# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# Xpresion
# Simple eXpression parser engine with variables and custom functions support for PHP, Python, Node.js and Browser
# @version: 1.0.1
# https://github.com/foo123/Xpresion
import re, time, datetime, calendar, math, pprint
from collections import namedtuple
# https://github.com/foo123/GrammarTemplate
def pad( s, n, z='0', pad_right=False ):
ps = str(s)
if pad_right:
while len(ps) < n: ps += z
while len(ps) < n: ps = z + ps
return ps
GUID = 0
def guid( ):
global GUID
GUID += 1
return pad(hex(int(time.time()))[2:],12)+'--'+pad(hex(GUID)[2:],4)
def is_array( v ):
return isinstance(v, (list,tuple))
def compute_alignment( s, i, l ):
alignment = ''
while i < l:
c = s[i]
if (" " == c) or ("\r" == c) or ("\t" == c) or ("\v" == c) or ("\0" == c):
alignment += c
i += 1
return alignment
def align( s, alignment ):
l = len(s)
if l and len(alignment):
aligned = '';
for c in s:
aligned += c
if "\n" == c: aligned += alignment
aligned = s
return aligned
def walk( obj, keys, keys_alt=None, obj_alt=None ):
found = 0
if keys:
o = obj
l = len(keys)
i = 0
found = 1
while i < l:
k = keys[i]
i += 1
if o is not None:
if isinstance(o,(list,tuple)) and int(k)<len(o):
o = o[int(k)]
elif isinstance(o,dict) and (k in o):
o = o[k]
o = getattr(o, k)
except AttributeError:
found = 0
found = 0
if (not found) and keys_alt:
o = obj
l = len(keys_alt)
i = 0
found = 1
while i < l:
k = keys_alt[i]
i += 1
if o is not None:
if isinstance(o,(list,tuple)) and int(k)<len(o):
o = o[int(k)]
elif isinstance(o,dict) and (k in o):
o = o[k]
o = getattr(o, k)
except AttributeError:
found = 0
found = 0
if (not found) and (obj_alt is not None) and (obj_alt is not obj):
if keys:
o = obj_alt
l = len(keys)
i = 0
found = 1
while i < l:
k = keys[i]
i += 1
if o is not None:
if isinstance(o,(list,tuple)) and int(k)<len(o):
o = o[int(k)]
elif isinstance(o,dict) and (k in o):
o = o[k]
o = getattr(o, k)
except AttributeError:
found = 0
found = 0
if (not found) and keys_alt:
o = obj_alt
l = len(keys_alt)
i = 0
found = 1
while i < l:
k = keys_alt[i]
i += 1
if o is not None:
if isinstance(o,(list,tuple)) and int(k)<len(o):
o = o[int(k)]
elif isinstance(o,dict) and (k in o):
o = o[k]
o = getattr(o, k)
except AttributeError:
found = 0
found = 0
return o if found else None
class StackEntry:
def __init__(self, stack=None, value=None):
self.prev = stack
self.value = value
class TplEntry:
def __init__(self, node=None, tpl=None ):
if tpl: tpl.next = self
self.node = node
self.prev = tpl
self.next = None
def multisplit( tpl, delims, postop=False ):
IDL = delims[0]
IDR = delims[1]
OBL = delims[2]
OBR = delims[3]
lenIDL = len(IDL)
lenIDR = len(IDR)
lenOBL = len(OBL)
lenOBR = len(OBR)
ESC = '\\'
OPT = '?'
OPTR = '*'
NEG = '!'
DEF = '|'
TPL = ':='
REPL = '{'
REPR = '}'
DOT = '.'
REF = ':'
ALGN = '@'
#NOTALGN = '&'
default_value = None
negative = 0
optional = 0
aligned = 0
localised = 0
l = len(tpl)
delim1 = [IDL, lenIDL, IDR, lenIDR]
delim2 = [OBL, lenOBL, OBR, lenOBR]
delim_order = [None,0,None,0,None,0,None,0]
postop = postop is True
a = TplEntry({'type': 0, 'val': '', 'algn': ''})
cur_arg = {
'type' : 1,
'name' : None,
'key' : None,
'stpl' : None,
'dval' : None,
'opt' : 0,
'neg' : 0,
'algn' : 0,
'loc' : 0,
'start' : 0,
'end' : 0
roottpl = a
block = None
opt_args = None
subtpl = {}
cur_tpl = None
arg_tpl = {}
start_tpl = None
# hard-coded merge-sort for arbitrary delims parsing based on str len
if delim1[1] < delim1[3]:
s = delim1[0]
delim1[2] = delim1[0]
delim1[0] = s
i = delim1[1]
delim1[3] = delim1[1]
delim1[1] = i
if delim2[1] < delim2[3]:
s = delim2[0]
delim2[2] = delim2[0]
delim2[0] = s
i = delim2[1]
delim2[3] = delim2[1]
delim2[1] = i
start_i = 0
end_i = 0
i = 0
while (4 > start_i) and (4 > end_i):
if delim1[start_i+1] < delim2[end_i+1]:
delim_order[i] = delim2[end_i]
delim_order[i+1] = delim2[end_i+1]
end_i += 2
delim_order[i] = delim1[start_i]
delim_order[i+1] = delim1[start_i+1]
start_i += 2
i += 2
while 4 > start_i:
delim_order[i] = delim1[start_i]
delim_order[i+1] = delim1[start_i+1]
start_i += 2
i += 2
while 4 > end_i:
delim_order[i] = delim2[end_i]
delim_order[i+1] = delim2[end_i+1]
end_i += 2
i += 2
stack = None
s = ''
i = 0
while i < l:
c = tpl[i]
if ESC == c:
s += tpl[i+1] if i+1 < l else ''
i += 2
delim = None
if delim_order[0] == tpl[i:i+delim_order[1]]:
delim = delim_order[0]
elif delim_order[2] == tpl[i:i+delim_order[3]]:
delim = delim_order[2]
elif delim_order[4] == tpl[i:i+delim_order[5]]:
delim = delim_order[4]
elif delim_order[6] == tpl[i:i+delim_order[7]]:
delim = delim_order[6]
if IDL == delim:
i += lenIDL
if len(s):
if 0 == a.node['type']: a.node['val'] += s
else: a = TplEntry({'type': 0, 'val': s, 'algn': ''}, a)
s = ''
elif IDR == delim:
i += lenIDR
# argument
argument = s
s = ''
p = argument.find(DEF)
if -1 < p:
default_value = argument[p+1:]
argument = argument[0:p]
default_value = None
if postop:
c = tpl[i] if i < l else ''
c = argument[0]
if OPT == c or OPTR == c:
optional = 1
if OPTR == c:
start_i = 1
end_i = -1
start_i = 0
end_i = 0
if postop:
i += 1
if (i < l) and (NEG == tpl[i]):
negative = 1
i += 1
negative = 0
if NEG == argument[1]:
negative = 1
argument = argument[2:]
negative = 0
argument = argument[1:]
elif REPL == c:
if postop:
s = ''
j = i+1
jl = l
while (j < jl) and (REPR != tpl[j]):
s += tpl[j]
j += 1
i = j+1
s = ''
j = 1
jl = len(argument)
while (j < jl) and (REPR != argument[j]):
s += argument[j]
j += 1
argument = argument[j+1:]
s = s.split(',')
if len(s) > 1:
start_i = s[0].strip()
start_i = int(start_i,10) if len(start_i) else 0
end_i = s[1].strip()
end_i = int(end_i,10) if len(end_i) else -1
optional = 1
start_i = s[0].strip()
start_i = int(start_i,10) if len(start_i) else 0
end_i = start_i
optional = 0
s = ''
negative = 0
optional = 0
negative = 0
start_i = 0
end_i = 0
if negative and default_value is None: default_value = ''
c = argument[0]
if ALGN == c:
aligned = 1
argument = argument[1:]
aligned = 0
c = argument[0]
if DOT == c:
localised = 1
argument = argument[1:]
localised = 0
p = argument.find(REF)
template = argument.split(REF) if -1 < p else [argument,None]
argument = template[0]
template = template[1]
p = argument.find(DOT)
nested = argument.split(DOT) if -1 < p else None
if cur_tpl and (cur_tpl not in arg_tpl): arg_tpl[cur_tpl] = {}
if TPL+OBL == tpl[i:i+2+lenOBL]:
# template definition
i += 2
template = template if template and len(template) else 'grtpl--'+guid()
start_tpl = template
if cur_tpl and len(argument):
arg_tpl[cur_tpl][argument] = template
if not len(argument): continue # template definition only
if (template is None) and cur_tpl and (cur_tpl in arg_tpl) and (argument in arg_tpl[cur_tpl]):
template = arg_tpl[cur_tpl][argument]
if optional and not cur_arg['opt']:
cur_arg['name'] = argument
cur_arg['key'] = nested
cur_arg['stpl'] = template
cur_arg['dval'] = default_value
cur_arg['opt'] = optional
cur_arg['neg'] = negative
cur_arg['algn'] = aligned
cur_arg['loc'] = localised
cur_arg['start'] = start_i
cur_arg['end'] = end_i
# handle multiple optional arguments for same optional block
opt_args = StackEntry(None, [argument,nested,negative,start_i,end_i,optional,localised])
elif optional:
# handle multiple optional arguments for same optional block
if (start_i != end_i) and (cur_arg['start'] == cur_arg['end']):
# set as main arg a loop arg, if exists
cur_arg['name'] = argument
