* http://dev1:8083/fwphp/glomodul/z_examples/?i/homeCtrClsAkcName/p1/p2
* homeCtrClsAkcName may be "examples"
* J:\awww\www\fwphp\glomodul\z_examples\index.php
* simplest.c ss or mini3.c ss
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<h3><span style="color: lightgray;">00info_php2</span> </h3>
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<dt><a href="#url">HOME (refresh this page)</a></dt>
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<dt><a href="01_phpinfo.php">phpinfo</a></dt>
<a href="02_info_php_pdo.php">PDO & OCI8 info</a>
<a href="03_info_php_apache_config_scripts.php">config</a>
<div class="holder p3">
<dl class="menu">
<!--dt><a href="#url" class="sub">Utilities</a></dt-->
<a title="Parse url query string" class="sub" href="03_test_parse_url.php">URL qrystring</a>
<a title="call_child_fn_from_parent_cls" class="sub" href="03_call_child_fn_from_parent_cls.php">call_child_fn_from_parent_cls</a>
<a title="login_form_validation.php" class="sub"
href="login_form_validation.php">Login form validation</a>
<a title="encrypt/decrypt password hash" class="sub"
href="03_encrypt_decrypt_password_hash.php">Encript/decript psw</a>
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<!-- J:\xampp\htdocs\fwphp\glomodul\z_examples\pagination_hr_countries -->
<a title="Pagination hr countries" class="sub" href="./MVC_FW/pagination_hr_countries/">Pagination hr countries</a>
<a title="Steinmetz" class="sub" href="./book_video\03steinmetz_2008/ch01_INC_prev_next_links_ARR_rowcolor/paginator_navbar_no_rows.php">Pagination (Steinmetz)</a>
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<dt><span>Templates (Predlo?ci)</span></dt>
<a href="06_flex_img_gallery.html">flex imggal</a>
<a href="05_simplestcss_pgBreakBefore_open_close.php">simplestcss</a>
<a href="05_index_2col.php">2col</a>
<a title="Template with {{ }} placeholders, assigned using ob (output buffering) PHP functions. Is ob unneccessary complication ?" href="05_ob_templ.php">ob->template</a>
<a href="05_predlozak_cssplay_3cols&Rside_tableles.php">cssplay</a>
</div><!-- class="holder p4" Templates -->
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<dl class="menu">
<dt><span>Code examples</span></dt>
<a href="MVC_FW/FLEX_minisite2017"
title="">Basic site main menu module code idea (no B12phpfw)</a>. It is easy to use Bootstrap 4 instead of FLEX
(good exercize), but pages are slower.
<br /><a href="php_patterns/singleton_B12phpfw.php?i/read_post/"
title="">Basic B12phpfw CRUD code idea 1</a> : In 2 scripts: Home_ctr.php, singleton_B12phpfw.php.
Not easy to learn (as any framework, but easyer -:)).
<br /><a href="MVC_FW/03xuding_glob/"
title="">Basic B12phpfw CRUD code idea 2</a> : how to use B12phpfw code for CRUD admins table rows.
<br><dt><span>Books, videos</span></dt>
<a href="MVC_FW/FLEX_minisite2017"
title="">Basic site main menu module code idea (no B12phpfw)</a>. It is easy to use Bootstrap 4 instead of FLEX
(good exercize), but pages are slower.
<br /><a href="php_patterns/singleton_B12phpfw.php?i/read_post/"
title="">Basic B12phpfw CRUD code idea 1</a> : In 2 scripts: Home_ctr.php, singleton_B12phpfw.php.
Not easy to learn (as any framework, but easyer -:)).
<br /><a href="MVC_FW/03xuding_glob/"
title="">Basic B12phpfw CRUD code idea 2</a> : how to use B12phpfw code for CRUD admins table rows.
</div><!-- class="holder p5" Code examples -->
</div><!-- id="positioner"-->
<h2>Tests menu is lsweb module</h2>
<!-- http://dev1:8083/fwphp/glomodul
Using <b>lsweb module</b> browse and run any PHP script :
<a href="../lsweb/Lsweb.php/?cmd=<?=str_replace('\\','/', __DIR__ )?>">Other examples</a>
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