# Contemplate
# Light-weight Object-Oriented Template Engine for PHP, Python, JavaScript
# @version 1.6.0
# https://github.com/foo123/Contemplate
# @inspired by : Simple JavaScript Templating, John Resig - http://ejohn.org/ - MIT Licensed
# http://ejohn.org/blog/javascript-micro-templating/
# needed imports
import os, sys, re, time, datetime, calendar, math, codecs, json
# Python 3.x
import urllib.parse
# http://www.php2python.com/wiki/function.urlencode/
def rawurlencode(s):
return urllib.parse.quote(s)
def rawurldecode(s):
return urllib.parse.unquote(s)
def urlencode(s):
return urllib.parse.quote_plus(s)
def urldecode(s):
return urllib.parse.unquote_plus(s)
except ImportError:
# Python 2.x
import urllib
# http://www.php2python.com/wiki/function.urlencode/
def rawurlencode(s):
return urllib.quote(s)
def rawurldecode(s):
return urllib.unquote(s)
def urlencode(s):
return urllib.quote_plus(s)
def urldecode(s):
return urllib.unquote_plus(s)
from importlib import reload
except ImportError:
# (protected) global properties
class _G:
isInited = False
leftTplSep = "<%"
rightTplSep = "%>"
tplStart = ''
tplEnd = ''
preserveLinesDefault = "' + \"\\n\" + '"
preserveLines = ''
EOL = "\n"
TEOL = "\n" #os.linesep
pad = " "
escape = True
level = 0
loops = 0
ifs = 0
loopifs = 0
allblocks = None
allblockscnt = None
openblocks = None
startblock = None
endblock = None
blockptr = -1
locals = None
variables = None
strings = None
currentblock = None
extends = None
uses = None
id = 0
funcId = 0
uuid = 0
ctx = None
glob = None
context = None
NEWLINE = re.compile(r'\n\r|\r\n|\r|\n')
SQUOTE = re.compile(r"'")
NL = re.compile(r'\n')
DS_RE = re.compile(r'[/\\]')
TAG_RE = re.compile(r'</?[a-zA-Z0-9:_\-]+[^<>]*>',re.S|re.M)
AMP_RE = re.compile(r'&+')
UNDERL = re.compile(r'[\W]+')
ALPHA = re.compile(r'^[a-zA-Z_]')
NUM = re.compile(r'^[0-9]')
ALPHANUM = re.compile(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9_]')
SPACE = re.compile(r'^\s')
ALL_SPACE = re.compile(r'^\s+$')
INDENT = re.compile(r'^(postdent|predent)\((-?\d+)\):')
T_OR = re.compile(r'(.)(\|\|)(.)')
T_AND = re.compile(r'(.)(&&)(.)')
T_NOT = re.compile(r'(.)(!)([^=])')
TT_ClassCode = None
TT_BlockCode = None
TT_FUNC = None
re_controls = re.compile(r'(\t|\s?)\s*((#ID_(continue|endblock|elsefor|endfor|endif|break|else|fi)#(\s*\(\s*\))?)|(#ID_([^#]+)#\s*(\()))(.*)$')
reserved_var_names = [
'Contemplate', 'self', 'self_', 'data', '__p__', '__i__', '__ctx'
directives = [
'set', 'unset', 'isset',
'if', 'elseif', 'else', 'endif',
'for', 'elsefor', 'endfor',
'extends', 'block', 'endblock',
'include', 'super', 'getblock', 'iif', 'empty', 'continue', 'break', 'local_set', 'get', 'local'
directive_aliases = {
'elif' : 'elseif'
,'fi' : 'endif'
aliases = {
'l' : 'locale'
,'xl' : 'xlocale'
,'nl' : 'nlocale'
,'nxl' : 'nxlocale'
,'cc' : 'concat'
,'j' : 'join'
,'dq' : 'qq'
,'now' : 'time'
,'template' : 'tpl'
# Auxilliary methods
# (mostly methods to simulate php-like functionality needed by the engine)
def array_keys(o):
if isinstance(o, (list,tuple)): return list(map(str, range(0, len(o))))
if isinstance(o, dict): return list(o.keys())
return []
def array_values(o):
if isinstance(o, list): return o
if isinstance(o, tuple): return list(o)
if isinstance(o, dict):
if is_numeric_array(o):
# get values in list-order by ascending index
v = []
l = len(o)
i = 0
while i < l:
i += 1
return v
return list(o.values())
return []
def is_numeric_array(o):
if isinstance(o, (list,tuple)): return True
if isinstance(o, dict):
k = array_keys(o)
i = 0
l = len(k)
while i < l:
if str(i) not in k: return False
i += 1
return True
return False
default_date_locale = {
'meridian': {'am':'am', 'pm':'pm', 'AM':'AM', 'PM':'PM'}
,'ordinal': {'ord':{1:'st',2:'nd',3:'rd'}, 'nth':'th'}
,'timezone': ['UTC','EST','MDT']
,'timezone_short': ['UTC','EST','MDT']
,'day': ['Sunday','Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday']
,'day_short': ['Sun','Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat']
,'month': ['January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December']
,'month_short': ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec']
def wait_ms(ms):
time.sleep(ms / 1000)
def open_file(file, op, encoding):
return open(file, op, -1, encoding)
def read_file(file, encoding):
buffer = ''
f = open_file(file, 'r', encoding)
buffer = f.read()
return buffer
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/186202/what-is-the-best-way-to-open-a-file-for-exclusive-access-in-python
# https://github.com/drandreaskrueger/lockbydir
def write_file(file, text, encoding):
f = open_file(file, 'w', encoding)
def parse_str(s):
# http://www.php2python.com/wiki/function.parse-str/
global _G
strArr = s.strip('&').split('&')
array = {}
possibleLists = []
for tmp in strArr:
tmp = tmp.split('=')
key = rawurldecode(tmp[0].strip())
if len(tmp) < 2: value = ''
else: value = rawurldecode(tmp[1].strip())
j = key.find('\x00')
if j > -1: key = key[0:j]
if key and '[' != key[0]:
keys = []
postLeftBracketPos = 0
lk = len(key)
for j in range(lk):
if '[' == key[j] and 0 == postLeftBracketPos:
postLeftBracketPos = j + 1
elif ']' == key[j]:
if postLeftBracketPos:
if 0 == len(keys):
keys.append(key[0:postLeftBracketPos - 1])
postLeftBracketPos = 0
if j < lk-1 and '[' != key[j + 1]: break
if 0 == len(keys): keys = [key]
for j in range(len(key[0])):
chr = keys[0][j]
if ' ' == chr or '.' == chr or '[' == chr:
keys[0] = keys[0][0:j] + '_' + keys[0][j + 1:]
if '[' == chr: break
obj = array
key = None
lastObj = obj
lastkey = keys[len(keys)-1].strip("'\"").strip() if len(keys) else None
for j in range(len(keys)):
prevkey = key
key = keys[j].strip("'\"")
prevobj = lastObj
lastObj = obj
if '' != key.strip() or 0 == j:
if key not in obj: obj[key] = [] if (j+1 == len(keys)-1) and (''==lastkey) else {}
obj = obj[key]
# To insert new dimension
#ct = -1
#for p in obj:
# if _G.digit.match(p) and int(p) > ct: ct = int(p)
#key = str(ct + 1)
key = True
if key is True:
ikey = int(key, 10)
except BaseException as exc:
ikey = -1
if 0 <= ikey:
lastObj[ key ] = value
i = len(possibleLists)-1
while i >= 0:
# safe to pass multiple times same obj, it is possible
obj = possibleLists[i]['obj'][possibleLists[i]['key']] if possibleLists[i]['key'] else possibleLists[i]['obj']
if is_numeric_array(obj):
obj = array_values(obj)
if possibleLists[i]['key']:
possibleLists[i]['obj'][possibleLists[i]['key']] = obj
array = obj
i -= 1
return array
def http_build_query_helper(key, val, arg_separator, PHP_QUERY_RFC3986):
encode = rawurlencode if PHP_QUERY_RFC3986 else urlencode
if True == val: val = "1"
elif False == val: val = "0"
if val is not None:
key = str(key)
data = None
if isinstance(val, dict): data = val.items()
elif isinstance(val, (list, tuple)): data = enumerate(val)
if data:
tmp = []
for k,v in data:
if v is not None:
tmp.append(http_build_query_helper(key + "[" + str(k) + "]", v, arg_separator, PHP_QUERY_RFC3986))
return arg_separator.join(tmp)
return encode(key) + "=" + encode(str(val))
return ''
def http_build_query(data, arg_separator = '&', PHP_QUERY_RFC3986 = False):
tmp = []
for key,value in data.items():
query = http_build_query_helper(key, value, arg_separator, PHP_QUERY_RFC3986)
if '' != query: tmp.append(query)
return arg_separator.join(tmp)
def php_time():
return int(time.time())
def php_date(format, timestamp = None):
global default_date_locale
locale = default_date_locale
# http://php.net/manual/en/datetime.formats.date.php
# http://strftime.org/
# https://docs.python.org/2/library/time.html
# adapted from http://brandonwamboldt.ca/python-php-date-class-335/
if timestamp is None: timestamp = php_time()
utime = timestamp
dtime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp)
D = {}
w = dtime.weekday()
W = dtime.isocalendar()[1]
d = dtime.day
dmod10 = d % 10
n = dtime.month
Y = dtime.year
g = int(dtime.strftime("%I"))
G = int(dtime.strftime("%H"))
meridian = dtime.strftime("%p")
tzo = int(time.timezone / 60)
atzo = abs(tzo)
# Calculate and return Swatch Internet Time
# http://code.activestate.com/recipes/578473-calculating-swatch-internet-time-or-beats/
lh, lm, ls = time.localtime()[3:6]
