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File: src/js/Dialect.js

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  Classes of Nikos M.   Dialect PHP SQL Query Builder   src/js/Dialect.js   Download  
File: src/js/Dialect.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Dialect PHP SQL Query Builder
Build SQL queries from templates
Author: By
Last change: v.1.4.0 contd

* support default values in sql_function, sql_type
* more standard and versatile sql types supported
* add JSON sql type
Date: 2 years ago
Size: 130,840 bytes


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/** * Dialect, * a simple and flexible Cross-Platform & Cross-Vendor SQL Query Builder for PHP, Python, JavaScript * * @version: 1.4.0 * * * Abstract the construction of SQL queries * Support multiple DB vendors * Intuitive and Flexible API **/ !function(root, name, factory) { "use strict"; if (('undefined'!==typeof Components)&&('object'===typeof Components.classes)&&('object'===typeof Components.classesByID)&&Components.utils&&('function'===typeof Components.utils['import'])) /* XPCOM */ (root.$deps = root.$deps||{}) && (root.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = [name]) && (root[name] = root.$deps[name] =; else if (('object'===typeof module)&&module.exports) /* CommonJS */ (module.$deps = module.$deps||{}) && (module.exports = module.$deps[name] =; else if (('function'===typeof define)&&define.amd&&('function'===typeof require)&&('function'===typeof require.specified)&&require.specified(name) /*&& !require.defined(name)*/) /* AMD */ define(name,['module'],function(module){factory.moduleUri = module.uri; return;}); else if (!(name in root)) /* Browser/WebWorker/.. */ (root[name] =||1)&&('function'===typeof(define))&&define.amd&&define(function(){return root[name];} ); }( /* current root */ 'undefined' !== typeof self ? self : this, /* module name */ "Dialect", /* module factory */ function ModuleFactory__Dialect(undef) { "use strict"; var PROTO = 'prototype', Keys = Object.keys, toString = Object[PROTO].toString, hasOwnProperty = Object[PROTO].hasOwnProperty, CHAR = 'charAt', CHARCODE = 'charCodeAt', escaped_re = /[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, trim_re = /^\s+|\s+$/g, trim = String[PROTO].trim ? function(s) {return s.trim();} : function(s) {return s.replace(trim_re, '');}, NULL_CHAR = String.fromCharCode(0); function guid() { guid.GUID += 1; return pad(new Date().getTime().toString(16),12)+'--'+pad(guid.GUID.toString(16),4)/*+'--'+pad(Math.floor(1000*Math.random()).toString(16),4)*/; } guid.GUID = 0; function is_callable(f) { return "function" === typeof f; } // function StringTemplate(tpl, replacements, compiled) { var self = this; if (!(self instanceof StringTemplate)) return new StringTemplate(tpl, replacements, compiled); = null; self.tpl = null; self._renderer = null; self._args = [tpl||'',replacements || StringTemplate.defaultArgs,compiled]; self._parsed = false; } StringTemplate.VERSION = '1.0.0'; StringTemplate.defaultArgs = /\$(-?[0-9]+)/g; StringTemplate.guid = guid; StringTemplate.multisplit = function multisplit(tpl, reps, as_array) { var r, sr, s, i, j, a, b, c, al, bl; as_array = !!as_array; a = [[1, tpl]]; for (r in reps) { if (, r)) { c = []; sr = as_array ? reps[r] : r; s = [0, reps[r]]; for (i=0,al=a.length; i<al; ++i) { if (1 === a[i][0]) { b = a[i][1].split(sr); bl = b.length; c.push([1, b[0]]); if (bl > 1) { for (j=0; j<bl-1; ++j) { c.push(s); c.push([1, b[j+1]]); } } } else { c.push(a[i]); } } a = c; } } return a; }; StringTemplate.multisplit_re = function multisplit_re(tpl, re) { re = ? re : new RegExp(re.source, re.ignoreCase?"gi":"g"); /* make sure global flag is added */ var a = [], i = 0, m; while (m = re.exec(tpl)) { a.push([1, tpl.slice(i, re.lastIndex - m[0].length)]); a.push([0, m[1] ? m[1] : m[0]]); i = re.lastIndex; } a.push([1, tpl.slice(i)]); return a; }; StringTemplate.arg = function(key, argslen) { var i, k, kn, kl, givenArgsLen, out = 'args'; if (arguments.length && null != key) { if (key.substr) key = key.length ? key.split('.') : []; else key = [key]; kl = key.length; givenArgsLen = !!(argslen && argslen.substr); for (i=0; i<kl; ++i) { k = key[i]; kn = +k; if (!isNaN(kn)) { if (kn < 0) k = givenArgsLen ? (argslen+(-kn)) : (out+'.length-'+(-kn)); out += '[' + k + ']'; } else { out += '["' + k + '"]'; } } } return out; }; StringTemplate.compile = function(tpl, raw) { var l = tpl.length, i, notIsSub, s, out; if (true === raw) { out = '"use strict"; return ('; for (i=0; i<l; ++i) { notIsSub = tpl[i][0]; s = tpl[i][1]; out += notIsSub ? s : StringTemplate.arg(s); } out += ');'; } else { out = '"use strict"; var argslen=args.length; return ('; for (i=0; i<l; ++i) { notIsSub = tpl[i][0]; s = tpl[i][1]; if (notIsSub) out += "'" + s.replace(SQUOTE, "\\'").replace(NEWLINE, "' + \"\\n\" + '") + "'"; else out += " + String(" + StringTemplate.arg(s,"argslen") + ") + "; } out += ');'; } return new Function('args', out); }; StringTemplate[PROTO] = { constructor: StringTemplate ,id: null ,tpl: null ,_parsed: false ,_args: null ,_renderer: null ,dispose: function() { var self = this; = null; self.tpl = null; self._parsed = null; self._args = null; self._renderer = null; return self; } ,fixRenderer: function() { var self = this; self.render = 'function' === typeof self._renderer ? self._renderer : self.constructor[PROTO].render; return self; } ,parse: function() { var self = this; if (false === self._parsed) { // lazy init self._parsed = true; var tpl = self._args[0], replacements = self._args[1], compiled = self._args[2]; self._args = null; self.tpl = replacements instanceof RegExp ? StringTemplate.multisplit_re(tpl, replacements) : StringTemplate.multisplit(tpl, replacements); if (true === compiled) { self._renderer = StringTemplate.compile(self.tpl); self.fixRenderer(); } } return self; } ,render: function(args) { var self = this; args = args || []; if (false === self._parsed) { // lazy init self.parse(); if (is_callable(self._renderer)) return self._renderer(args); } //if (is_callable(self._renderer)) return self._renderer( args ); var tpl = self.tpl, l = tpl.length, argslen = args.length, i, t, s, out = '' ; for (i=0; i<l; ++i) { t = tpl[i]; if (1 === t[0]) { out += t[1]; } else { s = t[1]; if ((+s === s) && (s < 0)) s = argslen+s; out += args[s]; } } return out; } }; // function HAS(o, x) { return o &&, x) ? 1 : 0; } function pad(s, n, z, pad_right) { var ps = String(s); z = z || '0'; if (pad_right) while (ps.length < n) ps += z; else while (ps.length < n) ps = z + ps; return ps; } function compute_alignment(s, i, l) { var alignment = '', c; while (i < l) { c = s[CHAR](i); if ((" " === c) || ("\r" === c) || ("\t" === c) || ("\v" === c) || ("\0" === c)) { alignment += c; ++i; } else { break; } } return alignment; } function align(s, alignment) { var aligned, c, i, l = s.length; if (l && alignment.length) { aligned = ''; for (i=0; i<l; ++i) { c = s[CHAR](i); aligned += c; if ("\n" === c) aligned += alignment; } } else { aligned = s; } return aligned; } function walk(obj, keys, keys_alt, obj_alt) { var o, l, i, k, found = 0; if (keys) { o = obj; l = keys.length; i = 0; found = 1; while (i < l) { k = keys[i++]; if ((null != o) && (null != o[k])) { o = o[k]; } else { found = 0; break; } } } if (!found && keys_alt) { o = obj; l = keys_alt.length; i = 0; found = 1; while (i < l) { k = keys_alt[i++]; if ((null != o) && (null != o[k])) { o = o[k]; } else { found = 0; break; } } } if (!found && (null != obj_alt) && (obj_alt !== obj)) { if (keys) { o = obj_alt; l = keys.length; i = 0; found = 1; while (i < l) { k = keys[i++]; if ((null != o) && (null != o[k])) { o = o[k]; } else { found = 0; break; } } } if (!found && keys_alt) { o = obj_alt; l = keys_alt.length; i = 0; found = 1; while (i < l) { k = keys_alt[i++]; if ((null != o) && (null != o[k])) { o = o[k]; } else { found = 0; break; } } } } return found ? o : null; } function StackEntry(stack, value) { this.prev = stack || null; this.value = value || null; } function TplEntry(node, tpl) { if (tpl) = this; this.node = node || null; this.prev = tpl || null; = null; } function multisplit(tpl, delims, postop) { var IDL = delims[0], IDR = delims[1], OBL = delims[2], OBR = delims[3], lenIDL = IDL.length, lenIDR = IDR.length, lenOBL = OBL.length, lenOBR = OBR.length, ESC = '\\', OPT = '?', OPTR = '*', NEG = '!', DEF = '|', COMMENT = '#', TPL = ':=', REPL = '{', REPR = '}', DOT = '.', REF = ':', ALGN = '@', //NOTALGN = '&', COMMENT_CLOSE = COMMENT+OBR, default_value = null, negative = 0, optional = 0, nested, aligned = 0, localised = 0, start_i, end_i, template, argument, p, stack, c, a, b, s, l = tpl.length, i, j, jl, subtpl, arg_tpl, cur_tpl, start_tpl, cur_arg, opt_args, roottpl, block, cur_block, prev_arg, prev_opt_args, delim1 = [IDL, lenIDL, IDR, lenIDR], delim2 = [OBL, lenOBL, OBR, lenOBR], delim_order = [null,0,null,0,null,0,null,0], delim; postop = true === postop; a = new TplEntry({type: 0, val: '', algn: ''}); cur_arg = { type : 1, name : null, key : null, stpl : null, dval : null, opt : 0, neg : 0, algn : 0, loc : 0, start : 0, end : 0 }; roottpl = a; block = null; opt_args = null; subtpl = {}; cur_tpl = null; arg_tpl = {}; start_tpl = null; // hard-coded merge-sort for arbitrary delims parsing based on str len if (delim1[1] < delim1[3]) { s = delim1[0]; delim1[2] = delim1[0]; delim1[0] = s; i = delim1[1]; delim1[3] = delim1[1]; delim1[1] = i; } if (delim2[1] < delim2[3]) { s = delim2[0]; delim2[2] = delim2[0]; delim2[0] = s; i = delim2[1]; delim2[3] = delim2[1]; delim2[1] = i; } start_i = 0; end_i = 0; i = 0; while ((4 > start_i) && (4 > end_i)) { if (delim1[start_i+1] < delim2[end_i+1]) { delim_order[i] = delim2[end_i]; delim_order[i+1] = delim2[end_i+1]; end_i += 2; } else { delim_order[i] = delim1[start_i]; delim_order[i+1] = delim1[start_i+1]; start_i += 2; } i += 2; } while (4 > start_i) { delim_order[i] = delim1[start_i]; delim_order[i+1] = delim1[start_i+1]; start_i += 2; i += 2; } while (4 > end_i) { delim_order[i] = delim2[end_i]; delim_order[i+1] = delim2[end_i+1]; end_i += 2; i += 2; } stack = null; s = ''; i = 0; while (i < l) { c = tpl[CHAR](i); if (ESC === c) { s += i+1 < l ? tpl[CHAR](i+1) : ''; i += 2; continue; } delim = null; if (delim_order[0] === tpl.substr(i,delim_order[1])) delim = delim_order[0]; else if (delim_order[2] === tpl.substr(i,delim_order[3])) delim = delim_order[2]; else if (delim_order[4] === tpl.substr(i,delim_order[5])) delim = delim_order[4]; else if (delim_order[6] === tpl.substr(i,delim_order[7])) delim = delim_order[6]; if (IDL === delim) { i += lenIDL; if (s.length) { if (0 === a.node.type) a.node.val += s; else a = new TplEntry({type: 0, val: s, algn: ''}, a); } s = ''; } else if (IDR === delim) { i += lenIDR; // argument argument = s; s = ''; if (-1 < (p=argument.indexOf(DEF))) { default_value = argument.slice(p+1); argument = argument.slice(0, p); } else { default_value = null; } if (postop) { c = i < l ? tpl[CHAR](i) : ''; } else { c = argument[CHAR](0); } if (OPT === c || OPTR === c) { optional = 1; if (OPTR === c) { start_i = 1; end_i = -1; } else { start_i = 0; end_i = 0; } if (postop) { i += 1; if ((i < l) && (NEG === tpl[CHAR](i))) { negative = 1; i += 1; } else { negative = 0; } } else { if (NEG === argument[CHAR](1)) { negative = 1; argument = argument.slice(2); } else { negative = 0; argument = argument.slice(1); } } } else if (REPL === c) { if (postop) { s = ''; j = i+1; jl = l; while ((j < jl) && (REPR !