_site_name' => 'XOOPS Demo Site',
'support_url' => 'https://xoops.org/modules/newbb',
'support_name' => 'Support Forum',
'module_website_url' => 'www.xoops.org',
'module_website_name' => 'XOOPS Project',
'release' => '2020-10-11',
'system_menu' => 1,
'hasAdmin' => 1,
'hasMain' => 1,
'adminindex' => 'admin/index.php',
'adminmenu' => 'admin/menu.php',
'onInstall' => 'include/install.php',
'onUninstall' => 'include/uninstall.php',
'onUpdate' => 'include/update.php',
// ------------------- Templates ------------------- //
$modversion['templates'] = [
// Admin templates
['file' => 'wgtransifex_admin_about.tpl', 'description' => '', 'type' => 'admin'],
['file' => 'wgtransifex_admin_header.tpl', 'description' => '', 'type' => 'admin'],
['file' => 'wgtransifex_admin_index.tpl', 'description' => '', 'type' => 'admin'],
['file' => 'wgtransifex_admin_projects.tpl', 'description' => '', 'type' => 'admin'],
['file' => 'wgtransifex_admin_resources.tpl', 'description' => '', 'type' => 'admin'],
['file' => 'wgtransifex_admin_settings.tpl', 'description' => '', 'type' => 'admin'],
['file' => 'wgtransifex_admin_languages.tpl', 'description' => '', 'type' => 'admin'],
['file' => 'wgtransifex_admin_translations.tpl', 'description' => '', 'type' => 'admin'],
['file' => 'wgtransifex_admin_packages.tpl', 'description' => '', 'type' => 'admin'],
['file' => 'wgtransifex_admin_broken.tpl', 'description' => '', 'type' => 'admin'],
['file' => 'wgtransifex_admin_requests.tpl', 'description' => '', 'type' => 'admin'],
['file' => 'wgtransifex_admin_footer.tpl', 'description' => '', 'type' => 'admin'],
// User templates
['file' => 'wgtransifex_header.tpl', 'description' => ''],
['file' => 'wgtransifex_index.tpl', 'description' => ''],
['file' => 'wgtransifex_projects.tpl', 'description' => ''],
['file' => 'wgtransifex_projects_item.tpl', 'description' => ''],
['file' => 'wgtransifex_languages.tpl', 'description' => ''],
['file' => 'wgtransifex_languages_list.tpl', 'description' => ''],
['file' => 'wgtransifex_languages_item.tpl', 'description' => ''],
['file' => 'wgtransifex_packages.tpl', 'description' => ''],
['file' => 'wgtransifex_packages_list.tpl', 'description' => ''],
['file' => 'wgtransifex_packages_item.tpl', 'description' => ''],
['file' => 'wgtransifex_requests.tpl', 'description' => ''],
['file' => 'wgtransifex_breadcrumbs.tpl', 'description' => ''],
['file' => 'wgtransifex_footer.tpl', 'description' => ''],
// ------------------- Mysql ------------------- //
$modversion['sqlfile']['mysql'] = 'sql/mysql.sql';
// Tables
$modversion['tables'] = [
// ------------------- Search ------------------- //
$modversion['hasSearch'] = 1;
$modversion['search'] = [
'file' => 'include/search.inc.php',
'func' => 'wgtransifex_search',
// ------------------- Menu ------------------- //
$currdirname = isset($GLOBALS['xoopsModule']) && \is_object($GLOBALS['xoopsModule']) ? $GLOBALS['xoopsModule']->getVar('dirname') : 'system';
if ($currdirname == $moduleDirName) {
$helper = Helper::getInstance();
$languagesHandler = $helper->getHandler('Languages');
$packagesHandler = $helper->getHandler('Packages');
$languagesAll = $languagesHandler->getAll();
if ($languagesHandler->getCount() > 0) {
foreach (\array_keys($languagesAll) as $l) {
$langId = $languagesAll[$l]->getVar('lang_id');
$crPackages = new \CriteriaCompo();
$crPackages->add(new \Criteria('pkg_lang_id', $langId));
if ($packagesHandler->getCount($crPackages) > 0) {
$modversion['sub'][] = [
'name' => \sprintf(\_MI_WGTRANSIFEX_SMNAME2, $languagesAll[$l]->getVar('lang_name')),
'url' => 'packages.php?lang_id=' . $languagesAll[$l]->getVar('lang_id'),
} else {
$modversion['sub'][] = [
'url' => 'packages.php',
// Sub languages
$modversion['sub'][] = [
'url' => 'languages.php',
// Sub projects
$modversion['sub'][] = [
'url' => 'projects.php',
// ------------------- Blocks ------------------- //
