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File: admin/image_editor.php

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File: admin/image_editor.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: wgTeams
Module for the XOOPS CMS to present people teams
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Date: 3 years ago
Size: 17,932 bytes


Class file image Download
<?php /* You may not change or alter any portion of this comment or credits of supporting developers from this source code or any supporting source code which is considered copyrighted (c) material of the original comment or credit authors. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. */ /** * wgTeams module for xoops * * @copyright module for xoops * @license GPL 2.0 or later * @package wgteams * @since 1.0 * @min_xoops 2.5.9 * @author Wedega - Email:<> - Website:<> * @version $Id: 1.0 albums.php 1 Mon 2018-03-19 10:04:50Z XOOPS Project ( $ */ use Xmf\Request; use XoopsModules\Wgteams; use XoopsModules\Wgteams\Constants; include __DIR__ . '/header.php'; $GLOBALS['xoopsOption']['template_main'] = 'wgteams_admin_image_editor.tpl'; require_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/header.php'; /** @var \XoopsModules\Wgteams\Utility $utility */ $utility = new \XoopsModules\Wgteams\Utility(); $op = Request::getString('op', 'list'); $memberId = Request::getInt('member_id', 0); $origin = Request::getString('imageOrigin'); $teamId = Request::getInt('team_id', 0); $start = Request::getInt('start', 0); $limit = Request::getInt('limit', $helper->getConfig('adminpager')); $img_resize = Request::getInt('img_resize', 0); // get all objects/classes/vars needed for image editor $imageClass = 0; $imgCurrent = []; if ('member_id' === $origin) { $memberId = Request::getInt('imageIdCrop', 0); } if ('team_id' === $origin) { $teamId = Request::getInt('imageIdCrop', 0); } if ( 0 < $memberId ) { $imageClass = Constants::IMAGECLASS_MEMBER; } else { if ($teamId > 0) { $imageClass = Constants::IMAGECLASS_TEAM; } else { redirect_header('index.php', 3, _AM_WGTEAMS_FORM_ERROR_INVALID_ID); } } if ($imageClass === Constants::IMAGECLASS_MEMBER) { $imageId = $memberId; $imageHandler = $membersHandler; $imageObj = $membersHandler->get($imageId); $imageOrigin = 'member_id'; $imgName = mb_substr(str_replace(' ', '', $imageObj->getVar('member_lastname') . $imageObj->getVar('member_firstname')), 0, 20) . '.jpg'; $imageDir = '/uploads/wgteams/members/images/'; $imgPath = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . $imageDir; $imgUrl = XOOPS_URL . $imageDir; $imgFinal = $imgPath . $imgName; $imgTemp = WGTEAMS_UPLOAD_PATH . '/temp/' . $imgName; $redir = 'members.php?op=list&amp;start=' . $start . '&amp;limit=' . $limit; $nameObj = 'member_firstname'; $fieldObj = 'member_image'; $submObj = 'member_submitter'; } else { $imageId = $teamId; $imageObj = $teamsHandler->get($imageId); $imageHandler = $teamsHandler; $imageOrigin = 'team_id'; $imgName = mb_substr(str_replace(' ', '', $imageObj->getVar('team_name')), 0, 20) . '.jpg'; $imageDir = '/uploads/wgteams/teams/images/'; $imgPath = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . $imageDir; $imgUrl = XOOPS_URL . $imageDir; $imgFinal = $imgPath . $imgName; $imgTemp = WGTEAMS_UPLOAD_PATH . '/temp/' . $imgName; $redir = 'teams.php?op=list&amp;start=' . $start . '&amp;limit=' . $limit; $nameObj = 'team_name'; $fieldObj = 'team_image'; $submObj = 'team_submitter'; } $imgCurrent['img_name'] = $imageObj->getVar($fieldObj); $imgCurrent['src'] = $imgUrl . $imageObj->getVar($fieldObj); $imgCurrent['origin'] = $imageClass; $images = []; $image_array = \XoopsLists::getImgListAsArray($imgPath); $i = 0; foreach ($image_array as $image_img) { if ('blank.gif' !