beats = ((lh * 3600) + (lm * 60) + ls + time.timezone) / 86.4
if beats > 1000: beats -= 1000
elif beats < 0: beats += 1000
# Day --
D['d'] = str(d).zfill(2)
D['D'] = locale['day_short'][0 if 6 == w else w+1]
D['j'] = str(d)
D['l'] = locale['day'][0 if 6 == w else w+1]
D['N'] = str(w+1 if 6 > w else 7)
D['S'] = locale['ordinal']['ord'][d] if d in locale['ordinal']['ord'] else (locale['ordinal']['ord'][dmod10] if dmod10 in locale['ordinal']['ord'] else locale['ordinal']['nth'])
D['w'] = str(1 if 6 == w else w+2)
D['z'] = str(dtime.timetuple().tm_yday)
# Week --
D['W'] = str(W)
# Month --
D['F'] = locale['month'][n-1]
D['m'] = str(n).zfill(2)
D['M'] = locale['month_short'][n-1]
D['n'] = str(n)
D['t'] = str(calendar.monthrange(Y, n)[1])
# Year --
D['L'] = str(int(calendar.isleap(Y)))
D['o'] = str(Y + (1 if n == 12 and W < 9 else (-1 if n == 1 and W > 9 else 0)))
D['Y'] = str(Y)
D['y'] = str(Y)[2:]
# Time --
D['a'] = locale['meridian'][meridian.lower()] if meridian.lower() in locale['meridian'] else meridian.lower()
D['A'] = locale['meridian'][meridian] if meridian in locale['meridian'] else meridian
D['B'] = str(int(beats)).zfill(3)
D['g'] = str(g)
D['G'] = str(G)
D['h'] = str(g).zfill(2)
D['H'] = str(G).zfill(2)
D['i'] = str(dtime.minute).zfill(2)
D['s'] = str(dtime.second).zfill(2)
D['u'] = str(dtime.microsecond).zfill(6)
# Timezone --
D['e'] = '' # TODO, missing
D['I'] = str(dtime.dst())
D['O'] = ('-' if tzo > 0 else '+')+str(int(atzo / 60) * 100 + atzo % 60).zfill(4)
D['P'] = D['O'][:3]+':'+D['O'][3:]
D['T'] = 'UTC'
D['Z'] = str(-tzo*60)
# Full Date/Time --
D['c'] = D['Y']+'-'+D['m']+'-'+D['d']+'\\'+D['T']+D['H']+':'+D['i']+':'+D['s']+D['P']
D['r'] = D['D']+', '+D['d']+' '+D['M']+' '+D['Y']+' '+D['H']+':'+D['i']+':'+D['s']+' '+D['O']
D['U'] = str(utime)
formatted_datetime = ''
for f in format: formatted_datetime += D[f] if f in D else f
return formatted_datetime
sprintf_format_re = re.compile(r'%%|%(\d+\$)?([-+\'#0 ]*)(\*\d+\$|\*|\d+)?(\.(\*\d+\$|\*|\d+))?([scboxXuideEfFgG])', re.S)
def sprintf_(fmt, args):
global sprintf_format_re
class nonlocal_:
index = 0
def do_format(m):
match = m.group(0)
if '%%' == match: return match
valueIndex = m.group(1)
flags = m.group(2)
minWidth = m.group(3)
precision = m.group(4)
#precision = m.group(5)
type = m.group(6)
if valueIndex:
repl = '%(arg_'+str(int(valueIndex[0:-1])-1)+')'
repl = '%(arg_'+str(nonlocal_.index)+')'
nonlocal_.index += 1
if flags:
repl += flags
if minWidth:
repl += minWidth
if precision:
repl += precision
if type:
repl += type
return repl
fmt = re.sub(sprintf_format_re, do_format, fmt)
arguments = {}
index = 0
for arg in args:
arguments['arg_'+str(index)] = arg
index += 1
return fmt % arguments
def sprintf(format, *args):
#if len(args) and isinstance(args[0],(list,tuple)): args = args[0]
#return format % tuple(args)
return sprintf_(format, args)
def vsprintf(format, args):
#return format % tuple(args)
return sprintf_(format, args)
# static
def import_tpl(filename, classname, cacheDir, doReload = False):
# http://www.php2python.com/wiki/function.import_tpl/
# http://docs.python.org/dev/3.0/whatsnew/3.0.html
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4821104/python-dynamic-instantiation-from-string-name-of-a-class-in-dynamically-imported
#_locals_ = {'Contemplate': Contemplate}
#_globals_ = {'Contemplate': Contemplate}
#if 'execfile' in globals():
# # Python 2.x
# execfile(filename, _globals_, _locals_)
# return _locals_[classname]
# # Python 3.x
# exec(read_file(filename), _globals_, _locals_)
# return _locals_[classname]
# http://docs.python.org/2/library/imp.html
# http://docs.python.org/2/library/functions.html#__import__
# http://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#__import__
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/301134/dynamic-module-import-in-python
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11108628/python-dynamic-from-import
# also: http://code.activestate.com/recipes/473888-lazy-module-imports/
# using import instead of execfile, usually takes advantage of Python cached compiled code
global _G
getTplClass = None
# add the dynamic import path to sys
basename = os.path.basename(filename)
directory = os.path.dirname(filename)
#currentcwd = os.getcwd()
#os.chdir(directory) # change working directory so we know import will work
if os.path.exists(filename):
modname = basename[:-3] # remove .py extension
max_tries = 3
tries = 0
found = False
# try to recover from module not found if created just before importing
# retry a specified amount of times untill succeeded
# TO FIND and FIX: still fails sometimes even with delay added and multiple retries
while tries < max_tries and not found:
tries += 1
mod = __import__(modname)
found = True
except ModuleNotFoundError:
found = False
if not found: wait_ms(100) # delay 100 ms
if found:
if doReload: reload(mod) # Might be out of date
# a trick in-order to pass the Contemplate super-class in a cross-module way
getTplClass = getattr(mod, '__getTplClass__')
# restore current dir
# remove the dynamic import path from sys
del os.sys.path[-1]
del os.sys.path[-1]
# return the tplClass if found
return getTplClass(Contemplate) if getTplClass else None
# static
def create_function(funcName, args, sourceCode, additional_symbols = dict()):
# http://code.activestate.com/recipes/550804-create-a-restricted-python-function-from-a-string/
# The list of symbols that are included by default in the generated
# function's environment
"list", "dict", "enumerate", "tuple", "set", "long", "float", "object",
"bool", "callable", "True", "False", "dir",
"frozenset", "getattr", "hasattr", "abs", "cmp", "complex",
"divmod", "id", "pow", "round", "slice", "vars",
"hash", "hex", "int", "isinstance", "issubclass", "len",
"map", "filter", "max", "min", "oct", "chr", "ord", "range",
"reduce", "repr", "str", "type", "zip", "xrange", "None",
"Exception", "KeyboardInterrupt"
# Also add the standard exceptions
__bi = __builtins__
if type(__bi) is not dict:
__bi = __bi.__dict__
for k in __bi:
if k.endswith("Error") or k.endswith("Warning"):
del __bi
# Include the sourcecode as the code of a function funcName:
s = "def " + funcName + "(%s):\n" % args
s += sourceCode # this should be already properly padded
# Byte-compilation (optional)
byteCode = compile(s, "<string>", 'exec')
# Setup the local and global dictionaries of the execution
# environment for __TheFunction__
bis = dict() # builtins
globs = dict()
locs = dict()
# Setup a standard-compatible python environment
bis["locals"] = lambda: locs
bis["globals"] = lambda: globs
globs["__builtins__"] = bis
globs["__name__"] = "SUBENV"
globs["__doc__"] = sourceCode
# Determine how the __builtins__ dictionary should be accessed
if type(__builtins__) is dict:
bi_dict = __builtins__
bi_dict = __builtins__.__dict__
# Include the safe symbols
for k in SAFE_SYMBOLS:
# try from current locals
locs[k] = locals()[k]
except KeyError:
# Try from globals
globs[k] = globals()[k]
except KeyError:
# Try from builtins
bis[k] = bi_dict[k]
except KeyError:
# Symbol not available anywhere: silently ignored
# Include the symbols added by the caller, in the globals dictionary
# Finally execute the Function statement:
eval(byteCode, globs, locs)
# As a result, the function is defined as the item funcName
# in the locals dictionary
fct = locs[funcName]
# Attach the function to the globals so that it can be recursive
del locs[funcName]
globs[funcName] = fct
# Attach the actual source code to the docstring
fct.__doc__ = sourceCode
# return the compiled function object
return fct
def reset_state():
global _G
_G.loops = 0
_G.ifs = 0
_G.loopifs = 0
_G.allblocks = []
_G.allblockscnt = {}
_G.openblocks = [[None, -1]]
_G.extends = None
_G.uses = []
_G.level = 0
_G.id = 0
_G.locals = {}
_G.variables = {}
_G.currentblock = '_'
if _G.currentblock not in _G.locals: _G.locals[_G.currentblock] = {}
if _G.currentblock not in _G.variables: _G.variables[_G.currentblock] = {}
#_G.funcId = 0
def clear_state():
global _G
_G.loops = 0
_G.ifs = 0
_G.loopifs = 0
_G.allblocks = []
_G.allblockscnt = {}
_G.openblocks = [[None, -1]]
#_G.extends = None