// Packages last
$modversion['blocks'][] = [
'file' => 'packages.php',
'show_func' => 'b_wgtransifex_packages_show',
'edit_func' => 'b_wgtransifex_packages_edit',
'template' => 'wgtransifex_block_packages.tpl',
'options' => 'last|5|25|0',
// Packages new
$modversion['blocks'][] = [
'file' => 'packages.php',
'show_func' => 'b_wgtransifex_packages_show',
'edit_func' => 'b_wgtransifex_packages_edit',
'template' => 'wgtransifex_block_packages.tpl',
'options' => 'new|5|25|0',
* // Packages top
$modversion['blocks'][] = [
'file' => 'packages.php',
'show_func' => 'b_wgtransifex_packages_show',
'edit_func' => 'b_wgtransifex_packages_edit',
'template' => 'wgtransifex_block_packages.tpl',
'options' => 'top|5|25|0',
// Packages random
$modversion['blocks'][] = [
'file' => 'packages.php',
'show_func' => 'b_wgtransifex_packages_show',
'edit_func' => 'b_wgtransifex_packages_edit',
'template' => 'wgtransifex_block_packages.tpl',
'options' => 'random|5|25|0',
// ------------------- Config ------------------- //
// Editor Admin
$editorHandler = XoopsEditorHandler::getInstance();
$modversion['config'][] = [
'name' => 'editor_admin',
'formtype' => 'select',
'valuetype' => 'text',
'default' => 'dhtml',
'options' => \array_flip($editorHandler->getList()),
// Editor User
$editorHandler = XoopsEditorHandler::getInstance();
$modversion['config'][] = [
'name' => 'editor_user',
'formtype' => 'select',
'valuetype' => 'text',
'default' => 'dhtml',
'options' => \array_flip($editorHandler->getList()),
// Editor : max characters admin area
$modversion['config'][] = [
'name' => 'editor_maxchar',
'formtype' => 'textbox',
'valuetype' => 'int',
'default' => 50,
// create increment steps for file size
require_once __DIR__ . '/include/xoops_version.inc.php';
$iniPostMaxSize = wgtransifexReturnBytes(\ini_get('post_max_size'));
$iniUploadMaxFileSize = wgtransifexReturnBytes(\ini_get('upload_max_filesize'));
$maxSize = \min($iniPostMaxSize, $iniUploadMaxFileSize);
if ($maxSize > 10000 * 1048576) {
$increment = 500;
if ($maxSize <= 10000 * 1048576) {
$increment = 200;
if ($maxSize <= 5000 * 1048576) {
$increment = 100;
if ($maxSize <= 2500 * 1048576) {
$increment = 50;
if ($maxSize <= 1000 * 1048576) {
$increment = 10;
if ($maxSize <= 500 * 1048576) {
$increment = 5;
if ($maxSize <= 100 * 1048576) {
$increment = 2;
if ($maxSize <= 50 * 1048576) {
$increment = 1;
if ($maxSize <= 25 * 1048576) {
$increment = 0.5;
$optionMaxsize = [];
$i = $increment;
while ($i * 1048576 <= $maxSize) {
$optionMaxsize[$i . ' ' . \_MI_WGTRANSIFEX_SIZE_MB] = $i * 1048576;
$i += $increment;
// Uploads : maxsize of image
$modversion['config'][] = [
'name' => 'maxsize_image',
'formtype' => 'select',
'valuetype' => 'int',
'default' => 3145728,
'options' => $optionMaxsize,
// Uploads : mimetypes of image
$modversion['config'][] = [
'name' => 'mimetypes_image',
'formtype' => 'select_multi',
'valuetype' => 'array',
'default' => ['image/gif', 'image/jpeg', 'image/png'],
'options' => ['bmp' => 'image/bmp', 'gif' => 'image/gif', 'pjpeg' => 'image/pjpeg', 'jpeg' => 'image/jpeg', 'jpg' => 'image/jpg', 'jpe' => 'image/jpe', 'png' => 'image/png'],
$modversion['config'][] = [
'name' => 'maxwidth_image',
'formtype' => 'textbox',
'valuetype' => 'int',
'default' => 1000,
$modversion['config'][] = [
'name' => 'maxheight_image',
'formtype' => 'textbox',
'valuetype' => 'int',
'default' => 1000,
// Get groups
/** @var \XoopsMemberHandler $memberHandler */
$memberHandler = \xoops_getHandler('member');
$xoopsGroups = $memberHandler->getGroupList();
$groups = [];
foreach ($xoopsGroups as $key => $group) {
$groups[$group] = $key;
// General access groups
$modversion['config'][] = [
'name' => 'groups_request',
'formtype' => 'select_multi',
'valuetype' => 'array',
'default' => $groups,
'options' => $groups,
// Make Transifex Admin Tools visible?