cur_arg['key'] = nested
cur_arg['stpl'] = template
cur_arg['dval'] = default_value
cur_arg['opt'] = optional
cur_arg['neg'] = negative
cur_arg['algn'] = aligned
cur_arg['loc'] = localised
cur_arg['start'] = start_i
cur_arg['end'] = end_i
opt_args = StackEntry(opt_args, [argument,nested,negative,start_i,end_i,optional,localised])
elif (not optional) and (cur_arg['name'] is None):
cur_arg['name'] = argument
cur_arg['key'] = nested
cur_arg['stpl'] = template
cur_arg['dval'] = default_value
cur_arg['opt'] = 0
cur_arg['neg'] = negative
cur_arg['algn'] = aligned
cur_arg['loc'] = localised
cur_arg['start'] = start_i
cur_arg['end'] = end_i
# handle multiple optional arguments for same optional block
opt_args = StackEntry(None, [argument,nested,negative,start_i,end_i,0,localised])
if 0 == a.node['type']: a.node['algn'] = compute_alignment(a.node['val'], 0, len(a.node['val']))
a = TplEntry({
'type' : 1,
'name' : argument,
'key' : nested,
'stpl' : template,
'dval' : default_value,
'opt' : optional,
'algn' : aligned,
'loc' : localised,
'start' : start_i,
'end' : end_i
}, a)
elif OBL == delim:
i += lenOBL
if len(s):
if 0 == a.node['type']: a.node['val'] += s
else: a = TplEntry({'type': 0, 'val': s, 'algn': ''}, a)
s = ''
# comment
if COMMENT == tpl[i]:
j = i+1
jl = l
while (j < jl) and (COMMENT_CLOSE != tpl[j:j+lenOBR+1]):
s += tpl[j]
j += 1
i = j+lenOBR+1
if 0 == a.node['type']: a.node['algn'] = compute_alignment(a.node['val'], 0, len(a.node['val']))
a = TplEntry({'type': -100, 'val': s}, a)
s = ''
# optional block
stack = StackEntry(stack, [a, block, cur_arg, opt_args, cur_tpl, start_tpl])
if start_tpl: cur_tpl = start_tpl
start_tpl = None
cur_arg = {
'type' : 1,
'name' : None,
'key' : None,
'stpl' : None,
'dval' : None,
'opt' : 0,
'neg' : 0,
'algn' : 0,
'loc' : 0,
'start' : 0,
'end' : 0
opt_args = None
a = TplEntry({'type': 0, 'val': '', 'algn': ''})
block = a
elif OBR == delim:
i += lenOBR
b = a
cur_block = block
prev_arg = cur_arg
prev_opt_args = opt_args
if stack:
a = stack.value[0]
block = stack.value[1]
cur_arg = stack.value[2]
opt_args = stack.value[3]
cur_tpl = stack.value[4]
start_tpl = stack.value[5]
stack = stack.prev
a = None
if len(s):
if 0 == b.node['type']: b.node['val'] += s
else: b = TplEntry({'type': 0, 'val': s, 'algn': ''}, b)
s = ''
if start_tpl:
subtpl[start_tpl] = TplEntry({
'type' : 2,
'name' : prev_arg['name'],
'key' : prev_arg['key'],
'loc' : prev_arg['loc'],
'algn' : prev_arg['algn'],
'start' : prev_arg['start'],
'end' : prev_arg['end'],
'opt_args': None,#opt_args
'tpl' : cur_block
start_tpl = None
if 0 == a.node['type']: a.node['algn'] = compute_alignment(a.node['val'], 0, len(a.node['val']))
a = TplEntry({
'type' : -1,
'name' : prev_arg['name'],
'key' : prev_arg['key'],
'loc' : prev_arg['loc'],
'algn' : prev_arg['algn'],
'start' : prev_arg['start'],
'end' : prev_arg['end'],
'opt_args': prev_opt_args,
'tpl' : cur_block
}, a)
c = tpl[i]
i += 1
if "\n" == c:
# note line changes to handle alignments
if len(s):
if 0 == a.node['type']: a.node['val'] += s
else: a = TplEntry({'type': 0, 'val': s, 'algn': ''}, a)
s = ''
if 0 == a.node['type']: a.node['algn'] = compute_alignment(a.node['val'], 0, len(a.node['val']))
a = TplEntry({'type': 100, 'val': "\n"}, a)
s += c
if len(s):
if 0 == a.node['type']: a.node['val'] += s
else: a = TplEntry({'type': 0, 'val': s, 'algn': ''}, a)
if 0 == a.node['type']: a.node['algn'] = compute_alignment(a.node['val'], 0, len(a.node['val']))
return [roottpl, subtpl]
def optional_block( args, block, SUB=None, FN=None, index=None, alignment='', orig_args=None ):
out = ''
block_arg = None
if -1 == block['type']:
# optional block, check if optional variables can be rendered
opt_vars = block['opt_args']
# if no optional arguments, render block by default
if opt_vars and opt_vars.value[5]:
while opt_vars:
opt_v = opt_vars.value
opt_arg = walk( args, opt_v[1], [str(opt_v[0])], None if opt_v[6] else orig_args )
if (block_arg is None) and (block['name'] == opt_v[0]): block_arg = opt_arg
if ((0 == opt_v[2]) and (opt_arg is None)) or ((1 == opt_v[2]) and (opt_arg is not None)): return ''
opt_vars = opt_vars.prev
block_arg = walk( args, block['key'], [str(block['name'])], None if block['loc'] else orig_args )
arr = is_array( block_arg )
lenn = len(block_arg) if arr else -1
#if not block['algn']: alignment = ''
if arr and (lenn > block['start']):
rs = block['start']
re = lenn-1 if -1==block['end'] else min(block['end'],lenn-1)
ri = rs
while ri <= re:
out += main( args, block['tpl'], SUB, FN, ri, alignment, orig_args )
ri += 1
elif (not arr) and (block['start'] == block['end']):
out = main( args, block['tpl'], SUB, FN, None, alignment, orig_args )
return out
def non_terminal( args, symbol, SUB=None, FN=None, index=None, alignment='', orig_args=None ):
out = ''
if symbol['stpl'] and ((SUB and (symbol['stpl'] in SUB)) or (symbol['stpl'] in GrammarTemplate.subGlobal) or (FN and ((symbol['stpl'] in FN) or ('*' in FN))) or ((symbol['stpl'] in GrammarTemplate.fnGlobal) or ('*' in GrammarTemplate.fnGlobal))):
# using custom function or sub-template
opt_arg = walk( args, symbol['key'], [str(symbol['name'])], None if symbol['loc'] else orig_args )
if (SUB and (symbol['stpl'] in SUB)) or (symbol['stpl'] in GrammarTemplate.subGlobal):
# sub-template
if (index is not None) and ((0 != index) or (symbol['start'] != symbol['end']) or (not symbol['opt'])) and is_array(opt_arg):
opt_arg = opt_arg[ index ] if index < len(opt_arg) else None
if (opt_arg is None) and (symbol['dval'] is not None):
# default value if missing
out = symbol['dval']
# try to associate sub-template parameters to actual input arguments
tpl = SUB[symbol['stpl']].node if SUB and (symbol['stpl'] in SUB) else GrammarTemplate.subGlobal[symbol['stpl']].node
tpl_args = {}
if opt_arg is not None:
if is_array(opt_arg): tpl_args[tpl['name']] = opt_arg
else: tpl_args = opt_arg
out = optional_block( tpl_args, tpl, SUB, FN, None, alignment if symbol['algn'] else '', args if orig_args is None else orig_args )
#if symbol['algn']: out = align(out, alignment)
else:#elif fn:
# custom function
fn = None
if FN and (symbol['stpl'] in FN): fn = FN[symbol['stpl']]
elif FN and ('*' in FN): fn = FN['*']
elif symbol['stpl'] in GrammarTemplate.fnGlobal: fn = GrammarTemplate.fnGlobal[symbol['stpl']]
elif '*' in GrammarTemplate.fnGlobal: fn = GrammarTemplate.fnGlobal['*']
if is_array(opt_arg):
index = index if index is not None else symbol['start']
opt_arg = opt_arg[ index ] if index < len(opt_arg) else None
if callable(fn):
fn_arg = {
#'value' : opt_arg,
'symbol' : symbol,
'index' : index,
'currentArguments' : args,
'originalArguments' : orig_args,
'alignment' : alignment
opt_arg = fn( opt_arg, fn_arg )
opt_arg = str(fn)
out = symbol['dval'] if (opt_arg is None) and (symbol['dval'] is not None) else str(opt_arg)
if symbol['algn']: out = align(out, alignment)
elif symbol['opt'] and (symbol['dval'] is not None):
# boolean optional argument
out = symbol['dval']
# plain symbol argument
opt_arg = walk( args, symbol['key'], [str(symbol['name'])], None if symbol['loc'] else orig_args )
# default value if missing
if is_array(opt_arg):
index = index if index is not None else symbol['start']
opt_arg = opt_arg[ index ] if index < len(opt_arg) else None
out = symbol['dval'] if (opt_arg is None) and (symbol['dval'] is not None) else str(opt_arg)