== tpl[CHAR](j))) s += tpl[CHAR](j++); i = j+1; } else { s = ''; j = 1; jl = argument.length; while ((j < jl) && (REPR !== argument[CHAR](j))) s += argument[CHAR](j++); argument = argument.slice(j+1); } s = s.split(','); if (s.length > 1) { start_i = trim(s[0]); start_i = start_i.length ? (+start_i)|0 /*parseInt(start_i,10)||0*/ : 0; end_i = trim(s[1]); end_i = end_i.length ? (+end_i)|0 /*parseInt(end_i,10)||0*/ : -1; optional = 1; } else { start_i = trim(s[0]); start_i = start_i.length ? (+start_i)|0 /*parseInt(start_i,10)||0*/ : 0; end_i = start_i; optional = 0; } s = ''; negative = 0; } else { optional = 0; negative = 0; start_i = 0; end_i = 0; } if (negative && (null == default_value)) default_value = ''; c = argument[CHAR](0); if (ALGN === c) { aligned = 1; argument = argument.slice(1); } else { aligned = 0; } c = argument[CHAR](0); if (DOT === c) { localised = 1; argument = argument.slice(1); } else { localised = 0; } template = -1 < argument.indexOf(REF) ? argument.split(REF) : [argument,null]; argument = template[0]; template = template[1]; nested = -1 < argument.indexOf(DOT) ? argument.split(DOT) : null; if (cur_tpl && !HAS(arg_tpl,cur_tpl)) arg_tpl[cur_tpl] = {}; if (TPL+OBL === tpl.substr(i,2+lenOBL)) { // template definition i += 2; template = template&&template.length ? template : 'grtpl--'+guid(); start_tpl = template; if (cur_tpl && argument.length) arg_tpl[cur_tpl][argument] = template; } if (!argument.length) continue; // template definition only if ((null==template) && cur_tpl && HAS(arg_tpl,cur_tpl) && HAS(arg_tpl[cur_tpl],argument)) template = arg_tpl[cur_tpl][argument]; if (optional && !cur_arg.opt) { = argument; cur_arg.key = nested; cur_arg.stpl = template; cur_arg.dval = default_value; cur_arg.opt = optional; cur_arg.neg = negative; cur_arg.algn = aligned; cur_arg.loc = localised; cur_arg.start = start_i; cur_arg.end = end_i; // handle multiple optional arguments for same optional block opt_args = new StackEntry(null, [argument,nested,negative,start_i,end_i,optional,localised]); } else if (optional) { // handle multiple optional arguments for same optional block if ((start_i !== end_i) && (cur_arg.start === cur_arg.end)) { // set as main arg a loop arg, if exists = argument; cur_arg.key = nested; cur_arg.stpl = template; cur_arg.dval = default_value; cur_arg.opt = optional; cur_arg.neg = negative; cur_arg.algn = aligned; cur_arg.loc = localised; cur_arg.start = start_i; cur_arg.end = end_i; } opt_args = new StackEntry(opt_args, [argument,nested,negative,start_i,end_i,optional,localised]); } else if (!optional && (null == { = argument; cur_arg.key = nested; cur_arg.stpl = template; cur_arg.dval = default_value; cur_arg.opt = 0; cur_arg.neg = negative; cur_arg.algn = aligned; cur_arg.loc = localised; cur_arg.start = start_i; cur_arg.end = end_i; // handle multiple optional arguments for same optional block opt_args = new StackEntry(null, [argument,nested,negative,start_i,end_i,0,localised]); } if (0 === a.node.type) a.node.algn = compute_alignment(a.node.val, 0, a.node.val.length); a = new TplEntry({ type : 1, name : argument, key : nested, stpl : template, dval : default_value, opt : optional, algn : aligned, loc : localised, start : start_i, end : end_i }, a); } else if (OBL === delim) { i += lenOBL; if (s.length) { if (0 === a.node.type) a.node.val += s; else a = new TplEntry({type: 0, val: s, algn: ''}, a); } s = ''; // comment if (COMMENT === tpl[CHAR](i)) { j = i+1; jl = l; while ((j < jl) && (COMMENT_CLOSE !== tpl.substr(j,lenOBR+1))) s += tpl[CHAR](j++); i = j+lenOBR+1; if (0 === a.node.type) a.node.algn = compute_alignment(a.node.val, 0, a.node.val.length); a = new TplEntry({type: -100, val: s}, a); s = ''; continue; } // optional block stack = new StackEntry(stack, [a, block, cur_arg, opt_args, cur_tpl, start_tpl]); if (start_tpl) cur_tpl = start_tpl; start_tpl = null; cur_arg = { type : 1, name : null, key : null, stpl : null, dval : null, opt : 0, neg : 0, algn : 0, loc : 0, start : 0, end : 0 }; opt_args = null; a = new TplEntry({type: 0, val: '', algn: ''}); block = a; } else if (OBR === delim) { i += lenOBR; b = a; cur_block = block; prev_arg = cur_arg; prev_opt_args = opt_args; if (stack) { a = stack.value[0]; block = stack.value[1]; cur_arg = stack.value[2]; opt_args = stack.value[3]; cur_tpl = stack.value[4]; start_tpl = stack.value[5]; stack = stack.prev; } else { a = null; } if (s.length) { if (0 === b.node.type) b.node.val += s; else b = new TplEntry({type: 0, val: s, algn: ''}, b); } s = ''; if (start_tpl) { subtpl[start_tpl] = new TplEntry({ type : 2, name :, key : prev_arg.key, loc : prev_arg.loc, algn : prev_arg.algn, start : prev_arg.start, end : prev_arg.end, opt_args: null/*opt_args*/, tpl : cur_block }); start_tpl = null; } else { if (0 === a.node.type) a.node.algn = compute_alignment(a.node.val, 0, a.node.val.length); a = new TplEntry({ type : -1, name :, key : prev_arg.key, loc : prev_arg.loc, algn : prev_arg.algn, start : prev_arg.start, end : prev_arg.end, opt_args: prev_opt_args, tpl : cur_block }, a); } } else { c = tpl[CHAR](i++); if ("\n" === c) { // note line changes to handle alignments if (s.length) { if (0 === a.node.type) a.node.val += s; else a = new TplEntry({type: 0, val: s, algn: ''}, a); } s = ''; if (0 === a.node.type) a.node.algn = compute_alignment(a.node.val, 0, a.node.val.length); a = new TplEntry({type: 100, val: "\n"}, a); } else { s += c; } } } if (s.length) { if (0 === a.node.type) a.node.val += s; else a = new TplEntry({type: 0, val: s, algn: ''}, a); } if (0 === a.node.type) a.node.algn = compute_alignment(a.node.val, 0, a.node.val.length); return [roottpl, subtpl]; } function optional_block(args, block, SUB, FN, index, alignment, orig_args) { var opt_vars, opt_v, opt_arg, arr, rs, re, ri, len, block_arg = null, out = ''; if (-1 === block.type) { // optional block, check if optional variables can be rendered opt_vars = block.opt_args; // if no optional arguments, render block by default if (opt_vars && opt_vars.value[5]) { while (opt_vars) { opt_v = opt_vars.value; opt_arg = walk(args, opt_v[1], [String(opt_v[0])], opt_v[6] ? null : orig_args); if ((null === block_arg) && ( === opt_v[0])) block_arg = opt_arg; if ( (0 === opt_v[2] && null == opt_arg) || (1 === opt_v[2] && null != opt_arg) ) return ''; opt_vars = opt_vars.prev; } } } else { block_arg = walk(args, block.key, [String(], block.loc ? null : orig_args); } arr = is_array(block_arg); len = arr ? block_arg.length : -1; //if (!block.algn) alignment = ''; if (arr && (len > block.start)) { for (rs=block.start,re=(-1===block.end?len-1:Math.min(block.end,len-1)),ri=rs; ri<=re; ++ri) out += main(args, block.tpl, SUB, FN, ri, alignment, orig_args); } else if (!arr && (block.start === block.end)) { out = main(args, block.tpl, SUB, FN, null, alignment, orig_args); } return out; } function non_terminal(args, symbol, SUB, FN, index, alignment, orig_args) { var opt_arg, tpl_args, tpl, out = '', fn; if (symbol.stpl && ( HAS(SUB,symbol.stpl) || HAS(GrammarTemplate.subGlobal,symbol.stpl) || HAS(FN,symbol.stpl) || HAS(FN,'*') || HAS(GrammarTemplate.fnGlobal,symbol.stpl) || HAS(GrammarTemplate.fnGlobal,'*') )) { // using custom function or sub-template opt_arg = walk(args, symbol.key, [String(], symbol.loc ? null : orig_args); if (HAS(SUB,symbol.stpl) || HAS(GrammarTemplate.subGlobal,symbol.stpl)) { // sub-template if ((null != index) && ((0 !== index) || (symbol.start !== symbol.end) || !symbol.opt) && is_array(opt_arg)) { opt_arg = index < opt_arg.length ? opt_arg[index] : null; } if ((null == opt_arg) && (null !== symbol.dval)) { // default value if missing out = symbol.dval; } else { // try to associate sub-template parameters to actual input arguments tpl = HAS(SUB,symbol.stpl) ? SUB[symbol.stpl].node : GrammarTemplate.subGlobal[symbol.stpl].node; tpl_args = {}; if (null != opt_arg) { /*if (HAS(opt_arg, && !HAS(opt_arg, tpl_args = opt_arg; else tpl_args[] = opt_arg;*/ if (is_array(opt_arg)) tpl_args[] = opt_arg; else tpl_args = opt_arg; } out = optional_block(tpl_args, tpl, SUB, FN, null, symbol.algn ? alignment : '', null == orig_args ? args : orig_args); //if (symbol.algn) out = align(out, alignment); } } else //if (fn) { // custom function fn = null; if (HAS(FN,symbol.stpl)) fn = FN[symbol.stpl]; else if (HAS(FN,'*')) fn = FN['*']; else if (HAS(GrammarTemplate.fnGlobal,symbol.stpl)) fn = GrammarTemplate.fnGlobal[symbol.stpl]; else if (GrammarTemplate.fnGlobal['*']) fn = GrammarTemplate.fnGlobal['*']; if (is_array(opt_arg)) { index = null != index ? index : symbol.start; opt_arg = index < opt_arg.length ? opt_arg[index] : null; } if (is_callable(fn)) { var fn_arg = { //value : opt_arg, symbol : symbol, index : index, currentArguments : args, originalArguments : orig_args, alignment : alignment }; opt_arg = fn(opt_arg, fn_arg); } else { opt_arg = String(fn); } out = (null == opt_arg) && (null !== symbol.dval) ? symbol.dval : String(opt_arg); if (symbol.algn) out = align(out, alignment); } } else if (symbol.opt && (null != symbol.dval)) { // boolean optional argument out = symbol.dval; } else { // plain symbol argument opt_arg = walk(args, symbol.key, [String(], symbol.loc ? null : orig_args); // default value if missing if (is_array(opt_arg)) { index = null != index ? index : symbol.start; opt_arg = index < opt_arg.length ? opt_arg[index] : null; } out = (null == opt_arg) && (null !