#_G.uses = []
_G.level = 0
_G.locals = None
_G.variables = None
_G.currentblock = None
_G.id = 0
_G.strings = None
#_G.funcId = 0
def push_state():
global _G
return [_G.loops, _G.ifs, _G.loopifs, _G.level,
_G.allblocks, _G.allblockscnt, _G.openblocks, _G.extends, _G.locals, _G.variables, _G.currentblock, _G.uses]
def pop_state(state):
global _G
_G.loops = state[0]
_G.ifs = state[1]
_G.loopifs = state[2]
_G.level = state[3]
_G.allblocks = state[4]
_G.allblockscnt = state[5]
_G.openblocks = state[6]
_G.extends = state[7]
_G.locals = state[8]
_G.variables = state[9]
_G.currentblock = state[10]
_G.uses = state[11]
def remove_initial_space(s):
l = len(s)
if l:
initial_space = ''
for c in s:
if ' ' == c or "\t" == c: initial_space += c
else: break
sl = len(initial_space)
if sl:
s = s[sl:]
pos = s.find("\n", 0);
while -1 < pos:
if initial_space == s[pos+1:pos+1+sl]:
s = s[0:pos+1] + s[pos+1+sl:]
pos = s.find("\n", pos + 1)
return s
def remove_blank_lines(s):
global _G
lines = s.split("\n")
n = len(lines)
start = 0
end = n-1
for i in range(n):
l = lines[i]
if len(l) and not _G.ALL_SPACE.match(l):
start = i
for i in range(n-1, start-1, -1):
l = lines[i]
if len(l) and not _G.ALL_SPACE.match(l):
end = i
return "\n".join(lines[start:end+1])
def align(s, level = None):
global _G
if level is None: level = _G.level
s = remove_initial_space(s)
l = len(s)
if l and (0 < level):
alignment = _G.pad * level
aligned = alignment
is_line_start = True
for c in s:
if "\n" == c:
aligned += "\n" + alignment
is_line_start = True
elif is_line_start:
# consistently replace tabs with our tabbed spaces
if _G.SPACE.match(c):
aligned += _G.pad if "\t" == c else c
aligned += c
is_line_start = False
aligned += c
aligned = s
return aligned
def get_separators(text, separators = None):
global _G
if separators:
seps = separators.strip().split(" ")
_G.leftTplSep = seps[0].strip()
_G.rightTplSep = seps[1].strip()
# tpl separators are defined on 1st (non-empty) line of tpl content
l = len(text)
i = 0
pos = 0
line = ""
while i < l and -1 < pos and not len(line):
pos = text.find("\n", i)
line = text[i:pos+1].strip() if -1 < pos else ""
i = pos+1
if len(line):
seps = line.split(" ")
_G.leftTplSep = seps[0].strip()
_G.rightTplSep = seps[1].strip()
text = text[pos+1:]
return text
def split_arguments(args, delim = ','):
args = args.strip()
l = len(args)
if not l: return ['']
i = 0
a = []
paren = []
s = ''
while i < l:
c = args[i]
i += 1
if delim == c and not len(paren):
s = ''
s += c
if '(' == c:
paren.insert(0, ')')
elif '{' == c:
paren.insert(0, '}')
elif '[' == c:
paren.insert(0, ']')
elif ')' == c or '}' == c or ']' == c:
if (not len(paren)) or (paren[0] != c): break
if len(s): a.append(s.strip())
if i < l: a.append(args[i:].strip())
return a
def local_variable(variable = None, block = None, literal = False):
global _G
if variable is None:
_G.id += 1
return '_loc_' + str(_G.id)
if block is None: block = _G.currentblock
if not (_G.variables[block][variable] in _G.locals[block]):
_G.locals[block][_G.variables[block][variable]] = 2 if literal else 1
return variable
def is_local_variable(variable, block = None):
if block is None: block = _G.currentblock
#if variable.startswith('_loc_'): return 1
return _G.locals[block][_G.variables[block][variable]] if _G.variables[block][variable] in _G.locals[block] else 0
# Control structures
def t_include(id):
global _G
contx = _G.context
id = id.strip()
if _G.strings and (id in _G.strings): id = _G.strings[id]
ch = id[0]
if ('"' == ch or "'" == ch) and (ch == id[-1]): id = id[1:-1] # quoted id
# cache it
if id not in contx.partials: #and (id not in _G.glob.partials):
tpl = get_template_contents(id, contx)
tpl = get_separators(tpl)
state = push_state()
contx.partials[id] = ["" + parse(tpl, _G.leftTplSep, _G.rightTplSep, False) + "'" + _G.TEOL, _G.uses[:] if _G.uses else []]
# add usedTpls used inside include tpl to current usedTpls
for usedTpl in contx.partials[id][1]:
if usedTpl not in _G.uses:
return align(contx.partials[id][0]) # if id in contx.partials else _G.glob.partials[id][0]
def t_block(block):
global _G
block = block.split(',')
echoed = not(("False"==block[1].strip()) if len(block)>1 else False)
block = block[0].strip()
if _G.strings and (block in _G.strings): block = _G.strings[block]
ch = block[0]
if ('"' == ch or "'" == ch) and (ch == block[-1]): block = block[1:-1] # quoted block
_G.allblocks.append([block, -1, -1, 0, _G.openblocks[0][1], echoed])
if block in _G.allblockscnt: _G.allblockscnt[block] += 1
else: _G.allblockscnt[block] = 1
_G.blockptr = len(_G.allblocks)
_G.openblocks[:0] = [[block, _G.blockptr-1]]
_G.startblock = block
_G.endblock = None
return "' + #BLOCK_" + block + "#"
def t_endblock(args = ''):
global _G
if 1 < len(_G.openblocks):
block = _G.openblocks.pop(0)
_G.endblock = block[0]
_G.blockptr = block[1]+1
_G.startblock = None
return "#/BLOCK_" + block[0] + "#"
return ''
# auxilliary parsing methods
def merge(m, *args):
numargs = len(args)
if numargs < 1: return m
merged = m
for arg in args:
# http://www.php2python.com/wiki/function.array-merge/
merged = dict(merged)
return merged
def parse_constructs(match):
global _G
re_controls = _G.re_controls
prefix = match.group(1) if match.group(1) else ''
ctrl = match.group(4) if match.group(4) else (match.group(7) if match.group(7) else '')
rest = match.group(9) if match.group(9) else ''
startParen = match.group(8) if match.group(8) else False
args = ''
out = ''
# parse parentheses and arguments, accurately
if startParen and len(startParen):
paren = 1
l = len(rest)
i = 0
while i < l and paren > 0:
ch = rest[i]
i += 1
if '(' == ch: paren += 1
elif ')' == ch: paren -= 1
if paren > 0: args += ch
rest = rest[len(args)+1:]
args = args.strip()
if ctrl in _G.directive_aliases: ctrl = _G.directive_aliases[ctrl]
m = _G.directives.index(ctrl)
m = -1
if m > -1:
if 22==m: # local
varname = args.strip()
tplvarname = _G.variables[_G.currentblock][varname]
if tplvarname in _G.reserved_var_names:
# should be different from 'self', 'data', .. as these are used internally
raise Contemplate.Exception('Contemplate Parse: Use of reserved name as local variable name "'+tplvarname+'"')
local_variable(varname, None, True) # make it a literal local variable variable
out = "'" + _G.TEOL
elif 0==m or 20==m: # set, local_set
args = re.sub(re_controls, parse_constructs, args)
args = split_arguments(args, ',')
varname = args.pop(0).strip()
expr = ','.join(args).strip()
if 20 == m and not is_local_variable(varname): local_variable(varname) # make it a local variable
out = "'" + _G.TEOL + align(varname + ' = ('+ expr +')') + _G.TEOL
elif 21==m: # get
args = re.sub(re_controls, parse_constructs, args)
out = prefix + 'Contemplate.get(' + args + ')'
elif 1==m: # unset
args = re.sub(re_controls, parse_constructs, args)
varname = args
if varname:
varname = str(varname).strip()
out = "'" + _G.TEOL + align('if ("'+varname+'__RAW__" in data): del ' + varname) + _G.TEOL
out = "'" + _G.TEOL
elif 2==m: # isset
args = re.sub(re_controls, parse_constructs, args)
varname = args
is_local_var = is_local_variable(varname)
out = '(("'+('' if 2 == is_local_var else '_loc_') + varname + '__RAW__" in locals()) and (' + varname + ' is not None))' if is_local_var else '(("' + varname + '__RAW__" in data) and (' + varname + ' is not None))'
elif 3==m: # if
args = re.sub(re_controls, parse_constructs, args)
out = "'" + align(_G.TEOL.join([
,"if ("+args+"):"
_G.ifs += 1
_G.level += 1
elif 4==m: # elseif
args = re.sub(re_controls, parse_constructs, args)
_G.level -= 1
out = "'" + align(_G.TEOL.join([
,"elif ("+args+"):"
_G.level += 1
elif 5==m: # else
_G.level -= 1
out = "'" + align(_G.TEOL.join([
_G.level += 1
elif 6==m: # endif
_G.ifs -= 1
_G.level -= 1
out = "'" + align(_G.TEOL.join([
elif 7==m: # for
args = re.sub(re_controls, parse_constructs, args)
for_expr = args
is_php_style = for_expr.find(' as ')
is_python_style = for_expr.find(' in ')
if -1 < is_python_style:
for_expr = [for_expr[0:is_python_style], for_expr[is_python_style+4:]]
o = for_expr[1].strip()
kv = for_expr[0].split(',')
else: #if -1 < is_php_style
for_expr = [for_expr[0:is_php_style], for_expr[is_php_style+4:]]