if symbol['algn']: out = align(out, alignment)
return out
def main( args, tpl, SUB=None, FN=None, index=None, alignment='', orig_args=None ):
out = ''
current_alignment = alignment
while tpl:
tt = tpl.node['type']
if -1 == tt: # optional code-block
out += optional_block( args, tpl.node, SUB, FN, index, current_alignment if tpl.node['algn'] else alignment, orig_args )
elif 1 == tt: # non-terminal
out += non_terminal( args, tpl.node, SUB, FN, index, current_alignment if tpl.node['algn'] else alignment, orig_args )
elif 0 == tt: # terminal
current_alignment += tpl.node['algn']
out += tpl.node['val']
elif 100 == tt: # new line
current_alignment = alignment
out += "\n" + alignment
#elif -100 == tt: # comment
# # pass
tpl = tpl.next
return out
class GrammarTemplate:
GrammarTemplate for Python,
VERSION = '3.0.0'
defaultDelimiters = ['<','>','[',']']
fnGlobal = {}
subGlobal = {}
guid = guid
multisplit = multisplit
align = align
main = main
def __init__(self, tpl='', delims=None, postop=False):
self.id = None
self.tpl = None
self.fn = {}
# lazy init
self._args = [ tpl, delims if delims else GrammarTemplate.defaultDelimiters, postop ]
def __del__(self):
def dispose(self):
self.id = None
self.tpl = None
self.fn = None
self._args = None
return self
def parse(self):
if (self.tpl is None) and (self._args is not None):
# lazy init
self.tpl = GrammarTemplate.multisplit( self._args[0], self._args[1], self._args[2] )
self._args = None
return self
def render(self, args=None):
# lazy init
if self.tpl is None: self.parse( )
return GrammarTemplate.main( {} if None == args else args, self.tpl[0], self.tpl[1], self.fn )
# static
CNT = 0
def createFunction( args, sourceCode, additional_symbols=dict() ):
# http://code.activestate.com/recipes/550804-create-a-restricted-python-function-from-a-string/
global CNT
CNT += 1
funcName = 'xpresion_dyna_func_' + str(CNT)
# The list of symbols that are included by default in the generated
# function's environment
"list", "dict", "enumerate", "tuple", "set", "long", "float", "object",
"bool", "callable", "True", "False", "dir",
"frozenset", "getattr", "hasattr", "abs", "cmp", "complex",
"divmod", "id", "pow", "round", "slice", "vars",
"hash", "hex", "int", "isinstance", "issubclass", "len",
"map", "filter", "max", "min", "oct", "chr", "ord", "range",
"reduce", "repr", "str", "type", "zip", "xrange", "None",
"Exception", "KeyboardInterrupt"
# Also add the standard exceptions
__bi = __builtins__
if type(__bi) is not dict:
__bi = __bi.__dict__
for k in __bi:
if k.endswith("Error") or k.endswith("Warning"):
del __bi
# Include the sourcecode as the code of a function funcName:
s = "def " + funcName + "(%s):\n" % args
s += sourceCode # this should be already properly padded
# Byte-compilation (optional)
byteCode = compile(s, "<string>", 'exec')
# Setup the local and global dictionaries of the execution
# environment for __TheFunction__
bis = dict() # builtins
globs = dict()
locs = dict()
# Setup a standard-compatible python environment
bis["locals"] = lambda: locs
bis["globals"] = lambda: globs
globs["__builtins__"] = bis
globs["__name__"] = "SUBENV"
globs["__doc__"] = sourceCode
# Determine how the __builtins__ dictionary should be accessed
if type(__builtins__) is dict:
bi_dict = __builtins__
bi_dict = __builtins__.__dict__
# Include the safe symbols
for k in SAFE_SYMBOLS:
# try from current locals
locs[k] = locals()[k]
except KeyError:
# Try from globals
globs[k] = globals()[k]
except KeyError:
# Try from builtins
bis[k] = bi_dict[k]
except KeyError:
# Symbol not available anywhere: silently ignored
# Include the symbols added by the caller, in the globals dictionary
# Finally execute the Function statement:
eval(byteCode, globs, locs)
# As a result, the function is defined as the item funcName
# in the locals dictionary
fct = locs[funcName]
# Attach the function to the globals so that it can be recursive
del locs[funcName]
globs[funcName] = fct
# Attach the actual source code to the docstring
fct.__doc__ = sourceCode
# return the compiled function object
return fct
def array_splice(arr, index, offset):
l = len(arr)
if l > 0:
if index < 0: index += l
index = min(index, l)
#if offset < 0: offset = -offset
index2 = index+offset
if index2 < 0: index2 += l
index2 = min(index2, l)
ret = arr[index:index2]
del arr[index:index2]
return ret
return []
def dummy( *args ):
return None
def evaluator_factory(evaluator_str,Fn,Cache):
evaluator_factory = createFunction('Fn,Cache', "\n".join([
' def evaluator(Var):',
' return ' + evaluator_str,
' return evaluator'
]), {'math':math,'Xpresion':Xpresion})
return evaluator_factory(Fn,Cache)
default_date_locale = {
'meridian': { 'am':'am', 'pm':'pm', 'AM':'AM', 'PM':'PM' }
,'ordinal': { 'ord':{1:'st',2:'nd',3:'rd'}, 'nth':'th' }
,'timezone': [ 'UTC','EST','MDT' ]
,'timezone_short': [ 'UTC','EST','MDT' ]
,'day': [ 'Sunday','Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday' ]
,'day_short': [ 'Sun','Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat' ]
,'month': [ 'January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December' ]
,'month_short': [ 'Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec' ]
def php_time( ):
return int(time.time())
def php_date( format, timestamp=None ):
global default_date_locale
locale = default_date_locale
# http://php.net/manual/en/datetime.formats.date.php
# http://strftime.org/
# https://docs.python.org/2/library/time.html
# adapted from http://brandonwamboldt.ca/python-php-date-class-335/
if timestamp is None: timestamp = php_time( )
utime = timestamp
dtime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp)
D = { }
w = dtime.weekday()
W = dtime.isocalendar()[1]
d = dtime.day
dmod10 = d % 10
n = dtime.month
Y = dtime.year
g = int(dtime.strftime("%I"))
G = int(dtime.strftime("%H"))
meridian = dtime.strftime("%p")
tzo = int(time.timezone / 60)
atzo = abs(tzo)
# Calculate and return Swatch Internet Time
# http://code.activestate.com/recipes/578473-calculating-swatch-internet-time-or-beats/
lh, lm, ls = time.localtime()[3:6]
beats = ((lh * 3600) + (lm * 60) + ls + time.timezone) / 86.4
if beats > 1000: beats -= 1000
elif beats < 0: beats += 1000
# Day --
D['d'] = str( d ).zfill(2)
D['D'] = locale['day_short'][ w ]
D['j'] = str( d )
D['l'] = locale['day'][ w ]
D['N'] = str( w if 0 < w else 7 )
D['S'] = locale['ordinal']['ord'][ d ] if d in locale['ordinal']['ord'] else (locale['ordinal']['ord'][ dmod10 ] if dmod10 in locale['ordinal']['ord'] else locale['ordinal']['nth'])
D['w'] = str( w )
D['z'] = str( dtime.timetuple().tm_yday )
# Week --
D['W'] = str( W )
# Month --
D['F'] = locale['month'][ n-1 ]
D['m'] = str( n ).zfill(2)
D['M'] = locale['month_short'][ n-1 ]
D['n'] = str( n )
D['t'] = str( calendar.monthrange(Y, n)[1] )
# Year --
D['L'] = str( int(calendar.isleap(Y)) )
D['o'] = str(Y + (1 if n == 12 and W < 9 else (-1 if n == 1 and W > 9 else 0)))
D['Y'] = str( Y )
D['y'] = str( Y )[2:]
# Time --
D['a'] = locale['meridian'][meridian.lower()] if meridian.lower() in locale['meridian'] else meridian.lower()
D['A'] = locale['meridian'][meridian] if meridian in locale['meridian'] else meridian
D['B'] = str( int(beats) ).zfill(3)
D['g'] = str( g )
D['G'] = str( G )
D['h'] = str( g ).zfill(2)
D['H'] = str( G ).zfill(2)
D['i'] = str( dtime.minute ).zfill(2)
D['s'] = str( dtime.second ).zfill(2)