== $image_img) { $i++; $images[$i]['id'] = 'imageSelect'.$i; $images[$i]['name'] = $image_img; $images[$i]['title'] = $image_img; $images[$i]['origin'] = Constants::IMAGECLASS_MEMBER; if ($imgCurrent['img_name'] === $image_img) { $images[$i]['selected'] = 1; } $images[$i]['src'] = $imgUrl . $image_img; } } // var_dump($images); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('images', $images); unset($images); // end: get all objects/classes/vars needed for image editor $uid = $xoopsUser instanceof \XoopsUser ? $xoopsUser->id() : 0; // Define Stylesheet $GLOBALS['xoTheme']->addStylesheet(WGTEAMS_URL . '/assets/css/style.css'); $GLOBALS['xoTheme']->addStylesheet(WGTEAMS_URL . '/assets/css/imageeditor.css'); // add scripts $GLOBALS['xoTheme']->addScript(XOOPS_URL . '/modules/wgteams/assets/js/admin.js'); // assign vars $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('wgteams_url', WGTEAMS_URL); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('wgteams_icon_url_16', WGTEAMS_ICONS_URL . '/16'); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('wgteams_icon_url_32', WGTEAMS_ICONS_URL . '/32'); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('wgteams_upload_url', WGTEAMS_UPLOAD_URL); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('wgteams_upload_path', WGTEAMS_UPLOAD_PATH); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('wgteams_image_editor', WGTEAMS_URL . '/admin'); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('wgteams_upload_image_url', $imgUrl); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('gridtarget', $imgName); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('imgCurrent', $imgCurrent); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('imageId', $imageId); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('imageOrigin', $imageOrigin); // Breadcrumbs $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('show_breadcrumbs', $helper->getConfig('show_breadcrumbs')); $xoBreadcrumbs[] = ['title' => _AM_WGTEAMS_IMG_EDITOR]; // get config for images $maxwidth = $helper->getConfig('maxwidth_imgeditor'); $maxheight = $helper->getConfig('maxheight_imgeditor'); $maxsize = $helper->getConfig('wgteams_img_maxsize'); $mimetypes = $helper->getConfig('wgteams_img_mimetypes'); switch ($op) { case 'creategrid': // create an image grid based on given sources $type = Request::getInt('type', 4); $src[1] = Request::getString('src1', ''); $src[2] = Request::getString('src2', ''); $src[3] = Request::getString('src3', ''); $src[4] = Request::getString('src4', ''); $src[5] = Request::getString('src5', ''); $src[6] = Request::getString('src6', ''); $target = Request::getString('target', ''); // replace thumbs dir by dir for medium images, only for wggallery // $src[1] = str_replace('/thumbs/', '/medium/', $src[1]); // $src[2] = str_replace('/thumbs/', '/medium/', $src[2]); // $src[3] = str_replace('/thumbs/', '/medium/', $src[3]); // $src[4] = str_replace('/thumbs/', '/medium/', $src[4]); // $src[5] = str_replace('/thumbs/', '/medium/', $src[5]); // $src[6] = str_replace('/thumbs/', '/medium/', $src[6]); $images = []; for ($i = 1; $i <= 6; $i++) { if ('' !== $src[$i]) { $file = str_replace(XOOPS_URL, XOOPS_ROOT_PATH, $src[$i]); $images[$i] = ['file' => $file, 'mimetype' => mime_content_type($file)]; } } // create basic image $tmp = imagecreatetruecolor($maxwidth, $maxheight); $imgBg = imagecolorallocate($tmp, 0, 0, 0); imagefilledrectangle($tmp, 0, 0, $maxwidth, $maxheight, $imgBg); $final = XOOPS_UPLOAD_PATH . '/wgteams/temp/' . $target; unlink($final); imagejpeg($tmp, $final); imagedestroy($tmp); $imgTemp = XOOPS_UPLOAD_PATH . '/wgteams/temp/' . $uid . 