# Dialect,
# a simple and flexible Cross-Platform & Cross-Vendor SQL Query Builder for PHP, Python, JavaScript
# @version: 1.4.0
# https://github.com/foo123/Dialect
# Abstract the construction of SQL queries
# Support multiple DB vendors
# Intuitive and Flexible API
# https://github.com/foo123/StringTemplate
import re, math, time
#import random
NEWLINE = re.compile(r'\n\r|\r\n|\n|\r')
SQUOTE = re.compile(r"'")
def pad(s, n, z = '0', pad_right = False):
ps = str(s)
if pad_right:
while len(ps) < n: ps += z
while len(ps) < n: ps = z + ps
return ps
GUID = 0
def guid():
global GUID
GUID += 1
return pad(hex(int(time.time()))[2:],12)+'__'+pad(hex(GUID)[2:],4)#+'__'+pad(hex(random.randint(0, 1000))[2:],4)
def createFunction(args, sourceCode, additional_symbols = dict()):
# http://code.activestate.com/recipes/550804-create-a-restricted-python-function-from-a-string/
funcName = 'dialect_dyna_func_' + guid()
# The list of symbols that are included by default in the generated
# function's environment
"list", "dict", "enumerate", "tuple", "set", "long", "float", "object",
"bool", "callable", "True", "False", "dir",
"frozenset", "getattr", "hasattr", "abs", "cmp", "complex",
"divmod", "id", "pow", "round", "slice", "vars",
"hash", "hex", "int", "isinstance", "issubclass", "len",
"map", "filter", "max", "min", "oct", "chr", "ord", "range",
"reduce", "repr", "str", "type", "zip", "xrange", "None",
"Exception", "KeyboardInterrupt"
# Also add the standard exceptions
__bi = __builtins__
if type(__bi) is not dict:
__bi = __bi.__dict__
for k in __bi:
if k.endswith("Error") or k.endswith("Warning"):
del __bi
# Include the sourcecode as the code of a function funcName:
s = "def " + funcName + "(%s):\n" % args
s += sourceCode # this should be already properly padded
# Byte-compilation (optional)
byteCode = compile(s, "<string>", 'exec')
# Setup the local and global dictionaries of the execution
# environment for __TheFunction__
bis = dict() # builtins
globs = dict()
locs = dict()
# Setup a standard-compatible python environment
bis["locals"] = lambda: locs
bis["globals"] = lambda: globs
globs["__builtins__"] = bis
globs["__name__"] = "SUBENV"
globs["__doc__"] = sourceCode
# Determine how the __builtins__ dictionary should be accessed
if type(__builtins__) is dict:
bi_dict = __builtins__
bi_dict = __builtins__.__dict__
# Include the safe symbols
for k in SAFE_SYMBOLS:
# try from current locals
locs[k] = locals()[k]
except KeyError:
# Try from globals
globs[k] = globals()[k]
except KeyError:
# Try from builtins
bis[k] = bi_dict[k]
except KeyError:
# Symbol not available anywhere: silently ignored
# Include the symbols added by the caller, in the globals dictionary
# Finally execute the Function statement:
eval(byteCode, globs, locs)
# As a result, the function is defined as the item funcName
# in the locals dictionary
fct = locs[funcName]
# Attach the function to the globals so that it can be recursive
del locs[funcName]
globs[funcName] = fct
# Attach the actual source code to the docstring
fct.__doc__ = sourceCode
# return the compiled function object
return fct
class StringTemplate:
StringTemplate for Python,
VERSION = '1.0.0'
guid = guid
createFunction = createFunction
def multisplit(tpl, reps, as_array = False):
a = [ [1, tpl] ]
reps = enumerate(reps) if as_array else reps.items()
for r,s in reps:
c = []
sr = s if as_array else r
s = [0, s]
for ai in a:
if 1 == ai[0]:
b = ai[1].split(sr)
bl = len(b)
c.append([1, b[0]])
if bl > 1:
for bj in b[1:]:
c.append([1, bj])
a = c
return a
def multisplit_re(tpl, rex):
a = []
i = 0
m = rex.search(tpl, i)
while m:
a.append([1, tpl[i:m.start()]])
mg = m.group(1)
mg = m.group(0)
is_numeric = False
mn = int(mg,10)
is_numeric = False if math.isnan(mn) else True
except ValueError:
is_numeric = False
a.append([0, mn if is_numeric else mg])
i = m.end()
m = rex.search(tpl, i)
a.append([1, tpl[i:]])
return a
def arg(key = None, argslen = None):
out = 'args'
if None != key:
if isinstance(key,str):
key = key.split('.') if len(key) else []
key = [key]
#givenArgsLen = bool(None !=argslen and isinstance(argslen,str))
for k in key:
is_numeric = False
kn = int(k,10) if isinstance(k,str) else k
is_numeric = False if math.isnan(kn) else True
except ValueError:
is_numeric = False
if is_numeric:
out += '[' + str(kn) + ']';
out += '["' + str(k) + '"]';
return out
def compile(tpl, raw = False):
global NEWLINE
global SQUOTE
if True == raw:
out = 'return ('
for tpli in tpl:
notIsSub = tpli[0]
s = tpli[1]
out += s if notIsSub else StringTemplate.arg(s)
out += ')'
out = 'return ('
for tpli in tpl:
notIsSub = tpli[0]
s = tpli[1]
if notIsSub: out += "'" + re.sub(NEWLINE, "' + \"\\n\" + '", re.sub(SQUOTE, "\\'", s)) + "'"
else: out += " + str(" + StringTemplate.arg(s,"argslen") + ") + "
out += ')'
return createFunction('args', " " + out)
defaultArgs = re.compile(r'\$(-?[0-9]+)')
def __init__(self, tpl = '', replacements = None, compiled = False):
global T_REGEXP
self.id = None
self.tpl = None
self._renderer = None
self._args = [tpl,StringTemplate.defaultArgs if not replacements else replacements,compiled]
self._parsed = False
def __del__(self):
def dispose(self):
self.id = None
self.tpl = None
self._renderer = None
self._args = None
self._parsed = None
return self
def parse(self):
if self._parsed is False:
# lazy init
tpl = self._args[0]
replacements = self._args[1]
compiled = self._args[2]
self._args = None
self.tpl = StringTemplate.multisplit_re(tpl, replacements) if isinstance(replacements, T_REGEXP) else StringTemplate.multisplit(tpl, replacements)
self._parsed = True
if compiled is True: self._renderer = StringTemplate.compile(self.tpl)
return self
def render(self, args = None):
if None == args: args = []
if self._parsed is False:
# lazy init
if callable(self._renderer): return self._renderer(args)
out = ''
for t in self.tpl:
if 1 == t[0]: out += t[1]
s = t[1]
out += '' if s not in args else str(args[s])
return out
# https://github.com/foo123/GrammarTemplate
def compute_alignment(s, i, l):
alignment = ''
while i < l:
c = s[i]
if (" " == c) or ("\r" == c) or ("\t" == c) or ("\v" == c) or ("\0" == c):
alignment += c
i += 1
return alignment
def align(s, alignment):
l = len(s)
if l and len(alignment):
aligned = '';
for c in s:
aligned += c
if "\n" == c: aligned += alignment
aligned = s
return aligned
def walk(obj, keys, keys_alt = None, obj_alt = None):
found = 0
if keys:
o = obj
l = len(keys)
i = 0
found = 1
while i < l:
k = keys[i]
i += 1
if o is not None:
if isinstance(o,(list,tuple)) and int(k)<len(o):
o = o[int(k)]
elif isinstance(o,dict) and (k in o):
o = o[k]
o = getattr(o, k)
except AttributeError:
found = 0
found = 0
if (not found) and keys_alt:
o = obj
l = len(keys_alt)
i = 0
found = 1
while i < l:
k = keys_alt[i]
i += 1
if o is not None:
if isinstance(o,(list,tuple)) and int(k)<len(o):
o = o[int(k)]
elif isinstance(o,dict) and (k in o):
o = o[k]
o = getattr(o, k)
except AttributeError:
found = 0
found = 0
if (not found) and (obj_alt is not None) and (obj_alt is not obj):
if keys:
o = obj_alt
l = len(keys)
i = 0
found = 1
while i < l:
k = keys[i]
i += 1
if o is not None:
if isinstance(o,(list,tuple)) and int(k)<len(o):
o = o[int(k)]
elif isinstance(o,dict) and (k in o):
o = o[k]
o = getattr(o, k)
except AttributeError:
found = 0
found = 0
if (not found) and keys_alt:
o = obj_alt
l = len(keys_alt)
i = 0
found = 1
while i < l:
k = keys_alt[i]
i += 1
if o is not None:
if isinstance(o,(list,tuple)) and int(k)<len(o):
o = o[int(k)]
elif isinstance(o,dict) and (k in o):
o = o[k]
o = getattr(o, k)
except AttributeError:
found = 0
found = 0
return o if found else None
class StackEntry:
def __init__(self, stack = None, value = None):
self.prev = stack
self.value = value
class TplEntry:
def __init__(self, node = None, tpl = None ):
if tpl: tpl.next = self
self.node = node
self.prev = tpl
self.next = None
def multisplit(tpl, delims, postop = False):
IDL = delims[0]
IDR = delims[1]
OBL = delims[2]
OBR = delims[3]
lenIDL = len(IDL)
lenIDR = len(IDR)
lenOBL = len(OBL)
lenOBR = len(OBR)
ESC = '\\'
OPT = '?'
OPTR = '*'
NEG = '!'
DEF = '|'
TPL = ':='
REPL = '{'
REPR = '}'
DOT = '.'