D['u'] = str( dtime.microsecond ).zfill(6)
# Timezone --
D['e'] = '' # TODO, missing
D['I'] = str( dtime.dst() )
D['O'] = ('-' if tzo > 0 else '+')+str(int(atzo / 60) * 100 + atzo % 60).zfill(4)
D['P'] = D['O'][:3]+':'+D['O'][3:]
D['T'] = 'UTC'
D['Z'] = str(-tzo*60)
# Full Date/Time --
D['c'] = ''.join([ D['Y'],'-',D['m'],'-',D['d'],'\\',D['T'],D['H'],':',D['i'],':',D['s'],D['P'] ])
D['r'] = ''.join([ D['D'],', ',D['d'],' ',D['M'],' ',D['Y'],' ',D['H'],':',D['i'],':',D['s'],' ',D['O'] ])
D['U'] = str( utime )
formatted_datetime = ''
for f in format: formatted_datetime += D[f] if f in D else f
return formatted_datetime
def parse_re_flags(s,i,l):
flags = ''
has_i = False
has_g = False
has_m = False
seq = 0
i2 = i+seq
not_done = True
while i2 < l and not_done:
ch = s[i2]
i2 += 1
seq += 1
if 'i' == ch and not has_i:
flags += 'i'
has_i = True
if 'm' == ch and not has_m:
flags += 'm'
has_m = True
if 'g' == ch and not has_g:
flags += 'g'
has_g = True
if seq >= 3 or (not has_i and not has_g and not has_m):
not_done = False
return flags
NEWLINE = re.compile(r'\n\r|\r\n|\n|\r')
SQUOTE = re.compile(r"'")
COMMA = ','
LPAREN = '('
RPAREN = ')'
NONE = 0
LEFT = -2
T_DUM = 0
T_MIX = 1
T_IDE = 16
T_VAR = 17
T_LIT = 32
T_NUM = 33
T_STR = 34
T_REX = 35
T_BOL = 36
T_DTM = 37
T_ARY = 38
T_OP = 128
T_N_OP = 129
T_POLY_OP = 130
T_FUN = 131
T_EMPTY = 1024
class Node:
# depth-first traversal
def DFT(root, action=None, andDispose=False):
# one can also implement a symbolic solver here
# by manipulating the tree to produce 'x' on one side
# and the reverse operators/tokens on the other side
# i.e by transposing the top op on other side of the '=' op and using the 'associated inverse operator'
# in stack order (i.e most top op is transposed first etc.. until only the branch with 'x' stays on one side)
# (easy when only one unknown in one state, more difficult for many unknowns
# or one unknown in different states, e.g x and x^2 etc..)
andDispose = bool(andDispose is not False)
if not action: action = Xpresion.render
stack = [ root ]
output = [ ]
while len(stack):
node = stack[ 0 ]
if node.children and len(node.children):
stack = node.children + stack
node.children = None
op = node.node
arity = op.arity
if (T_OP & op.type) and 0 == arity: arity = 1 # have already padded with empty token
elif arity > len(output) and op.arity_min <= op.arity: arity = op.arity_min
o = action(op, array_splice(output, -arity, arity))
output.append( o )
if andDispose: node.dispose( )
stack = None
return output[ 0 ]
def __init__(self, type, arity, node, children=None, pos=0):
self.type = type
self.arity = arity
self.node = node
self.children = children
self.pos = pos
self.op_parts = None
self.op_def = None
self.op_index = None
def __del__(self):
def dispose(self):
c = self.children
if c and len(c):
for ci in c:
if ci: ci.dispose( )
self.type = None
self.arity = None
self.pos = None
self.node = None
self.op_parts = None
self.op_def = None
self.op_index = None
self.children = None
return self
def op_next(self, op, pos, op_queue, token_queue):
num_args = 0
next_index = -1
next_index = self.op_parts.index( op.input )
next_index = -1
is_next = (0 == next_index)
if is_next:
if 0 == self.op_def[0][0]:
num_args = Op.match_args(self.op_def[0][2], pos-1, op_queue, token_queue )
if num_args is False:
is_next = False
self.arity = num_args
if is_next:
return is_next
def op_complete(self):
return 0 == len(self.op_parts)
def __str__(self, tab=""):
out = []
n = self.node
c = self.children if self.children else []
tab_tab = tab+" "
for ci in c: out.append(ci.__str__(tab_tab))
if hasattr(n, 'parts') and n.parts: parts = " ".join(n.parts)
else: parts = n.input
return tab + ("\n"+tab).join([
"Node("+str(n.type)+"): " + str(parts),
"Childs: [",
tab +("\n" + tab).join(out),
]) + "\n"
class Alias:
def get_entry(entries, id):
if id and entries and (id in entries):
# walk/bypass aliases, if any
entry = entries[ id ]
while isinstance(entry, Alias) and (entry.alias in entries):
id = entry.alias
# circular reference
if entry == entries[ id ]: return False
entry = entries[ id ]
return entry
return False
def __init__(self, alias):
self.alias = str(alias)
def __del__(self):
self.alias = None
class Tok:
def render(t):
if isinstance(t, Tok): return t.render()
return str(t)
def __init__(self, type, input, output, value=None):
self.type = type
self.input = input
self.output = output
self.value = value
self.priority = 1000
self.parity = 0
self.arity = 0
self.arity_min = 0
self.arity_max = 0
self.associativity = DEFAULT
self.fixity = INFIX
self.parenthesize = False
self.revert = False
def __del__(self):
def dispose(self):
self.type = None
self.input = None
self.output = None
self.value = None
self.priority = None
self.parity = None
self.arity = None
self.arity_min = None
self.arity_max = None
self.associativity = None
self.fixity = None
self.parenthesize = None
self.revert = None
return self
def setType(self, type):
self.type = type
return self
def setParenthesize(self, bol):
self.parenthesize = bool(bol)
return self
def setReverse(self, bol):
self.revert = bool(bol)
return self
def render(self, args=None):
token = self.output
p = self.parenthesize
lparen = Xpresion.LPAREN if p else ''
rparen = Xpresion.RPAREN if p else ''
if None==args: args=[]
args.insert(0, self.input)
if isinstance(token,GrammarTemplate): out = str(token.render( {'$':args} ))
else: out = str(token)
return lparen + out + rparen
def node(self, args=None, pos=0):
return Node(self.type, self.arity, self, args if args else None, pos)
def __str__(self):
return str(self.output)
class Op(Tok):
def Condition(f):
if isinstance(f[0],str):
f[0] = createFunction('curr,Xpresion', ' return '+f[0])
except BaseException:
f[0] = None
return [
f[0] if callable(f[0]) else None
def parse_definition(op_def):
parts = []
op = []
arity = 0
arity_min = 0
arity_max = 0
if isinstance(op_def, str):
# assume infix, arity = 2;
op_def = [1,op_def,1]
op_def = list(op_def)
for i in range(len(op_def)):
if isinstance(op_def[i], str):
op.append([1, i, op_def[i]])
op.append([0, i, op_def[i]])
num_args = abs(op_def[i])
arity += num_args
arity_max += num_args
arity_min += op_def[i]
if 1 == len(parts) and 1 == len(op):
op = [[0, 0, 1], [1, 1, parts[0]], [0, 2, 1]]
arity = 2
arity_min = 2
arity_max = 2
type = T_OP
type = T_N_OP if len(parts) > 1 else T_OP
return [type, op, parts, arity, max(0, arity_min), arity_max]
def match_args(expected_args, args_pos, op_queue, token_queue):
tl = len(token_queue)
t = tl-1
num_args = 0
num_expected_args = abs(expected_args)
INF = -10
while num_args < num_expected_args or t >= 0:
p2 = INF if t < 0 else token_queue[t].pos
if args_pos == p2:
else: break
return num_expected_args if num_args >= num_expected_args else (0 if expected_args <= 0 else False)
def __init__(self, input='', output='', otype=None, fixity=None, associativity=None, priority=None, ofixity=None):
opdef = Op.parse_definition( input )
self.type = opdef[0]
self.opdef = opdef[1]
self.parts = opdef[2]
if not isinstance(output, GrammarTemplate): output = GrammarTemplate(str(output))
super(Op, self).__init__(self.type, self.parts[0], output)
self.fixity = fixity if fixity is not None else PREFIX
self.associativity = associativity if associativity is not None else DEFAULT
self.priority = priority if priority is not None else 1000
self.arity = opdef[3]
#self.arity = arity