== symbol.dval) ? symbol.dval : String(opt_arg); if (symbol.algn) out = align(out, alignment); } return out; } function main(args, tpl, SUB, FN, index, alignment, orig_args) { alignment = alignment || ''; var tt, current_alignment = alignment, out = ''; while (tpl) { tt = tpl.node.type; if (-1 === tt) /* optional code-block */ { out += optional_block(args, tpl.node, SUB, FN, index, tpl.node.algn ? current_alignment : alignment, orig_args); } else if (1 === tt) /* non-terminal */ { out += non_terminal(args, tpl.node, SUB, FN, index, tpl.node.algn ? current_alignment : alignment, orig_args); } else if (0 === tt) /* terminal */ { current_alignment += tpl.node.algn; out += tpl.node.val; } else if (100 === tt) /* new line */ { current_alignment = alignment; out += "\n" + alignment; } /*else if (-100 === tt) /* comment * / { /* pass * / }*/ tpl =; } return out; } function GrammarTemplate(tpl, delims, postop) { var self = this; if (!(self instanceof GrammarTemplate)) return new GrammarTemplate(tpl, delims, postop); = null; self.tpl = null; self.fn = {}; // lazy init self._args = [tpl||'', delims||GrammarTemplate.defaultDelimiters, postop||false]; }; GrammarTemplate.VERSION = '3.0.0'; GrammarTemplate.defaultDelimiters = ['<','>','[',']']; GrammarTemplate.fnGlobal = {}; GrammarTemplate.subGlobal = {}; GrammarTemplate.guid = guid; GrammarTemplate.multisplit = multisplit; GrammarTemplate.align = align; GrammarTemplate.main = main; GrammarTemplate[PROTO] = { constructor: GrammarTemplate ,id: null ,tpl: null ,fn: null ,_args: null ,dispose: function() { var self = this; = null; self.tpl = null; self.fn = null; self._args = null; return self; } ,parse: function() { var self = this; if ((null === self.tpl) && (null != self._args)) { // lazy init self.tpl = GrammarTemplate.multisplit(self._args[0], self._args[1], self._args[2]); self._args = null; } return self; } ,render: function(args) { var self = this; // lazy init if (null == self.tpl) self.parse(); return GrammarTemplate.main(null == args ? {} : args, self.tpl[0], self.tpl[1], self.fn); } }; function RE(r, f) { return new RegExp(r, f||''); } function esc_re(s) { return s.replace(escaped_re, "\\$&"); } function is_string(o) { //return "string" === typeof o; return (o instanceof String) || ('[object String]' ===; } function is_array(o) { return (o instanceof Array) || ('[object Array]' ===; } function is_obj(o) { return (o instanceof Object) || ('[object Object]' ===; } function is_string_or_array(o) { var to_string =; return (o instanceof Array || o instanceof String || '[object Array]' === to_string || '[object String]' === to_string); } function empty(o) { var to_string =; if ((o instanceof Array || o instanceof String || '[object Array]' === to_string || '[object String]' === to_string) && !o.length) return true; if ((o instanceof Object || '[object Object]' === to_string) && !Keys(o).length) return true; return !o; } function int(n) { return parseInt(n||0, 10)||0; } function float(n) { return parseFloat(n||0, 10)||0; } function is_int(mixed_var) { return (mixed_var === +mixed_var) && isFinite(mixed_var) && !(mixed_var % 1); } function is_float(mixed_var) { return (mixed_var === +mixed_var) && isFinite(mixed_var); } function array(o) { return is_array(o) ? o : [o]; } function addslashes(s, chars, esc) { var s2 = '', i, l, c; if (3 > arguments.length) esc = '\\'; if (2 > arguments.length) chars = '\\"\'' + NULL_CHAR; for (i=0,l=s.length; i<l; ++i) { c = s[CHAR](i); s2 += -1 === chars.indexOf(c) ? c : (0 === c[CHARCODE](0) ? '\\0' : (esc+c)); } return s2; } function defaults(data, def, overwrite, array_copy) { overwrite = true === overwrite; array_copy = true === array_copy; for (var k in def) { if (!, k)) continue; if (overwrite || !, k)) data[k] = array_copy && def[k].slice ? def[k].slice() : def[k]; } return data; } function fmap(x, F) { var l = x.length; if (!l) return []; var i, k, r = l&15, q = r&1, Fx=new Array(l); if (q) Fx[0] = F(x[0]); for (i=q; i<r; i+=2) { k = i; Fx[i ] = F(x[k ]); Fx[i+1] = F(x[k+1]); } for (i=r; i<l; i+=16) { k = i; Fx[i ] = F(x[k ]); Fx[i+1] = F(x[k+1]); Fx[i+2] = F(x[k+2]); Fx[i+3] = F(x[k+3]); Fx[i+4] = F(x[k+4]); Fx[i+5] = F(x[k+5]); Fx[i+6] = F(x[k+6]); Fx[i+7] = F(x[k+7]); Fx[i+8] = F(x[k+8]); Fx[i+9] = F(x[k+9]); Fx[i+10] = F(x[k+10]); Fx[i+11] = F(x[k+11]); Fx[i+12] = F(x[k+12]); Fx[i+13] = F(x[k+13]); Fx[i+14] = F(x[k+14]); Fx[i+15] = F(x[k+15]); } return Fx; } function ffilter(x, F) { var l = x.length; if (!l) return []; var i, k, r = l&15, q = r&1, Fx=[]; if (q && F(x[0])) Fx.push(x[0]); for (i=q; i<r; i+=2) { k = i; if (F(x[ k])) Fx.push(x[k]); if (F(x[++k])) Fx.push(x[k]); } for (i=r; i<l; i+=16) { k = i; if (F(x[ k])) Fx.push(x[k]); if (F(x[++k])) Fx.push(x[k]); if (F(x[++k])) Fx.push(x[k]); if (F(x[++k])) Fx.push(x[k]); if (F(x[++k])) Fx.push(x[k]); if (F(x[++k])) Fx.push(x[k]); if (F(x[++k])) Fx.push(x[k]); if (F(x[++k])) Fx.push(x[k]); if (F(x[++k])) Fx.push(x[k]); if (F(x[++k])) Fx.push(x[k]); if (F(x[++k])) Fx.push(x[k]); if (F(x[++k])) Fx.push(x[k]); if (F(x[++k])) Fx.push(x[k]); if (F(x[++k])) Fx.push(x[k]); if (F(x[++k])) Fx.push(x[k]); if (F(x[++k])) Fx.push(x[k]); } return Fx; } function map_join(arr, prop, sep) { var joined = '', i, l; if (arr && arr.length) { sep = null == sep ? ',' : sep; joined = arr[0][prop]; for (i=1,l=arr.length; i<l; ++i) joined += sep + arr[i][prop]; } return joined; } function Ref(_col, col, _tbl, tbl, _dtb, dtb, _alias, alias, _qual, qual, _func) { var self = this; self._col = _col; self.col = col; self._tbl = _tbl; self.tbl = tbl; self._dtb = _dtb; self.dtb = dtb; self._alias = _alias; self._qualified =_qual; self.qualified = qual; self.full = self.qualified; self._func = null == _func ? [] : _func; if (self._func.length) { for (var f=0,fl=self._func.length; f<fl; ++f) self.full = self._func[f]+'('+self.full+')'; } if (null != self._alias) { self.alias = alias; self.aliased = self.full + ' AS ' + self.alias; } else { self.alias = self.full; self.aliased = self.full; } } var Ref_spc_re = /\s/, Ref_num_re = /[0-9]/, Ref_alf_re = /[a-z_]/i; Ref.parse = function(r, d) { // catch passing instance as well if (r instanceof Ref) return r; // should handle field formats like: // [ F1(..Fn( ] [[dtb.]tbl.]col [ )..) ] [ AS alias ] // and/or // ( ..subquery.. ) [ AS alias] // and extract alias, dtb, tbl, col identifiers (if present) // and also extract F1,..,Fn function identifiers (if present) var i, l, stacks, stack, ids, funcs, keywords2 = ['AS'], s, err, err_pos, err_type, paren, quote, ch, keyword, paren2, quote2, quote2pos, dbl_quote, esc_quote,subquery, escaped, j, col, col_q, tbl, tbl_q, dtb, dtb_q, alias, alias_q, tbl_col, tbl_col_q ; r = trim( r ); l = r.length; i = 0; stacks = [[]]; stack = stacks[0]; ids = []; funcs = []; // 0 = SEP, 1 = ID, 2 = FUNC, 5 = Keyword, 10 = *, 100 = Subtree s = ''; err = null; paren = 0; quote = null; paren2 = 0; quote2 = null; quote2pos = null; subquery = null; while (i < l) { ch = r.charAt(i++); if ('(' === ch && 1 === i) { // ( ..subquery.. ) [ AS alias] ++paren2; continue; } if (0 < paren2) { // ( ..subquery.. ) [ AS alias] if ('"' === ch || '`' === ch || '\'' === ch || '[' === ch || ']' === ch) { if (!quote2) { quote2 = '[' === ch ? ']' : ch; quote2pos = i-1; } else if (quote2 === ch) { dbl_quote = (('"'===ch || '`'===ch) && (d.qn[3]===ch+ch)) || ('\''===ch && d.q[3]===ch+ch); esc_quote = (('"'===ch || '`'===ch) && (d.qn[3]==='\\'+ch)) || ('\''===ch && d.q[3]==='\\'+ch); if (dbl_quote && (i<l) && (ch===r.charAt(i))) { // double-escaped quote in identifier or string ++i; } else if (esc_quote) { // maybe-escaped quote in string escaped = false; // handle special case of " ESCAPE '\' " if ((-1!==d.e[1].indexOf("'\\'")) && ("'\\'"===r.slice(quote2pos, i))) { // pass } else { // else find out if quote is escaped or not j = i-2; while (0<=j && '\\'===r.charAt(j)) { escaped = !escaped; --j; } } if (!escaped) { quote2 = null; quote2pos = null; } } else { quote2 = null; quote2pos = null; } } continue; } else if (quote2) { continue; } else if ('(' === ch) { ++paren2; continue; } else if (')' === ch) { --paren2; if (0 > paren2) { err = ['paren',i]; break; } else if (0 === paren2) { if (quote2) { err = ['quote',i]; break; } subquery = r.slice(0, i); s = subquery; continue; } else { continue; } } else { continue; } } else { // [ F1(..Fn( ] [[dtb.]tbl.]col [ )..) ] [ AS alias ] if ('"' === ch || '`' === ch || '\'' === ch || '[' === ch || ']' === ch) { // sql quote if (!quote) { if (s.length || (']' === ch)) { err = ['invalid',i]; break; } quote = '[' === ch ? ']' : ch; continue; } else if (quote === ch) { if ((i<l) && (ch===r.charAt(i))) { // double-escaped quote in identifier s += ch; ++i; continue; } else { if (s.length) { stack.unshift([1, s]); ids.unshift(s); s = ''; } else { err = ['invalid',i]; break; } quote = null; continue; } } else if (quote) { s += ch; continue; } } if (quote) { // part of sql-quoted value s += ch; continue; } if ('*' === ch) { // placeholder if (s.length) { err = ['invalid',i]; break; } stack.unshift([10, '*']); ids.unshift(10); } else if ('.' === ch) { // separator if (s.length) { stack.unshift([1, s]); ids.unshift(s); s = ''; } if (!stack.length || 1 !== stack[0][0]) { // error, mismatched separator err = ['invalid',i]; break; } stack.unshift([0, '.']); ids.unshift(0); } else if ('(' === ch) { // left paren ++paren; if (s.length) { // identifier is function stack.unshift([2, s]); funcs.unshift(s); s = ''; } if (!stack.length || (2 !== stack[0][0] && 1 !== stack[0][0])) { err = ['invalid',i]; break; } if (1 === stack[0][0]) { stack[0][0] = 2; funcs.unshift(ids.shift()); } stacks.unshift([]); stack = stacks[0]; } else if (')' === ch) { // right paren --paren; if (s.length) { keyword = -1 < keywords2.indexOf(s.toUpperCase()); stack.unshift([keyword ? 5 : 1, s]); ids.unshift(keyword ? 5 : s); s = ''; } if (stacks.length < 2) { err = ['invalid',i]; break; } // reduce stacks[1].unshift([100, stacks.shift()]); stack = stacks[0]; } else if (Ref_spc_re.test(ch)) { // space separator if (s.length) { keyword = -1 < keywords2.indexOf(s.toUpperCase()); stack.unshift([keyword ? 5 : 1, s]); ids.unshift(keyword ? 5 : s); s = ''; } continue; } else if (Ref_num_re.test(ch)) { if (!s.length) { err = ['invalid',i]; break; } // identifier s += ch; } else if (Ref_alf_re.test(ch)) { // identifier s += ch; } else { err = ['invalid',i]; break; } } } if (s.length) { stack.unshift([1, s]); ids.unshift(s); s = ''; } if (!err && (paren || paren2)) err = ['paren', l]; if (!err && (quote || quote2)) err = ['quote', l]; if (!err && 1 !