REF = ':'
ALGN = '@'
#NOTALGN = '&'
default_value = None
negative = 0
optional = 0
aligned = 0
localised = 0
l = len(tpl)
delim1 = [IDL, lenIDL, IDR, lenIDR]
delim2 = [OBL, lenOBL, OBR, lenOBR]
delim_order = [None,0,None,0,None,0,None,0]
postop = postop is True
a = TplEntry({'type': 0, 'val': '', 'algn': ''})
cur_arg = {
'type' : 1,
'name' : None,
'key' : None,
'stpl' : None,
'dval' : None,
'opt' : 0,
'neg' : 0,
'algn' : 0,
'loc' : 0,
'start' : 0,
'end' : 0
roottpl = a
block = None
opt_args = None
subtpl = {}
cur_tpl = None
arg_tpl = {}
start_tpl = None
# hard-coded merge-sort for arbitrary delims parsing based on str len
if delim1[1] < delim1[3]:
s = delim1[0]
delim1[2] = delim1[0]
delim1[0] = s
i = delim1[1]
delim1[3] = delim1[1]
delim1[1] = i
if delim2[1] < delim2[3]:
s = delim2[0]
delim2[2] = delim2[0]
delim2[0] = s
i = delim2[1]
delim2[3] = delim2[1]
delim2[1] = i
start_i = 0
end_i = 0
i = 0
while (4 > start_i) and (4 > end_i):
if delim1[start_i+1] < delim2[end_i+1]:
delim_order[i] = delim2[end_i]
delim_order[i+1] = delim2[end_i+1]
end_i += 2
delim_order[i] = delim1[start_i]
delim_order[i+1] = delim1[start_i+1]
start_i += 2
i += 2
while 4 > start_i:
delim_order[i] = delim1[start_i]
delim_order[i+1] = delim1[start_i+1]
start_i += 2
i += 2
while 4 > end_i:
delim_order[i] = delim2[end_i]
delim_order[i+1] = delim2[end_i+1]
end_i += 2
i += 2
stack = None
s = ''
i = 0
while i < l:
c = tpl[i]
if ESC == c:
s += tpl[i+1] if i+1 < l else ''
i += 2
delim = None
if delim_order[0] == tpl[i:i+delim_order[1]]:
delim = delim_order[0]
elif delim_order[2] == tpl[i:i+delim_order[3]]:
delim = delim_order[2]
elif delim_order[4] == tpl[i:i+delim_order[5]]:
delim = delim_order[4]
elif delim_order[6] == tpl[i:i+delim_order[7]]:
delim = delim_order[6]
if IDL == delim:
i += lenIDL
if len(s):
if 0 == a.node['type']: a.node['val'] += s
else: a = TplEntry({'type': 0, 'val': s, 'algn': ''}, a)
s = ''
elif IDR == delim:
i += lenIDR
# argument
argument = s
s = ''
p = argument.find(DEF)
if -1 < p:
default_value = argument[p+1:]
argument = argument[0:p]
default_value = None
if postop:
c = tpl[i] if i < l else ''
c = argument[0]
if OPT == c or OPTR == c:
optional = 1
if OPTR == c:
start_i = 1
end_i = -1
start_i = 0
end_i = 0
if postop:
i += 1
if (i < l) and (NEG == tpl[i]):
negative = 1
i += 1
negative = 0
if NEG == argument[1]:
negative = 1
argument = argument[2:]
negative = 0
argument = argument[1:]
elif REPL == c:
if postop:
s = ''
j = i+1
jl = l
while (j < jl) and (REPR != tpl[j]):
s += tpl[j]
j += 1
i = j+1
s = ''
j = 1
jl = len(argument)
while (j < jl) and (REPR != argument[j]):
s += argument[j]
j += 1
argument = argument[j+1:]
s = s.split(',')
if len(s) > 1:
start_i = s[0].strip()
start_i = int(start_i,10) if len(start_i) else 0
end_i = s[1].strip()
end_i = int(end_i,10) if len(end_i) else -1
optional = 1
start_i = s[0].strip()
start_i = int(start_i,10) if len(start_i) else 0
end_i = start_i
optional = 0
s = ''
negative = 0
optional = 0
negative = 0
start_i = 0
end_i = 0
if negative and default_value is None: default_value = ''
c = argument[0]
if ALGN == c:
aligned = 1
argument = argument[1:]
aligned = 0
c = argument[0]
if DOT == c:
localised = 1
argument = argument[1:]
localised = 0
p = argument.find(REF)
template = argument.split(REF) if -1 < p else [argument,None]
argument = template[0]
template = template[1]
p = argument.find(DOT)
nested = argument.split(DOT) if -1 < p else None
if cur_tpl and (cur_tpl not in arg_tpl): arg_tpl[cur_tpl] = {}
if TPL+OBL == tpl[i:i+2+lenOBL]:
# template definition
i += 2
template = template if template and len(template) else 'grtpl--'+guid()
start_tpl = template
if cur_tpl and len(argument):
arg_tpl[cur_tpl][argument] = template
if not len(argument): continue # template definition only
if (template is None) and cur_tpl and (cur_tpl in arg_tpl) and (argument in arg_tpl[cur_tpl]):
template = arg_tpl[cur_tpl][argument]
if optional and not cur_arg['opt']:
cur_arg['name'] = argument
cur_arg['key'] = nested
cur_arg['stpl'] = template
cur_arg['dval'] = default_value
cur_arg['opt'] = optional
cur_arg['neg'] = negative
cur_arg['algn'] = aligned
cur_arg['loc'] = localised
cur_arg['start'] = start_i
cur_arg['end'] = end_i
# handle multiple optional arguments for same optional block
opt_args = StackEntry(None, [argument,nested,negative,start_i,end_i,optional,localised])
elif optional:
# handle multiple optional arguments for same optional block
if (start_i != end_i) and (cur_arg['start'] == cur_arg['end']):
# set as main arg a loop arg, if exists
cur_arg['name'] = argument
cur_arg['key'] = nested
cur_arg['stpl'] = template
cur_arg['dval'] = default_value
cur_arg['opt'] = optional
cur_arg['neg'] = negative
cur_arg['algn'] = aligned
cur_arg['loc'] = localised
cur_arg['start'] = start_i
cur_arg['end'] = end_i
opt_args = StackEntry(opt_args, [argument,nested,negative,start_i,end_i,optional,localised])
elif (not optional) and (cur_arg['name'] is None):
cur_arg['name'] = argument
cur_arg['key'] = nested
cur_arg['stpl'] = template
cur_arg['dval'] = default_value
cur_arg['opt'] = 0
cur_arg['neg'] = negative
cur_arg['algn'] = aligned
cur_arg['loc'] = localised
cur_arg['start'] = start_i
cur_arg['end'] = end_i
# handle multiple optional arguments for same optional block
opt_args = StackEntry(None, [argument,nested,negative,start_i,end_i,0,localised])
if 0 == a.node['type']: a.node['algn'] = compute_alignment(a.node['val'], 0, len(a.node['val']))
a = TplEntry({
'type' : 1,
'name' : argument,
'key' : nested,
'stpl' : template,
'dval' : default_value,
'opt' : optional,
'algn' : aligned,
'loc' : localised,
'start' : start_i,
'end' : end_i
}, a)
elif OBL == delim:
i += lenOBL
if len(s):
if 0 == a.node['type']: a.node['val'] += s
else: a = TplEntry({'type': 0, 'val': s, 'algn': ''}, a)
s = ''
# comment
if COMMENT == tpl[i]:
j = i+1
jl = l
while (j < jl) and (COMMENT_CLOSE != tpl[j:j+lenOBR+1]):
s += tpl[j]
j += 1
i = j+lenOBR+1
if 0 == a.node['type']: a.node['algn'] = compute_alignment(a.node['val'], 0, len(a.node['val']))
a = TplEntry({'type': -100, 'val': s}, a)
s = ''
# optional block
stack = StackEntry(stack, [a, block, cur_arg, opt_args, cur_tpl, start_tpl])
if start_tpl: cur_tpl = start_tpl
start_tpl = None
cur_arg = {
'type' : 1,
'name' : None,
'key' : None,
'stpl' : None,
'dval' : None,
'opt' : 0,
'neg' : 0,
'algn' : 0,
'loc' : 0,
'start' : 0,
'end' : 0
opt_args = None
a = TplEntry({'type': 0, 'val': '', 'algn': ''})
block = a
elif OBR == delim:
i += lenOBR
b = a
cur_block = block
prev_arg = cur_arg
prev_opt_args = opt_args
if stack:
a = stack.value[0]
block = stack.value[1]
cur_arg = stack.value[2]
opt_args = stack.value[3]
cur_tpl = stack.value[4]
start_tpl = stack.value[5]
stack = stack.prev
a = None
if len(s):
if 0 == b.node['type']: b.node['val'] += s
else: b = TplEntry({'type': 0, 'val': s, 'algn': ''}, b)
s = ''
if start_tpl:
subtpl[start_tpl] = TplEntry({
'type' : 2,
'name' : prev_arg['name'],
'key' : prev_arg['key'],
'loc' : prev_arg['loc'],
'algn' : prev_arg['algn'],
'start' : prev_arg['start'],
'end' : prev_arg['end'],
'opt_args': None,#opt_args
'tpl' : cur_block
start_tpl = None
if 0 == a.node['type']: a.node['algn'] = compute_alignment(a.node['val'], 0, len(a.node['val']))
a = TplEntry({
'type' : -1,
'name' : prev_arg['name'],
'key' : prev_arg['key'],
'loc' : prev_arg['loc'],
'algn' : prev_arg['algn'],
'start' : prev_arg['start'],
'end' : prev_arg['end'],
'opt_args': prev_opt_args,
'tpl' : cur_block
}, a)
c = tpl[i]
i += 1
if "\n" == c:
# note line changes to handle alignments
if len(s):
if 0 == a.node['type']: a.node['val'] += s
else: a = TplEntry({'type': 0, 'val': s, 'algn': ''}, a)
s = ''
if 0 == a.node['type']: a.node['algn'] = compute_alignment(a.node['val'], 0, len(a.node['val']))
a = TplEntry({'type': 100, 'val': "\n"}, a)
s += c
if len(s):
if 0 == a.node['type']: a.node['val'] += s
else: a = TplEntry({'type': 0, 'val': s, 'algn': ''}, a)
if 0 == a.node['type']: a.node['algn'] = compute_alignment(a.node['val'], 0, len(a.node['val']))
return [roottpl, subtpl]
def optional_block(args, block, SUB = None, FN = None, index = None, alignment = '', orig_args = None):
out = ''
block_arg = None
if -1 == block['type']:
# optional block, check if optional variables can be rendered
opt_vars = block['opt_args']
# if no optional arguments, render block by default
if opt_vars and opt_vars.value[5]:
while opt_vars:
opt_v = opt_vars.value
opt_arg = walk(args, opt_v[1], [str(opt_v[0])], None if opt_v[6] else orig_args)
if (block_arg is None) and (block['name'] == opt_v[0]): block_arg = opt_arg
if ((0 == opt_v[2]) and (opt_arg is None)) or ((1 == opt_v[2]) and (opt_arg is not None)): return ''
opt_vars = opt_vars.prev
block_arg = walk(args, block['key'], [str(block['name'])], None if block['loc'] else orig_args)
arr = is_array(block_arg)
lenn = len(block_arg) if arr else -1
#if not block['algn']: alignment = ''
if arr and (lenn > block['start']):
rs = block['start']
re = lenn-1 if -1==block['end'] else min(block['end'],lenn-1)
ri = rs
while ri <= re:
out += main(args, block['tpl'], SUB, FN, ri, alignment, orig_args)
ri += 1
elif (not arr) and (block['start'] == block['end']):
out = main(args, block['tpl'], SUB, FN, None, alignment, orig_args)
return out
def non_terminal(args, symbol, SUB = None, FN = None, index = None, alignment = '', orig_args = None):
out = ''
if symbol['stpl'] and ((SUB and (symbol['stpl'] in SUB)) or (symbol['stpl'] in GrammarTemplate.subGlobal) or (FN and ((symbol['stpl'] in FN) or ('*' in FN))) or ((symbol['stpl'] in GrammarTemplate.fnGlobal) or ('*' in GrammarTemplate.fnGlobal))):