o = for_expr[0].strip()
kv = for_expr[1].split('=>')
_o = local_variable()
isAssoc = (len(kv) >= 2)
if isAssoc:
k = kv[0].strip()
v = kv[1].strip()
_oI = local_variable()
if not is_local_variable(k):
if not is_local_variable(v):
# a = [51,27,13,56] dict(enumerate(a))
out = "'" + align(_G.TEOL.join([
,""+_o+" = "+o+""
,""+_oI+" = (enumerate("+_o+") if isinstance("+_o+",(list,tuple)) else "+_o+".items()) if "+_o+" else None"
,"if ("+_oI+"):"
," for "+k+","+v+" in "+_oI+":"
_G.level += 2
v = kv[0].strip()
_oV = local_variable()
if not is_local_variable(v):
out = "'" + align(_G.TEOL.join([
,""+_o+" = "+o+""
,""+_oV+" = ("+_o+" if isinstance("+_o+",(list,tuple)) else "+_o+".values()) if "+_o+" else None"
,"if ("+_oV+"):"
," for "+v+" in "+_oV+":"
_G.level += 2
_G.loops += 1
_G.loopifs += 1
elif 8==m: # elsefor
_G.loopifs -= 1
_G.level += -2
out = "'" + align(_G.TEOL.join([
_G.level += 1
elif 9==m: # endfor
if _G.loopifs == _G.loops:
_G.loops -= 1
_G.loopifs -= 1
_G.level += -2
out = "'" + align(_G.TEOL.join([
_G.loops -= 1
_G.level += -1
out = "'" + align(_G.TEOL.join([
elif 10==m: # extends
id = args.strip()
if _G.strings and (id in _G.strings): id = _G.strings[id]
ch = id[0]
if ('"' == ch or "'" == ch) and (ch == id[-1]): id = id[1:-1] # quoted id
_G.extends = id
out = "'" + _G.TEOL
elif 11==m: # block
out = t_block(args)
elif 12==m: # endblock
out = t_endblock()
elif 13==m: # import_tpl
out = t_include(args)
elif 14==m: # super
args = re.sub(re_controls, parse_constructs, args)
out = prefix + 'self_.sprblock(' + args + ', data)'
elif 15==m: # getblock
args = re.sub(re_controls, parse_constructs, args)
out = prefix + '__i__.block(' + args + ', data)'
elif 16==m: # iif
args = split_arguments(re.sub(re_controls, parse_constructs, args),',')
out = prefix + "(("+args[1]+") if ("+args[0]+") else ("+args[2]+"))"
elif 17==m: #empty
args = re.sub(re_controls, parse_constructs, args)
varname = args
is_local_var = is_local_variable(varname)
out = prefix + ('(("' + ('' if 2 == is_local_var else '_loc_') + varname + '__RAW__" not in locals()) or ('+varname+' is None) or Contemplate.empty('+varname+'))' if is_local_var else '(("' + varname + '__RAW__" not in data) or ('+varname+' is None) or Contemplate.empty('+varname+'))')
elif 18==m or 19==m: #'continue','break'
out = "'" + _G.TEOL + align('continue' if 18==m else 'break') + _G.TEOL
return out + re.sub(re_controls, parse_constructs, rest)
if (ctrl in _G.context.plugins) or (ctrl in _G.glob.plugins):
pl = _G.context.plugins[ctrl] if ctrl in _G.context.plugins else _G.glob.plugins[ctrl]
args = re.sub(re_controls, parse_constructs, args)
out = pl.render([args]+split_arguments(args,',')) if isinstance(pl,Contemplate.InlineTemplate) else 'Contemplate.plg_("' + ctrl + '"' + ('' if not len(args) else ','+args) + ')'
return prefix + out + re.sub(re_controls, parse_constructs, rest)
if ctrl in _G.aliases: ctrl = _G.aliases[ctrl]
args = re.sub(re_controls, parse_constructs, args)
# aliases and builtin functions
if 's'==ctrl:
out = 'str(' + args + ')'
elif 'n'==ctrl:
out = 'int(' + args + ')'
elif 'f'==ctrl:
out = 'float(' + args + ')'
elif 'q'==ctrl:
out = '"\'"+str(' + args + ')+"\'"'
elif 'qq'==ctrl:
out = '\'"\'+str(' + args + ')+\'"\''
elif 'concat'==ctrl:
out = 'str('+')+str('.join(split_arguments(args, ','))+')'
elif 'is_array'==ctrl:
args = split_arguments(args, ',')
if len(args) > 1:
out = "(isinstance("+args[0]+",list) if ("+args[1]+") else isinstance("+args[0]+",(list,tuple,dict)))"
out = "isinstance("+args[0]+",(list,tuple,dict))"
elif 'in_array'==ctrl:
args = split_arguments(args, ',')
out = "(("+args[0]+") in ("+args[1]+"))"
if 'tpl'==ctrl:
args2 = split_arguments(args, ',')
usedTpl = args2[0]
if usedTpl.startswith('#STR_') and usedTpl in _G.strings:
# only literal string support here
usedTpl = _G.strings[usedTpl][1:-1] # without quotes
if usedTpl not in _G.uses:
if hasattr(Contemplate, ctrl) and callable(getattr(Contemplate, ctrl)):
out = 'Contemplate.' + ctrl + '(' + args + ')'
out = ctrl + ('('+args+')' if startParen else '')
return prefix + out + re.sub(re_controls, parse_constructs, rest)
def parse_blocks(s):
global _G
blocks = []
bl = len(_G.allblocks)
while bl:
bl -= 1
delims = _G.allblocks[bl]
block = delims[0]
pos1 = delims[1]
pos2 = delims[2]
off = delims[3]
containerblock = delims[4]
echoed = delims[5]
tag = "#BLOCK_" + block + "#"
rep = "__i__.block('" + block + "', data)" if echoed else "''"
tl = len(tag)
rl = len(rep)
if -1 < containerblock:
# adjust the ending position of the container block (if nested)
# to compensate for the replacements in this (nested) block
_G.allblocks[containerblock][3] += rl - (pos2-pos1+1)
# adjust the ending position of this block (if nested)
# to compensate for the replacements of any (nested) block(s)
pos2 += off
if 1 == _G.allblockscnt[block]:
# 1st occurance, block definition
blocks.append([block, _G.TT_BLOCK.render({
'BLOCKCODE' : s[pos1+tl:pos2-tl-1] + "'"
s = s[0:pos1] + rep + s[pos2+1:]
if 1 <= _G.allblockscnt[block]: _G.allblockscnt[block] -= 1
#_G.allblocks = None
#_G.allblockscnt = None
#_G.openblocks = None
return [s, blocks]
def parse_variable(s, i, l):
global _G
if _G.ALPHA.match(s[i]):
strings = {}
variables = []
space = 0
hasStrings = False
# main variable
variable = s[i]
i += 1
while i < l and _G.ALPHANUM.match(s[i]):
variable += s[i]
i += 1
variable_raw = variable
# transform into tpl variable
variable_main = "data['" + variable_raw + "']"
variable_rest = ""
_G.id += 1
id = "#VAR_"+str(_G.id)+"#"
_len = len(variable_raw)
_G.variables[_G.currentblock][id] = variable_raw
# extra space
space = 0
while i < l and _G.SPACE.match(s[i]):
space += 1
i += 1
# optional properties
while i < l and ('.' == s[i] or '[' == s[i] or '->' == s[i:i+2]):
delim = s[i]
i += 1
# -> (php) object notation property
if '-' == delim:
delim += s[i]
i += 1
# extra space
while i < l and _G.SPACE.match(s[i]):
space += 1
i += 1
# alpha-numeric dot property
if '.' == delim:
# property
property = ''
while i < l and _G.ALPHANUM.match(s[i]):
property += s[i]
i += 1
lp = len(property)
if lp:
# transform into tpl variable bracketed property
variable_rest += "['" + property + "']"
_len += space + 1 + lp
space = 0
# alpha-numeric (php) object notation property
elif '->' == delim:
# property
property = ''
while i < l and _G.ALPHANUM.match(s[i]):
property += s[i]
i += 1
lp = len(property)
if lp:
# transform into tpl variable object property
variable_rest += "." + property + ""
_len += space + 2 + lp
space = 0
# bracketed property
elif '[' == delim:
bracket = ''
while i < l:
ch = s[i]
# spaces
if _G.SPACE.match(ch):
space += 1
i += 1
# literal string property
elif '"' == ch or "'" == ch:
#property = parse_string( s, ch, i+1, l )
q = ch
str_ = q
escaped = False
si = i+1
while si < l:
ch = s[si]
si += 1
str_ += ch
if ( q == ch and not escaped ): break
escaped = (not escaped and '\\' == ch)
property = str_
_G.id += 1
strid = "#STR_"+str(_G.id)+"#"
strings[strid] = property
lp = len(property)
i += lp
_len += space + lp
space = 0
hasStrings = True
bracket += strid
# numeric array property
elif _G.NUM.match(ch):
property = s[i]
i += 1
while i < l and _G.NUM.match(s[i]):
property += s[i]
i += 1
lp = len(property)
_len += space + lp
space = 0
bracket += property
# sub-variable as property
elif '$' == ch:
sub = s[i+1:]
subvariables = parse_variable(sub, 0, len(sub))
if subvariables:
# transform into tpl variable property
property = subvariables[-1]
lp = property[4]
i += lp + 1
_len += space + 1 + lp
space = 0
variables = variables + subvariables
hasStrings = hasStrings or property[5]
bracket += property[0]
bracket += ch
_len += 1
i += 1
# identifiers
elif _G.ALPHA.match(ch):
_len += space + 1
i += 1
if space > 0:
bracket += " "
space = 0
is_prop_access = (2<i and '-'==s[i-3] and '>'==s[i-2])
tok = ch
while i < l:
ch = s[i]
if _G.ALPHANUM.match(ch):
i += 1
_len += 1
tok += ch
else: break
if 'null' == tok: tok = 'None'
elif 'false' == tok: tok = 'False'
elif 'true' == tok: tok = 'True'
elif 'as' != tok and 'in' != tok and not is_prop_access: tok = '#ID_'+tok+'#'
bracket += tok
# close bracket
elif ']' == ch:
variable_rest += delim + re.sub(_G.re_controls, parse_constructs, bracket) + ch
_len += space + 2
space = 0
i += 1
# rest
bracket += ch
_len += 1
i += 1
# extra space
while i < l and _G.SPACE.match(s[i]):
space += 1
i += 1
variables.append([id, variable_raw, variable_main, variable_rest, _len, hasStrings, strings])
return variables
return None
str_re = re.compile(r'#STR_\d+#', re.M|re.S)
def parse(tpl, leftTplSep, rightTplSep, withblocks = True):
global _G
global str_re
re_controls = _G.re_controls
compatibility_mode = False
non_compatibility_mode = True
t1 = leftTplSep
l1 = len(t1)
t2 = rightTplSep
l2 = len(t2)
parsed = ''
while tpl and len(tpl):
p1 = tpl.find(t1)
if -1 == p1:
s = tpl
if _G.escape: s = s.replace("\\", "\\\\") # escape escapes
s = s.replace("'", "\\'") # escape single quotes accurately (used by parse function)
s = s.replace("\n", _G.preserveLines) # preserve lines
#s = re.sub(_G.NL, _G.preserveLines, s) # preserve lines
parsed += s
p2 = tpl.find(t2, p1+l1)
if -1 == p2: p2 = len(tpl)
if p1 > 0:
s = tpl[0:p1]
if _G.escape: s = s.replace("\\", "\\\\") # escape escapes
s = s.replace("'", "\\'") # escape single quotes accurately (used by parse function)
s = s.replace("\n", _G.preserveLines) # preserve lines
#s = re.sub(_G.NL, _G.preserveLines, s) # preserve lines
parsed += s
# php literal code block
isphp = 'php:' == tpl[p1+l1:p1+l1+4]
# js literal code block
isjs = 'js:' == tpl[p1+l1:p1+l1+3]
# py literal code block
ispy = 'py:' == tpl[p1+l1:p1+l1+3]
if isphp or isjs or ispy:
# include if in same language else ignore
if ispy:
if '=' == tpl[p1+l1+3:p1+l1+4]:
parsed += "'" + align("\n# py code start") + align("\n__p__ += str(" + tpl[p1+l1+4:p2].strip() + ")") + align("\n# py code end\n__p__ += '")
indent = 0
l3 = 0
indenttype = 'none'
m = _G.INDENT.match(tpl[p1+l1+3:])
if m:
indenttype = m.group(1)
indent = int(m.group(2))
l3 = len(m.group(0))
code = remove_blank_lines(tpl[p1+l1+3+l3:p2])
if 'predent' == indenttype:
_G.level = max(0, _G.level + indent)
parsed += "' " + align("\n# py code start")
if len(code.strip()):
parsed += "\n" + align(code)
if 'postdent' == indenttype:
_G.level = max(0, _G.level + indent)
parsed += align("\n# py code end\n__p__ += '")
tpl = tpl[p2+l2:]
# template TAG
s = tpl[p1+l1:p2]
tpl = tpl[p2+l2:]
# parse each template tag section accurately
# refined parsing
count = len(s)
index = 0
ch = ''
out = ''
variables = []
strings = {}
hasVariables = False
hasStrings = False
hasBlock = False
space = 0
while index < count:
ch = s[index]
index += 1
# variable
if '$' == ch:
if space > 0:
out += " "
space = 0
tok = parse_variable(s, index, count)
if tok:
for tokv in tok:
id = tokv[0]
#_G.variables[_G.currentblock][id] = tokv[1]
if tokv[6]: strings.update(tokv[6])
out += id
index += tokv[4]
variables = variables + tok
hasVariables = True
hasStrings = hasStrings or tokv[6]
out += '$'
# literal string
elif '"' == ch or "'" == ch:
if space > 0:
out += " "
space = 0
#tok = parse_string(s, ch, index, count)
q = ch
str_ = q
escaped = False
si = index
while si < count:
ch = s[si]
si += 1
str_ += ch
if q == ch and not escaped: break
escaped = (not escaped and '\\' == ch)
tok = str_
_G.id += 1
id = "#STR_"+str(_G.id)+"#"
strings[id] = tok
out += id
index += len(tok)-1
hasStrings = True
# spaces
elif "\n" == ch or "\r" == ch or "\t" == ch or "\v" == ch or "\0" == ch:
space += 1
# directive or identifier or atom in compatibility mode
elif '%' == ch:
if space > 0:
out += " "
space = 0
q = ch
if non_compatibility_mode or index >= count:
out += q
ch = s[index]
if ALPHA.match(ch):
index += 1
tok = ch
while index < count:
ch = s[index]
if ALPHANUM.match(ch):
index += 1
tok += ch
else: break
tok = '#ID_'+tok+'#'
out += tok
out += q
# directive or identifier or atom
elif non_compatibility_mode and ALPHA.match(ch):
if space > 0:
out += " "
space = 0
is_prop_access = (2<index and '-'==s[index-3] and '>'==s[index-2])
tok = ch
while index < count:
ch = s[index]
if ALPHANUM.match(ch):
index += 1
tok += ch
else: break
if 'null' == tok: tok = 'None'
elif 'false' == tok: tok = 'False'
elif 'true' == tok: tok = 'True'
elif 'as' != tok and 'in' != tok and not is_prop_access: tok = '#ID_'+tok+'#'
out += tok
# rest, bypass
if space > 0:
out += " "
space = 0
out += ch
# fix literal data notation python-style
if compatibility_mode: out = out.replace('true', 'True').replace('false', 'False').replace('null', 'None')
# fix literal data notation, not needed here
#out = str_replace(array('{', '}', '[', ']', ':'), array('array(', ')','array(', ')', '=>'), out);
# fix pending "->" arrow notation for variable object
out = out.replace('->', '.')
out = re.sub(_G.T_NOT, r'\1 not \3', re.sub(_G.T_OR, r'\1 or \3', re.sub(_G.T_AND, r'\1 and \3', out)))
tag = "\t" + out + "\v"
_G.startblock = None
_G.endblock = None
_G.blockptr = -1
_G.strings = strings
# replace constructs, functions, etc..
tag = re.sub(re_controls, parse_constructs, tag)
# check for blocks
if _G.startblock:
_G.startblock = "#BLOCK_"+_G.startblock+"#"
hasBlock = True
elif _G.endblock:
_G.endblock = "#/BLOCK_"+_G.endblock+"#"
hasBlock = True
notFoundBlock = hasBlock
# replacements
if "\t" == tag[0] and "\v" == tag[-1]:
tag = "' + str("+tag[1:-1].strip()+") + '"
if hasVariables:
# replace variables
for v in reversed(variables):
id = v[0]
varname = v[1]
tag = tag.replace(id+'__RAW__', varname)
if varname in _G.locals[_G.currentblock]: # local (loop) variable
tag = tag.replace(id, ('' if 2 == _G.locals[_G.currentblock][varname] else '_loc_')+varname+v[3])
else: # default (data) variable
tag = tag.replace(id, v[2]+v[3])
if hasStrings:
# replace strings (accurately)
tagTpl = InlineTemplate.multisplit_re(tag, str_re)
tag = ''
for v in tagTpl:
if v[0]:
# and replace blocks (accurately)
if notFoundBlock:
if _G.startblock:
blockTag = v[1].find(_G.startblock)
if -1 != blockTag:
_G.allblocks[_G.blockptr-1][1] = blockTag + len(parsed) + len(tag)
notFoundBlock = False
else: #if _G.endblock:
blockTag = v[1].find(_G.endblock)
if -1 != blockTag:
_G.allblocks[_G.blockptr-1][2] = blockTag + len(parsed) + len(tag) + len(_G.endblock)
notFoundBlock = False
tag += v[1]
tag += strings[v[1]]
elif hasBlock:
# replace blocks (accurately)
if _G.startblock:
_G.allblocks[_G.blockptr-1][1] = len(parsed) + tag.find(_G.startblock)
else: #if _G.endblock:
_G.allblocks[_G.blockptr-1][2] = len(parsed) + tag.find(_G.endblock) + len(_G.endblock)
# replace tpl separators
if "\v" == tag[-1]:
tag = tag[0:-1] + align(_G.tplEnd)
if "\t" == tag[0]:
tag = _G.tplStart + tag[1:]
if hasBlock:
# update blocks (accurately)
blockTag = len(_G.tplStart)-1
if _G.startblock:
_G.allblocks[_G.blockptr-1][1] += blockTag
else: #if _G.endblock:
_G.allblocks[_G.blockptr-1][2] += blockTag
parsed += tag
return (parse_blocks(parsed) if len(_G.allblocks)>0 else [parsed, []]) if False != withblocks else parsed
def get_cached_template_name(id, ctx, cacheDir):
global _G
if -1 != id.find('/') or -1 != id.find('\\'):
filename = os.path.basename(id)
path = os.path.dirname(id.rstrip(os.pathsep).rstrip('/\\')).strip('/\\')
if len(path): path += '/'
filename = id
path = ''
return os.path.join(cacheDir, path + re.sub(_G.UNDERL, '_', filename) + '_tpl__' + re.sub(_G.UNDERL, '_', ctx) + '.py')
def get_cached_template_class(id, ctx):
global _G
if -1 != id.find('/') or -1 != id.find('\\'):
filename = os.path.basename(id)
filename = id
return 'Contemplate_' + re.sub(_G.UNDERL, '_', filename) + '__' + re.sub(_G.UNDERL, '_', ctx)
def get_template_contents(id, contx):
global _G
if not Contemplate.hasTpl(id, contx.id):
found = Contemplate.findTpl(id, contx.id)
if not found: return ''
tpldef = {}
tpldef[id] = found
Contemplate.add(tpldef, contx.id)
if id in contx.templates: template = contx.templates[id]
elif id in _G.glob.templates: template = _G.glob.templates[id]
else: return ''
if template[1]: return template[0] # inline tpl
elif os.path.exists(template[0]): return read_file(template[0], contx.encoding)
return ''
def create_template_render_function(id, contx, seps = None):
global _G
tpl = get_template_contents(id, contx)
tpl = get_separators(tpl, seps)
blocks = parse(tpl, _G.leftTplSep, _G.rightTplSep)