$modversion['config'][] = [
'name' => 'displayTxAdmin',
'formtype' => 'yesno',
'valuetype' => 'int',
'default' => 0,
// Keywords
$modversion['config'][] = [
'name' => 'keywords',
'description' => '\_MI_WGTRANSIFEX_KEYWORDS_DESC',
'formtype' => 'textbox',
'valuetype' => 'text',
'default' => 'wgtransifex, projects, resources, settings, languages, translations, packages',
// Admin pager
$modversion['config'][] = [
'name' => 'adminpager',
'formtype' => 'textbox',
'valuetype' => 'int',
'default' => 10,
// User pager
$modversion['config'][] = [
'name' => 'userpager',
'description' => '\_MI_WGTRANSIFEX_USER_PAGER_DESC',
'formtype' => 'textbox',
'valuetype' => 'int',
'default' => 10,
// Number column
$modversion['config'][] = [
'name' => 'numb_col',
'description' => '\_MI_WGTRANSIFEX_NUMB_COL_DESC',
'formtype' => 'select',
'valuetype' => 'int',
'default' => 1,
'options' => [1 => '1', 2 => '2', 3 => '3', 4 => '4'],
// Divide by
$modversion['config'][] = [
'name' => 'divideby',
'description' => '\_MI_WGTRANSIFEX_DIVIDEBY_DESC',
'formtype' => 'select',
'valuetype' => 'int',
'default' => 1,
'options' => [1 => '1', 2 => '2', 3 => '3', 4 => '4'],
// Table type
$modversion['config'][] = [
'name' => 'table_type',
'description' => '\_MI_WGTRANSIFEX_DIVIDEBY_DESC',
'formtype' => 'select',
'valuetype' => 'text',
'default' => 'bordered',
'options' => ['bordered' => 'bordered', 'striped' => 'striped', 'hover' => 'hover', 'condensed' => 'condensed'],
// Panel by
$modversion['config'][] = [
'name' => 'panel_type',
'description' => '\_MI_WGTRANSIFEX_PANEL_TYPE_DESC',
'formtype' => 'select',
'valuetype' => 'text',
'default' => 'default',
'options' => ['default' => 'default', 'primary' => 'primary', 'success' => 'success', 'info' => 'info', 'warning' => 'warning', 'danger' => 'danger'],
// Advertise
$modversion['config'][] = [
'name' => 'advertise',
'formtype' => 'textarea',
'valuetype' => 'text',
'default' => '',
// Bookmarks
$modversion['config'][] = [
'name' => 'bookmarks',
'formtype' => 'yesno',
'valuetype' => 'int',
'default' => 0,
// Make Sample button visible?
$modversion['config'][] = [
'name' => 'displaySampleButton',
'title' => 'CO_' . $moduleDirNameUpper . '_' . 'SHOW_SAMPLE_BUTTON',
'description' => 'CO_' . $moduleDirNameUpper . '_' . 'SHOW_SAMPLE_BUTTON_DESC',
'formtype' => 'yesno',
'valuetype' => 'int',
'default' => 1,
// Maintained by
$modversion['config'][] = [
'name' => 'maintainedby',
'formtype' => 'textbox',
'valuetype' => 'text',
'default' => 'https://xoops.org/modules/newbb',
// ------------------- Notifications ------------------- //
$modversion['hasNotification'] = 1;
$modversion['notification'] = [
'lookup_file' => 'include/notification.inc.php',
'lookup_func' => 'wgtransifex_notify_iteminfo',
// Categories of notification
// Global Notify
$modversion['notification']['category'][] = [
'name' => 'global',
'description' => '',
'subscribe_from' => ['index.php', 'packages.php'],
// Package Notify
$modversion['notification']['category'][] = [
'name' => 'packages',
'description' => '',
'subscribe_from' => ['index.php', 'packages.php'],
'item_name' => 'pkg_id',
'allow_bookmark' => 1,
// Request Notify
$modversion['notification']['category'][] = [
'name' => 'requests',
'description' => '',
'subscribe_from' => ['index.php', 'projects.php'],
'item_name' => 'req_id',
'allow_bookmark' => 1,
// events notification
// package new
$modversion['notification']['event'][] = [
'name' => 'package_new',
'category' => 'global',
'admin_only' => 0,
'description' => '',
'mail_template' => 'package_new_notify',
// package broken
$modversion['notification']['event'][] = [
'name' => 'package_broken',
'category' => 'global',
'admin_only' => 1,
'description' => '',
'mail_template' => 'package_broken_notify',
// request new
$modversion['notification']['event'][] = [
'name' => 'request_new',
'category' => 'global',
'admin_only' => 1,
'description' => '',
'mail_template' => 'request_new_notify',