# using custom function or sub-template
opt_arg = walk(args, symbol['key'], [str(symbol['name'])], None if symbol['loc'] else orig_args)
if (SUB and (symbol['stpl'] in SUB)) or (symbol['stpl'] in GrammarTemplate.subGlobal):
# sub-template
if (index is not None) and ((0 != index) or (symbol['start'] != symbol['end']) or (not symbol['opt'])) and is_array(opt_arg):
opt_arg = opt_arg[index] if index < len(opt_arg) else None
if (opt_arg is None) and (symbol['dval'] is not None):
# default value if missing
out = symbol['dval']
# try to associate sub-template parameters to actual input arguments
tpl = SUB[symbol['stpl']].node if SUB and (symbol['stpl'] in SUB) else GrammarTemplate.subGlobal[symbol['stpl']].node
tpl_args = {}
if opt_arg is not None:
if is_array(opt_arg): tpl_args[tpl['name']] = opt_arg
else: tpl_args = opt_arg
out = optional_block(tpl_args, tpl, SUB, FN, None, alignment if symbol['algn'] else '', args if orig_args is None else orig_args)
#if symbol['algn']: out = align(out, alignment)
else:#elif fn:
# custom function
fn = None
if FN and (symbol['stpl'] in FN): fn = FN[symbol['stpl']]
elif FN and ('*' in FN): fn = FN['*']
elif symbol['stpl'] in GrammarTemplate.fnGlobal: fn = GrammarTemplate.fnGlobal[symbol['stpl']]
elif '*' in GrammarTemplate.fnGlobal: fn = GrammarTemplate.fnGlobal['*']
if is_array(opt_arg):
index = index if index is not None else symbol['start']
opt_arg = opt_arg[index] if index < len(opt_arg) else None
if callable(fn):
fn_arg = {
#'value' : opt_arg,
'symbol' : symbol,
'index' : index,
'currentArguments' : args,
'originalArguments' : orig_args,
'alignment' : alignment
opt_arg = fn(opt_arg, fn_arg)
opt_arg = str(fn)
out = symbol['dval'] if (opt_arg is None) and (symbol['dval'] is not None) else str(opt_arg)
if symbol['algn']: out = align(out, alignment)
elif symbol['opt'] and (symbol['dval'] is not None):
# boolean optional argument
out = symbol['dval']
# plain symbol argument
opt_arg = walk(args, symbol['key'], [str(symbol['name'])], None if symbol['loc'] else orig_args)
# default value if missing
if is_array(opt_arg):
index = index if index is not None else symbol['start']
opt_arg = opt_arg[ index ] if index < len(opt_arg) else None
out = symbol['dval'] if (opt_arg is None) and (symbol['dval'] is not None) else str(opt_arg)
if symbol['algn']: out = align(out, alignment)
return out
def main(args, tpl, SUB = None, FN = None, index = None, alignment = '', orig_args = None):
out = ''
current_alignment = alignment
while tpl:
tt = tpl.node['type']
if -1 == tt: # optional code-block
out += optional_block(args, tpl.node, SUB, FN, index, current_alignment if tpl.node['algn'] else alignment, orig_args)
elif 1 == tt: # non-terminal
out += non_terminal(args, tpl.node, SUB, FN, index, current_alignment if tpl.node['algn'] else alignment, orig_args)
elif 0 == tt: # terminal
current_alignment += tpl.node['algn']
out += tpl.node['val']
elif 100 == tt: # new line
current_alignment = alignment
out += "\n" + alignment
#elif -100 == tt: # comment
# # pass
tpl = tpl.next
return out
class GrammarTemplate:
GrammarTemplate for Python,
VERSION = '3.0.0'
defaultDelimiters = ['<','>','[',']']
fnGlobal = {}
subGlobal = {}
guid = guid
multisplit = multisplit
align = align
main = main
def __init__(self, tpl = '', delims = None, postop = False):
self.id = None
self.tpl = None
self.fn = {}
# lazy init
self._args = [tpl, delims if delims else GrammarTemplate.defaultDelimiters, postop]
def __del__(self):
def dispose(self):
self.id = None
self.tpl = None
self.fn = None
self._args = None
return self
def parse(self):
if (self.tpl is None) and (self._args is not None):
# lazy init
self.tpl = GrammarTemplate.multisplit(self._args[0], self._args[1], self._args[2])
self._args = None
return self
def render(self, args = None):
# lazy init
if self.tpl is None: self.parse()
return GrammarTemplate.main({} if None == args else args, self.tpl[0], self.tpl[1], self.fn)
import copy
NULL_CHAR = chr(0)
def is_int(v):
return isinstance(v, int)
def is_float(v):
return isinstance(v, float)
def is_string(v):
return isinstance(v, str)
def is_obj(v):
return isinstance(v, dict)
def is_array(v):
return isinstance(v, (list,tuple))
def array(v):
return v if isinstance(v, list) else (list(v) if isinstance(v, tuple) else [v])
def empty(v):
return (isinstance(v, (tuple,list,str,dict)) and 0 == len(v)) or not v
def addslashes(s, chars = None, esc = '\\'):
global NULL_CHAR
s2 = ''
if chars is None: chars = '\\"\'' + NULL_CHAR
for c in s:
s2 += c if c not in chars else ('\\0' if 0 == ord(c) else (esc+c))
return s2
def defaults(data, defau, overwrite = False, array_copy = False):
overwrite = overwrite is True
array_copy = array_copy is True
for k in defau:
if overwrite or not(k in data):
data[k] = defau[k][:] if array_copy and isinstance(defau[k], (list,tuple)) else defau[k]
return data
def map_join(arr, prop, sep = ','):
joined = ''
if arr and len(arr):
joined = str(getattr(arr[0], prop))
for i in range(1,len(arr)): joined += sep + str(getattr(arr[i], prop))
return joined
#def filter( data, filt, positive=True ):
# if positive is not False:
# filtered = { }
# for field in filt:
# if field in data:
# filtered[field] = data[field]
# return filtered
# else:
# filtered = { }
# for field in data:
# if field not in filt:
# filtered[field] = data[field]
# return filtered
Ref_spc_re = re.compile(r'\s')
Ref_num_re = re.compile(r'[0-9]')
Ref_alf_re = re.compile(r'[a-z_]', re.I)
class Ref:
def parse(r, d):
# catch passing instance as well
if isinstance(r, Ref): return r
global Ref_spc_re
global Ref_num_re
global Ref_alf_re
# should handle field formats like:
# [ F1(..Fn( ] [[dtb.]tbl.]col [ )..) ] [ AS alias ]
# and/or
# ( ..subquery.. ) [ AS alias]
# and extract alias, dtb, tbl, col identifiers (if present)
# and also extract F1,..,Fn function identifiers (if present)
r = r.strip()
l = len(r)
i = 0
stacks = [[]]
stack = stacks[0]
ids = []
funcs = []
keywords2 = ['AS']
# 0 = SEP, 1 = ID, 2 = FUNC, 5 = Keyword, 10 = *, 100 = Subtree
s = ''
err = None
paren = 0
quote = None
paren2 = 0
quote2 = None
quote2pos = None
subquery = None
while i < l:
ch = r[i]
i += 1
if '('==ch and 1==i:
# ( ..subquery.. ) [ AS alias]
if 0 < paren2:
# ( ..subquery.. ) [ AS alias]
if '"' == ch or '`' == ch or '\'' == ch or '[' == ch or ']' == ch:
if not quote2:
quote2 = ']' if '[' == ch else ch
quote2pos = i-1
elif quote2 == ch:
dbl_quote = (('"'==ch or '`'==ch) and (d.qn[3]==ch+ch)) or ('\''==ch and d.q[3]==ch+ch)
esc_quote = (('"'==ch or '`'==ch) and (d.qn[3]=='\\'+ch)) or ('\''==ch and d.q[3]=='\\'+ch)
if dbl_quote and (i<l) and (ch==r[i]):
# double-escaped quote in identifier or string
elif esc_quote:
# maybe-escaped quote in string
escaped = False
# handle special case of " ESCAPE '\' "
if (-1!=d.e[1].find("'\\'")) and ("'\\'"==r[quote2pos:i]):
# else find out if quote is escaped or not
j = i-2
while 0<=j and '\\'==r[j]:
escaped = not escaped
if not escaped:
quote2 = None
quote2pos = None
quote2 = None
quote2pos = None
elif quote2:
elif '(' == ch:
elif ')' == ch:
if 0 > paren2:
err = ['paren',i]
elif 0 == paren2:
if quote2:
err = ['quote',i]
subquery = r[0:i]
s = subquery
# [ F1(..Fn( ] [[dtb.]tbl.]col [ )..) ] [ AS alias ]
if '"' == ch or '`' == ch or '\'' == ch or '[' == ch or ']' == ch:
# sql quote
if not quote:
if len(s) or (']' == ch):
err = ['invalid',i]
quote = ']' if '[' == ch else ch
elif quote == ch:
if (i<l) and (ch==r[i]):
# double-escaped quote in identifier
s += ch
i += 1
if len(s):
stack.insert(0,[1, s])
s = ''
err = ['invalid',i]
quote = None
elif quote:
s += ch
if quote:
# part of sql-quoted value
s += ch
if '*' == ch:
# placeholder
if len(s):
err = ['invalid',i]
stack.insert(0,[10, '*'])
elif '.' == ch:
# separator
if len(s):
stack.insert(0,[1, s])
s = ''
if not len(stack) or 1 != stack[0][0]:
# error, mismatched separator
err = ['invalid',i]
stack.insert(0,[0, '.'])
elif '(' == ch:
# left paren
paren += 1
if len(s):
# identifier is function
stack.insert(0,[2, s])
s = ''
if not len(stack) or (2 != stack[0][0] and 1 != stack[0][0]):
err = ['invalid',i]
if 1 == stack[0][0]:
stack[0][0] = 2
stack = stacks[0]
elif ')' == ch:
# right paren
paren -= 1
if len(s):
keyword = s.upper() in keywords2
stack.insert(0,[5 if keyword else 1, s])
ids.insert(0, 5 if keyword else s)
s = ''
if len(stacks) < 2:
err = ['invalid',i]
# reduce
stacks[1].insert(0,[100, stacks.pop(0)])
stack = stacks[0]
elif Ref_spc_re.match(ch):
# space separator
if len(s):
keyword = s.upper() in keywords2
stack.insert(0,[5 if keyword else 1, s])
ids.insert(0, 5 if keyword else s)
s = ''
elif Ref_num_re.match(ch):
if not len(s):
err = ['invalid',i]
# identifier
s += ch
elif Ref_alf_re.match(ch):
# identifier
s += ch
err = ['invalid',i]
if len(s):
stack.insert(0,[1, s])
s = ''
if not err and (paren or paren2): err = ['paren', l]
if not err and (quote or quote2): err = ['quote', l]
if not err and 1 != len(stacks): err = ['invalid', l]
if err:
err_pos = err[1]-1
err_type = err[0]
if 'paren' == err_type:
# error, mismatched parentheses
raise ValueError('Dialect: Mismatched parentheses "'+r+'" at position '+str(err_pos)+'.')
elif 'quote' == err_type:
# error, mismatched quotes
raise ValueError('Dialect: Mismatched quotes "'+r+'" at position '+str(err_pos)+'.')
else:# if 'invalid' == err_type:
# error, invalid character
raise ValueError('Dialect: Invalid character "'+r+'" at position '+str(err_pos)+'.')