renderf = blocks[0]
blocks = blocks[1]
func = _G.TT_FUNC.render({
'FCODE' : "" if _G.extends else "__p__ += '" + renderf + "'"
_G.funcId += 1
funcName = '_contemplateFn' + str(_G.funcId)
fn = create_function(funcName, 'data,self_,__i__', align(func, 1), {'Contemplate': Contemplate})
blockfns = {}
for b in blocks:
funcName = '_contemplateBlockFn_' + b[0] + '_' + str(_G.funcId)
blockfns[b] = create_function(funcName, 'data,self_,__i__', align(b[1], 1), {'Contemplate': Contemplate})
return [fn, blockfns]
def create_cached_template(id, contx, filename, classname, seps = None):
global _G
tpl = get_template_contents(id, contx)
tpl = get_separators(tpl, seps)
blocks = parse(tpl, _G.leftTplSep, _G.rightTplSep)
renderf = blocks[0]
blocks = blocks[1]
# tpl-defined blocks
sblocks = ''
for b in blocks:
sblocks += EOL + _G.TT_BlockCode.render({
'BLOCKNAME' : b[0]
,'BLOCKMETHODNAME' : "_blockfn_"+b[0]
,'BLOCKMETHODCODE' : align(b[1], 1)
renderCode = _G.TT_RCODE.render({
'RCODE' : "__p__ = ''" if _G.extends else "__p__ += '" + renderf + "'"
extendCode = "self_.extend('"+_G.extends+"')" if _G.extends else ''
extendCode += EOL + "self_._usesTpl = ["+("'"+"','".join(_G.uses)+"'" if len(_G.uses) else '')+"]"
prefixCode = contx.prefix if contx.prefix else ''
# generate tpl class
classCode = _G.TT_ClassCode.render({
'PREFIXCODE' : prefixCode
,'TPLID' : id
,'CLASSNAME' : classname
,'EXTENDCODE' : align(extendCode, 3)
,'BLOCKS' : align(sblocks, 2)
,'RENDERCODE' : align(renderCode, 4)
return write_file(filename, classCode, contx.encoding)
def get_cached_template(id, contx, options = dict()):
global _G
# inline templates saved only in-memory
if id in contx.templates: template = contx.templates[id]
elif id in _G.glob.templates: template = _G.glob.templates[id]
else: template = None
if not options: options = {'context':contx.id,'autoUpdate':False}
parsed = options['parsed'] if 'parsed' in options else None
if 'parsed' in options: del options['parsed']
if template:
# inline templates saved only in-memory
if template[1]:
# dynamic in-memory caching during page-request
tpl = Contemplate.Template()
if parsed:
_G.funcId += 1
tpl.setRenderFunction(create_function('_contemplateFn' + str(_G.funcId), 'data,self_,__i__', align(parsed, 1), {'Contemplate': Contemplate}))
fns = create_template_render_function(id, contx, options['separators'])
sprTpl = _G.extends
if sprTpl: tpl.extend(Contemplate.tpl(sprTpl, None, options))
return tpl
CM = contx.cacheMode
if True != options['autoUpdate'] and CM == Contemplate.CACHE_TO_DISK_NOUPDATE:
cachedTplFile = get_cached_template_name(id, contx.id, contx.cacheDir)
cachedTplClass = get_cached_template_class(id, contx.id)
exists = os.path.isfile(cachedTplFile)
if not exists:
# if not exist, create it
if -1 != id.find('/') or -1 != id.find('\\'):
fname = os.path.basename(id)
fpath = os.path.dirname(id.rstrip(os.pathsep).rstrip('/\\')).strip('/\\')
fname = id
fpath = ''
if len(fpath): create_path(fpath, contx.cacheDir)
create_cached_template(id, contx, cachedTplFile, cachedTplClass, options['separators'])
if os.path.isfile(cachedTplFile):
tpl = import_tpl(cachedTplFile, cachedTplClass, contx.cacheDir)()
return tpl
return None
elif True == options['autoUpdate'] or CM == Contemplate.CACHE_TO_DISK_AUTOUPDATE:
cachedTplFile = get_cached_template_name(id, contx.id, contx.cacheDir)
cachedTplClass = get_cached_template_class(id, contx.id)
exists = os.path.isfile(cachedTplFile)
if not exists or (os.path.getmtime( cachedTplFile ) <= os.path.getmtime(template[0])):
# if tpl not exist or is out-of-sync (re-)create it
if not exists:
if -1 != id.find('/') or -1 != id.find('\\'):
fname = os.path.basename(id)
fpath = os.path.dirname(id.rstrip(os.pathsep).rstrip('/\\')).strip('/\\')
fname = id
fpath = ''
if len(fpath): create_path(fpath, contx.cacheDir)
create_cached_template(id, contx, cachedTplFile, cachedTplClass, options['separators'])
if os.path.isfile(cachedTplFile):
tpl = import_tpl(cachedTplFile, cachedTplClass, contx.cacheDir)()
return tpl
return None
# dynamic in-memory caching during page-request
fns = create_template_render_function(id, contx, options['separators'])
tpl = Contemplate.Template(id)
sprTpl = _G.extends
if sprTpl: tpl.extend(Contemplate.tpl(sprTpl, None, options))
return tpl
return None
def split_and_filter(r, s, regex = True):
return list(filter(lambda x: 0<len(x), map(lambda x: x.strip(), re.split(r, s) if regex else s.split(r))))
def create_path(path, root = '', mode = 0o755):
global _G
path = path.strip()
if not len(path): return
parts = split_and_filter(_G.DS_RE, path)
current = root.rstrip('/\\')
for part in parts:
current += '/' + part
if not os.path.exists(current):
os.mkdir(current, mode)
class ContemplateException(Exception):
class InlineTemplate:
def multisplit(tpl, reps = dict(), as_array = False):
#as_array = isinstance(reps, (list,tuple))
a = [[1, tpl]]
items = enumerate(reps) if as_array else reps.items()
for r,s in items:
c = []
sr = s if as_array else r
s = [0, s]
for ai in a:
if 1 == ai[0]:
b = ai[1].split(sr)
bl = len(b)
c.append([1, b[0]])
if bl > 1:
for j in range(bl-1):
c.append([1, b[j+1]])
a = c
return a
def multisplit_re(tpl, rex):
a = [ ]
i = 0
m = rex.search(tpl, i)
while m:
a.append([1, tpl[i:m.start()]])
mg = m.group(1)
mg = m.group(0)
is_numeric = False
mn = int(mg,10)
is_numeric = False if math.isnan(mn) else True
except ValueError:
is_numeric = False
a.append([0, mn if is_numeric else mg])
i = m.end()
m = rex.search(tpl, i)
a.append([1, tpl[i:]])
return a
def compile(tpl):
global _G
l = len(tpl)
out = 'return ('
for s in tpl:
notIsSub = s[0]
s = s[ 1 ]
if notIsSub: out += "'" + re.sub(_G.NEWLINE, "' + \"\\\\n\" + '", re.sub(_G.SQUOTE, "\\'", s)) + "'"
else: out += " + str(args['" + s + "']) + "
out += ')'
_G.funcId += 1
funcName = '_contemplateInlineFn' + str(_G.funcId)
return create_function(funcName, 'args', ' ' + out, {})
def __init__(self, tpl = '', replacements = None, compiled = False):
if not replacements: replacements = {}
self.id = None
self._renderer = None
self._parsed = False # lazy init, only if needed, as and when needed
self._args = [tpl, replacements, compiled]
self.tpl = None
def __del__(self):
def dispose(self):
self.id = None
self.tpl = None
self._renderer = None
self._parsed = None
self._args = None
return self
def render(self, args = None):
if not args: args = []
if not self._parsed: # lazy init, only if needed, as and when needed
tpl = self._args[0]
replacements = self._args[1]
compiled = self._args[2]
self.tpl = InlineTemplate.multisplit_re(tpl, replacements) if isinstance(replacements, T_REGEXP) else InlineTemplate.multisplit(tpl, replacements)
if compiled is True: self._renderer = InlineTemplate.compile(self.tpl)
self._args = None
self._parsed = True
if callable(self._renderer): return self._renderer(args)
tpl = self.tpl
out = ''
for s in tpl:
notIsSub = s[0]
s = s[1]
out += str(s) if notIsSub else str(args[s])
return out
class Template:
def __init__(self, id = None):
self._renderer = None
self._blocks = None
self._extends = None
self._usesTpl = None
self._ctx = None
self._autonomus = False
self.id = None
if id is not None: self.id = id
def __del__(self):
def dispose(self):
self._renderer = None
self._blocks = None
self._extends = None
self._usesTpl = None
self._ctx = None
self._autonomus = None
self.id = None
return self
def setId(self, id = None):
if id is not None: self.id = id
return self
def ctx(self, ctx):
self._ctx = ctx
return self
def autonomus(self, enable = True):
self._autonomus = bool(enable)
return self
def extend(self, tpl):
self._extends = Contemplate.tpl(tpl) if tpl and isinstance(tpl, str) else (tpl if isinstance(tpl, Template) else None)
return self
def usesTpl(self, usesTpls):
self._usesTpl = [usesTpls] if isinstance(usesTpls,str) else usesTpls
return self
def setBlocks(self, blocks):
if not self._blocks: self._blocks = {}
self._blocks = Contemplate.merge(self._blocks, blocks)
return self
def setRenderFunction(self, renderFunc = None):
self._renderer = renderFunc if callable(renderFunc) else None
return self
def sprblock(self, block, data):
#if not __i__: __i__ = self