== stacks.length) err = ['invalid', l]; if (err) { err_pos = err[1]-1; err_type = err[0]; if ('paren' == err_type) { // error, mismatched parentheses throw new TypeError('Dialect: Mismatched parentheses "'+r+'" at position '+err_pos+'.'); } else if ('quote' == err_type) { // error, mismatched quotes throw new TypeError('Dialect: Mismatched quotes "'+r+'" at position '+err_pos+'.'); } else// if ('invalid' == err_type) { // error, invalid character throw new TypeError('Dialect: Invalid character "'+r+'" at position '+err_pos+'.'); } } alias = null; alias_q = ''; if (null != subquery) { if ((ids.length >= 3) && (5 === ids[1]) && is_string(ids[0])) { alias = ids.shift(); alias_q = d.quote_name(alias); ids.shift(); } col = subquery; col_q = subquery; tbl = null; tbl_q = ''; dtb = null; dtb_q = ''; tbl_col = col; tbl_col_q = col_q; } else { if ((ids.length >= 3) && (5 === ids[1]) && is_string(ids[0])) { alias = ids.shift(); alias_q = d.quote_name(alias); ids.shift(); } col = null; col_q = ''; if (ids.length && (is_string(ids[0]) || 10 === ids[0])) { if (10 === ids[0]) { ids.shift(); col = col_q = '*'; } else { col = ids.shift(); col_q = d.quote_name(col); } } tbl = null; tbl_q = ''; if ((ids.length >= 2) && (0 === ids[0]) && is_string(ids[1])) { ids.shift(); tbl = ids.shift(); tbl_q = d.quote_name(tbl); } dtb = null; dtb_q = ''; if ((ids.length >= 2) && (0 === ids[0]) && is_string(ids[1])) { ids.shift(); dtb = ids.shift(); dtb_q = d.quote_name(dtb); } tbl_col = (dtb ? dtb+'.' : '') + (tbl ? tbl+'.' : '') + (col ? col : ''); tbl_col_q = (dtb ? dtb_q+'.' : '') + (tbl ? tbl_q+'.' : '') + (col ? col_q : ''); } return new Ref(col, col_q, tbl, tbl_q, dtb, dtb_q, alias, alias_q, tbl_col, tbl_col_q, funcs); }; Ref[PROTO] = { constructor: Ref ,_func: null ,_col: null ,col: null ,_tbl: null ,tbl: null ,_dtb: null ,dtb: null ,_alias: null ,alias: null ,_qualified: null ,qualified: null ,full: null ,aliased: null ,cloned: function(alias, alias_q, func) { var self = this; if (!arguments.length) { alias = self._alias; alias_q = self.alias; } else { alias_q = alias_q || alias; } if (null == func) { func = self._func; } return new Ref(self._col, self.col, self._tbl, self.tbl, self._dtb, self.dtb, alias, alias_q, self._qualified, self.qualified, func); } ,dispose: function() { var self = this; self._func = null; self._col = null; self.col = null; self._tbl = null; self.tbl = null; self._dtb = null; self.dtb = null; self._alias = null; self.alias = null; self._qualified = null; self.qualified = null; self.full = null; self.aliased = null; return self; } }; var dialects = { // "mysql" : { "quotes" : [ ["'","'","\\'","\\'"], ["`","`","``","``"], ["","","",""] ] ,"functions" : { "strpos" : ["POSITION(",2," IN ",1,")"] ,"strlen" : ["LENGTH(",1,")"] ,"strlower" : ["LCASE(",1,")"] ,"strupper" : ["UCASE(",1,")"] ,"trim" : ["TRIM(",1,")"] ,"quote" : ["QUOTE(",1,")"] ,"random" : "RAND()" ,"now" : "NOW()" } // ,"types" : { "SMALLINT" : ["TINYINT(",[1,'255'],") UNSIGNED"] ,"SIGNED_SMALLINT": ["TINYINT(",[1,'255'],")"] ,"INT" : ["INT(",[1,'255'],") UNSIGNED"] ,"SIGNED_INT" : ["INT(",[1,'255'],")"] ,"BIGINT" : ["BIGINT(",[1,'255'],") UNSIGNED"] ,"SIGNED_BIGINT" : ["BIGINT(",[1,'255'],")"] ,"FLOAT" : ["FLOAT(",[1,'24'],")"] ,"DOUBLE" : ["FLOAT(",[1,'53'],")"] ,"BOOL" : "TINYINT(1)" ,"TIMESTAMP" : "TIMESTAMP" ,"DATETIME" : "DATETIME" ,"DATE" : "DATE" ,"TIME" : "TIME" ,"VARBINARY" : ["VARBINARY(",[1,'255'],")"] ,"VARCHAR" : ["VARCHAR(",[1,'255'],")"] ,"TEXT" : "TEXT" ,"BLOB" : "BLOB" ,"JSON" : "JSON" } ,"clauses" : { "start_transaction" : "START TRANSACTION <type|>;", "commit_transaction" : "COMMIT;", "rollback_transaction" : "ROLLBACK;", "transact" : "START TRANSACTION <type|>;\n<statements>;[\n<*statements>;]\n[<?rollback|>ROLLBACK;][<?!rollback>COMMIT;]", "create" : "[<?view|>CREATE VIEW <create_table> [(\n<?columns>[,\n<*columns>]\n)] AS <query>][<?!view>CREATE[ <?temporary|>TEMPORARY] TABLE[ <?ifnotexists|>IF NOT EXISTS] <create_table> [(\n<?columns>:=[<col:COL>:=[[[CONSTRAINT <?constraint> ]UNIQUE KEY <name|> <type|> (<?uniquekey>[,<*uniquekey>])][[CONSTRAINT <?constraint> ]PRIMARY KEY <type|> (<?primarykey>)][[<?!index>KEY][<?index|>INDEX] <name|> <type|> (<?key>[,<*key>])][CHECK (<?check>)][<?column> <type>[ <?!isnull><?isnotnull|>NOT NULL][ <?!isnotnull><?isnull|>NULL][ DEFAULT <?default_value>][ <?auto_increment|>AUTO_INCREMENT][ <?!primary><?unique|>UNIQUE KEY][ <?!unique><?primary|>PRIMARY KEY][ COMMENT '<?comment>'][ COLUMN_FORMAT <?format>][ STORAGE <?storage>]]][,\n<*col:COL>]]\n)][ <?options>:=[<opt:OPT>:=[[ENGINE=<?engine>][AUTO_INCREMENT=<?auto_increment>][CHARACTER SET=<?charset>][COLLATE=<?collation>]][, <*opt:OPT>]]][\nAS <?query>]]", "alter" : "ALTER [<?view|>VIEW][<?!view>TABLE] <alter_table>\n<columns>[ <?options>]", "drop" : "DROP [<?view|>VIEW][<?!view>[<?temporary|>TEMPORARY ]TABLE][ <?ifexists|>IF EXISTS] <drop_tables>[,<*drop_tables>]", "union" : "(<union_selects>)[\nUNION[<?union_all|> ALL]\n(<*union_selects>)][\nORDER BY <?order_conditions>[,<*order_conditions>]][\nLIMIT <offset|0>,<?count>]", "select" : "SELECT <select_columns>[,<*select_columns>]\nFROM <from_tables>[,<*from_tables>][\n<?join_clauses>:=[<join:JOIN>:=[[<?type> ]JOIN <table>[ ON <?cond>]][\n<*join:JOIN>]]][\nWHERE <?where_conditions>][\nGROUP BY <?group_conditions>[,<*group_conditions>]][\nHAVING <?having_conditions>][\nORDER BY <?order_conditions>[,<*order_conditions>]][\nLIMIT <offset|0>,<?count>]", "insert" : "INSERT INTO <insert_tables> (<insert_columns>[,<*insert_columns>])\n[VALUES <?values_values>[,<*values_values>]]", "update" : "UPDATE <update_tables>\nSET <set_values>[,<*set_values>][\nWHERE <?where_conditions>][\nORDER BY <?order_conditions>[,<*order_conditions>]][\nLIMIT <offset|0>,<?count>]", "delete" : "DELETE \nFROM <from_tables>[,<*from_tables>][\nWHERE <?where_conditions>][\nORDER BY <?order_conditions>[,<*order_conditions>]][\nLIMIT <offset|0>,<?count>]" } } // ,"postgresql" : { "quotes" : [ ["'","'","''","''"], ["\"","\"","\"\"","\"\""], ["E","","E",""] ] ,"functions" : { "strpos" : ["position(",2," in ",1,")"] ,"strlen" : ["length(",1,")"] ,"strlower" : ["lower(",1,")"] ,"strupper" : ["upper(",1,")"] ,"trim" : ["trim(",1,")"] ,"quote" : ["quote(",1,")"] ,"random" : "random()" ,"now" : "now()" } // ,"types" : { "SMALLINT" : "SMALLSERIAL" ,"SIGNED_SMALLINT": "SMALLINT" ,"INT" : "SERIAL" ,"SIGNED_INT" : "INTEGER" ,"BIGINT" : "BIGSERIAL" ,"SIGNED_BIGINT" : "BIGINT" ,"FLOAT" : "REAL" ,"DOUBLE" : "DOUBLE PRECISION" ,"BOOL" : "BOOLEAN" ,"TIMESTAMP" : "TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE" ,"DATETIME" : "TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE" ,"DATE" : "DATE" ,"TIME" : "TIME WITHOUT TIME ZONE" ,"VARBINARY" : "BYTEA" ,"VARCHAR" : ["VARCHAR(",[1,'255'],")"] ,"TEXT" : "TEXT" ,"BLOB" : "BYTEA" ,"JSON" : "JSON" } ,"clauses" : { "start_transaction" : "START TRANSACTION <type|>;", "commit_transaction" : "COMMIT;", "rollback_transaction" : "ROLLBACK;", "transact" : "START TRANSACTION <type|>;\n<statements>;[\n<*statements>;]\n[<?rollback|>ROLLBACK;][<?!rollback>COMMIT;]", "create" : "[<?view|>CREATE[ <?temporary|>TEMPORARY] VIEW <create_table> [(\n<?columns>[,\n<*columns>]\n)] AS <query>][<?!view>CREATE[ <?temporary|>TEMPORARY] TABLE[ <?ifnotexists|>IF NOT EXISTS] <create_table> [(\n<?columns>:=[<col:COL>:=[[<?column> <type>[ COLLATE <?collation>][ CONSTRAINT <?constraint>][ <?!isnull><?isnotnull|>NOT NULL][ <?!isnotnull><?isnull|>NULL][ DEFAULT <?default_value>][ CHECK (<?check>)][ <?unique|>UNIQUE][ <?primary|>PRIMARY KEY]]][,\n<*col:COL>]]\n)]]", "alter" : "ALTER [<?view|>VIEW][<?!view>TABLE] <alter_table>\n<columns>[ <?options>]", "drop" : "DROP [<?view|>VIEW][<?!view>TABLE][ <?ifexists|>IF EXISTS] <drop_tables>[,<*drop_tables>]", "union" : "(<union_selects>)[\nUNION[<?union_all|> ALL]\n(<*union_selects>)][\nORDER BY <?order_conditions>[,<*order_conditions>]][\nLIMIT <?count> OFFSET <offset|0>]", "select" : "SELECT <select_columns>[,<*select_columns>]\nFROM <from_tables>[,<*from_tables>][\n<?join_clauses>:=[<join:JOIN>:=[[<?type> ]JOIN <table>[ ON <?cond>]][\n<*join:JOIN>]]][\nWHERE <?where_conditions>][\nGROUP BY <?group_conditions>[,<*group_conditions>]][\nHAVING <?having_conditions>][\nORDER BY <?order_conditions>[,<*order_conditions>]][\nLIMIT <?count> OFFSET <offset|0>]", "insert" : "INSERT INTO <insert_tables> (<insert_columns>[,<*insert_columns>])\n[VALUES <?values_values>[,<*values_values>]]", "update" : "UPDATE <update_tables>\nSET <set_values>[,<*set_values>][\nWHERE <?where_conditions>][\nORDER BY <?order_conditions>[,<*order_conditions>]][\nLIMIT <?count> OFFSET <offset|0>]", "delete" : "DELETE \nFROM <from_tables>[,<*from_tables>][\nWHERE <?where_conditions>][\nORDER BY <?order_conditions>[,<*order_conditions>]][\nLIMIT <?count> OFFSET <offset|0>]" } } // ,"transactsql" : { "quotes" : [ ["'","'","''","''"], ["[","]","[","]"], [""," ESCAPE '\\'","",""] ] ,"functions" : { "strpos" : ["CHARINDEX(",2,",",1,")"] ,"strlen" : ["LEN(",1,")"] ,"strlower" : ["LOWER(",1,")"] ,"strupper" : ["UPPER(",1,")"] ,"trim" : ["LTRIM(RTRIM(",1,"))"] ,"quote" : ["QUOTENAME(",1,",\"'\")"] ,"random" : "RAND()" ,"now" : "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" } // ,"types" : { "SMALLINT" : "SMALLINT" ,"SIGNED_SMALLINT": "SMALLINT" ,"INT" : "INT" ,"SIGNED_INT" : "INT" ,"BIGINT" : "BIGINT" ,"SIGNED_BIGINT" : "BIGINT" ,"FLOAT" : ["FLOAT(",[1,'24'],")"] ,"DOUBLE" : ["FLOAT(",[1,'53'],")"] ,"BOOL" : "BIT" ,"TIMESTAMP" : "DATETIME" ,"DATETIME" : "DATETIME" ,"DATE" : "DATE" ,"TIME" : "TIME" ,"VARBINARY" : ["VARBINARY(",[1,'255'],")"] ,"VARCHAR" : ["VARCHAR(",[1,'255'],")"] ,"TEXT" : "TEXT" ,"BLOB" : "IMAGE" ,"JSON" : "TEXT" } ,"clauses" : { "start_transaction" : "BEGIN TRANSACTION <type|>;", "commit_transaction" : "COMMIT;", "rollback_transaction" : "ROLLBACK;", "transact" : "BEGIN TRANSACTION <type|>;\n<statements>;[\n<*statements>;]\n[<?rollback|>ROLLBACK;][<?!rollback>COMMIT;]", "create" : "[<?view|>CREATE[ <?temporary|>TEMPORARY] VIEW[ <?ifnotexists|>IF NOT EXISTS] <create_table> [(\n<?columns>[,\n<*columns>]\n)] AS <query>][<?!view>[<?ifnotexists|>IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE name=<create_table> AND xtype='U')\n]CREATE TABLE <create_table> [<?!query>(\n<columns>:=[<col:COL>:=[[[CONSTRAINT <?constraint> ]<?column> <type|>[ <?isnotnull|>NOT NULL][ [CONSTRAINT <?constraint> ]DEFAULT <?default_value>][ CHECK (<?check>)][ <?!primary><?unique|>UNIQUE][ <?!unique><?primary|>PRIMARY KEY[ COLLATE <?collation>]]]][,\n<*col:COL>]]\n)][<?ifnotexists|>\nGO]]", "alter" : "ALTER [<?view|>VIEW][<?!view>TABLE] <alter_table>\n<columns>[ <?options>]", "drop" : "DROP [<?view|>VIEW][<?!view>TABLE][ <?ifexists|>IF EXISTS] <drop_tables>[,<*drop_tables>]", "union" : "(<union_selects>)[\nUNION[<?union_all|> ALL]\n(<*union_selects>)][\nORDER BY <?order_conditions>[,<*order_conditions>]]", "select" : "SELECT <select_columns>[,<*select_columns>]\nFROM <from_tables>[,<*from_tables>][\n<?join_clauses>:=[<join:JOIN>:=[[<?type> ]JOIN <table>[ ON <?cond>]][\n<*join:JOIN>]]][\nWHERE <?where_conditions>][\nGROUP BY <?group_conditions>[,<*group_conditions>]][\nHAVING <?having_conditions>][\nORDER BY <?order_conditions>[,<*order_conditions>][\nOFFSET <offset|0> ROWS FETCH NEXT <?count> ROWS ONLY]][<?!order_conditions>[\nORDER BY 1\nOFFSET <offset|0> ROWS FETCH NEXT <?count> ROWS ONLY]]", "insert" : "INSERT INTO <insert_tables> (<insert_columns>[,<*insert_columns>])\n[VALUES <?values_values>[,<*values_values>]]", "update" : "UPDATE <update_tables>\nSET <set_values>[,<*set_values>][\nWHERE <?where_conditions>][\nORDER BY <?order_conditions>[,<*order_conditions>]]", "delete" : "DELETE \nFROM <from_tables>[,<*from_tables>][\nWHERE <?where_conditions>][\nORDER BY <?order_conditions>[,<*order_conditions>]]" } } // ,"sqlite" : { "quotes" : [ ["'","'","''","''"], ["\"","\"","\"\"","\"\""], [""," ESCAPE '\\'","",""] ] ,"functions" : { "strpos" : ["instr(",2,",",1,")"] ,"strlen" : ["length(",1,")"] ,"strlower" : ["lower(",1,")"] ,"strupper" : ["upper(",1,")"] ,"trim" : ["trim(",1,")"] ,"quote" : ["quote(",1,")"] ,"random" : "random()" ,"now" : "datetime('now')" } // ,"types" : { "SMALLINT" : "INTEGER" ,"SIGNED_SMALLINT": "INTEGER" ,"INT" : "INTEGER" ,"SIGNED_INT" : "INTEGER" ,"BIGINT" : "INTEGER" ,"SIGNED_BIGINT" : "INTEGER" ,"FLOAT" : "REAL" ,"DOUBLE" : "REAL" ,"BOOL" : "INTEGER" ,"TIMESTAMP" : "TEXT" ,"DATETIME" : "TEXT" ,"DATE" : "TEXT" ,"TIME" : "TEXT" ,"VARBINARY" : "BLOB" ,"VARCHAR" : "TEXT" ,"TEXT" : "TEXT" ,"BLOB" : "BLOB" ,"JSON" : "TEXT" } ,"clauses" : { "start_transaction" : "BEGIN <type|> TRANSACTION;", "commit_transaction" : "COMMIT;", "rollback_transaction" : "ROLLBACK;", "transact" : "BEGIN <type|> TRANSACTION;\n<statements>;[\n<*statements>;]\n[<?rollback|>ROLLBACK;][<?!rollback>COMMIT;]", "create" : "[<?view|>CREATE[ <?temporary|>TEMPORARY] VIEW[ <?ifnotexists|>IF NOT EXISTS] <create_table> [(\n<?columns>[,\n<*columns>]\n)] AS <query>][<?!view>CREATE[ <?temporary|>TEMPORARY] TABLE[ <?ifnotexists|>IF NOT EXISTS] <create_table> [<?!query>(\n<columns>:=[<col:COL>:=[[[CONSTRAINT <?constraint> ]<?column> <type|>[ <?isnotnull|>NOT NULL][ DEFAULT <?default_value>][ CHECK (<?check>)][ <?!primary><?unique|>UNIQUE][ <?!unique><?primary|>PRIMARY KEY[ <?auto_increment|>AUTOINCREMENT][ COLLATE <?collation>]]]][,\n<*col:COL>]]\n)[ <?without_rowid|>WITHOUT ROWID]][AS <?query>]]", "alter" : "ALTER [<?view|>VIEW][<?!view>TABLE] <alter_table>\n<columns>[ <?options>]", "drop" : "DROP [<?view|>VIEW][<?!view>TABLE][ <?ifexists|>IF EXISTS] <drop_tables>", "union" : "(<union_selects>)[\nUNION[<?union_all|> ALL]\n(<*union_selects>)][\nORDER BY <?order_conditions>[,<*order_conditions>]][\nLIMIT <?count> OFFSET <offset|0>]", "select" : "SELECT <select_columns>[,<*select_columns>]\nFROM <from_tables>[,<*from_tables>][\n<?join_clauses>:=[<join:JOIN>:=[[<?type> ]JOIN <table>[ ON <?cond>]][\n<*join:JOIN>]]][\nWHERE <?where_conditions>][\nGROUP BY <?group_conditions>[,<*group_conditions>]][\nHAVING <?having_conditions>][\nORDER BY <?order_conditions>[,<*order_conditions>]][\nLIMIT <?count> OFFSET <offset|0>]", "insert" : "INSERT INTO <insert_tables> (<insert_columns>[,<*insert_columns>])\n[VALUES <?values_values>[,<*values_values>]]", "update" : "UPDATE <update_tables>\nSET <set_values>[,<*set_values>][\nWHERE <?where_conditions>]", "delete" : "[<?!order_conditions><?!count>DELETE FROM <from_tables> [, <*from_tables>][\nWHERE <?where_conditions>]][DELETE FROM <from_tables> [, <*from_tables>] WHERE rowid IN (\nSELECT rowid FROM <from_tables> [, <*from_tables>][\nWHERE <?where_conditions>]\nORDER BY <?order_conditions> [, <*order_conditions>][\nLIMIT <?count> OFFSET <offset|0>]\n)][<?!order_conditions>DELETE FROM <from_tables> [, <*from_tables>] WHERE rowid IN (\nSELECT rowid FROM <from_tables> [, <*from_tables>][\nWHERE <?where_conditions>]\nLIMIT <?count> OFFSET <offset|0>\n)]" } } }; var dialect_aliases = { "mysqli" : "mysql" ,"mariadb" : "mysql" ,"sqlserver" : "transactsql" ,"postgres" : "postgresql" ,"postgre" : "postgresql" }; function Dialect(type) { var self = this; if (!arguments.length) type = 'mysql'; if (!(self instanceof Dialect)) return new Dialect(type); if (type &&, type)) type = Dialect.aliases[type]; if (!type || !Dialect.dialects[type] || !Dialect.dialects[type]['clauses']) { throw new TypeError('Dialect: SQL dialect does not exist for "'+type+'"'); } self.clau = null; self.clus = null; self.tbls = null; self.cols = null; self.vews = {}; self.tpls = {}; self.db = null; self.escdb = null; self.escdbn = null; self.p = ''; self.type = type; self.clauses = Dialect.dialects[self.type]['clauses']; self.q = Dialect.dialects[self.type]['quotes'][0]; self.qn = Dialect.dialects[self.type]['quotes'][1]; self.e = Dialect.dialects[self.type]['quotes'][2] || ['','','','']; } Dialect.VERSION = "1.4.0"; //Dialect.TPL_RE = /\$\(([^\)]+)\)/g; Dialect.dialects = dialects; Dialect.aliases = dialect_aliases; Dialect.StringTemplate = StringTemplate; Dialect.GrammarTemplate = GrammarTemplate; Dialect.Ref = Ref; Dialect[PROTO] = { constructor: Dialect ,clau: null ,clus: null ,tbls: null ,cols: null ,vews: null ,tpls: null ,db: null ,escdb: null ,escdbn: null ,p: null ,type: null ,clauses: null ,q: null ,qn: null ,e: null ,dispose: function() { var self = this; self.clau = null; self.clus = null; self.tbls = null; self.cols = null; self.vews = null; self.tpls = null; self.db = null; self.escdb = null; self.escdbn = null; self.p = null; self.type = null; self.clauses = null; self.q = null; self.qn = null; self.e = null; return self; } ,toString: function() { return this.sql() || ''; } ,driver: function(db) { var self = this; if (arguments.length) { self.db = db ? db : null; return self; } return self.db; } ,escape: function(escdb, does_quote) { var self = this; if (2 > arguments.length) does_quote = false; if (arguments.length) { self.escdb = escdb && is_callable(escdb) ? [escdb, !!does_quote] : null; return self; } return self.escdb; } ,escapeId: function(escdbn, does_quote) { var self = this; if (2 > arguments.length) does_quote = false; if (arguments.length) { self.escdbn = escdbn && is_callable(escdbn) ? [escdbn, !!does_quote] : null; return self; } return self.escdbn; } ,prefix: function(prefix) { var self = this; if (arguments.length) { self.p = prefix && prefix.length ? String(prefix) : ''; return self; } return self.p; } ,reset: function(clause) { var self = this, i, l, c; if (!clause || !, clause)) { throw new TypeError('Dialect: SQL clause "'+clause+'" does not exist for dialect "'+self.type+'"'); } self.clus = {}; self.tbls = {}; self.cols = {}; self.clau = clause; if (!(self.clauses[self.clau] instanceof Dialect.GrammarTemplate)) self.clauses[self.clau] = new Dialect.GrammarTemplate(self.clauses[self.clau]); return self; } ,clear: function() { var self = this; self.clau = null; self.clus = null; self.tbls = null; self.cols = null; return self; } ,subquery: function() { var self = this, sub, esc, escn; sub = new Dialect(self.type); sub.driver(self.driver()).prefix(self.prefix()); esc = self.escape(); escn = self.escapeId(); if (esc) sub.escape(esc[0], esc[1]); if (escn) sub.escapeId(escn[0], escn[1]); sub.vews = self.vews; return sub; } ,sql: function() { var self = this, query = '', clus; if (self.clau &&, self.clau)) { clus = defaults({}, self.clus); if (, 'select_columns')) { clus['select_columns'] = map_join(self.clus['select_columns'], 'aliased'); } if (, 'from_tables')) { clus['from_tables'] = map_join(self.clus['from_tables'], 'aliased'); } if (, 'insert_tables')) { clus['insert_tables'] = map_join(self.clus['insert_tables'], 'aliased'); } if (, 'insert_columns')) { clus['insert_columns'] = map_join(self.clus['insert_columns'], 'full'); } if (, 'update_tables')) { clus['update_tables'] = map_join(self.clus['update_tables'], 'aliased'); } if (, 'create_table')) { clus['create_table'] = map_join(self.clus['create_table'], 'full'); } if (, 'alter_table')) { clus['alter_table'] = map_join(self.clus['alter_table'], 'full'); } if (, 'drop_tables')) { clus['drop_tables'] = map_join(self.clus['drop_tables'], 'full'); } if (, 'where_conditions_required') /*&& !!self.clus['where_conditions_required']*/ ) { clus['where_conditions'] =, 'where_conditions') ? ('('+self.clus['where_conditions_required']+') AND ('+self.clus['where_conditions']+')') : self.clus['where_conditions_required']; //delete self.clus['where_conditions_required']; } if (, 'having_conditions_required') /*&& !!self.clus['having_conditions_required']*/ ) { clus['having_conditions'] =,'having_conditions') ? ('('+self.clus['having_conditions_required']+') AND ('+self.clus['having_conditions']+')') : self.clus['having_conditions_required']; //delete self.clus['having_conditions_required']; } query = self.clauses[self.clau].render(clus) || ""; } //self.clear(); return query; } ,createView: function(view) { var self = this; if (view && self.clau) { self.vews[view] = { clau : self.clau, clus : self.clus, tbls : self.tbls, cols : self.cols }; // make existing where / having conditions required if ([view].clus, 'where_conditions')) { if (!!self.vews[view].clus.where_conditions) self.vews[view].clus.where_conditions_required = self.vews[view].clus.where_conditions; delete self.vews[view].clus.where_conditions; } if ([ view ].clus, 'having_conditions')) { if (!!self.vews[view].clus.having_conditions) self.vews[view].clus.having_conditions_required = self.vews[view].clus.having_conditions; delete self.vews[view].clus.having_conditions; } self.clear(); } return self; } ,useView: function(view) { // using custom 'soft' view var self = this, selected_columns, select_columns; selected_columns = self.clus['select_columns']; view = self.vews[view]; self.clus = defaults(self.clus, view.clus, true, true); self.tbls = defaults({}, view.tbls, true); self.cols = defaults({}, view.cols, true); // handle name resolution and recursive re-aliasing in views if (!!selected_columns) { selected_columns = self.refs(selected_columns, self.cols, true); select_columns = []; for (var i=0,l=selected_columns.length; i<l; ++i) { if ('*' === selected_columns[i].full) select_columns = select_columns.concat(self.clus['select_columns']); else select_columns.push(selected_columns[i]); } self.clus['select_columns'] = select_columns; } return self; } ,dropView: function(view) { var self = this; if (view &&, view)) { delete self.vews[view]; } return self; } ,prepareTpl: function(tpl /*, query, left, right*/) { var self = this, pattern, sql, args, argslen, query, left, right, use_internal_query; if (!empty(tpl)) { args = arguments; argslen = args.length; if (1 === argslen) { query = null; left = null; right = null; use_internal_query = true; } else if (2 === argslen) { query = args[1]; left = null; right = null; use_internal_query = false; } else if (3 === argslen) { query = null; left = args[1]; right = args[2]; use_internal_query = true; } else/* if (3 < argslen)*/ { query = args[1]; left = args[2]; right = args[3]; use_internal_query = false; } // custom delimiters left = left ? esc_re(left) : '%'; right = right ? esc_re(right) : '%'; // custom prepared parameter format pattern = RE(left + '(([rlfids]:)?