alias = None
alias_q = ''
if subquery is not None:
if (len(ids) >= 3) and (5 == ids[1]) and isinstance(ids[0],str):
alias = ids.pop(0)
alias_q = d.quote_name(alias)
col = subquery
col_q = subquery
tbl = None
tbl_q = ''
dtb = None
dtb_q = ''
tbl_col = col
tbl_col_q = col_q
if (len(ids) >= 3) and (5 == ids[1]) and isinstance(ids[0],str):
alias = ids.pop(0)
alias_q = d.quote_name(alias)
col = None
col_q = ''
if len(ids) and (isinstance(ids[0],str) or 10 == ids[0]):
if 10 == ids[0]:
col = col_q = '*'
col = ids.pop(0)
col_q = d.quote_name(col)
tbl = None
tbl_q = ''
if (len(ids) >= 2) and (0 == ids[0]) and isinstance(ids[1],str):
tbl = ids.pop(0)
tbl_q = d.quote_name(tbl)
dtb = None
dtb_q = ''
if (len(ids) >= 2) and (0 == ids[0]) and isinstance(ids[1],str):
dtb = ids.pop(0)
dtb_q = d.quote_name(dtb)
tbl_col = (dtb+'.' if dtb else '') + (tbl+'.' if tbl else '') + (col if col else '')
tbl_col_q = (dtb_q+'.' if dtb else '') + (tbl_q+'.' if tbl else '') + (col_q if col else '')
return Ref(col, col_q, tbl, tbl_q, dtb, dtb_q, alias, alias_q, tbl_col, tbl_col_q, funcs)
def __init__(self, _col, col, _tbl, tbl, _dtb, dtb, _alias, alias, _qual, qual, _func = list()):
self._col = _col
self.col = col
self._tbl = _tbl
self.tbl = tbl
self._dtb = _dtb
self.dtb = dtb
self._alias = _alias
self._qualified =_qual
self.qualified = qual
self.full = self.qualified
self._func = [] if not _func else _func
if len(self._func):
for f in self._func: self.full = f+'('+self.full+')'
if self._alias is not None:
self.alias = alias
self.aliased = self.full + ' AS ' + self.alias
self.alias = self.full
self.aliased = self.full
def cloned(self, alias = None, alias_q = None, func = None):
if alias is None and alias_q is None:
alias = self._alias
alias_q = self.alias
elif alias is not None:
alias_q = alias if alias_q is None else alias_q
if func is None:
func = self._func
return Ref(self._col, self.col, self._tbl, self.tbl, self._dtb, self.dtb, alias, alias_q,
self._qualified, self.qualified, func)
def __del__(self):
def dispose(self):
self._func = None
self._col = None
self.col = None
self._tbl = None
self.tbl = None
self._dtb = None
self.dtb = None
self._alias = None
self.alias = None
self._qualified = None
self.qualified = None
self.full = None
self.aliased = None
return self
class Dialect:
Dialect for Python,
VERSION = '1.4.0'
#TPL_RE = re.compile(r'\$\(([^\)]+)\)')
StringTemplate = StringTemplate
GrammarTemplate = GrammarTemplate
Ref = Ref
dialects = {
# https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/
"mysql" : {
"quotes" : [ ["'","'","\\'","\\'"], ["`","`","``","``"], ["","","",""] ]
,"functions" : {
"strpos" : ["POSITION(",2," IN ",1,")"]
,"strlen" : ["LENGTH(",1,")"]
,"strlower" : ["LCASE(",1,")"]
,"strupper" : ["UCASE(",1,")"]
,"trim" : ["TRIM(",1,")"]
,"quote" : ["QUOTE(",1,")"]
,"random" : "RAND()"
,"now" : "NOW()"
# https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/data-types.html
,"types" : {
"SMALLINT" : ["TINYINT(",[1,'255'],") UNSIGNED"]
,"SIGNED_SMALLINT": ["TINYINT(",[1,'255'],")"]
,"INT" : ["INT(",[1,'255'],") UNSIGNED"]
,"SIGNED_INT" : ["INT(",[1,'255'],")"]
,"BIGINT" : ["BIGINT(",[1,'255'],") UNSIGNED"]
,"SIGNED_BIGINT" : ["BIGINT(",[1,'255'],")"]
,"FLOAT" : ["FLOAT(",[1,'24'],")"]
,"DOUBLE" : ["FLOAT(",[1,'53'],")"]
,"BOOL" : "TINYINT(1)"
,"DATE" : "DATE"
,"TIME" : "TIME"
,"VARBINARY" : ["VARBINARY(",[1,'255'],")"]
,"VARCHAR" : ["VARCHAR(",[1,'255'],")"]
,"TEXT" : "TEXT"
,"BLOB" : "BLOB"
,"JSON" : "JSON"
,"clauses" : {
"start_transaction" : "START TRANSACTION <type|>;",
"commit_transaction" : "COMMIT;",
"rollback_transaction" : "ROLLBACK;",
"transact" : "START TRANSACTION <type|>;\n<statements>;[\n<*statements>;]\n[<?rollback|>ROLLBACK;][<?!rollback>COMMIT;]",
"create" : "[<?view|>CREATE VIEW <create_table> [(\n<?columns>[,\n<*columns>]\n)] AS <query>][<?!view>CREATE[ <?temporary|>TEMPORARY] TABLE[ <?ifnotexists|>IF NOT EXISTS] <create_table> [(\n<?columns>:=[<col:COL>:=[[[CONSTRAINT <?constraint> ]UNIQUE KEY <name|> <type|> (<?uniquekey>[,<*uniquekey>])][[CONSTRAINT <?constraint> ]PRIMARY KEY <type|> (<?primarykey>)][[<?!index>KEY][<?index|>INDEX] <name|> <type|> (<?key>[,<*key>])][CHECK (<?check>)][<?column> <type>[ <?!isnull><?isnotnull|>NOT NULL][ <?!isnotnull><?isnull|>NULL][ DEFAULT <?default_value>][ <?auto_increment|>AUTO_INCREMENT][ <?!primary><?unique|>UNIQUE KEY][ <?!unique><?primary|>PRIMARY KEY][ COMMENT '<?comment>'][ COLUMN_FORMAT <?format>][ STORAGE <?storage>]]][,\n<*col:COL>]]\n)][ <?options>:=[<opt:OPT>:=[[ENGINE=<?engine>][AUTO_INCREMENT=<?auto_increment>][CHARACTER SET=<?charset>][COLLATE=<?collation>]][, <*opt:OPT>]]][\nAS <?query>]]",
"alter" : "ALTER [<?view|>VIEW][<?!view>TABLE] <alter_table>\n<columns>[ <?options>]",
"drop" : "DROP [<?view|>VIEW][<?!view>[<?temporary|>TEMPORARY ]TABLE][ <?ifexists|>IF EXISTS] <drop_tables>[,<*drop_tables>]",
"union" : "(<union_selects>)[\nUNION[<?union_all|> ALL]\n(<*union_selects>)][\nORDER BY <?order_conditions>[,<*order_conditions>]][\nLIMIT <offset|0>,<?count>]",
"select" : "SELECT <select_columns>[,<*select_columns>]\nFROM <from_tables>[,<*from_tables>][\n<?join_clauses>:=[<join:JOIN>:=[[<?type> ]JOIN <table>[ ON <?cond>]][\n<*join:JOIN>]]][\nWHERE <?where_conditions>][\nGROUP BY <?group_conditions>[,<*group_conditions>]][\nHAVING <?having_conditions>][\nORDER BY <?order_conditions>[,<*order_conditions>]][\nLIMIT <offset|0>,<?count>]",
"insert" : "INSERT INTO <insert_tables> (<insert_columns>[,<*insert_columns>])\n[VALUES <?values_values>[,<*values_values>]]",
"update" : "UPDATE <update_tables>\nSET <set_values>[,<*set_values>][\nWHERE <?where_conditions>][\nORDER BY <?order_conditions>[,<*order_conditions>]][\nLIMIT <offset|0>,<?count>]",
"delete" : "DELETE \nFROM <from_tables>[,<*from_tables>][\nWHERE <?where_conditions>][\nORDER BY <?order_conditions>[,<*order_conditions>]][\nLIMIT <offset|0>,<?count>]"
# https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/index.html
,"postgresql" : {
"quotes" : [ ["'","'","''","''"], ["\"","\"","\"\"","\"\""], ["E","","E",""] ]
,"functions" : {
"strpos" : ["position(",2," in ",1,")"]
,"strlen" : ["length(",1,")"]
,"strlower" : ["lower(",1,")"]
,"strupper" : ["upper(",1,")"]
,"trim" : ["trim(",1,")"]
,"quote" : ["quote(",1,")"]
,"random" : "random()"
,"now" : "now()"
# https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/datatype.html
,"types" : {
,"DATE" : "DATE"
,"VARCHAR" : ["VARCHAR(",[1,'255'],")"]
,"TEXT" : "TEXT"
,"JSON" : "JSON"
,"clauses" : {
"start_transaction" : "START TRANSACTION <type|>;",
"commit_transaction" : "COMMIT;",
"rollback_transaction" : "ROLLBACK;",
"transact" : "START TRANSACTION <type|>;\n<statements>;[\n<*statements>;]\n[<?rollback|>ROLLBACK;][<?!rollback>COMMIT;]",
"create" : "[<?view|>CREATE[ <?temporary|>TEMPORARY] VIEW <create_table> [(\n<?columns>[,\n<*columns>]\n)] AS <query>][<?!view>CREATE[ <?temporary|>TEMPORARY] TABLE[ <?ifnotexists|>IF NOT EXISTS] <create_table> [(\n<?columns>:=[<col:COL>:=[[<?column> <type>[ COLLATE <?collation>][ CONSTRAINT <?constraint>][ <?!isnull><?isnotnull|>NOT NULL][ <?!isnotnull><?isnull|>NULL][ DEFAULT <?default_value>][ CHECK (<?check>)][ <?unique|>UNIQUE][ <?primary|>PRIMARY KEY]]][,\n<*col:COL>]]\n)]]",
"alter" : "ALTER [<?view|>VIEW][<?!view>TABLE] <alter_table>\n<columns>[ <?options>]",
"drop" : "DROP [<?view|>VIEW][<?!view>TABLE][ <?ifexists|>IF EXISTS] <drop_tables>[,<*drop_tables>]",
"union" : "(<union_selects>)[\nUNION[<?union_all|> ALL]\n(<*union_selects>)][\nORDER BY <?order_conditions>[,<*order_conditions>]][\nLIMIT <?count> OFFSET <offset|0>]",
"select" : "SELECT <select_columns>[,<*select_columns>]\nFROM <from_tables>[,<*from_tables>][\n<?join_clauses>:=[<join:JOIN>:=[[<?type> ]JOIN <table>[ ON <?cond>]][\n<*join:JOIN>]]][\nWHERE <?where_conditions>][\nGROUP BY <?group_conditions>[,<*group_conditions>]][\nHAVING <?having_conditions>][\nORDER BY <?order_conditions>[,<*order_conditions>]][\nLIMIT <?count> OFFSET <offset|0>]",
"insert" : "INSERT INTO <insert_tables> (<insert_columns>[,<*insert_columns>])\n[VALUES <?values_values>[,<*values_values>]]",
"update" : "UPDATE <update_tables>\nSET <set_values>[,<*set_values>][\nWHERE <?where_conditions>][\nORDER BY <?order_conditions>[,<*order_conditions>]][\nLIMIT <?count> OFFSET <offset|0>]",
"delete" : "DELETE \nFROM <from_tables>[,<*from_tables>][\nWHERE <?where_conditions>][\nORDER BY <?order_conditions>[,<*order_conditions>]][\nLIMIT <?count> OFFSET <offset|0>]"
# https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/language-reference?view=sql-server-ver16
,"transactsql" : {
"quotes" : [ ["'","'","''","''"], ["[","]","[","]"], [""," ESCAPE '\\'","",""] ]
,"functions" : {
"strpos" : ["CHARINDEX(",2,",",1,")"]
,"strlen" : ["LEN(",1,")"]
,"strlower" : ["LOWER(",1,")"]
,"strupper" : ["UPPER(",1,")"]
,"trim" : ["LTRIM(RTRIM(",1,"))"]
,"quote" : ["QUOTENAME(",1,",\"'\")"]
,"random" : "RAND()"
# https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/data-types/data-types-transact-sql?view=sql-server-ver16
,"types" : {
,"INT" : "INT"
,"FLOAT" : ["FLOAT(",[1,'24'],")"]
,"DOUBLE" : ["FLOAT(",[1,'53'],")"]
,"BOOL" : "BIT"
,"DATE" : "DATE"
,"TIME" : "TIME"
,"VARBINARY" : ["VARBINARY(",[1,'255'],")"]
,"VARCHAR" : ["VARCHAR(",[1,'255'],")"]
,"TEXT" : "TEXT"
,"JSON" : "TEXT"
,"clauses" : {
"start_transaction" : "BEGIN TRANSACTION <type|>;",
"commit_transaction" : "COMMIT;",
"rollback_transaction" : "ROLLBACK;",
"transact" : "BEGIN TRANSACTION <type|>;\n<statements>;[\n<*statements>;]\n[<?rollback|>ROLLBACK;][<?!rollback>COMMIT;]",