if self._extends:
return self._extends.block(block, data, self._extends)
return ''
def block(self, block, data, __i__ = None):
__ctx = False
r = ''
if not __i__:
__i__ = self
if not self._autonomus: __ctx = Contemplate._set_ctx(self._ctx)
if (self._blocks) and (block in self._blocks) and callable(self._blocks[block]):
blockfunc = self._blocks[block]
r = blockfunc(data, self, __i__)
elif self._extends:
r = self._extends.block(block, data, __i__)
if __ctx: Contemplate._set_ctx(__ctx)
return r
def render(self, data, __i__ = None):
__ctx = False
__p__ = ''
if not __i__:
__i__ = self
if not self._autonomus: __ctx = Contemplate._set_ctx(self._ctx)
if self._extends:
__p__ = self._extends.render(data, __i__)
elif callable(self._renderer):
# dynamic function
__p__ = self._renderer(data, self, __i__)
if __ctx: Contemplate._set_ctx(__ctx)
return __p__
# aliases
def renderBlock(self, block, data, __i__ = None):
return self.block(self, block, data, __i__)
def renderSuperBlock(self, block, data):
return self.sprblock(self, block, data)
class Ctx:
def __init__(self, id):
self.id = id
self.cacheDir = './'
self.cacheMode = 0
self.cache = {}
self.templateDirs = []
self.templateFinder = None
self.templates = {}
self.partials = {}
self.plugins = {}
self.prefix = ''
self.encoding = 'utf-8'
def __del__(self):
def dispose(self):
self.id = None
self.cacheDir = None
self.cacheMode = None
self.templateDirs = None
self.templateFinder = None
self.templates = None
self.partials = None
self.plugins = None
self.prefix = None
self.encoding = None
if self.cache:
for tpl in self.cache: self.cache[tpl].dispose()
self.cache = None
# The Contemplate Engine Main Python Class
class Contemplate:
Contemplate Template Engine for Python,
# constants (not real constants in Python)
VERSION = "1.6.0"
Exception = ContemplateException
InlineTemplate = InlineTemplate
Template = Template
Ctx = Ctx
def init():
global _G
if _G.isInited: return
# a default global context
_G.glob = Ctx('global')
_G.ctx = {
'global' : _G.glob
_G.context = _G.glob
# pre-compute the needed regular expressions
_G.preserveLines = _G.preserveLinesDefault
_G.tplStart = "'" + _G.TEOL
_G.tplEnd = _G.TEOL + "__p__ += '"
# make compilation templates
_G.TT_ClassCode = InlineTemplate(_G.TEOL.join([
"# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-"
,"# Contemplate cached template '#TPLID#'"
,"def __getTplClass__(Contemplate):"
," # extends the main Contemplate.Template class"
," class #CLASSNAME#(Contemplate.Template):"
," 'Contemplate cached template #TPLID#'"
," # constructor"
," def __init__(self, id = None):"
," self_ = self"
," super(#CLASSNAME#, self).__init__(id)"
," # extend tpl assign code starts here"
," # extend tpl assign code ends here"
," # tpl-defined blocks render code starts here"
," # tpl-defined blocks render code ends here"
," # render a tpl block method"
," def block(self, block, data, __i__ = None):"
," self_ = self"
," __ctx = False"
," r = ''"
," if not __i__:"
," __i__ = self_"
," if not self_._autonomus: __ctx = Contemplate._set_ctx(self_._ctx)"
," method = '_blockfn_' + block"
," if (hasattr(self_, method) and callable(getattr(self_, method))):"
," r = getattr(self_, method)(data, self_, __i__)"
," elif self_._extends:"
," r = self_._extends.block(block, data, __i__)"
," if __ctx: Contemplate._set_ctx(__ctx)"
," return r"
," # render method"
," def render(self, data, __i__ = None):"
," self_ = self"
," __ctx = False"
," __p__ = ''"
," if not __i__:"
," __i__ = self_"
," if not self._autonomus: __ctx = Contemplate._set_ctx(self_._ctx)"
," if self_._extends:"
," __p__ = self_._extends.render(data, __i__)"
," else:"
," # tpl main render code starts here"
," # tpl main render code ends here"
," if __ctx: Contemplate._set_ctx(__ctx)"
," return __p__"
," return #CLASSNAME#"
,"# allow to 'import *' from this file as a module"
,"__all__ = ['__getTplClass__']"
]), {
,"#TPLID#" : "TPLID"
}, False)
_G.TT_BlockCode = InlineTemplate(_G.TEOL.join([
,"# tpl block render method for block '#BLOCKNAME#'"
,"def #BLOCKMETHODNAME#(self, data, self_, __i__):"
]), {
}, False)
_G.TT_BLOCK = InlineTemplate(_G.TEOL.join([
,"__p__ = ''"
,"return __p__"
]), {
}, False)
_G.TT_FUNC = InlineTemplate(_G.TEOL.join([
,"__p__ = ''"
,"return __p__"
]), {
}, False)
_G.TT_RCODE = InlineTemplate(_G.TEOL.join([
]), {
}, False)
_G.isInited = True
def _set_ctx(ctx):
global _G
contx = _G.context
#if isinstance(ctx, Ctx): _G.context = ctx
#elif ctx and (ctx in _G.ctx): _G.context = _G.ctx[ctx]
#else: _G.context = _G.glob
_G.context = ctx if ctx else _G.glob
return contx
# Main API methods
def createCtx(ctx):
global _G
if ctx and ('global' != ctx) and (ctx not in _G.ctx): _G.ctx[ctx] = Ctx(ctx)
def disposeCtx(ctx):
global _G
if ctx and ('global' != ctx) and (ctx in _G.ctx):
del _G.ctx[ctx]
def setTemplateSeparators(seps = None):
global _G
if seps:
if 'left' in seps: _G.leftTplSep = str(seps['left'])
if 'right' in seps: _G.rightTplSep = str(seps['right'])
def setPreserveLines(enable = True):
global _G
_G.preserveLines = _G.preserveLinesDefault if enable else ''
def hasPlugin(name, ctx = 'global'):
global _G
contx = _G.ctx[ctx] if ctx and (ctx in _G.ctx) else _G.context
return name and ((name in contx.plugins) or (name in _G.glob.plugins))
def addPlugin(name, pluginCode, ctx = 'global'):
global _G
if name and pluginCode:
contx = _G.ctx[ctx] if ctx and (ctx in _G.ctx) else _G.context
contx.plugins[str(name)] = pluginCode
def plg_(plg, *args):
global _G
if plg in _G.context.plugins and callable(_G.context.plugins[plg]):
return _G.context.plugins[plg](*args)
elif plg in _G.glob.plugins and callable(_G.glob.plugins[plg]):
return _G.glob.plugins[plg](*args)
return ''
def setPrefixCode(preCode = None, ctx = 'global'):
global _G
contx = _G.ctx[ctx] if ctx and (ctx in _G.ctx) else _G.context
if preCode: contx.prefix = str(preCode)
def setEncoding(encoding, ctx = 'global'):
global _G
contx = _G.ctx[ctx] if ctx and (ctx in _G.ctx) else _G.context
contx.encoding = encoding
def setCacheDir(dir, ctx = 'global'):
global _G
contx = _G.ctx[ctx] if ctx and (ctx in _G.ctx) else _G.context
_self = Contemplate
_dir = contx.cacheDir = os.path.abspath(dir)
initPyFile = os.path.join(_dir, '__init__.py')
if not os.path.exists(initPyFile):
_initPy_ = """\
# added by Contemplate.py Engine
# dummy Python __init__.py file
# used with Contemplate 'import'
# to import_tpl cached templates as modules, for optimization
write_file(initPyFile, _initPy_, contx.encoding)
#if _dir not in os.sys.path:
# # allow to use 'import' in order to import_tpl cached templates
# os.sys.path.append(_dir)
def setCacheMode(mode, ctx = 'global'):
global _G
contx = _G.ctx[ctx] if ctx and (ctx in _G.ctx) else _G.context
contx.cacheMode = mode
def setTemplateDirs(dirs, ctx = 'global'):
global _G
contx = _G.ctx[ctx] if ctx and (ctx in _G.ctx) else _G.context
contx.templateDirs = [dirs] if isinstance(dirs,str) else dirs
def getTemplateDirs(ctx = 'global'):
global _G
contx = _G.ctx[ctx] if ctx and (ctx in _G.ctx) else _G.context
return contx.templateDirs
def setTemplateFinder(finder, ctx = 'global'):
global _G
contx = _G.ctx[ctx] if ctx and (ctx in _G.ctx) else _G.context
contx.templateFinder = finder if callable(finder) else None
def clearCache(all = False, ctx = 'global'):
global _G
contx = _G.ctx[ctx] if ctx and (ctx in _G.ctx) else _G.context
contx.cache = {}
if all: contx.partials = {}
def hasTpl(tpl, ctx = 'global'):
global _G
contx = _G.ctx[ctx] if ctx and (ctx in _G.ctx) else _G.context
return tpl and ((tpl in contx.templates) or (tpl in _G.glob.templates))
def add(tpls, ctx = 'global'):
global _G
if tpls and isinstance(tpls, dict):
contx = _G.ctx[ctx] if ctx and (ctx in _G.ctx) else _G.context
for tplID in tpls:
if isinstance(tpls[tplID], (list, tuple)):
# unified way to add tpls both as reference and inline
# inline tpl, passed as array
if len(tpls[tplID][0]):
contx.templates[tplID] = [tpls[tplID][0], True]
contx.templates[tplID] = [tpls[tplID], False]
def getTemplateContents(id, ctx = 'global'):
global _G
contx = _G.ctx[ctx] if ctx and (ctx in _G.ctx) else _G.context
return get_template_contents(id, contx)