self.otype = otype if otype is not None else T_MIX
self.ofixity = ofixity if ofixity is not None else self.fixity
self.parenthesize = False
self.revert = False
self.morphes = None
def __del__(self):
def dispose(self):
super(Op, self).dispose()
self.otype = None
self.ofixity = None
self.parts = None
self.opdef = None
self.morphes = None
return self
def Polymorphic(self, morphes=None):
self.type = T_POLY_OP
self.morphes = list(map(Op.Condition, morphes if morphes else [ ]))
return self
def morph(self, args):
morphes = self.morphes
l = len(morphes)
i = 0
minop = morphes[0][1]
found = False
# [pos,token_queue,op_queue]
if len(args) < 7:
args.append(args[1][-1] if len(args[1]) else False)
args.append(args[2][0] if len(args[2]) else False)
args.append((args[4].pos+1==args[0]) if args[4] else False)
deduced_type = 0 # T_DUM
indt = len(args[1])-1
indo = 0
# try to inherit type from other tokens/ops if current type is T_DUM(0), eg for bracket operator
while not deduced_type:
if indt>=0 and indo<len(args[2]) and indo+1<len(args[2]) and isinstance(args[2][indo+1].node, Xpresion.Func):
deduced_type = args[1][indt].type
#args[1][indt].pos>args[2][indo].pos ? args[1][indt--].type : args[2][indo++].type
indt -= 1
elif indo<len(args[2]):
deduced_type = args[2][indo].type
indo += 1
elif indt>=0:
deduced_type = args[1][indt].type
indt -= 1
else: break
# {'${POS}':0,'${TOKS}':1,'${OPS}':2,'${TOK}':3,'${OP}':4,'${PREV_IS_OP}':5,'${DEDUCED_TYPE}':6,'Xpresion':7}
#nargs = {
# 'POS': args[0],
# 'TOKS': args[1],
# 'OPS': args[2],
# 'TOK': args[3],
# 'OP': args[4],
# 'PREV_IS_OP' : args[5],
# 'DEDUCED_TYPE': args[6]#,
# #'Xpresion': args[7]
nargs = namedtuple("stdClass", ['POS','TOKS','OPS','TOK','OP','PREV_IS_OP','DEDUCED_TYPE'])(*args)
while i < l:
op = morphes[i]
i += 1
matched = bool(op[0]( nargs, Xpresion ))
if True == matched:
op = op[1]
found = True
if op[1].priority >= minop.priority: minop = op[1]
# try to return minimum priority operator, if none matched
if not found: op = minop
# nested polymorphic op, if any
while T_POLY_OP == op.type: op = op.morph( args )
return op
def render(self, args=None):
output_type = self.otype
op = self.output
p = self.parenthesize
lparen = Xpresion.LPAREN if p else ''
rparen = Xpresion.RPAREN if p else ''
comma = Xpresion.COMMA
out_fixity = self.ofixity
if None==args or not len(args): args=['','']
numargs = len(args)
#if (T_DUM == output_type) and numargs:
# output_type = args[ 0 ].type
#args = list(map(Tok.render, args))
if isinstance(op, GrammarTemplate):
out = lparen + str(op.render( {'$':args} )) + rparen
elif INFIX == out_fixity:
out = lparen + str(op).join(args) + rparen
elif POSTFIX == out_fixity:
out = lparen + comma.join(args) + rparen + str(op)
else: # if PREFIX == out_fixity:
out = str(op) + lparen + comma.join(args) + rparen
return Tok(output_type, out, out)
def validate(self, pos, op_queue, token_queue ):
num_args = 0
msg = ''
if 0 == self.opdef[0][0]: # expecting argument(s)
num_args = Op.match_args(self.opdef[0][2], pos-1, op_queue, token_queue )
if num_args is False:
msg = 'Operator "' + str(self.input) + '" expecting ' + str(self.opdef[0][2]) + ' prior argument(s)'
return [num_args, msg]
def node(self, args=None, pos=0, op_queue=None, token_queue=None):
otype = self.otype
if None==args: args = []
if self.revert: args = args[::-1]
if (T_DUM == otype) and len(args): otype = args[ 0 ].type
elif len(args): args[0].type = otype
n = Node(otype, self.arity, self, args, pos)
if T_N_OP == self.type and None != op_queue:
n.op_parts = self.parts[1:]
n.op_def = self.opdef[2:] if 0 == self.opdef[0][0] else self.opdef[1:]
n.op_index = len(op_queue)+1
return n
class Func(Op):
def __init__(self, input='', output='', otype=None, priority=None, arity=None, associativity=None, ofixity=None):
super(Func, self).__init__(
[input, arity if arity is not None else 1] if isinstance(input, str) else input,
otype if otype is not None else T_MIX,
associativity if associativity is not None else RIGHT,
priority if priority is not None else 1,
ofixity if ofixity is not None else PREFIX
self.type = T_FUN
def __del__(self):
class Fn:
def __init__(self):
self.INF = float("inf")
self.NAN = float("nan")
class Configuration:
def __init__(self, conf=None):
self.RE = {}
self.BLOCKS = {}
self.RESERVED = {}
self.OPERATORS = {}
self.FUNCTIONS = {}
self.FN = Fn()
if conf and isinstance(conf, dict):
if 're' in conf:
if 'blocks' in conf:
if 'reserved' in conf:
if 'operators' in conf:
if 'functions' in conf:
if 'runtime' in conf:
def __del__(self):
def dispose(self):
self.RE = None
self.BLOCKS = None
self.RESERVED = None
self.OPERATORS = None
self.FUNCTIONS = None
self.FN = None
return self
def defRE(self, obj):
if isinstance(obj,dict):
for k in obj: self.RE[ k ] = obj[ k ]
return self
def defBlock(self, obj):
if isinstance(obj,dict):
for k in obj: self.BLOCKS[ k ] = obj[ k ]
return self
def defReserved(self, obj):
if isinstance(obj,dict):
for k in obj: self.RESERVED[ k ] = obj[ k ]
return self
def defOp(self, obj):
if isinstance(obj,dict):
for k in obj:
op = obj[ k ]
if not op: continue
if isinstance(op, Alias) or isinstance(op, Op):
self.OPERATORS[ k ] = op
if ('polymorphic' in op) and (op['polymorphic']):
def mapper(entry):
if isinstance(entry,dict):
func = entry['check']
op = entry['op']
else:#if isinstance(entry,(list,tuple)):
func = entry[0]
op = entry[1]
op = op if isinstance(op, Op) else Op(
op['output'] if 'output' in op else '',
op['otype'] if 'otype' in op else None,
op['fixity'] if 'fixity' in op else None,
op['associativity'] if 'associativity' in op else None,
op['priority'] if 'priority' in op else None,
op['ofixity'] if 'ofixity' in op else None
return [func, op]
self.OPERATORS[ k ] = Op().Polymorphic(list(map(mapper, op['polymorphic'])))
self.OPERATORS[ k ] = Op(
op['output'] if 'output' in op else '',
op['otype'] if 'otype' in op else None,
op['fixity'] if 'fixity' in op else None,
op['associativity'] if 'associativity' in op else None,
op['priority'] if 'priority' in op else None,
op['ofixity'] if 'ofixity' in op else None
return self
def defFunc(self, obj):
if isinstance(obj,dict):
for k in obj:
op = obj[ k ]
if not op: continue
if isinstance(op, Alias) or isinstance(op, Func):
self.FUNCTIONS[ k ] = op
self.FUNCTIONS[ k ] = Func(
op['output'] if 'output' in op else '',
op['otype'] if 'otype' in op else None,
op['priority'] if 'priority' in op else None,
op['arity'] if 'arity' in op else None,
op['associativity'] if 'associativity' in op else None,
op['ofixity'] if 'ofixity' in op else None
return self
def defRuntimeFunc(self, obj):
if isinstance(obj,dict):
#fix: TypeError: 'type' object does not support item assignment
# use setattr
for k in obj: setattr(self.FN, k, obj[ k ])
#for k in obj: self.FN[ k ] = obj[ k ]
return self
class Xpresion:
Xpresion for Python,
VERSION = "1.0.1"
'0' : 'T_DUM',
'1' : 'T_MIX',
#'1' => 'T_DFT',
'16' : 'T_IDE',
'17' : 'T_VAR',
'32' : 'T_LIT',
'33' : 'T_NUM',
'34' : 'T_STR',
'35' : 'T_REX',
'36' : 'T_BOL',
'37' : 'T_DTM',
'38' : 'T_ARY',
'128' : 'T_OP',
'129' : 'T_N_OP',
'130' : 'T_POLY_OP',
'131' : 'T_FUN',
'1024' : 'T_EMPTY'
EMPTY_TOKEN = Tok(T_EMPTY, '', '')
CONF = None
_inited = False
Tpl = GrammarTemplate
Configuration = Configuration
Node = Node
Alias = Alias
Tok = Tok
Op = Op
Func = Func
Fn = Fn
def reduce(token_queue, op_queue, nop_queue, current_op=None, pos=0, err=None):