[0-9a-zA-Z_]+)' + right); if (use_internal_query) { sql = new Dialect.StringTemplate(self.sql(), pattern); //self.clear( ); } else { sql = new Dialect.StringTemplate(query, pattern); } self.tpls[tpl] = { 'sql' : sql, 'types' : null }; } return self; } ,prepared: function(tpl, args) { var self = this, sql, types, type, params, k, v, tmp, i, l, tpli, k; if (!empty(tpl) &&, tpl)) { sql = self.tpls[tpl].sql; types = self.tpls[tpl].types; if (null == types) { // lazy init sql.parse(); types = {}; // extract parameter types for (i=0,l=sql.tpl.length; i<l; ++i) { tpli = sql.tpl[i]; if (0 === tpli[0]) { k = tpli[1].split(':'); if (k.length > 1) { types[k[1]] = k[0]; sql.tpl[i][1] = k[1]; } else { types[k[0]] = "s"; sql.tpl[i][1] = k[0]; } } } self.tpls[tpl].types = types; } params = {}; for (k in args) { if (!, k)) continue; v = args[k]; type =, k) ? types[k] : "s"; switch (type) { case 'r': // raw param if (is_array(v)) { params[k] = v.join(','); } else { params[k] = v; } break; case 'l': // like param params[k] =; break; case 'f': if (is_array(v)) { // array of references, e.g fields tmp = array(v); params[k] = Ref.parse(tmp[0], self).aliased; for (i=1,l=tmp.length; i<l; ++i) params[k] += ','+Ref.parse(tmp[i], self).aliased; } else { // reference, e.g field params[k] = Ref.parse(v, self).aliased; } break; case 'i': if (is_array(v)) { // array of integers param params[k] = self.intval(array(v)).join(','); } else { // integer params[k] = self.intval(v); } break; case 'd': if (is_array(v)) { // array of floats param params[k] = self.floatval(array(v)).join(','); } else { // float params[k] = self.floatval(v); } break; case 's': default: if (is_array(v)) { // array of strings param params[k] = self.quote(array(v)).join(','); } else { // string param params[k] = self.quote(v); } break; } } return sql.render(params); } return ''; } ,prepare: function(query, args, left, right) { var self = this, pattern, offset, m, pos, len, i, l, tmp, param, type, prepared; if (query && args) { // custom delimiters left = left ? esc_re(left) : '%'; right = right ? esc_re(right) : '%'; // custom prepared parameter format pattern = RE(left + '([rlfids]:)?([0-9a-zA-Z_]+)' + right); prepared = ''; while (query.length && (m = query.match(pattern))) { pos = m.index; len = m[0].length; param = m[2]; if (, param)) { type = m[1] ? m[1].slice(0,-1) : "s"; switch (type) { case 'r': // raw param if (is_array(args[param])) { param = args[param].join(','); } else { param = args[param]; } break; case 'l': // like param param =[param]); break; case 'f': if (is_array(args[param])) { // array of references, e.g fields tmp = array(args[param]); param = Ref.parse(tmp[0], self).aliased; for (i=1,l=tmp.length; i<l; ++i) param += ','+Ref.parse(tmp[i], self).aliased; } else { // reference, e.g field param = Ref.parse(args[param], self).aliased; } break; case 'i': if (is_array(args[param])) { // array of integers param param = self.intval(array(args[param])).join(','); } else { // integer param param = self.intval(args[param]); } break; case 'd': if (is_array(args[param])) { // array of floats param param = self.floatval(array(args[param])).join(','); } else { // float param param = self.floatval(args[param]); } break; case 's': default: if (is_array(args[param])) { // array of strings param param = self.quote(array(args[param])).join(','); } else { // string param param = self.quote(args[param]); } break; } prepared += query.slice(0, pos) + param; } else { prepared += query.slice(0, pos) + self.quote(''); } query = query.slice(pos+len); } if (query.length) prepared += query; return prepared; } return query; } ,dropTpl: function(tpl) { var self = this; if (!empty(tpl) &&, tpl)) { self.tpls[tpl].sql.dispose(); delete self.tpls[tpl]; } return self; } ,StartTransaction: function(type, start_transaction_clause) { var self = this; start_transaction_clause = start_transaction_clause || 'start_transaction'; if (self.clau !== start_transaction_clause) self.reset(start_transaction_clause); self.clus.type = type || null; return self; } ,CommitTransaction: function(commit_transaction_clause) { var self = this; commit_transaction_clause = commit_transaction_clause || 'commit_transaction'; if (self.clau !== commit_transaction_clause) self.reset(commit_transaction_clause); return self; } ,RollbackTransaction: function(rollback_transaction_clause) { var self = this; rollback_transaction_clause = rollback_transaction_clause || 'rollback_transaction'; if (self.clau !== rollback_transaction_clause) self.reset(rollback_transaction_clause); return self; } ,Transaction: function(options, transact_clause) { var self = this, statements; transact_clause = transact_clause || 'transact'; if (self.clau !== transact_clause) self.reset(transact_clause); options = options || {}; self.clus.type = options.type || null; self.clus.rollback = options.rollback ? 1 : null; if (!empty(options.statements)) { statements = array(statements); self.clus.statements = !self.clus.statements ? statements : self.clus.statements.concat(statements); } return self; } ,Create: function(table, options, create_clause) { var self = this, cols, opts; create_clause = create_clause || 'create'; if (self.clau !== create_clause) self.reset(create_clause); options = options || {ifnotexists : 1}; self.clus.create_table = self.refs(table, self.tbls); self.clus.view = options.view ? 1 : null; self.clus.ifnotexists = options.ifnotexists ? 1 : null; self.clus.temporary = options.temporary ? 1 : null; self.clus.query = !empty(options.query) ? options.query : null; if (!empty(options.columns)) { cols = array(options.columns); self.clus.columns = !self.clus.columns ? cols : self.clus.columns.concat(cols); } if (!empty(options.table)) { opts = array(options.table); self.clus.options = !self.clus.options ? opts : self.clus.options.concat(opts); } return self; } ,Alter: function(table, options, alter_clause) { var self = this, cols, opts; alter_clause = alter_clause || 'alter'; if (self.clau !== alter_clause) self.reset(alter_clause); self.clus.alter_table = self.refs(table, self.tbls); options = options || {}; self.clus.view = options.view ? 1 : null; if (!empty(options.columns)) { cols = array(options.columns); self.clus.columns = !self.clus.columns ? cols : self.clus.columns.concat(cols); } if (!empty(options.table)) { opts = array(options.table); self.clus.options = !self.clus.options ? opts : self.clus.options.concat(opts); } return self; } ,Drop: function(tables, options, drop_clause) { var self = this, view; drop_clause = drop_clause || 'drop'; if (self.clau !== drop_clause) self.reset(drop_clause); view = is_array(tables) ? tables[0] : tables; if (, view )) { // drop custom 'soft' view self.dropView(view); return self; } if (is_string(tables)) tables = tables.split(','); tables = self.refs(null == tables ? '*' : tables, self.tbls); options = options || {ifexists : 1}; self.clus.view = options.view ? 1 : null; self.clus.ifexists = options.ifexists ? 1 : null; self.clus.temporary = options.temporary ? 1 : null; self.clus.drop_tables = !self.clus.drop_tables ? tables : self.clus.drop_tables.concat(tables); return self; } ,Select: function(columns, select_clause) { var self = this; select_clause = select_clause || 'select'; if (self.clau !== select_clause) self.reset(select_clause); if (is_string(columns)) columns = columns.split(','); columns = self.refs(null == columns ? '*' : columns, self.cols); self.clus.select_columns = !self.clus.select_columns ? columns : self.clus.select_columns.concat(columns); return self; } ,Union: function(selects, all, union_clause) { var self = this; union_clause = union_clause || 'union'; if (self.clau !== union_clause) self.reset(union_clause); self.clus.union_selects = !self.clus.union_selects ? array(selects) : self.clus.union_selects.concat(array(selects)); self.clus['union_all'] = !!all ? '' : null; return self; } ,Insert: function(tables, columns, insert_clause) { var self = this, view; insert_clause = insert_clause || 'insert'; if (self.clau !== insert_clause) self.reset(insert_clause); view = is_array(tables) ? tables[0] : tables; if (, view) && (self.clau === self.vews[view].clau)) { // using custom 'soft' view self.useView(view); } else { if (is_string(tables)) tables = tables.split(','); if (is_string(columns)) columns = columns.split(','); tables = self.refs(tables, self.tbls); columns = self.refs(columns, self.cols); self.clus.insert_tables = !self.clus.insert_tables ? tables : self.clus.insert_tables.concat(tables); self.clus.insert_columns = !self.clus.insert_columns ? columns : self.clus.insert_columns.concat(columns); } return self; } ,Values: function(values) { var self = this, count, insert_values, vals, i, val, j, l, vs; if (empty(values)) return self; // array of arrays if (undef === values[0] || !is_array(values[0])) values = [values]; count = values.length; insert_values = []; for (i=0; i<count; ++i) { vs = array(values[i]); if (vs.length) { vals = []; for (j=0,l=vs.length; j<l; ++j) { val = vs[j]; if (is_obj(val)) { if (, 'raw')) { vals.push(val['raw']); } else if (, 'integer')) { vals.push(self.intval(val['integer'])); } else if (, 'int')) { vals.push(self.intval(val['int'])); } else if (, 'float')) { vals.push(self.floatval(val['float'])); } else if (, 'string')) { vals.push(self.quote(val['string'])); } } else { vals.push(null === val ? 