def findTpl(tpl, ctx = 'global'):
global _G
contx = _G.ctx[ctx] if ctx and (ctx in _G.ctx) else _G.context
if callable(contx.templateFinder):
return contx.templateFinder(tpl)
if len(contx.templateDirs):
filename = tpl.lstrip('/\\')
for dir in contx.templateDirs:
path = dir.rstrip('/\\') + '/' + filename
if os.path.exists(path): return path
return None
if contx != _G.glob:
contx = _G.glob
if callable(contx.templateFinder):
return contx.templateFinder(tpl)
if len(contx.templateDirs):
filename = tpl.lstrip('/\\')
for dir in contx.templateDirs:
path = dir.rstrip('/\\') + '/' + filename
if os.path.exists(path): return path
return None
return None
def parseTpl(tpl, options = dict()):
global _G
# see what context this template may use
contx = None
if isinstance(options, str):
if options in _G.ctx:
contx = _G.ctx[options] # preset context
contx = _G.glob # global context
options = {}
options = merge({
'separators': None
}, {} if not options else options)
if 'context' in options:
if options['context'] in _G.ctx:
contx = _G.ctx[options['context']] # preset context
elif not contx:
contx = _G.glob # global context
del options['context']
if not contx: contx = _G.glob # global context
leftSep = _G.leftTplSep
rightSep = _G.rightTplSep
separators = options['separators'] if options and ('separators' in options) else None
if separators:
leftSep = separators[0]
rightSep = separators[1]
_ctx = _G.context
_G.context = contx
parsed = parse(tpl, leftSep, rightSep)
_G.context = _ctx
return parsed
# Main Template functions
def tpl(tpl, data = None, options = None):
global _G
if isinstance(tpl, Contemplate.Template):
tmpl = tpl
if options is None: options = {}
# see what context this template may use
contx = None
if isinstance(options, str):
if options in _G.ctx:
contx = _G.ctx[options] # preset context
contx = _G.context # current context
options = {}
options = merge({
'separators': None
,'autoUpdate': False
,'refresh': False
,'escape': False
,'standalone': False
}, {} if not options else options)
if 'context' in options:
if options['context'] in _G.ctx:
contx = _G.ctx[options['context']] # preset context
elif not contx:
contx = _G.context # current context
del options['context']
if not contx: contx = _G.context # current context
_G.escape = False if False == options['escape'] else True
if 'parsed' not in options and not Contemplate.hasTpl(tpl, contx.id):
path = Contemplate.findTpl(tpl, contx.id)
if not path: return '' if isinstance(data, dict) else None
tpldef = {}
tpldef[tpl] = path
Contemplate.add(tpldef, contx.id)
# Figure out if we're getting a template, or if we need to
# load the template - and be sure to cache the result.
if options['refresh'] or ((tpl not in contx.cache) and (tpl not in _G.glob.cache)):
_ctx = _G.context
_G.context = contx
contx.cache[tpl] = get_cached_template(tpl, contx, options)
_G.context = _ctx
tmpl = contx.cache[tpl] if tpl in contx.cache else _G.glob.cache[tpl]
# Provide some basic currying to the user
return str(tmpl.render(data)) if isinstance(data, dict) else tmpl
def inline(tpl, reps = None, compiled = False):
if isinstance(tpl, Contemplate.InlineTemplate): return str(tpl.render(reps))
return Contemplate.InlineTemplate(tpl, reps, compiled)
def concat(*args):
return ''.join(map(str, args))
def join(sep, args, skip_empty = False):
if args is None: return ''
skip_empty = skip_empty is True
if not isinstance(args, (list,tuple)): return '' if skip_empty and not len(str(args)) else str(args)
if sep is None: sep = ''
if not isinstance(sep, str): sep = str(sep)
l = len(args)
out = (Contemplate.join(sep, args[0], skip_empty) if isinstance(args[0], (list,tuple)) else ('' if skip_empty and (args[0] is None or not len(str(args[0]))) else str(args[0]))) if l > 0 else ''
for i in range(1, l):
s = Contemplate.join(sep, args[i], skip_empty) if isinstance(args[i], (list,tuple)) else ('' if skip_empty and (args[i] is None or not len(str(args[i]))) else str(args[i]))
if (not skip_empty) or len(s) > 0: out += sep + s
return out
def keys(o):
return array_keys(o) if isinstance(o, (list,tuple,dict)) else []
def values(o):
return array_values(o) if isinstance(o, (list,tuple,dict)) else []
def items(o):
return enumerate(o) if isinstance(o, (list,tuple)) else (o.items() if isinstance(o, dict) else [])
def count(a):
# http://www.php2python.com/wiki/function.count/
return 0 if a is None else len(a)
def is_array(v, strict = False):
return isinstance(v, list) if strict else isinstance(v, (tuple,list,dict))
def in_array(v, a):
return (v in a)
def is_list(v):
return isinstance(v, list)
def haskey(v, *args):
if not v or not isinstance(v, (list,tuple,dict)): return False
tmp = v
for i in range(len(args)):
if isinstance(tmp, (list,tuple)):
k = int(args[i])
if k < 0 or k >= len(tmp): return False
tmp = tmp[k]
elif isinstance(tmp, dict):
k = str(args[i])
if k not in tmp: return False
tmp = tmp[k]
return False
return True
def time():
return php_time()
def date(format, timestamp = None):
if timestamp is None: timestamp = php_time()
return php_date(format, timestamp)
def lowercase(s):
return str(s).lower()
def uppercase(s):
return str(s).upper()
def striptags(s):
global _G
return re.sub(_G.TAG_RE, '', s)
def e(s, entities = True):
f = ''
if entities:
for c in s:
if '&' == c: f += '&'
elif '<' == c: f += '<'
elif '>' == c: f += '>'
elif '"' == c: f += '"'
elif '\'' == c: f += '''
else: f += c
for c in s:
if '&' == c: f += '&'
elif '<' == c: f += '<'
elif '>' == c: f += '>'
elif '"' == c: f += '"'
elif '\'' == c: f += '''
else: f += c
return f
def json_encode(v):
return json.dumps(v)
def json_decode(v):
return json.loads(v)
def urlencode(s):
return urlencode(s)
def urldecode(s):
return urldecode(s)
def buildquery(data):
return http_build_query(data, '&')
def parsequery(s):
return parse_str(s)
def queryvar(url, add_keys, remove_keys = None):
global _G
if remove_keys is not None and not isinstance(remove_keys, list):
remove_keys = [remove_keys]
if remove_keys and len(remove_keys):
# https://davidwalsh.name/php-remove-variable
keys = remove_keys
for key in keys:
url = re.sub(r'(\?|&)' + re.escape(urlencode(str(key))) + r'(\[[^\[\]]*\])*(=[^&]+)?', '\\1', url)
url = re.sub(_G.AMP_RE, '&', url).replace('?&', '?')
last = url[-1]
if '?' == last or '&' == last:
url = url[0:-1]
if add_keys and len(add_keys):
keys = add_keys
q = '?' if -1 == url.find('?') else '&'
for key in keys:
value = keys[key]
key = urlencode(str(key))
if isinstance(value, (list,tuple,dict)):
if isinstance(value, (list,tuple)):
for v in value:
url += q + key + '[]=' + urlencode(str(v))
q = '&'
for k in value:
url += q + key + '[' + urlencode(k) + ']=' + urlencode(str(value[k]))
q = '&'
url += q + key + '=' + urlencode(str(value))
q = '&'
return url
def get(v, keys, default_value = None):
if not Contemplate.is_array(keys, True): keys = [keys]
o = v
found = 1
for key in keys:
if isinstance(o, (list,tuple)):
key = int(key)
if 0 <= key and key < len(o):
o = o[key]
found = 0
elif isinstance(o, dict):
key = str(key)
if key in o:
o = o[key]
found = 0
key = str(key)
if hasattr(o, key):
o = getattr(o, key)
keyGetter = 'get' + key[0].upper() + key[1:]
if hasattr(o, keyGetter) and callable(getattr(o, keyGetter)):
o = getattr(o, keyGetter)()
found = 0
return o if found else default_value
def uuid(namespace = 'UUID'):
global _G
_G.uuid += 1
return '_'.join([str(namespace), str(_G.uuid), str(php_time())])
def merge(m, *args):
numargs = len(args)
if numargs < 1: return m
merged = m
for arg in args:
# http://www.php2python.com/wiki/function.array-merge/
merged = dict(merged)
return merged
#local_variable = local_variable
#is_local_variable = is_local_variable
# extra for py version
def empty(v):
# exactly like php's function
return (isinstance(v, str) and "0" == v) or not bool(v)
def trim(s, charlist = None):
return s.strip(charlist) if charlist else s.strip()
def ltrim(s, charlist = None):
return s.lstrip(charlist) if charlist else s.lstrip()
def rtrim(s, charlist = None):
return s.rstrip(charlist) if charlist else s.rstrip()
sprintf = sprintf
vsprintf = vsprintf
# init the engine on load
# if used with 'import *'
__all__ = ['Contemplate']