'imgTemp'; $imgHandler = new Wgteams\Resizer(); if (4 === $type) { for ($i = 1; $i <= 4; $i++) { unlink($imgTemp . $i . '.jpg'); $imgHandler->sourceFile = $images[$i]['file']; $imgHandler->endFile = $imgTemp . $i . '.jpg'; $imgHandler->imageMimetype = $images[$i]['mimetype']; $imgHandler->maxWidth = (int)round($maxwidth / 2 - 1); $imgHandler->maxHeight = (int)round($maxheight / 2 - 1); $imgHandler->jpgQuality = 90; $imgHandler->resizeAndCrop(); } $imgHandler->mergeType = 4; $imgHandler->endFile = $final; $imgHandler->maxWidth = $maxwidth; $imgHandler->maxHeight = $maxheight; for ($i = 1; $i <= 4; $i++) { $imgHandler->sourceFile = $imgTemp . $i . '.jpg'; $imgHandler->mergePos = $i; $imgHandler->mergeImage(); unlink($imgTemp . $i . '.jpg'); } } if (6 === $type) { for ($i = 1; $i <= 6; $i++) { $imgHandler->sourceFile = $images[$i]['file']; $imgHandler->endFile = $imgTemp . $i . '.jpg'; $imgHandler->imageMimetype = $images[$i]['mimetype']; $imgHandler->maxWidth = (int)round($maxwidth / 3 - 1); $imgHandler->maxHeight = (int)round($maxheight / 2 - 1); $imgHandler->resizeAndCrop(); } $imgHandler->mergeType = 6; $imgHandler->endFile = $final; $imgHandler->maxWidth = $maxwidth; $imgHandler->maxHeight = $maxheight; for ($i = 1; $i <= 6; $i++) { $imgHandler->sourceFile = $imgTemp . $i . '.jpg'; $imgHandler->mergePos = $i; $imgHandler->mergeImage(); unlink($imgTemp . $i . '.jpg'); } } break; case 'cropimage': // save base64_image and resize to maxwidth/maxheight $base64_image_content = Request::getString('croppedImage', ''); if (preg_match('/^(data:\s*image\/(\w+);base64,)/', $base64_image_content, $result)) { $type = $result[2]; file_put_contents($imgTemp, base64_decode(str_replace($result[1], '', $base64_image_content), true)); } $imgHandler = new Wgteams\Resizer(); $imgHandler->sourceFile = $imgTemp; $imgHandler->endFile = $imgTemp; $imgHandler->imageMimetype = 'image/jpeg'; $imgHandler->maxWidth = $maxwidth; $imgHandler->maxHeight = $maxheight; $ret = $imgHandler->resizeImage(); //unlink($imgFinal); break; case 'saveImageSelected': // save image selected from list of available images in upload folder // Set Vars $image_id = Request::getString('image_id'); // remove '_image' from id $image_id = substr($image_id, 0, -6); $imageObj->setVar($fieldObj, $image_id); $imageObj->setVar($submObj, $uid); // Insert Data if ($imageHandler->insert($imageObj)) { redirect_header($redir, 2, _AM_WGTEAMS_FORM_OK); } $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('error', $imageObj->getHtmlErrors()); break; case 'saveGrid': // save before created grid image $imgTempGrid = Request::getString('gridImgFinal'); $ret = rename($imgTempGrid, $imgFinal); // Set Vars $imageObj->setVar($fieldObj, $imgName); $imageObj->setVar($submObj, $uid); // Insert Data if ($imageHandler->insert($imageObj)) { redirect_header($redir, 2, _AM_WGTEAMS_FORM_OK); } $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('error', $imageObj->getHtmlErrors()); break; case 'saveCrop': // save before created cropped image unlink($imgFinal); $ret = rename($imgTemp, $imgFinal); // Set Vars $imageObj->setVar($fieldObj, $imgName); $imageObj->setVar($submObj, $uid); // Insert Data if ($imageHandler->insert($imageObj, true)) { redirect_header($redir, 2, _AM_WGTEAMS_FORM_OK); } $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('error', $imageObj->getHtmlErrors()); break; case 'uploadImage': // Security Check if (!