nop = None
nop_index = 0
# n-ary operatots (eg ternary) or composite operators
# as operators with multi-parts
# which use their own stack or equivalently
# lock their place on the OP_STACK
# until all the parts of the operator are
# unified and collapsed
# Equivalently n-ary ops are like ops which relate NOT to
# args but to other ops
# In this way the BRA_KET special op handling
# can be made into an n-ary op with uniform handling
# TODO: maybe do some optimisation here when 2 operators can be combined into 1, etc..
# e.g not is => isnot
if current_op:
opc = current_op
# polymorphic operator
# get the current operator morph, based on current context
if T_POLY_OP == opc.type:
opc = opc.morph([pos,token_queue,op_queue])
# n-ary/multi-part operator, initial part
# push to nop_queue/op_queue
if T_N_OP == opc.type:
validation = opc.validate(pos, op_queue, token_queue)
if validation[0] is False:
# operator is not valid in current state
err['err'] = True
err['msg'] = validation[1]
return False
n = opc.node(None, pos, op_queue, token_queue)
n.arity = validation[0]
nop_queue.insert( 0, n )
op_queue.insert( 0, n )
if len(nop_queue):
nop = nop_queue[0]
nop_index = nop.op_index
# n-ary/multi-part operator, further parts
# combine one-by-one, until n-ary operator is complete
if nop and nop.op_next( opc, pos, op_queue, token_queue ):
while len(op_queue) > nop_index:
entry = op_queue.pop(0)
op = entry.node
arity = op.arity
if (T_OP & op.type) and 0 == arity: arity = 1 # have already padded with empty token
elif arity > len(token_queue) and op.arity_min <= op.arity: arity = op.arity_min
n = op.node(array_splice(token_queue, -arity, arity), entry.pos)
token_queue.append( n )
if nop.op_complete( ):
opc = nop.node
nop.dispose( )
nop_index = nop_queue[0].op_index if len(nop_queue) else 0
validation = opc.validate(pos, op_queue, token_queue)
if validation[0] is False:
# operator is not valid in current state
err['err'] = True
err['msg'] = validation[1]
return False
fixity = opc.fixity
if POSTFIX == fixity:
# postfix assumed to be already in correct order,
# no re-structuring needed
arity = opc.arity
if arity > len(token_queue) and opc.arity_min <= len(token_queue): arity = opc.arity_min
n = opc.node(array_splice(token_queue, -arity, arity), pos)
token_queue.append( n )
elif PREFIX == fixity:
# prefix assumed to be already in reverse correct order,
# just push to op queue for later re-ordering
op_queue.insert( 0, Node(opc.otype, opc.arity, opc, None, pos) )
if (T_OP & opc.type) and (0 == opc.arity):
token_queue.append(Xpresion.EMPTY_TOKEN.node(None, pos+1))
else: # if INFIX == fixity:
while len(op_queue) > nop_index:
entry = op_queue.pop(0)
op = entry.node
if (op.priority < opc.priority) or (op.priority == opc.priority and (op.associativity < opc.associativity or (op.associativity == opc.associativity and op.associativity < 0))):
arity = op.arity
if (T_OP & op.type) and 0 == arity: arity = 1 # have already padded with empty token
elif arity > len(token_queue) and op.arity_min <= op.arity: arity = op.arity_min
n = op.node(array_splice(token_queue, -arity, arity), entry.pos)
token_queue.append( n )
op_queue.insert( 0, entry )
op_queue.insert( 0, Node(opc.otype, opc.arity, opc, None, pos) )
while len(op_queue):
entry = op_queue.pop(0)
op = entry.node
arity = op.arity
if (T_OP & op.type) and 0 == arity: arity = 1 # have already padded with empty token
elif arity > len(token_queue) and op.arity_min <= op.arity: arity = op.arity_min
n = op.node(array_splice(token_queue, -arity, arity), entry.pos)
token_queue.append( n )
def parse_delimited_block(s, i, l, delim, is_escaped=True):
p = delim
esc = False
ch = ''
is_escaped = is_escaped is not False
i += 1
while i < l:
ch = s[i]
i += 1
p += ch
if delim == ch and not esc: break
esc = ((not esc) and ('\\' == ch)) if is_escaped else False
return p
parse_re_flags = parse_re_flags
def parse(xpr, conf):
get_entry = Alias.get_entry
reduce = Xpresion.reduce
t_var_is_also_ident = 't_var' not in conf.RE
err = 0
errmsg = ''
errors = {'err': False, 'msg': ''}
expr = str(xpr.source)
l = len(expr)
xpr._cnt = 0
xpr._symbol_table = { }
xpr._cache = { }
xpr.variables = { }
AST = [ ]
OPS = [ ]
NOPS = [ ]
t_index = 0
i = 0
while i < l:
ch = expr[ i ]
# use customized (escaped) delimited blocks here
# TODO: add a "date" block as well with #..#
block = get_entry(conf.BLOCKS, ch)
if block: # string or regex or date ('"`#)
v = block['parse'](expr, i, l, ch)
if v is not False:
i += len(v)
if 'rest' in block:
block_rest = block['rest'](expr, i, l)
if not block_rest: block_rest = ''
block_rest = ''
i += len(block_rest)
t = xpr.t_block( conf, v, block['type'], block_rest )
if t is not False:
AST.append( t.node(None, t_index) )
e = expr[ i: ]
m = conf.RE['t_spc'].match(e)
if m: # space
i += len(m.group( 0 ))
m = conf.RE['t_num'].match(e)
if m: # number
t = xpr.t_liter( conf, m.group( 1 ), T_NUM )
if t is not False:
AST.append( t.node(None, t_index) )
i += len(m.group( 0 ))
m = conf.RE['t_ident'].match(e)
if m: # ident, reserved, function, operator, etc..
t = xpr.t_liter( conf, m.group( 1 ), T_IDE ) # reserved keyword
if t is not False:
AST.append( t.node(None, t_index) )
i += len(m.group( 0 ))
t = xpr.t_op( conf, m.group( 1 ) ) # (literal) operator
if t is not False:
reduce( AST, OPS, NOPS, t, t_index, errors )
if errors['err']:
err = 1
errmsg = errors['msg']
i += len(m.group( 0 ))
if t_var_is_also_ident:
t = xpr.t_var( conf, m.group( 1 ) ) # variables are also same identifiers
if t is not False:
AST.append( t.node(None, t_index) )
i += len(m.group( 0 ))
m = conf.RE['t_special'].match(e)
if m: # special symbols..
v = m.group( 1 )
t = False
while len(v) > 0: # try to match maximum length op/func
t = xpr.t_op( conf, v ) # function, (non-literal) operator
if t is not False: break
v = v[0:-1]
if t is not False:
reduce( AST, OPS, NOPS, t, t_index, errors )
if errors['err']:
err = 1
errmsg = errors['msg']
i += len(v)
if not t_var_is_also_ident:
m = conf.RE['t_var'].match(e)
if m: # variables
t = xpr.t_var( conf, m.group( 1 ) )
if t is not False:
AST.append( t.node(None, t_index) )
i += len(m.group( 0 ))
m = conf.RE['t_nonspc'].match(e)
if m: # other non-space tokens/symbols..
t = xpr.t_liter( conf, m.group( 1 ), T_LIT ) # reserved keyword
if t is not False:
AST.append( t.node(None, t_index) )
i += len(m.group( 0 ))
t = xpr.t_op( conf, m.group( 1 ) ) # function, other (non-literal) operator
if t is not False:
reduce( AST, OPS, NOPS, t, t_index, errors )
if errors['err']:
err = 1
errmsg = errors['msg']
i += len(m.group( 0 ))
#t = xpr.t_tok( conf, m.group( 1 ) )
#AST.append( t.node(None, t_index) ) # pass-through ..
