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File: language/english/modinfo.php

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  Classes of Goffy G   wgTeams   language/english/modinfo.php   Download  
File: language/english/modinfo.php
Role: Auxiliary script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary script
Class: wgTeams
Module for the XOOPS CMS to present people teams
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 4 years ago
Size: 5,304 bytes


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 You may not change or alter any portion of this comment or credits
 of supporting developers from this source code or any supporting source code
 which is considered copyrighted (c) material of the original comment or credit authors.

 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * wgTeams module for xoops
 * @copyright The XOOPS Project (
 * @license GPL 2.0 or later
 * @package wgteams
 * @since 1.0
 * @min_xoops 2.5.7
 * @author Goffy - - Email:<> - Website:<>
 * @version $Id: 1.0 modinfo.php 1 Sun 2015/12/27 23:18:01Z Goffy - Wedega $
require_once __DIR__ . '/common.php';

// ---------------- Admin Main ----------------
define('_MI_WGTEAMS_NAME', 'wgTeams');
define('_MI_WGTEAMS_DESC', 'This module shows your team(s) and team members');
// ---------------- Admin Menu ----------------
define('_MI_WGTEAMS_ADMENU1', 'Dashboard');
define('_MI_WGTEAMS_ADMENU3', 'Teams');
define('_MI_WGTEAMS_ADMENU4', 'Members');
define('_MI_WGTEAMS_ADMENU2', 'Infofields');
define('_MI_WGTEAMS_ADMENU5', 'Relations');
define('_MI_WGTEAMS_ADMENU6', 'Feedback');
define('_MI_WGTEAMS_ADMENU7', 'Maintenance');
define('_MI_WGTEAMS_ABOUT', 'About');
// ---------------- Admin Nav ----------------
define('_MI_WGTEAMS_ADMIN_PAGER', 'Admin pager');
define('_MI_WGTEAMS_ADMIN_PAGER_DESC', 'Admin per page list');
// User
define('_MI_WGTEAMS_USER_PAGER', 'User pager');
define('_MI_WGTEAMS_USER_PAGER_DESC', 'User per page list');
// Submenu
define('_MI_WGTEAMS_SMNAME1', 'teams');
// Blocks
define('_MI_WGTEAMS_TEAMSMEMBERS_BLOCK', 'Team/Members block');
define('_MI_WGTEAMS_TEAMSMEMBERS_BLOCK_DESC', 'Show all Teams with related members in a block');
define('_MI_WGTEAMS_TEAMS_BLOCK', 'Block Teams');
define('_MI_WGTEAMS_TEAMS_BLOCK_DESC', 'Show a list of the teams');
// Config
define('_MI_WGTEAMS_EDITOR', 'Editor');
define('_MI_WGTEAMS_EDITOR_DESC', 'Select the Editor to use');
define('_MI_WGTEAMS_KEYWORDS', 'Keywords');
define('_MI_WGTEAMS_KEYWORDS_DESC', 'Insert here the keywords (separate by comma)');
define('_MI_WGTEAMS_IMG_MAXSIZE', 'Max size');
define('_MI_WGTEAMS_IMG_MAXSIZE_DESC', 'Set a number of max size uploads file');
define('_MI_WGTEAMS_SIZE_MB', 'MB');
define('_MI_WGTEAMS_IMG_MIMETYPES', 'Mime Types');
define('_MI_WGTEAMS_IMG_MIMETYPES_DESC', 'Set the mime types selected');
define('_MI_WGTEAMS_MAXWIDTH', 'Maximum width upload');
define('_MI_WGTEAMS_MAXWIDTH_DESC', 'Set the max width which is allowed for uploading images (in pixel)<br>0 means that images keep original size<br>If original image is smaller the image will be not enlarged');
define('_MI_WGTEAMS_MAXHEIGHT', 'Maximum height upload');
define('_MI_WGTEAMS_MAXHEIGHT_DESC', 'Set the max height which is allowed for uploading images (in pixel)<br>0 means that images keep original size<br>If original image is smaller the image will be not enlarged');
define('_MI_WGTEAMS_MAXWIDTH_IMGEDITOR', 'Maximum width upload');
define('_MI_WGTEAMS_MAXWIDTH_IMGEDITOR_DESC', 'Set the max width which is allowed for uploading images (in pixel)<br>0 means that images keep original size<br>If original image is smaller the image will be not enlarged');
define('_MI_WGTEAMS_MAXHEIGHT_IMGEDITOR', 'Maximum height upload');
define('_MI_WGTEAMS_MAXHEIGHT_IMGEDITOR_DESC', 'Set the max height which is allowed for uploading images (in pixel)<br>0 means that images keep original size<br>If original image is smaller the image will be not enlarged');
define('_MI_WGTEAMS_STARTPAGE', 'Start page');
define('_MI_WGTEAMS_STARTPAGE_DESC', 'Define, what should be shown when calling the module (index.php)');
define('_MI_WGTEAMS_STARTPAGE_LIST', 'An overview with all teams (but without members)');
define('_MI_WGTEAMS_STARTPAGE_ALL', 'All teams with all members');
define('_MI_WGTEAMS_STARTPAGE_FIRST', 'The first team');
define('_MI_WGTEAMS_SHOW_TEAMNAME', 'Show team name');
define('_MI_WGTEAMS_SHOW_TEAMNAME_DESC', "Please decide, whether the team name should be shown or not");
define('_MI_WGTEAMS_LABELS_MEMBER', 'Show labels for member information');
define('_MI_WGTEAMS_LABELS_MEMBER_DESC', "Please decide, whether there should be a label before the member information, e.g. before the name the label 'first and last name' will be shown. If you select 'No', only the name himself, the phone number himself an so one will be shown");
define('_MI_WGTEAMS_LABELS_INFOFIELD', 'Show labels for infofields');
define('_MI_WGTEAMS_LABELS_INFOFIELD_DESC', "Please decide, whether there should be a label before the information from additional infofields. If you select 'No', only the information itself will be shown");
define('_MI_WGTEAMS_SHOWBREADCRUMBS', 'Show breadcrumbs-navigation');
define('_MI_WGTEAMS_SHOWBREADCRUMBS_DESC', 'Please decide, whether a breadcrumbs-navigation should be shown.');
define('_MI_WGTEAMS_SHOWCOPYRIGHT', 'Show copyright');
define('_MI_WGTEAMS_SHOWCOPYRIGHT_DESC', 'You can remove the copyright from the wgteams pages, but a backlinks to is expected, anywhere on your site');

// ---------------- End ----------------