"create" : "[<?view|>CREATE[ <?temporary|>TEMPORARY] VIEW[ <?ifnotexists|>IF NOT EXISTS] <create_table> [(\n<?columns>[,\n<*columns>]\n)] AS <query>][<?!view>[<?ifnotexists|>IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE name=<create_table> AND xtype='U')\n]CREATE TABLE <create_table> [<?!query>(\n<columns>:=[<col:COL>:=[[[CONSTRAINT <?constraint> ]<?column> <type|>[ <?isnotnull|>NOT NULL][ [CONSTRAINT <?constraint> ]DEFAULT <?default_value>][ CHECK (<?check>)][ <?!primary><?unique|>UNIQUE][ <?!unique><?primary|>PRIMARY KEY[ COLLATE <?collation>]]]][,\n<*col:COL>]]\n)][<?ifnotexists|>\nGO]]",
"alter" : "ALTER [<?view|>VIEW][<?!view>TABLE] <alter_table>\n<columns>[ <?options>]",
"drop" : "DROP [<?view|>VIEW][<?!view>TABLE][ <?ifexists|>IF EXISTS] <drop_tables>[,<*drop_tables>]",
"union" : "(<union_selects>)[\nUNION[<?union_all|> ALL]\n(<*union_selects>)][\nORDER BY <?order_conditions>[,<*order_conditions>]]",
"select" : "SELECT <select_columns>[,<*select_columns>]\nFROM <from_tables>[,<*from_tables>][\n<?join_clauses>:=[<join:JOIN>:=[[<?type> ]JOIN <table>[ ON <?cond>]][\n<*join:JOIN>]]][\nWHERE <?where_conditions>][\nGROUP BY <?group_conditions>[,<*group_conditions>]][\nHAVING <?having_conditions>][\nORDER BY <?order_conditions>[,<*order_conditions>][\nOFFSET <offset|0> ROWS FETCH NEXT <?count> ROWS ONLY]][<?!order_conditions>[\nORDER BY 1\nOFFSET <offset|0> ROWS FETCH NEXT <?count> ROWS ONLY]]",
"insert" : "INSERT INTO <insert_tables> (<insert_columns>[,<*insert_columns>])\n[VALUES <?values_values>[,<*values_values>]]",
"update" : "UPDATE <update_tables>\nSET <set_values>[,<*set_values>][\nWHERE <?where_conditions>][\nORDER BY <?order_conditions>[,<*order_conditions>]]",
"delete" : "DELETE \nFROM <from_tables>[,<*from_tables>][\nWHERE <?where_conditions>][\nORDER BY <?order_conditions>[,<*order_conditions>]]"
# https://www.sqlite.org/doclist.html
,"sqlite" : {
"quotes" : [ ["'","'","''","''"], ["\"","\"","\"\"","\"\""], [""," ESCAPE '\\'","",""] ]
,"functions" : {
"strpos" : ["instr(",2,",",1,")"]
,"strlen" : ["length(",1,")"]
,"strlower" : ["lower(",1,")"]
,"strupper" : ["upper(",1,")"]
,"trim" : ["trim(",1,")"]
,"quote" : ["quote(",1,")"]
,"random" : "random()"
,"now" : "datetime('now')"
# https://www.sqlite.org/datatype3.html
,"types" : {
,"DATE" : "TEXT"
,"TIME" : "TEXT"
,"TEXT" : "TEXT"
,"BLOB" : "BLOB"
,"JSON" : "TEXT"
,"clauses" : {
"start_transaction" : "BEGIN <type|> TRANSACTION;",
"commit_transaction" : "COMMIT;",
"rollback_transaction" : "ROLLBACK;",
"transact" : "BEGIN <type|> TRANSACTION;\n<statements>;[\n<*statements>;]\n[<?rollback|>ROLLBACK;][<?!rollback>COMMIT;]",
"create" : "[<?view|>CREATE[ <?temporary|>TEMPORARY] VIEW[ <?ifnotexists|>IF NOT EXISTS] <create_table> [(\n<?columns>[,\n<*columns>]\n)] AS <query>][<?!view>CREATE[ <?temporary|>TEMPORARY] TABLE[ <?ifnotexists|>IF NOT EXISTS] <create_table> [<?!query>(\n<columns>:=[<col:COL>:=[[[CONSTRAINT <?constraint> ]<?column> <type|>[ <?isnotnull|>NOT NULL][ DEFAULT <?default_value>][ CHECK (<?check>)][ <?!primary><?unique|>UNIQUE][ <?!unique><?primary|>PRIMARY KEY[ <?auto_increment|>AUTOINCREMENT][ COLLATE <?collation>]]]][,\n<*col:COL>]]\n)[ <?without_rowid|>WITHOUT ROWID]][AS <?query>]]",
"alter" : "ALTER [<?view|>VIEW][<?!view>TABLE] <alter_table>\n<columns>[ <?options>]",
"drop" : "DROP [<?view|>VIEW][<?!view>TABLE][ <?ifexists|>IF EXISTS] <drop_tables>",
"union" : "(<union_selects>)[\nUNION[<?union_all|> ALL]\n(<*union_selects>)][\nORDER BY <?order_conditions>[,<*order_conditions>]][\nLIMIT <?count> OFFSET <offset|0>]",
"select" : "SELECT <select_columns>[,<*select_columns>]\nFROM <from_tables>[,<*from_tables>][\n<?join_clauses>:=[<join:JOIN>:=[[<?type> ]JOIN <table>[ ON <?cond>]][\n<*join:JOIN>]]][\nWHERE <?where_conditions>][\nGROUP BY <?group_conditions>[,<*group_conditions>]][\nHAVING <?having_conditions>][\nORDER BY <?order_conditions>[,<*order_conditions>]][\nLIMIT <?count> OFFSET <offset|0>]",
"insert" : "INSERT INTO <insert_tables> (<insert_columns>[,<*insert_columns>])\n[VALUES <?values_values>[,<*values_values>]]",
"update" : "UPDATE <update_tables>\nSET <set_values>[,<*set_values>][\nWHERE <?where_conditions>]",
"delete" : "[<?!order_conditions><?!count>DELETE FROM <from_tables> [, <*from_tables>][\nWHERE <?where_conditions>]][DELETE FROM <from_tables> [, <*from_tables>] WHERE rowid IN (\nSELECT rowid FROM <from_tables> [, <*from_tables>][\nWHERE <?where_conditions>]\nORDER BY <?order_conditions> [, <*order_conditions>][\nLIMIT <?count> OFFSET <offset|0>]\n)][<?!order_conditions>DELETE FROM <from_tables> [, <*from_tables>] WHERE rowid IN (\nSELECT rowid FROM <from_tables> [, <*from_tables>][\nWHERE <?where_conditions>]\nLIMIT <?count> OFFSET <offset|0>\n)]"
aliases = {
"mysqli" : "mysql"
,"mariadb" : "mysql"
,"sqlserver" : "transactsql"
,"postgres" : "postgresql"
,"postgre" : "postgresql"
def __init__(self, type = 'mysql'):
if type and (type in Dialect.aliases): type = Dialect.aliases[type]
if (not type) or (type not in Dialect.dialects) or ('clauses' not in Dialect.dialects[ type ]):
raise ValueError('Dialect: SQL dialect does not exist for "'+type+'"')
self.clau = None
self.clus = None
self.tbls = None
self.cols = None
self.vews = {}
self.tpls = {}
self.db = None
self.escdb = None
self.escdbn = None
self.p = '';
self.type = type
self.clauses = Dialect.dialects[self.type]['clauses']
self.q = Dialect.dialects[self.type]['quotes'][0]
self.qn = Dialect.dialects[self.type]['quotes'][1]
self.e = Dialect.dialects[self.type]['quotes'][2] if 1 < len(Dialect.dialects[self.type]['quotes']) else ['','','','']
def __del__(self):
def dispose(self):
self.clau = None
self.clus = None
self.tbls = None
self.cols = None
self.vews = None
self.tpls = None
self.db = None
self.escdb = None
self.escdbn = None
self.p = None
self.type = None
self.clauses = None
self.q = None
self.qn = None
self.e = None
return self
def __str__(self):
sql = self.sql()
return sql if sql else ''
def driver(self, *args):
if len(args):
db = args[0]
self.db = db if db else None
return self
return self.db
def escape(self, *args):
if len(args):
escdb = args[0]
does_quote = bool(args[1]) if len(args)>1 else False
self.escdb = [escdb, does_quote] if escdb and callable(escdb) else None
return self
return self.escdb
def escapeId(self, *args):
if len(args):
escdbn = args[0]
does_quote = bool(args[1]) if len(args)>1 else False
self.escdbn = [escdbn, does_quote] if escdbn and callable(escdbn) else None
return self
return self.escdb
def prefix(self, *args):
if len(args):
prefix = args[0]
self.p = prefix if prefix else ''
return self
return self.p
def reset(self, clause):
if not clause or (clause not in self.clauses):
raise ValueError('Dialect: SQL clause "'+str(clause)+'" does not exist for dialect "'+self.type+'"')
self.clus = {}
self.tbls = {}
self.cols = {}
self.clau = str(clause)
if not isinstance(self.clauses[self.clau], Dialect.GrammarTemplate):
self.clauses[self.clau] = Dialect.GrammarTemplate(self.clauses[self.clau])
return self
def clear(self):
self.clau = None
self.clus = None
self.tbls = None
self.cols = None
return self
def subquery(self):
sub = Dialect(self.type)
escdb = self.escape()
escdbn = self.escapeId()
if escdb: sub.escape(escdb[0], escdb[1])
if escdbn: sub.escapeId(escdbn[0], escdbn[1])
sub.vews = self.vews
return sub
def sql(self):
query = ''
if self.clau and (self.clau in self.clauses):
clus = self.clus.copy()
if 'select_columns' in self.clus:
clus['select_columns'] = map_join(self.clus['select_columns'], 'aliased')
if 'from_tables' in self.clus:
clus['from_tables'] = map_join(self.clus['from_tables'], 'aliased')
if 'insert_tables' in self.clus:
clus['insert_tables'] = map_join(self.clus['insert_tables'], 'aliased')
if 'insert_columns' in self.clus:
clus['insert_columns'] = map_join(self.clus['insert_columns'], 'full')
if 'update_tables' in self.clus:
clus['update_tables'] = map_join(self.clus['update_tables'], 'aliased')
if 'create_table' in self.clus:
clus['create_table'] = map_join(self.clus['create_table'], 'full')
if 'alter_table' in self.clus:
clus['alter_table'] = map_join(self.clus['alter_table'], 'full')
if 'drop_tables' in self.clus:
clus['drop_tables'] = map_join(self.clus['drop_tables'], 'full')
if 'where_conditions_required' in self.clus:
clus['where_conditions'] = ('('+str(self.clus['where_conditions_required'])+') AND ('+str(self.clus['where_conditions'])+')') if 'where_conditions' in self.clus else str(self.clus['where_conditions_required'])
#del self.clus['where_conditions_required']
if 'having_conditions_required' in self.clus:
clus['having_conditions'] = ('('+str(self.clus['having_conditions_required'])+') AND ('+str(self.clus['having_conditions'])+')') if 'having_conditions' in self.clus else str(self.clus['having_conditions_required'])
#del self.clus['having_conditions_required']
query = self.clauses[self.clau].render(clus)
return query
def createView(self, view):
if view and self.clau:
self.vews[view] = {
'clau' : self.clau,
'clus' : self.clus,
'tbls' : self.tbls,
'cols' : self.cols
# make existing where / having conditions required
if 'where_conditions' in self.vews[view]['clus']:
if len(self.vews[view]['clus']['where_conditions']):
self.vews[view]['clus']['where_conditions_required'] = self.vews[view]['clus']['where_conditions']
del self.vews[view]['clus']['where_conditions']
if 'having_conditions' in self.vews[view]['clus']:
if len(self.vews[view]['clus']['having_conditions']):
self.vews[view]['clus']['having_conditions_required'] = self.vews[view]['clus']['having_conditions']
del self.vews[view]['clus']['having_conditions']
return self
def useView(self, view):
# using custom 'soft' view
selected_columns = self.clus['select_columns']
view = self.vews[view]
self.clus = defaults(self.clus, view['clus'], True, True)
self.tbls = defaults({}, view['tbls'], True)
self.cols = defaults({}, view['cols'], True)
# handle name resolution and recursive re-aliasing in views
if selected_columns:
selected_columns = self.refs(selected_columns, self.cols, True)
select_columns = []
for selected_column in selected_columns:
if '*' == selected_column.full:
select_columns = select_columns + self.clus['select_columns']
self.clus['select_columns'] = select_columns
return self
def dropView(self, view):
if view and (view in self.vews):
del self.vews[view]
return self
def prepareTpl(self, tpl, *args):
#, query, left, right
if tpl:
argslen = len(args)
if 0 == argslen:
query = None
left = None
right = None
use_internal_query = True
elif 1 == argslen:
query = args[0]
left = None
right = None
use_internal_query = False
elif 2 == argslen:
query = None
left = args[0]
right = args[1]
use_internal_query = True
else: # if 2 < argslen:
query = args[0]
left = args[1]
right = args[2]
use_internal_query = False
# custom delimiters
left = re.escape(left) if left else '%'
right = re.escape(right) if right else '%'
# custom prepared parameter format
pattern = re.compile(left + '(([rlfids]:)?[0-9a-zA-Z_]+)' + right)
if use_internal_query:
sql = Dialect.StringTemplate(self.sql(), pattern)
sql = Dialect.StringTemplate(query, pattern)
self.tpls[tpl] = {
'sql' : sql,
'types' : None
return self
def prepared(self, tpl, args):
if tpl and (tpl in self.tpls):
sql = self.tpls[tpl]['sql']
types = self.tpls[tpl]['types']
if types is None:
# lazy init
types = {}
# extract parameter types
for i in range(len(sql.tpl)):
tpli = sql.tpl[i]
if not tpli[0]:
k = tpli[1].split(':')
if len(k) > 1:
types[k[1]] = k[0]
sql.tpl[i][1] = k[1]
types[k[0]] = "s"
sql.tpl[i][1] = k[0]
self.tpls[tpl]['types'] = types
params = {}
for k in args:
v = args[k]
type = types[k] if k in types else "s"
if 'r'==type:
# raw param
if is_array(v):
params[k] = ','.join(v)
params[k] = v
elif 'l'==type:
# like param
params[k] = self.like(v)
elif 'f'==type:
if is_array(v):
# array of references, e.g fields
tmp = array(v)
params[k] = Ref.parse(tmp[0], self).aliased
for i in range(1,len(tmp)): params[k] += ','+Ref.parse(tmp[i], self).aliased
# reference, e.g field
params[k] = Ref.parse(v, self).aliased
elif 'i'==type:
if is_array(v):
# array of integers param
params[k] = ','.join(self.intval2str(array(v)))
# integer param
params[k] = self.intval2str(v)
elif 'd'==type:
if is_array(v):
# array of floats param
params[k] = ','.join(self.floatval2str(array(v)))
# float param
params[k] = self.floatval2str(v)
#elif 's'==type:
if is_array(v):
# array of strings param
params[k] = ','.join(self.quote(array(v)))
# string param
params[k] = self.quote(v)
return sql.render(params)
return ''
def prepare(self, query, args, left = None, right = None):
if query and args:
# custom delimiters
left = re.escape(left) if left else '%'
right = re.escape(right) if right else '%'
# custom prepared parameter format
pattern = re.compile(left + '([rlfids]:)?([0-9a-zA-Z_]+)' + right)
prepared = ''
m = pattern.search(query)
while m:
pos = m.start(0)
le = len(m.group(0))
param = m.group(2)
if param in args:
type = m.group(1)[0:-1] if m.group(1) else "s"
if 'r'==type:
# raw param
if is_array(args[param]):
param = ','.join(args[param])
param = args[param]
elif 'l'==type:
# like param
param = self.like(args[param])
elif 'f'==type:
if is_array(args[param]):
# array of references, e.g fields
tmp = array(args[param])
param = Ref.parse(tmp[0], self).aliased
for i in range(1,len(tmp)): param += ','+Ref.parse(tmp[i], self).aliased
# reference, e.g field
param = Ref.parse(args[param], self).aliased
elif 'i'==type:
if is_array(args[param]):
# array of integers param
param = ','.join(self.intval2str(array(args[param])))
# integer param
param = self.intval2str(args[param])
elif 'd'==type:
if is_array(args[param]):
# array of floats param
param = ','.join(self.floatval2str(array(args[param])))
# float param
param = self.floatval2str(args[param])
#elif 's'==type:
if is_array(args[param]):
# array of strings param
param = ','.join(self.quote(array(args[param])))
# string param
param = self.quote(args[param])
prepared += query[0:pos] + param
prepared += query[0:pos] + self.quote('')
query = query[pos+le:]
m = pattern.search(query)
if len(query): prepared += query
return prepared
return query
def dropTpl(self, tpl):
if tpl and (tpl in self.tpls):
del self.tpls[tpl]
return self
def StartTransaction(self, type = None, start_transaction_clause = 'start_transaction'):
if self.clau != start_transaction_clause: self.reset(start_transaction_clause)
self.clus['type'] = type if not empty(type) else None
return self
def CommitTransaction(self, commit_transaction_clause = 'commit_transaction'):
if self.clau != commit_transaction_clause: self.reset(commit_transaction_clause)
return self
def RollbackTransaction(self, rollback_transaction_clause = 'rollback_transaction'):
if self.clau != rollback_transaction_clause: self.reset(rollback_transaction_clause)
return self
def Transaction(self, options, transact_clause = 'transact'):
if self.clau != transact_clause: self.reset(transact_clause)
options = {} if empty(options) else options
self.clus['type'] = options['type'] if options and ('type' in options) and not empty(options['type']) else None
self.clus['rollback'] = 1 if options and ('rollback' in options) and options['rollback'] else None
if ('statements' in options) and not empty(options['statements']):
statements = array(options['statements'])
self.clus['statements'] = statements if ('statements' not in self.clus) or not len(self.clus['statements']) else self.clus['statements'] + statements
return self
def Create(self, table, options = None, create_clause = 'create'):
if self.clau != create_clause: self.reset(create_clause)
options = {'ifnotexists' : 1} if empty(options) else options
table = self.refs(table, self.tbls)
self.clus['create_table'] = table
self.clus['view'] = 1 if options and ('view' in options) and options['view'] else None
self.clus['ifnotexists'] = 1 if options and ('ifnotexists' in options) and options['ifnotexists'] else None
self.clus['temporary'] = 1 if options and ('temporary' in options) and options['temporary'] else None
self.clus['query'] = str(options['query']) if options and ('query' in options) and len(str(options['query'])) else None
if ('columns' in options) and not empty(options['columns']):
cols = array(options['columns'])
self.clus['columns'] = cols if 'columns' not in self.clus else self.clus['columns'] + cols
if ('table' in options) and not empty(options['table']):
opts = array(options['table'])
self.clus['options'] = opts if 'options' not in self.clus else self.clus['options'] + opts
return self
def Alter(self, table, options = None, alter_clause = 'alter'):
if self.clau != alter_clause: self.reset(alter_clause)
table = self.refs(table, self.tbls)
self.clus['alter_table'] = table
options = {} if empty(options) else options
self.clus['view'] = 1 if options and ('view' in options) and options['view'] else None
if ('columns' in options) and not empty(options['columns']):
cols = array(options['columns'])
self.clus['columns'] = cols if 'columns' not in self.clus else self.clus['columns'] + cols
if ('table' in options) and not empty(options['table']):
opts = array(options['table'])
self.clus['options'] = opts if 'options' not in self.clus else self.clus['options'] + opts
return self
def Drop(self, tables = '*', options = None, drop_clause = 'drop'):
if self.clau != drop_clause: self.reset(drop_clause)
view = tables[0] if is_array(tables) else tables
if (view in self.vews):
# drop custom 'soft' view
return self
if is_string(tables): tables = tables.split(',')
tables = self.refs('*' if not tables else tables, self.tbls)
options = {'ifexists' : 1} if empty(options) else options
self.clus['view'] = 1 if options and ('view' in options) and options['view'] else None
self.clus['ifexists'] = 1 if options and ('ifexists' in options) and options['ifexists'] else None
self.clus['temporary'] = 1 if options and ('temporary' in options) and options['temporary'] else None
self.clus['drop_tables'] = tables if ('drop_tables' not in self.clus) or not len(self.clus['drop_tables']) else self.clus['drop_tables'] + tables
return self
def Select(self, columns = '*', select_clause = 'select'):
if self.clau != select_clause: self.reset(select_clause)
if is_string(columns): columns = columns.split(',')
columns = self.refs('*' if not columns else columns, self.cols)
self.clus['select_columns'] = columns if ('select_columns' not in self.clus) or not len(self.clus['select_columns']) else self.clus['select_columns'] + columns
return self
def Union(self, selects, all = False, union_clause = 'union'):
if self.clau != union_clause: self.reset(union_clause)
self.clus['union_selects'] = array(selects) if ('union_selects' not in self.clus) or not len(self.clus['union_selects']) else self.clus['union_selects'] + array(selects)
self.clus['union_all'] = '' if bool(all) else None
return self
def Insert(self, tables, columns, insert_clause = 'insert'):
if self.clau != insert_clause: self.reset(insert_clause);
view = tables[0] if is_array(tables) else tables
if (view in self.vews) and self.clau == self.vews[view]['clau']:
# using custom 'soft' view
if is_string(tables): tables = tables.split(',')
if is_string(columns): columns = columns.split(',')
tables = self.refs(tables, self.tbls)
columns = self.refs(columns, self.cols)
self.clus['insert_tables'] = tables if ('insert_tables' not in self.clus) or not len(self.clus['insert_tables']) else self.clus['insert_tables'] + tables
self.clus['insert_columns'] = columns if ('insert_columns' not in self.clus) or not len(self.clus['insert_columns']) else self.clus['insert_columns'] + columns
return self
def Values(self, values):
if empty(values): return self
# array of arrays
if not is_array(values) or not is_array(values[0]): values = [values]
