* @name Talk Leet
* @version 1.0
* @author David Sopas Ferreira <coder at davidsopas dot com>
* @copyright 2008
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* --------------------------
* more at www.davidsopas.com
class talkleet
* You can add more if you want, but remember to when adding on $original_letters,
* add also it's equivalent in $leet_letters array
var $original_letters = array("a", "e", "the", "s", "S", "A", "o", "O", "t", "l",
"ph", "y", "H", "W", "M", "D", "V", "x");
var $leet_letters = array("4", "3", "+eh", "z", "Z", "4", "0", "0", "+", "1",
"f", "j", "|-|", "\\/\\/", "|\\/|", "|)", "\\/", "><");
* shows rate or not (1 - show, 0 - doesnt show)
var $showrate = 1;
var $result = "";
var $counter = 0;
* You have more options to set on $err_rep, check http://php.net/manual/en/function.error-reporting.php
var $err_rep = E_ALL;
* Initialization of error reporting (__constructor)
function Talkleet($disable_error_reporting = true)
if ($disable_error_reporting)
$this->err_rep = @error_reporting(E_ERROR);
} else
$this->err_rep = @error_reporting();
* Encode normal text to leet text
* @param $string
* @return string
function encode($string)
$counter = $this->counter++;
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($string); $i++)
* $char keeps now the letter
$char = $string[$i];
* Condition to check if the letter is present in the array of the original words
if (in_array($char, $this->original_letters))
* It's present. Now we need the array key to use it on the leet array and grab the value from it
$searchletter_key = array_search($char, $this->original_letters);
$leet_convert = str_replace($char, $this->leet_letters[$searchletter_key], $char);
} else
* If the letter it's not present it remains unchanged
$leet_convert = $char;
$result .= $leet_convert;
* Removes spaces because they are not needed for counting chars for rateleet()
$spaces_notcount = str_replace(" ", "", $string);
* Rate leet value is given by math third simple rule ( 100% x number of changed letters) / total letters
$rate = round((100 * ($counter-1)) / strlen($spaces_notcount), 0);
* Returns the result with optional leetness rate
if ($this->showrate == 1)
$rate = " (Leetness rate: " . $rate . "%)";
elseif ($this->showrate == 0)
$rate = "";
$rate = "Option not available";
$result = $result . $rate;
return $result;
* Decode leet text to normal text
* @param $string
* @return string
function decode($string)
* Runs all over the string and replace any leet letters array match for original letters array
for ($key = 0; $key < count($this->leet_letters); $key++)
$string = str_replace($this->leet_letters[$key], $this->original_letters[$key],
$result = $string;
return $result;
* Destroy the object
function __destruct()