'NULL' : (is_float(val) /*|| is_int(val)*/ ? String(val) : self.quote(val))); } } insert_values.push('(' + vals.join(',') + ')'); } } insert_values = insert_values.join(','); if (!!self.clus.values_values) insert_values = self.clus.values_values + ',' + insert_values; self.clus.values_values = insert_values; return self; } ,Update: function(tables, update_clause) { var self = this, view; update_clause = update_clause || 'update'; if (self.clau !== update_clause) self.reset(update_clause); view = is_array(tables) ? tables[0] : tables; if (, view) && (self.clau === self.vews[view].clau)) { // using custom 'soft' view self.useView(view); } else { if (is_string(tables)) tables = tables.split(','); tables = self.refs(tables, self.tbls); self.clus.update_tables = !self.clus.update_tables ? tables : self.clus.update_tables.concat(tables); } return self; } ,Set: function(fields_values) { var self = this, set_values, set_case_value, f, field, value, COLS; if (empty(fields_values)) return self; set_values = []; COLS = self.cols; for (f in fields_values) { if (!, f)) continue; field = self.refs(f, COLS)[0].full; value = fields_values[f]; if (is_obj(value)) { if (, 'raw')) { set_values.push(field + " = " + value['raw']); } else if (, 'integer')) { set_values.push(field + " = " + self.intval(value['integer'])); } else if (, 'int')) { set_values.push(field + " = " + self.intval(value['int'])); } else if (, 'float')) { set_values.push(field + " = " + self.floatval(value['float'])); } else if (, 'string')) { set_values.push(field + " = " + self.quote(value['string'])); } else if (, 'increment')) { set_values.push(field + " = " + field + " + " + self.numval(value['increment'])); } else if (, 'decrement')) { set_values.push(field + " = " + field + " - " + self.numval(value['decrement'])); } else if (, 'case')) { set_case_value = field + " = CASE"; if (['case'], 'when')) { for (case_value in value['case']['when']) { if (!['case']['when'], case_value)) continue; set_case_value += "\nWHEN " + self.conditions(value['case']['when'][case_value],false) + " THEN " + self.quote(case_value); } if (['case'], 'else')) set_case_value += "\nELSE " + self.quote(value['case']['else']); } else { for (case_value in value['case']) { if (!['case'], case_value)) continue; set_case_value += "\nWHEN " + self.conditions(value['case'][case_value],false) + " THEN " + self.quote(case_value); } } set_case_value += "\nEND"; set_values.push(set_case_value); } } else { set_values.push(field + " = " + (null === value ? 'NULL' : (is_float(value) /*|| is_int(value)*/ ? String(value) : self.quote(value)))); } } set_values = set_values.join(','); if (!!self.clus.set_values) set_values = self.clus.set_values + ',' + set_values; self.clus.set_values = set_values; return self; } ,Delete: function(delete_clause) { var self = this; delete_clause = delete_clause || 'delete'; if (self.clau !== delete_clause) self.reset(delete_clause); return self; } ,From: function(tables) { var self = this, view, tables; if (empty(tables)) return self; view = is_array(tables) ? tables[0] : tables; if (, view) && (self.clau === self.vews[view].clau)) { // using custom 'soft' view self.useView(view); } else { if (is_string(tables)) tables = tables.split(','); tables = self.refs(tables, self.tbls); self.clus.from_tables = !self.clus.from_tables ? tables : self.clus.from_tables.concat(tables); } return self; } ,Join: function(table, on_cond, join_type) { var self = this, join_clause, field, cond; table = self.refs(table, self.tbls)[0].aliased; join_type = empty(join_type) ? null : join_type.toUpperCase(); if (empty(on_cond)) { join_clause = { table : table, type : join_type }; } else { if (is_string(on_cond)) { on_cond = self.refs(on_cond.split('='), self.cols); on_cond = '(' + on_cond[0].full + '=' + on_cond[1].full + ')'; } else { for (field in on_cond) { if (!, field)) continue; cond = on_cond[field]; if (!is_obj(cond)) on_cond[field] = {'eq':cond, 'type':'identifier'}; } on_cond = '(' + self.conditions(on_cond, false) + ')'; } join_clause = { table : table, type : join_type, cond : on_cond }; } if (!self.clus.join_clauses) self.clus.join_clauses = [join_clause]; else self.clus.join_clauses.push(join_clause); return self; } ,Where: function(conditions, boolean_connective) { var self = this; if (empty(conditions)) return self; boolean_connective = boolean_connective ? String(boolean_connective).toUpperCase() : "AND"; if ("OR" !== boolean_connective) boolean_connective = "AND"; conditions = self.conditions(conditions, false); if (!!self.clus.where_conditions) conditions = self.clus.where_conditions + " "+boolean_connective+" " + conditions; self.clus.where_conditions = conditions; return self; } ,Group: function(col) { var self = this, group_condition; group_condition = self.refs(col, self.cols)[0].alias; if (!!self.clus.group_conditions) group_condition = self.clus.group_conditions + ',' + group_condition; self.clus.group_conditions = group_condition; return self; } ,Having: function(conditions, boolean_connective) { var self = this; if (empty(conditions)) return self; boolean_connective = boolean_connective ? String(boolean_connective).toUpperCase() : "AND"; if ("OR" !== boolean_connective) boolean_connective = "AND"; conditions = self.conditions(conditions, true); if (!!self.clus.having_conditions) conditions = self.clus.having_conditions + " "+boolean_connective+" " + conditions; self.clus.having_conditions = conditions; return self; } ,Order: function(col, dir) { var self = this, order_condition; dir = dir ? String(dir).toUpperCase() : "ASC"; if ("DESC" !== dir) dir = "ASC"; order_condition = self.refs(col, self.cols)[0].alias + " " + dir; if (!!self.clus.order_conditions) order_condition = self.clus.order_conditions + ',' + order_condition; self.clus.order_conditions = order_condition; return self; } ,Limit: function(count, offset) { var self = this; self.clus.count = int(count); self.clus.offset = int(offset || 0); return self; } ,Page: function(page, perpage) { var self = this; page = int(page); perpage = int(perpage); return self.Limit(perpage, page*perpage); } ,conditions: function(conditions, can_use_alias) { var self = this, condquery, conds, f, field, value, fmt, op, type, v, COLS, cases, case_i, case_value; if (empty(conditions)) return ''; if (is_string(conditions)) return conditions; condquery = ''; conds = []; COLS = self.cols; fmt = true === can_use_alias ? 'alias' : 'full'; for (f in conditions) { if (!, f)) continue; value = conditions[f]; if (is_obj(value)) { if (, 'raw')) { conds.push(String(value['raw'])); continue; } if (, 'or')) { cases = []; for (var i=0,il=value['or'].length; i<il; ++i) { case_i = value['or'][i]; cases.push(self.conditions(case_i, can_use_alias)); } conds.push(cases.join(' OR ')); continue; } if (, 'and')) { cases = []; for (var i=0,il=value['and'].length; i<il; ++i) { case_i = value['and'][i]; cases.push(self.conditions(case_i, can_use_alias)); } conds.push(cases.join(' AND ')); continue; } if (, 'either')) { cases = []; for (var i=0,il=value['either'].length; i<il; ++i) { case_i = {}; case_i[f] = value['either'][i]; cases.push(self.conditions(case_i, can_use_alias)); } conds.push(cases.join(' OR ')); continue; } if (, 'together')) { cases = []; for (var i=0,il=value['together'].length; i<il; ++i) { case_i = {}; case_i[f] = value['together'][i]; cases.push(self.conditions(case_i, can_use_alias)); } conds.push(cases.join(' AND ')); continue; } field = self.refs(f, COLS)[0][fmt]; type =, 'type') ? value.type : 'string'; if (, 'case')) { cases = field + " = CASE"; if (['case'], 'when')) { for (case_value in value['case']['when']) { if (!['case']['when'], case_value)) continue; cases += " WHEN " + self.conditions(value['case']['when'][case_value], can_use_alias) + " THEN " + self.quote(case_value); } if (['case'], 'else')) cases += " ELSE " + self.quote(value['case']['else']); } else { for (case_value in value['case']) { if (!['case'], case_value)) continue; cases += " WHEN " + self.conditions(value['case'][case_value], can_use_alias) + " THEN " + self.quote(case_value); } } cases += " END"; conds.push(cases); } else if (, 'multi_like')) { conds.push(self.multi_like(field, value.multi_like)); } else if (, 'like')) { conds.push(field + " LIKE " + ('raw' === type ? String( :; } else if (, 'not_like')) { conds.push(field + " NOT LIKE " + ('raw' === type ? String(value.not_like) :; } else if (, 'contains')) { v = String(value.contains); if ('raw' === type) { // raw, do nothing } else { v = self.quote(v); } conds.push(self.sql_function('strpos', [field, v]) + ' > 0'); } else if (, 'not_contains')) { v = String(value.not_contains); if ('raw' === type) { // raw, do nothing } else { v = self.quote(v); } conds.push(self.sql_function('strpos', [field, v]) + ' = 0'); } else if (, 'in')) { v = array(value['in']); if ('raw' === type) { // raw, do nothing } else if (('int' === type || 'integer' === type) || is_int(v[0])) { v = self.intval(v); } else if ('float' === type || is_float(v[0])) { v = self.floatval(v); } else { v = self.quote(v); } conds.push(field + " IN (" + v.join(',') + ")"); } else if (, 'not_in')) { v = array(value['not_in']); if ('raw' === type) { // raw, do nothing } else if (('int' === type || 'integer' === type) || is_int(v[0])) { v = self.intval(v); } else if ('float' === type || is_float(v[0])) { v = self.floatval(v); } else { v = self.quote(v); } conds.push(field + " NOT IN (" + v.join(',') + ")"); } else if (, 'between')) { v = array(value.between); // partial between clause if (null == v[0]) { // switch to lte clause if ('raw' === type) { // raw, do nothing } else if (('int' === type || 'integer' === type) || is_int(v[1])) { v[1] = self.intval(v[1]); } else if ('float' === type || is_float(v[1])) { v[1] = self.floatval(v[1]); } else { v[1] = self.quote(v[1]); } conds.push(field + " <= " + v[1]); } else if (null == v[1]) { // switch to gte clause if ('raw' === type) { // raw, do nothing } else if (('int' === type || 'integer' === type) || is_int(v[0])) { v[0] = self.intval(v[0]); } else if ('float' === type || is_float(v[0])) { v[0] = self.floatval(v[0]); } else { v[0] = self.quote(v[0]); } conds.push(field + " >= " + v[0]); } else { if ('raw' === type) { // raw, do nothing } else if (('int' === type || 'integer' === type) || (is_int(v[0]) && is_int(v[1]))) { v = self.intval(v); } else if ('float' === type || (is_float(v[0]) && is_float(v[1]))) { v = self.floatval(v); } else { v = self.quote(v); } conds.push(field + " BETWEEN " + v[0] + " AND " + v[1]); } } else if (, 'not_between')) { v = array(value.not_between); // partial between clause if (null == v[0]) { // switch to gt clause if ('raw' === type) { // raw, do nothing } else if (('int' === type || 'integer' === type) || is_int(v[1])) { v[1] = self.intval(v[1]); } else if ('float' === type || is_float(v[1])) { v[1] = self.floatval(v[1]); } else { v[1] = self.quote(v[1]); } conds.push(field + " > " + v[1]); } else if (null == v[1]) { // switch to lt clause if ('raw' === type) { // raw, do nothing } else if (('int' === type || 'integer' === type) || is_int(v[0])) { v[0] = self.intval(v[0]); } else if ('float' === type || is_float(v[0])) { v[0] = self.floatval(v[0]); } else { v[0] = self.quote(v[0]); } conds.push(field + " < " + v[0]); } else { if ('raw' === type) { // raw, do nothing } else if (('int' === type || 'integer' === type) || (is_int(v[0]) && is_int(v[1])) ) { v = self.intval(v); } else if ('float' === type || (is_float(v[0]) && is_float(v[1]))) { v = self.floatval(v); } else { v = self.quote(v); } conds.push(field + " < " + v[0] + " OR " + field + " > " + v[1]); } } else if (, 'gt') ||, 'gte')) { op =, 'gt') ? "gt" : "gte"; v = value[op]; if ('raw' === type) { // raw, do nothing } else if (('int' === type || 'integer' === type) || is_int(v)) { v = self.intval(v); } else if ('float' === type || is_float(v)) { v = self.floatval(v); } else if ('identifier' === type || 'field' === type) { v = self.refs(v, COLS)[0][fmt]; } else { v = self.quote(v); } conds.push(field + ('gt'===op ? " > " : " >= ") + v); } else if (, 'lt') ||, 'lte')) { op =, 'lt') ? "lt" : "lte"; v = value[op]; if ('raw' === type) { // raw, do nothing } else if (('int' === type || 'integer' === type) || is_int(v)) { v = self.intval(v); } else if ('float' === type || is_float(v)) { v = self.floatval(v); } else if ('identifier' === type || 'field' === type) { v = self.refs(v, COLS)[0][fmt]; } else { v = self.quote(v); } conds.push(field + ('lt'===op ? " < " : " <= ") + v); } else if (, 'not_equal') ||, 'not_eq')) { op =, 'not_eq') ? "not_eq" : "not_equal"; v = value[op]; if ('raw' === type || null === v) { // raw, do nothing } else if (('int' === type || 'integer' === type) || is_int(v)) { v = self.intval(v); } else if ('float' === type || is_float(v)) { v = self.floatval(v); } else if ('identifier' === type || 'field' === type) { v = self.refs(v, COLS)[0][fmt]; } else { v = self.quote(v); } conds.push(null === v ? (field + " IS NOT NULL") : (field + " <> " + v)); } else if (, 'equal') ||, 'eq')) { op =, 'eq') ? "eq" : "equal"; v = value[op]; if ('raw' === type || null === v) { // raw, do nothing } else if (('int' === type || 'integer' === type) || is_int(v)) { v = self.intval(v); } else if ('float' === type || is_float(v)) { v = self.floatval(v); } else if ('identifier' === type || 'field' === type) { v = self.refs(v, COLS)[0][fmt]; } else { v = self.quote(v); } conds.push(null === v ? (field + " IS NULL") : (field + " = " + v)); } } else { field = self.refs(f, COLS)[0][fmt]; conds.push(null === value ? (field + " IS NULL") : (field + " = " + (is_float(value) /*|| is_int(value)*/ ? String(value) : self.quote(value)))); } } if (conds.length) condquery = '(' + conds.join(') AND (') + ')'; return condquery; } ,joinConditions: function(join, conditions) { var self = this, j = 0, f, ref, field, cond, where, main_table, main_id, join_table, join_id, join_alias, join_key, join_value; for (f in conditions) { if (!, f)) continue; ref = Ref.parse(f, self); field = ref._col; if (!, field)) continue; cond = conditions[f]; main_table = join[field].table; main_id = join[field].id; join_table = join[field].join; join_id = join[field].join_id; ++j; join_alias = join_table+j; where = {}; if ([field], 'key') && field !== join[field].key) { join_key = join[field].key; where[join_alias+'.'+join_key] = field; } else { join_key = field; } if ([field], 'value')) { join_value = join[field].value; where[join_alias+'.'+join_value] = cond; } else { join_value = join_key; where[join_alias+'.'+join_value] = cond; } self.Join( join_table+" AS "+join_alias, main_table+'.'+main_id+'='+join_alias+'.'+join_id, "inner" ).Where(where); delete conditions[f]; } return self; } ,refs: function(refs, lookup, re_alias) { var self = this; if (true === re_alias) { var i, l, ref, ref2, alias, qualified, qualified_full, alias2, qualified_full2; for (i=0,l=refs.length; i<l; ++i) { ref = refs[i]; alias = ref.alias; qualified = ref.qualified; qualified_full = ref.full; if ('*' === qualified_full) continue; if (!, alias)) { if (, qualified_full)) { ref2 = lookup[qualified_full]; alias2 = ref2.alias; qualified_full2 = ref2.full; if ((qualified_full2 !== qualified_full) && (alias2 !== alias) && (alias2 === qualified_full)) { // handle recursive aliasing /*if ((qualified_full2 !== alias2) &&, alias2)) delete lookup[alias2];*/ ref2 = ref2.cloned(ref.alias); refs[i] = lookup[alias] = ref2; } } else if (, qualified)) { ref2 = lookup[qualified]; if (ref2.qualified !== qualified) ref2 = lookup[ref2.qualified]; if (ref.full !== ref.alias) ref2 = ref2.cloned(ref.alias, null, ref._func); else ref2 = ref2.cloned(null, ref2.alias, ref._func); refs[i] = lookup[ref2.alias] = ref2; if ((ref2.alias !== ref2.full) && !, ref2.full)) lookup[ref2.full] = ref2; } else { lookup[alias] = ref; if ((alias !== qualified_full) && !, qualified_full)) lookup[qualified_full] = ref; } } else { refs[i] = lookup[alias]; } } } else { var i, l, j, m, r, rs, ref, alias, qualified; rs = array(refs); refs = []; for (i=0,l=rs.length; i<l; ++i) { /*r = rs[i].split(','); for (j=0,m=r.length; j<m; ++j) {*/ ref = Ref.parse(rs[i], self); alias = ref.alias; qualified = ref.full; if (!, alias)) { lookup[alias] = ref; if ((qualified !== alias) && !,qualified)) lookup[qualified] = ref; } else { ref = lookup[alias]; } refs.push(ref); /*}*/ } } return refs; } ,tbl: function(table) { var self = this; if (is_array(table)) { for (var i=0,l=table.length; i<l; ++i) table[i] = self.tbl(table[i]); return table; } return self.p + String(table); } ,intval: function(v) { var self = this; if (is_array(v)) { for (var i=0,l=v.length; i<l; ++i) v[i] = self.intval(v[i]); return v; } return is_int(v) ? v : parseInt(String(v), 10); } ,floatval: function(v) { var self = this; if (is_array(v)) { for (var i=0,l=v.length; i<l; ++i) v[i] = self.floatval(v[i]); return v; } return is_float(v) ? v : parseFloat(String(v), 10); } ,numval: function(v) { var self = this; if (is_array(v)) { for (var i=0,l=v.length; i<l; ++i) v[i] = self.numval(v[i]); return v; } return is_float(v) ? v : parseFloat(String(v), 10); } ,quote_name: function(v, optional) { var self = this, qn = self.qn, escn = self.escdbn, i, l, ve, c; optional = true === optional; if (is_array(v)) { for (i=0,l=v.length,ve=new Array(l); i<l; ++i) ve[i] = self.quote_name(v[i], optional); return ve; } v = String(v); if (optional && qn[0] === v.slice(0,qn[0].length) && qn[1] === v.slice(-qn[1].length)) { return v; } if (escn) { return escn[1] ? escn[0](v) : (qn[0] + escn[0](v) + qn[1]); } else { for (i=0,l=v.length,ve=''; i<l; ++i) { c = v.charAt(i); // properly try to escape quotes, by doubling for example, inside name if (qn[0] === c) ve += qn[2]; else if (qn[1] === c) ve += qn[3]; else ve += c; } return qn[0] + ve + qn[1]; } } ,quote: function(v) { var self = this, q = self.q, e = self.e, esc = self.escdb, hasBackSlash; if (is_array(v)) { for (var i=0,l=v.length,ve=new Array(l); i<l; ++i) ve[i] = self.quote(v[i]); return ve; } v = String(v); hasBackSlash = (-1 !== v.indexOf('\\')); if (esc) { return esc[1] ? esc[0](v) : ((hasBackSlash ? e[2] : '') + q[0] + esc[0](v) + q[1] + (hasBackSlash ? e[3] : '')); } return (hasBackSlash ? e[2] : '') + q[0] + self.esc(v) + q[1] + (hasBackSlash ? e[3] : ''); } ,esc: function(v) { var self = this, chars, esc, i, l, ve, c, q, ve; if (is_array(v)) { for (i=0,l=v.length,ve=new Array(l); i<l; ++i) ve[i] = self.esc(v[i]); return ve; } else if (self.escdb && !self.escdb[1]) { return self.escdb[0](v); } else { // simple ecsaping using addslashes // '"\ and NUL (the NULL byte). q = self.q; chars = NULL_CHAR + '\\'; esc = '\\'; v = String(v); ve = ''; for (i=0,l=v.length; i<l; ++i) { c = v.charAt(i); if (q[0] === c) ve += q[2]; else if (q[1] === c) ve += q[3]; else ve += addslashes(c, chars, esc); } return ve; } } ,esc_like: function(v) { var self = this; if (is_array(v)) { for (var i=0,l=v.length,ve=new Array(l); i<l; ++i) ve[i] = self.esc_like(v[i]); return ve; } return addslashes(v, '_%', '\\'); } ,like: function(v) { var self = this, q, e; if (is_array(v)) { for (var i=0,l=v.length,ve=new Array(l); i<l; ++i) ve[i] =[i]); return ve; } q = self.q; e = self.escdb ? ['','','',''] : self.e; return e[0] + q[0] + '%' + self.esc_like(self.esc(v)) + '%' + q[1] + e[1]; } ,multi_like: function(f, v, trimmed) { var self = this, like, ORs, ANDs, i, l, j, m; trimmed = false !== trimmed; like = f + " LIKE "; ORs = v.split(','); if (trimmed) ORs = ffilter(fmap(ORs, trim), Boolean); for (i=0,l=ORs.length; i<l; ++i) { ANDs = ORs[i].split('+'); if (trimmed) ANDs = ffilter(fmap(ANDs, trim), Boolean); for (j=0,m=ANDs.length; j<m; ++j) ANDs[j] = like +[j]); ORs[i] = '(' + ANDs.join(' AND ') + ')'; } return ORs.join(' OR '); } ,sql_function: function(f, args) { var self = this, func, is_arg, i, l, fi, argslen; if (!Dialect.dialects[self.type]['functions'] || ![self.type]['functions'], f)) throw new TypeError('Dialect: SQL function "'+f+'" does not exist for dialect "'+self.type+'"'); f = Dialect.dialects[self.type]['functions'][f]; if (is_array(f)) { args = null != args ? array(args) : []; argslen = args.length; func = ''; is_arg = false; for (i=0,l=f.length; i<l; ++i) { fi = f[i]; func += is_arg ? (is_array(fi) ? (0<fi[0] && argslen>=fi[0] ? String(args[fi[0]-1]) : String(null != fi[1] ? fi[1] : '')) : (0<fi && argslen>=fi ? String(args[fi-1]) : '')) : String(fi); is_arg = !is_arg; } return func; } return String(f); } ,sql_type: function(data_type, args) { var self = this, dd, d, is_arg, i, l, di, argslen; data_type = String(data_type).toUpperCase(); if (!Dialect.dialects[self.type]['types'] || ![self.type]['types'], data_type)) throw new TypeError('Dialect: SQL type "'+data_type+'" does not exist for dialect "'+self.type+'"'); d = Dialect.dialects[self.type]['types'][data_type]; if (is_array(d)) { args = null != args ? array(args) : []; argslen = args.length; dd = ''; is_arg = false; for (i=0,l=d.length; i<l; ++i) { di = d[i]; dd += is_arg ? (is_array(di) ? (0<di[0] && argslen>=di[0] ? String(args[di[0]-1]) : String(null != di[1] ? di[1] : '')) : (0<di && argslen>=di ? String(args[di-1]) : '')) : String(di); is_arg = !is_arg; } return dd; } return String(d); } }; // export it return Dialect; });