insert_values = []
for vs in values:
vs = array(vs)
if len(vs):
vals = []
for val in vs:
if is_obj(val):
if 'raw' in val:
elif 'integer' in val:
elif 'int' in val:
elif 'float' in val:
elif 'string' in val:
vals.append('NULL' if val is None else (str(val) if isinstance(val, (int,float)) else self.quote(val)))
insert_values.append('(' + ','.join(vals) + ')')
insert_values = ','.join(insert_values)
if 'values_values' in self.clus and len(self.clus['values_values']) > 0:
insert_values = self.clus['values_values'] + ',' + insert_values
self.clus['values_values'] = insert_values
return self
def Update(self, tables, update_clause = 'update'):
if self.clau != update_clause: self.reset(update_clause)
view = tables[0] if is_array(tables) else tables
if (view in self.vews) and self.clau == self.vews[view]['clau']:
# using custom 'soft' view
if is_string(tables): tables = tables.split(',')
tables = self.refs(tables, self.tbls)
self.clus['update_tables'] = tables if ('update_tables' not in self.clus) or not len(self.clus['update_tables']) else self.clus['update_tables'] + tables
return self
def Set(self, fields_values):
if empty(fields_values): return self
set_values = []
COLS = self.cols
for f in fields_values:
field = self.refs(f, COLS)[0].full
value = fields_values[f]
if is_obj(value):
if 'raw' in value:
set_values.append(field + " = " + str(value['raw']))
elif 'integer' in value:
set_values.append(field + " = " + self.intval2str(value['integer']))
elif 'int' in value:
set_values.append(field + " = " + self.intval2str(value['int']))
elif 'float' in value:
set_values.append(field + " = " + self.floatval2str(value['float']))
elif 'string' in value:
set_values.append(field + " = " + self.quote(value['string']))
elif 'increment' in value:
set_values.append(field + " = " + field + " + " + str(self.numval(value['increment'])))
elif 'decrement' in value:
set_values.append(field + " = " + field + " - " + str(self.numval(value['decrement'])))
elif 'case' in value:
set_case_value = field + " = CASE"
if 'when' in value['case']:
for case_value in value['case']['when']:
set_case_value += "\nWHEN " + self.conditions(value['case']['when'][case_value],False) + " THEN " + self.quote(case_value)
if 'else' in value['case']:
set_case_value += "\nELSE " + self.quote(value['case']['else'])
for case_value in value['case']:
set_case_value += "\nWHEN " + self.conditions(value['case'][case_value],False) + " THEN " + self.quote(case_value)
set_case_value += "\nEND"
set_values.append(field + " = " + ('NULL' if value is None else (str(value) if isinstance(value, (int,float)) else self.quote(value))))
set_values = ','.join(set_values)
if 'set_values' in self.clus and len(self.clus['set_values']) > 0:
set_values = self.clus['set_values'] + ',' + set_values
self.clus['set_values'] = set_values
return self
def Delete(self, delete_clause = 'delete'):
if self.clau != delete_clause: self.reset(delete_clause)
return self
def From(self, tables):
if empty(tables): return self
view = tables[0] if is_array(tables) else tables
if (view in self.vews) and (self.clau == self.vews[view]['clau']):
# using custom 'soft' view
if is_string(tables): tables = tables.split(',')
tables = self.refs(tables, self.tbls)
self.clus['from_tables'] = tables if ('from_tables' not in self.clus) or not len(self.clus['from_tables']) else self.clus['from_tables'] + tables
return self
def Join(self, table, on_cond = None, join_type = ''):
table = self.refs(table, self.tbls )[0].aliased
join_type = None if empty(join_type) else str(join_type).upper()
if empty(on_cond):
join_clause = {
'table' : table,
'type' : join_type
if is_string(on_cond):
on_cond = self.refs(on_cond.split('='), self.cols)
on_cond = '(' + on_cond[0].full + '=' + on_cond[1].full + ')'
for field in on_cond:
cond = on_cond[field]
if not is_obj(cond): on_cond[field] = {'eq':cond, 'type':'identifier'}
on_cond = '(' + self.conditions(on_cond, False) + ')'
join_clause = {
'table' : table,
'type' : join_type,
'cond' : on_cond
if 'join_clauses' not in self.clus: self.clus['join_clauses'] = [join_clause]
else: self.clus['join_clauses'].append(join_clause)
return self
def Where(self, conditions, boolean_connective = "and"):
if empty(conditions): return self
boolean_connective = str(boolean_connective).upper() if boolean_connective else "AND"
if "OR" != boolean_connective: boolean_connective = "AND"
conditions = self.conditions(conditions, False)
if 'where_conditions' in self.clus and len(self.clus['where_conditions']) > 0:
conditions = self.clus['where_conditions'] + " "+boolean_connective+" " + conditions
self.clus['where_conditions'] = conditions
return self
def Group(self, col):
group_condition = self.refs(col, self.cols)[0].alias
if 'group_conditions' in self.clus and len(self.clus['group_conditions']) > 0:
group_condition = self.clus['group_conditions'] + ',' + group_condition
self.clus['group_conditions'] = group_condition
return self
def Having(self, conditions, boolean_connective = "and"):
if empty(conditions): return self
boolean_connective = str(boolean_connective).upper() if boolean_connective else "AND"
if "OR" != boolean_connective: boolean_connective = "AND"
conditions = self.conditions(conditions, True)
if 'having_conditions' in self.clus and len(self.clus['having_conditions']) > 0:
conditions = self.clus['having_conditions'] + " "+boolean_connective+" " + conditions
self.clus['having_conditions'] = conditions
return self
def Order(self, col, dir = "asc"):
dir = str(dir).upper() if dir else "ASC"
if "DESC" != dir: dir = "ASC"
order_condition = self.refs(col, self.cols)[0].alias + " " + dir
if 'order_conditions' in self.clus and len(self.clus['order_conditions']) > 0:
order_condition = self.clus['order_conditions'] + ',' + order_condition
self.clus['order_conditions'] = order_condition
return self
def Limit(self, count, offset = 0):
self.clus['count'] = int(count, 10) if is_string(count) else count
self.clus['offset'] = int(offset, 10) if is_string(offset) else offset
return self
def Page(self, page, perpage):
page = int(page, 10) if is_string(page) else page
perpage = int(perpage, 10) if is_string(perpage) else perpage
return self.Limit(perpage, page*perpage)
def conditions(self, conditions, can_use_alias = False):
if empty(conditions): return ''
if is_string(conditions): return conditions
condquery = ''
conds = []
COLS = self.cols
fmt = 'alias' if can_use_alias is True else 'full'
for f in conditions:
value = conditions[f]
if is_obj(value):
if 'raw' in value:
if 'or' in value:
cases = []
for or_cl in value['or']:
cases.append(self.conditions(or_cl, can_use_alias))
conds.append(' OR '.join(cases))
if 'and' in value:
cases = []
for and_cl in value['and']:
cases.append(self.conditions(and_cl, can_use_alias))
conds.append(' AND '.join(cases))
if 'either' in value:
cases = []
for either in value['either']:
case_i = {}
case_i[f] = either
cases.append(self.conditions(case_i, can_use_alias))
conds.append(' OR '.join(cases))
if 'together' in value:
cases = []
for together in value['together']:
case_i = {}
case_i[f] = together
cases.append(self.conditions(case_i, can_use_alias))
conds.append(' AND '.join(cases))
field = getattr(self.refs(f, COLS)[0], fmt)
type = value['type'] if 'type' in value else 'string'
if 'case' in value:
cases = field + " = CASE"
if 'when' in value['case']:
for case_value in value['case']['when']:
cases += " WHEN " + self.conditions(value['case']['when'][case_value], can_use_alias) + " THEN " + self.quote(case_value)
if 'else' in value['case']:
cases += " ELSE " + self.quote(value['case']['else'])
for case_value in value['case']:
cases += " WHEN " + self.conditions(value['case'][case_value], can_use_alias) + " THEN " + self.quote(case_value)
cases += " END"
elif 'multi_like' in value:
conds.append(self.multi_like(field, value['multi_like']))
elif 'like' in value:
conds.append(field + " LIKE " + (str(value['like']) if 'raw' == type else self.like(value['like'])))
elif 'not_like' in value:
conds.append(field + " NOT LIKE " + (str(value['not_like']) if 'raw' == type else self.like(value['not_like'])))
elif 'contains' in value:
v = str(value['contains'])
if 'raw' == type:
# raw, do nothing
v = self.quote(v)
conds.append(self.sql_function('strpos', [field, v]) + ' > 0')
elif 'not_contains' in value:
v = str(value['not_contains'])
if 'raw' == type:
# raw, do nothing
v = self.quote(v)
conds.append(self.sql_function('strpos', [field, v]) + ' = 0')
elif 'in' in value:
v = array(value['in'])
if 'raw' == type:
# raw, do nothing
elif ('int' == type or 'integer' == type) or is_int(v[0]):
v = self.intval2str(v);
elif 'float' == type or is_float(v[0]):
v = self.floatval2str(v);
v = self.quote(v)
conds.append(field + " IN (" + ','.join(v) + ")")
elif 'not_in' in value:
v = array(value['not_in'])
if 'raw' == type:
# raw, do nothing
elif ('int' == type or 'integer' == type) or is_int(v[0]):
v = self.intval2str(v);
elif 'float' == type or is_float(v[0]):
v = self.floatval2str(v);
v = self.quote(v)
conds.append(field + " NOT IN (" + ','.join(v) + ")")
elif 'between' in value:
v = array(value['between'])
# partial between clause
if v[0] is None:
# switch to lte clause
if 'raw' == type:
# raw, do nothing
elif ('int' == type or 'integer' == type) or is_int(v[1]):
v[1] = self.intval(v[1])
elif 'float' == type or is_float(v[1]):
v[1] = self.floatval(v[1])
v[1] = self.quote(v[1])
conds.append(field + " <= " + str(v[1]))
elif v[1] is None:
# switch to gte clause
if 'raw' == type:
# raw, do nothing
elif ('int' == type or 'integer' == type) or is_int(v[0]):
v[0] = self.intval(v[0])
elif 'float' == type or is_float(v[0]):
v[0] = self.floatval(v[0])
v[0] = self.quote(v[0])
conds.append(field + " >= " + str(v[0]))
if 'raw' == type:
# raw, do nothing
elif ('int' == type or 'integer' == type) or (is_int(v[0]) and is_int(v[1])):
v = self.intval(v)
elif 'float' == type or (is_float(v[0]) and is_float(v[1])):
v = self.floatval(v)
v = self.quote(v)
conds.append(field + " BETWEEN " + str(v[0]) + " AND " + str(v[1]))
elif 'not_between' in value:
v = array(value['not_between'])
# partial between clause
if v[0] is None:
# switch to gt clause
if 'raw' == type:
# raw, do nothing
elif ('int' == type or 'integer' == type) or is_int(v[1]):
v[1] = self.intval(v[1])
elif 'float' == type or is_float(v[1]):
v[1] = self.floatval(v[1])
v[1] = self.quote(v[1])
conds.append(field + " > " + str(v[1]))
elif v[1] is None:
# switch to lt clause
if 'raw' == type:
# raw, do nothing
elif ('int' == type or 'integer' == type) or is_int(v[0]):
v[0] = self.intval(v[0])
elif 'float' == type or is_float(v[0]):
v[0] = self.floatval(v[0])
v[0] = self.quote(v[0])
conds.append(field + " < " + str(v[0]))
if 'raw' == type:
# raw, do nothing
elif ('int' == type or 'integer' == type) or (is_int(v[0]) and is_int(v[1])):
v = self.intval(v)
elif 'float' == type or (is_float(v[0]) and is_float(v[1])):
v = self.floatval(v)
v = self.quote(v)
conds.append(field + " < " + str(v[0]) + " OR " + field + " > " + str(v[1]))
elif ('gt' in value) or ('gte' in value):
op = 'gt' if 'gt' in value else "gte"
v = value[op]
if 'raw' == type:
# raw, do nothing
elif ('int' == type or 'integer' == type) or is_int(v):
v = self.intval(v)
elif 'float' == type or is_float(v):
v = self.floatval(v)
elif 'identifier' == type or 'field' == type:
v = getattr(self.refs(v, COLS)[0], fmt)
v = self.quote(v)
conds.append(field + (" > " if 'gt'==op else " >= ") + str(v))
elif ('lt' in value) or ('lte' in value):
op = 'lt' if 'lt' in value else "lte"
v = value[op]
if 'raw' == type:
# raw, do nothing
elif ('int' == type or 'integer' == type) or is_int(v):
v = self.intval(v)
elif 'float' == type or is_float(v):
v = self.floatval(v)
elif 'identifier' == type or 'field' == type:
v = getattr(self.refs(v, COLS)[0], fmt)
v = self.quote(v)
conds.append(field + (" < " if 'lt'==op else " <= ") + str(v))
elif ('not_equal' in value) or ('not_eq' in value):
op = 'not_equal' if 'not_equal' in value else "not_eq"
v = value[op]
if 'raw' == type or v is None:
# raw, do nothing
elif ('int' == type or 'integer' == type) or is_int(v):
v = self.intval(v)
elif 'float' == type or is_float(v):
v = self.floatval(v)
elif 'identifier' == type or 'field' == type:
v = getattr(self.refs(v, COLS)[0], fmt)
v = self.quote(v)
conds.append((field + " IS NOT NULL") if v is None else (field + " <> " + str(v)))
elif ('equal' in value) or ('eq' in value):
op = 'equal' if 'equal' in value else "eq"
v = value[op]
if 'raw' == type or v is None:
# raw, do nothing
elif ('int' == type or 'integer' == type) or is_int(v):
v = self.intval(v)
elif 'float' == type or is_float(v):
v = self.floatval(v)
elif 'identifier' == type or 'field' == type:
v = getattr(self.refs(v, COLS)[0], fmt)
v = self.quote(v)
conds.append((field + " IS NULL") if v is None else (field + " = " + str(v)))
field = getattr(self.refs(f, COLS)[0], fmt)
conds.append((field + " IS NULL") if value is None else (field + " = " + (str(value) if isinstance(value, (int,float)) else self.quote(value))))
if len(conds): condquery = '(' + ') AND ('.join(conds) + ')'
return condquery
def joinConditions(self, join, conditions):
j = 0
conditions_copied = copy.copy(conditions)
for f in conditions_copied:
ref = Ref.parse(f, self)
field = ref._col
if field not in join: continue
cond = conditions[f]
main_table = join[field]['table']
main_id = join[field]['id']
join_table = join[field]['join']
join_id = join[field]['join_id']
j += 1
join_alias = join_table+str(j)
where = {}
if ('key' in join[field]) and field != join[field]['key']:
join_key = join[field]['key']
where[join_alias+'.'+join_key] = field
join_key = field
if 'value' in join[field]:
join_value = join[field]['value']
where[join_alias+'.'+join_value] = cond
join_value = join_key
where[join_alias+'.'+join_value] = cond
join_table+" AS "+join_alias,
del conditions[f]
return self
def refs(self, refs, lookup, re_alias = False):
if re_alias is True:
for i in range(len(refs)):
ref = refs[i]
alias = ref.alias
qualified = ref.qualified
qualified_full = ref.full
if '*' == qualified_full: continue
if alias not in lookup:
if qualified_full in lookup:
ref2 = lookup[qualified_full]
alias2 = ref2.alias
qualified_full2 = ref2.full
if (qualified_full2 != qualified_full) and (alias2 != alias) and (alias2 == qualified_full):
# handle recursive aliasing
#if (qualified_full2 != alias2) and (alias2 in lookup):
# del lookup[alias2]
ref2 = ref2.cloned(ref.alias)
refs[i] = lookup[alias] = ref2
elif qualified in lookup:
ref2 = lookup[qualified]
if ref2.qualified != qualified: ref2 = lookup[ref2.qualified]
if ref.full != ref.alias:
ref2 = ref2.cloned(ref.alias, None, ref._func)
ref2 = ref2.cloned(None, ref2.alias, ref._func)
refs[i] = lookup[ref2.alias] = ref2
if (ref2.alias != ref2.full) and (ref2.full not in lookup):
lookup[ref2.full] = ref2
lookup[alias] = ref
if (alias != qualified_full) and (qualified_full not in lookup):
lookup[qualified_full] = ref
refs[i] = lookup[alias]
rs = array(refs)
refs = []
for i in range(len(rs)):
#r = rs[i].split(',')
#for j in range(len(r)):
ref = Ref.parse(rs[i], self)
alias = ref.alias
qualified = ref.full
if alias not in lookup:
lookup[alias] = ref
if (qualified != alias) and (qualified not in lookup):
lookup[qualified] = ref
ref = lookup[alias]
return refs
def tbl(self, table):
if is_array(table): return [self.tbl(x) for x in table]
return self.p + str(table)
def intval(self, v):
if is_array(v): return [self.intval(x) for x in v]
else: return v if is_int(v) else int(str(v), 10)
def intval2str( self, v ):
if is_array(v): return [self.intval2str(x) for x in v]
else: return str(self.intval(v))
def floatval(self, v):
if is_array(v): return [self.floatval(x) for x in v]
else: return v if is_float(v) else float(str(v))
def floatval2str(self, v):
if is_array(v): return [self.floatval2str(x) for x in v]
else: return str(self.floatval(v))
def numval(self, v):
if is_array(v): return [self.numval(x) for x in v]
else: return v if isinstance(v, (int,float)) else float(str(v))
def quote_name(self, v, optional = False):
optional = optional is True
qn = self.qn
if is_array(v):
return [self.quote_name(x, optional) for x in v]
v = str(v)
if optional and qn[0] == v[0:len(qn[0])] and qn[1] == v[-len(qn[1]):]:
return v
if self.escdbn:
return self.escdbn[0](v) if self.escdbn[1] else (qn[0] + self.escdbn[0](v) + qn[1])
ve = ''
for c in v:
# properly try to escape quotes, by doubling for example, inside name
if qn[0] == c:
ve += qn[2]
elif qn[1] == c:
ve += qn[3]
ve += c
return qn[0] + ve + qn[1]
def quote(self, v):
if is_array(v): return [self.quote(x) for x in v]
q = self.q
e = self.e
v = str(v)
hasBackSlash = (-1 != v.find('\\')) #('\\' in v)
if self.escdb:
return self.escdb[0](v) if self.escdb[1] else ((e[2] if hasBackSlash else '') + q[0] + self.escdb[0](v) + q[1] + (e[3] if hasBackSlash else ''))
return (e[2] if hasBackSlash else '') + q[0] + self.esc(v) + q[1] + (e[3] if hasBackSlash else '')
def esc(self, v):
global NULL_CHAR
if is_array(v): return [self.esc(x) for x in v]
escdb = self.escdb
v = str(v)
if escdb and not escdb[1]: return escdb[0](v)
# simple ecsaping using addslashes
# '"\ and NUL (the NULL byte).
chars = '\\' + NULL_CHAR
esc = '\\'
q = self.q
ve = ''
for c in v:
if q[0] == c: ve += q[2]
elif q[1] == c: ve += q[3]
else: ve += addslashes(c, chars, esc)
return ve
def esc_like(self, v):
if is_array(v): return [self.esc_like(x) for x in v]
return addslashes(str(v), '_%', '\\')
def like(self, v):
if is_array(v): return [self.like(x) for x in v]
q = self.q
e = ['','','',''] if self.escdb else self.e
return e[0] + q[0] + '%' + self.esc_like(self.esc(v)) + '%' + q[1] + e[1]
def multi_like(self, f, v, trimmed = True):
trimmed = trimmed is not False
like = f + " LIKE "
ORs = v.split(',')
if trimmed: ORs = filter(len, list(map(lambda x: x.strip(), ORs)))
for i in range(len(ORs)):
ANDs = ORs[i].split('+')
if trimmed: ANDs = filter(len, list(map(lambda x: x.strip(), ANDs)))
for j in range(len(ANDs)): ANDs[j] = like + self.like(ANDs[j])
ORs[i] = '(' + ' AND '.join(ANDs) + ')'
return ' OR '.join(ORs)
def sql_function(self, f, args = None):
if ('functions' not in Dialect.dialects[self.type]) or (f not in Dialect.dialects[self.type]['functions']):
raise ValueError('Dialect: SQL function "'+f+'" does not exist for dialect "'+self.type+'"')
f = Dialect.dialects[self.type]['functions'][f]
if isinstance(f, (list,tuple)):
func = ''
args = [] if args is None else array(args)
argslen = len(args)
is_arg = False
for fi in f:
func += ((str(args[fi[0]-1]) if 0<fi[0] and argslen>=fi[0] else (str(fi[1]) if (1<len(fi)) and not (fi[1] is None) else '')) if isinstance(fi, (list,tuple)) else (str(args[fi-1]) if 0<fi and argslen>=fi else '')) if is_arg else str(fi)
is_arg = not is_arg
return func
return str(f)
def sql_type(self, data_type, args = None):
data_type = str(data_type).upper()
if ('types' not in Dialect.dialects[self.type]) or (data_type not in Dialect.dialects[self.type]['types']):
raise ValueError('Dialect: SQL type "'+data_type+'" does not exist for dialect "'+self.type+'"')
d = Dialect.dialects[self.type]['types'][data_type]
if isinstance(d, (list,tuple)):
dd = ''
args = [] if args is None else array(args)
argslen = len(args)
is_arg = False
for di in d:
dd += ((str(args[di[0]-1]) if 0<di[0] and argslen>=di[0] else (str(di[1]) if (1<len(di)) and not (di[1] is None) else '')) if isinstance(di, (list,tuple)) else (str(args[di-1]) if 0<di and argslen>=di else '')) if is_arg else str(di)
is_arg = not is_arg
return dd
return str(d)
__all__ = ['Dialect']