#i += len(m.group( 0 ))
err = 1
errmsg = 'Unknown token "'+m.group( 0 )+'"' # exit with error
if not err:
reduce( AST, OPS, NOPS )
if (1 != len(AST)) or (len(OPS) > 0):
err = 1
errmsg = 'Parse Error, Mismatched Parentheses or Operators'
if not err:
evaluator = xpr.compile( AST[0], conf )
except BaseException as e:
err = 1
errmsg = 'Compilation Error, ' + str(e) + ''
NOPS = None
OPS = None
AST = None
xpr._symbol_table = None
if err:
evaluator = None
xpr.variables = [ ]
xpr._cnt = 0
xpr._cache = { }
xpr.evaluatorString = ''
xpr.evaluator = xpr.dummy_evaluator
raise RuntimeError('Xpresion Error: ' + errmsg + ' at ' + expr)
# make array
xpr.variables = list( xpr.variables.keys() )
xpr.evaluatorString = evaluator[0]
xpr.evaluator = evaluator[1]
return xpr
def render(tok, args=None):
if None==args: args=[]
return tok.render( args )
def GET(obj, keys=list()):
if (not keys) or (not len(keys)): return obj
o = obj
c = len(keys)
i = 0
while i < c:
k = keys[i]
i += 1
if o is None:
if isinstance(o,(list,tuple)):
if int(k)<len(o):
o = o[int(k)]
elif isinstance(o,dict):
if k in o:
o = o[k]
o = getattr(o, k)
except AttributeError:
return o if i==c else None
def defaultConfiguration(*args):
if len(args):
Xpresion.CONF = args[0]
return Xpresion.CONF
def __init__(self, expr=None, conf=None):
self.source = None
self.variables = None
self.evaluatorString = None
self.evaluator = None
self._cnt = 0
self._cache = None
self._symbol_table = None
self.dummy_evaluator = None
if (not conf) or not isinstance(conf,Configuration):
conf = Xpresion.defaultConfiguration()
self.source = str(expr) if expr else ''
self.dummy_evaluator = dummy
Xpresion.parse( self, conf )
def __del__(self):
def dispose(self):
self.dummy_evaluator = None
self.source = None
self.variables = None
self.evaluatorString = None
self.evaluator = None
self._cnt = None
self._symbol_table = None
self._cache = None
return self
def compile(self, AST, conf=None):
# depth-first traversal and rendering of Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)
if not conf:
conf = Xpresion.defaultConfiguration()
evaluator_str = str(Node.DFT( AST, Xpresion.render, True ))
return [evaluator_str, evaluator_factory(evaluator_str,conf.FN,self._cache)]
def evaluate(self, data=dict()):
return self.evaluator( data ) if callable(self.evaluator) else None
def debug(self, data=None):
out = [
'Expression: ' + self.source,
'Variables : [' + ','.join(self.variables) + ']',
'Evaluator : ' + self.evaluatorString
if None!=data:
out.append('Data : ' + pprint.pformat(data, 4))
out.append('Result : ' + pprint.pformat(self.evaluate(data), 4))
return ("\n").join(out)
def __str__(self):
return '[Xpresion source]: ' + str(self.source) + ''
def t_liter(self, conf, token, type):
if T_NUM == type: return Tok(T_NUM, token, token)
return Alias.get_entry(conf.RESERVED, token.lower( ))
def t_block(self, conf, token, type, rest=''):
if T_STR == type:
return Tok(T_STR, token, token)
elif T_REX == type:
sid = 're_'+token+rest
if sid in self._symbol_table:
id = self._symbol_table[sid]
self._cnt += 1
id = 're_' + str(self._cnt)
flags = 0
if 'i' in rest: flags|= re.I
if 'm' in rest: flags|= re.M
self._cache[ id ] = re.compile(token[1:-1], flags)
self._symbol_table[sid] = id
return Tok(T_REX, token, 'Cache["'+id+'"]')
return False
def t_var(self, conf, token):
parts = token.split('.', 1)
main = parts[0]
if main not in self.variables: self.variables[ main ] = main
if 1 < len(parts):
keys = '["' + '","'.join(parts[1].split('.')) + '"]'
return Tok(T_VAR, token, 'Xpresion.GET(Var["' + main + '"],'+keys+')')
return Tok(T_VAR, main, 'Var["' + main + '"]')
#return Tok(T_VAR, token, 'Var["' + '"]["'.join(token.split('.')) + '"]')
def t_op(self, conf, token):
op = False
op = Alias.get_entry(conf.FUNCTIONS, token)
if op is False: op = Alias.get_entry(conf.OPERATORS, token)
return op
def t_tok(self, conf, token):
return Tok(T_MIX, token, token)
def init( ):
if Xpresion._inited: return
Xpresion._inited = True
#def sqrt(v):
# import math
# return math.sqrt(v)
def clamp(v, m, M):
if m > M: return m if v > m else (M if v < M else v)
else: return M if v > M else (m if v < m else v)
def sum(*args):
s = 0
values = args
if len(values) and isinstance(values[0],(list,tuple)): values = values[0]
for v in values: s += v
return s
def avg(*args):
s = 0
values = args
if len(values) and isinstance(values[0],(list,tuple)): values = values[0]
l = len(values)
for v in values: s += v
return s/l if l > 0 else s
def ary_merge(a1, a2):
if not isinstance(a1,(list,tuple)): a1 = [a1]
if not isinstance(a2,(list,tuple)): a2 = [a2]
return a1 + a2
def ary_eq(a1, a2):
#l = len(a1)
#if l==len(a2):
# for i in range(l):
# if a1[i]!=a2[i]: return False
#else: return False
#return True
return a1 == a2
# e.g https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Operator_Precedence
# regular expressions for tokens
# ===============================
're' : {
't_spc' : re.compile(r'^(\s+)')
,'t_nonspc' : re.compile(r'^(\S+)')
,'t_special' : re.compile(r'^([*.\-+\\\/\^\$\(\)\[\]|?<:>&~%!#@=_,;{}]+)')
,'t_num' : re.compile(r'^(\d+(\.\d+)?)')
,'t_ident' : re.compile(r'^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\b')
,'t_var' : re.compile(r'^\$([a-zA-Z0-9_][a-zA-Z0-9_.]*)\b')
# block-type tokens (eg strings and regexes)
# ==========================================
,'blocks' : {
'\'': {
'type': T_STR,
'parse': Xpresion.parse_delimited_block
,'"': Alias('\'')
,'`': {
'type': T_REX,
'parse': Xpresion.parse_delimited_block,
'rest': Xpresion.parse_re_flags
# reserved keywords and literals
# ===============================
,'reserved' : {
'null' : Tok(T_IDE, 'null', 'None')
,'false' : Tok(T_BOL, 'false', 'False')
,'true' : Tok(T_BOL, 'true', 'True')
,'infinity' : Tok(T_NUM, 'Infinity', 'Fn.INF')
,'nan' : Tok(T_NUM, 'NaN', 'Fn.NAN')
# aliases
,'none' : Alias('null')
,'inf' : Alias('infinity')
# operators
# ==========
,'operators' : {
# bra-kets as n-ary operators
# negative number of arguments, indicate optional arguments (experimental)
'(' : {
'input' : ['(',-1,')']
,'output' : '<$.0>'
,'otype' : T_DUM
,'fixity' : POSTFIX
,'associativity': RIGHT
,'priority' : 0
,')' : {'input':[-1,')']}
,'[' : {
'input' : ['[',-1,']']
,'output' : '\\[<$.0>\\]'
,'otype' : T_ARY
,'fixity' : POSTFIX
,'associativity': RIGHT
,'priority' : 2
,']' : {'input':[-1,']']}
,',' : {
'input' : [1,',',1]
,'output' : '<$.0>,<$.1>'
,'otype' : T_DFT
,'fixity' : INFIX
,'associativity': LEFT
,'priority' : 103 # comma operator needs to have very low priority because it can break other expressions which are between commas
# n-ary (ternary) if-then-else operator
,'?' : {
'input' : [1,'?',1,':',1]
,'output' : '(<$.1> if <$.0> else <$.2>)'
,'otype' : T_MIX
,'fixity' : INFIX
,'associativity': RIGHT
,'priority' : 100
,':' : {'input':[1,':',1]}
,'!' : {
'input' : ['!',1]
,'output' : '(not <$.0>)'
,'otype' : T_BOL
,'fixity' : PREFIX
,'associativity': RIGHT
,'priority' : 10
,'~' : {
'input' : ['~',1]
,'output' : '~<$.0>'
,'otype' : T_NUM
,'fixity' : PREFIX
,'associativity': RIGHT
,'priority' : 10
,'^' : {
'input' : [1,'^',1]
,'output' : '(<$.0>**<$.1>)'
,'otype' : T_NUM
,'fixity' : INFIX
,'associativity': RIGHT
,'priority' : 11
,'*' : {
'input' : [1,'*',1]
,'output' : '(<$.0>*<$.1>)'
,'otype' : T_NUM
,'fixity' : INFIX
,'associativity': LEFT
,'priority' : 20
,'/' : {
'input' : [1,'/',1]
,'output' : '(<$.0>/<$.1>)'
,'otype' : T_NUM
,'fixity' : INFIX
,'associativity': LEFT
,'priority' : 20
,'%' : {
'input' : [1,'%',1]
,'output' : '(<$.0>%<$.1>)'
,'otype' : T_NUM
,'fixity' : INFIX
,'associativity': LEFT
,'priority' : 20
# addition/concatenation/unary plus as polymorphic operators
,'+' : {'polymorphic':[
# array concatenation
lambda curr,Xpresion: curr.TOK and (not curr.PREV_IS_OP) and (curr.DEDUCED_TYPE==Xpresion.T_ARY),
'input' : [1,'+',1]
,'output' : 'Fn.ary_merge(<$.0>,<$.1>)'
,'otype' : T_ARY
,'fixity' : INFIX
,'associativity': LEFT
,'priority' : 25
# string concatenation
lambda curr,Xpresion: curr.TOK and (not curr.PREV_IS_OP) and (curr.DEDUCED_TYPE==Xpresion.T_STR),
'input' : [1,'+',1]
,'output' : '(<$.0>+str(<$.1>))'
,'otype' : T_STR
,'fixity' : INFIX
,'associativity': LEFT
,'priority' : 25
# numeric addition
lambda curr,Xpresion: curr.TOK and not curr.PREV_IS_OP,
'input' : [1,'+',1]
,'output' : '(<$.0>+<$.1>)'
,'otype' : T_NUM
,'fixity' : INFIX
,'associativity': LEFT
,'priority' : 25
# unary plus
lambda curr,Xpresion: (not curr.TOK) or curr.PREV_IS_OP,
'input' : ['+',1]
,'output' : '<$.0>'
,'otype' : T_NUM
,'fixity' : PREFIX
,'associativity': RIGHT
,'priority' : 4
,'-' : {'polymorphic':[
# numeric subtraction
lambda curr,Xpresion: curr.TOK and not curr.PREV_IS_OP,
'input' : [1,'-',1]
,'output' : '(<$.0>-<$.1>)'
,'otype' : T_NUM
,'fixity' : INFIX
,'associativity': LEFT
,'priority' : 25
# unary negation
lambda curr,Xpresion: (not curr.TOK) or curr.PREV_IS_OP,
'input' : ['-',1]
,'output' : '(-<$.0>)'
,'otype' : T_NUM
,'fixity' : PREFIX
,'associativity': RIGHT
,'priority' : 4
,'>>' : {
'input' : [1,'>>',1]
,'output' : '(<$.0>\\>\\><$.1>)'
,'otype' : T_NUM
,'fixity' : INFIX
,'associativity': LEFT
,'priority' : 30
,'<<' : {
'input' : [1,'<<',1]
,'output' : '(<$.0>\\<\\<<$.1>)'
,'otype' : T_NUM
,'fixity' : INFIX
,'associativity': LEFT
,'priority' : 30
,'>' : {
'input' : [1,'>',1]
,'output' : '(<$.0>\\><$.1>)'
,'otype' : T_BOL
,'fixity' : INFIX
,'associativity': LEFT
,'priority' : 35
,'<' : {
'input' : [1,'<',1]
,'output' : '(<$.0>\\<<$.1>)'
,'otype' : T_BOL
,'fixity' : INFIX
,'associativity': LEFT
,'priority' : 35
,'>=' : {
'input' : [1,'>=',1]
,'output' : '(<$.0>\\>=<$.1>)'
,'otype' : T_BOL
,'fixity' : INFIX
,'associativity': LEFT
,'priority' : 35
,'<=' : {
'input' : [1,'<=',1]
,'output' : '(<$.0>\\<=<$.1>)'
,'otype' : T_BOL
,'fixity' : INFIX
,'associativity': LEFT
,'priority' : 35
,'==' : {'polymorphic':[
# array equivalence
lambda curr,Xpresion: curr.DEDUCED_TYPE==Xpresion.T_ARY,
'input' : [1,'==',1]
,'output' : 'Fn.ary_eq(<$.0>,<$.1>)'
,'otype' : T_BOL
,'fixity' : INFIX
,'associativity': LEFT
,'priority' : 40
# default equivalence
lambda curr,Xpresion: True,
'input' : [1,'==',1]
,'output' : '(<$.0>==<$.1>)'
,'otype' : T_BOL
,'fixity' : INFIX
,'associativity': LEFT
,'priority' : 40
,'!=' : {
'input' : [1,'!=',1]
,'output' : '(<$.0>!=<$.1>)'
,'otype' : T_BOL
,'fixity' : INFIX
,'associativity': LEFT
,'priority' : 40
,'is' : {
'input' : [1,'is',1]
,'output' : '(<$.0> is <$.1>)'
,'otype' : T_BOL
,'fixity' : INFIX
,'associativity': LEFT
,'priority' : 40
,'matches': {
'input' : [1,'matches',1]
,'output' : 'Fn.match(<$.1>,<$.0>)'
,'otype' : T_BOL
,'fixity' : INFIX
,'associativity': NONE
,'priority' : 40
,'in' : {
'input' : [1,'in',1]
,'output' : 'Fn.contains(<$.1>,<$.0>)'
,'otype' : T_BOL
,'fixity' : INFIX
,'associativity': NONE
,'priority' : 40
,'&' : {
'input' : [1,'&',1]
,'output' : '(<$.0>&<$.1>)'
,'otype' : T_NUM
,'fixity' : INFIX
,'associativity': LEFT
,'priority' : 45
,'|' : {
'input' : [1,'|',1]
,'output' : '(<$.0>|<$.1>)'
,'otype' : T_NUM
,'fixity' : INFIX
,'associativity': LEFT
,'priority' : 46
,'&&' : {
'input' : [1,'&&',1]
,'output' : '(<$.0> and <$.1>)'
,'otype' : T_BOL
,'fixity' : INFIX
,'associativity': LEFT
,'priority' : 47
,'||' : {
'input' : [1,'||',1]
,'output' : '(<$.0> or <$.1>)'
,'otype' : T_BOL
,'fixity' : INFIX
,'associativity': LEFT
,'priority' : 48
# aliases
,'or' : Alias( '||' )
,'and' : Alias( '&&' )
,'not' : Alias( '!' )
# functional operators
# ====================
,'functions' : {
'min' : {
'input' : 'min'
,'output' : 'min(<$.0>)'
,'otype' : T_NUM
,'max' : {
'input' : 'max'
,'output' : 'max(<$.0>)'
,'otype' : T_NUM
,'pow' : {
'input' : 'pow'
,'output' : 'Fn.pow(<$.0>)'
,'otype' : T_NUM
,'sqrt' : {
'input' : 'sqrt'
,'output' : 'math.sqrt(<$.0>)'
,'otype' : T_NUM
,'len' : {
'input' : 'len'
,'output' : 'Fn.len(<$.0>)'
,'otype' : T_NUM
,'int' : {
'input' : 'int'
,'output' : 'int(<$.0>)'
,'otype' : T_NUM
,'float' : {
'input' : 'float'
,'output' : 'float(<$.0>)'
,'otype' : T_NUM
,'str' : {
'input' : 'str'
,'output' : 'str(<$.0>)'
,'otype' : T_STR
,'array' : {
'input' : 'array'
,'output' : 'Fn.ary(<$.0>)'
,'otype' : T_ARY
,'clamp' : {
'input' : 'clamp'
,'output' : 'Fn.clamp(<$.0>)'
,'otype' : T_NUM
,'sum' : {
'input' : 'sum'
,'output' : 'Fn.sum(<$.0>)'
,'otype' : T_NUM
,'avg' : {
'input' : 'avg'
,'output' : 'Fn.avg(<$.0>)'
,'otype' : T_NUM
,'time' : {
'input' : 'avg'
,'output' : 'Fn.time()'
,'otype' : T_NUM
,'arity' : 0
,'date' : {
'input' : 'date'
,'output' : 'Fn.date(<$.0>)'
,'otype' : T_STR
# aliases
# ...
# runtime (implementation) functions
# ==================================
,'runtime' : {
'pow' : lambda base, exponent: base ** exponent
,'clamp' : clamp
,'len' : lambda v: 0 if v is None else (len(v) if isinstance(v,(str,list,tuple,dict)) else 1)
,'sum' : sum
,'avg' : avg
,'ary' : lambda x: x if isinstance(x,list) else (list(x) if isinstance(x,tuple) else [x])
,'ary_eq' : ary_eq
,'ary_merge': ary_merge
,'match' : lambda s, regex: bool(re.search(regex, s))
,'contains' : lambda o, i: bool(i in o)
,'time' : php_time
,'date' : php_date
Xpresion.init( )
# if used with 'import *'
__all__ = ['Xpresion']