$GLOBALS['xoopsSecurity']->check()) { redirect_header($redir, 3, implode(',', $GLOBALS['xoopsSecurity']->getErrors())); } // Set Vars require_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/class/uploader.php'; $fileName = $_FILES['attachedfile']['name']; $imageMimetype = $_FILES['attachedfile']['type']; $uploaderErrors = ''; $maxwidth = $helper->getConfig('maxwidth'); $maxheight = $helper->getConfig('maxheight'); $uploader = new \XoopsMediaUploader($imgPath, $mimetypes, $maxsize, $maxwidth, $maxheight); if ($uploader->fetchMedia($_POST['xoops_upload_file'][0])) { $extension = preg_replace('/^.+\.([^.]+)$/sU', '', $fileName); $imgName .= '.' . $extension; $uploader->setPrefix($imgName); $uploader->fetchMedia($_POST['xoops_upload_file'][0]); if (!$uploader->upload()) { $uploaderErrors = $uploader->getErrors(); } else { $savedFilename = $uploader->getSavedFileName(); $imageObj->setVar($fieldObj, $savedFilename); // resize image if (1 == $img_resize) { $imgHandler = new Wgteams\Resizer(); $maxwidth_imgeditor = $helper->getConfig('maxwidth_imgeditor'); $maxheight_imgeditor = $helper->getConfig('maxheight_imgeditor'); $imgHandler->sourceFile = $imgPath . $savedFilename; $imgHandler->endFile = $imgPath . $savedFilename; $imgHandler->imageMimetype = $imageMimetype; $imgHandler->maxWidth = $maxwidth_imgeditor; $imgHandler->maxHeight = $maxheight_imgeditor; $result = $imgHandler->resizeImage(); } $imageObj->setVar($fieldObj, $savedFilename); $imageObj->setVar($submObj, $uid); } } else { if ($fileName > '') { $uploaderErrors = $uploader->getErrors(); } } if ('' !== $uploaderErrors) { redirect_header($redir, 5, $uploaderErrors); } // Insert Data if ($imageHandler->insert($imageObj)) { redirect_header($redir, 2, _AM_WGTEAMS_FORM_OK); } // Get Form $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('error', $imageObj->getHtmlErrors()); $form = $imageObj->getFormUploadImage($imageOrigin, $imageId); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('form', $form->render()); break; case 'imghandler': default: $GLOBALS['xoTheme']->addStylesheet(WGTEAMS_URL . '/assets/css/cropper.min.css'); $GLOBALS['xoTheme']->addScript(WGTEAMS_URL . '/assets/js/cropper.min.js'); $GLOBALS['xoTheme']->addScript(WGTEAMS_URL . '/assets/js/cropper-main.js'); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('nbModals', [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]); // get form for upload album image $currImage = $imageObj->getVar($fieldObj); if ('' == $currImage) { $currImage = 'blank.gif'; } $image_path = $imgPath . $currImage; // get size of current album image list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($image_path); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('image_path', $image_path); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('albimage_width', $width); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('albimage_height', $height); $form = getFormUploadImage($imageOrigin, $imageId); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('form_uploadimage', $form->render()); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('btn_style', 'btn-default'); break; } $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('panel_type', $helper->getConfig('panel_type')); // Description // $utility::getMetaDescription(_AM_WGTEAMS_ALBUMS); include __DIR__ . '/footer.php'; /** * @public function getFormUploadAlbumimage: * provide form for uploading a new album image * @param $imageOrigin * @param $imageId * @return \XoopsThemeForm */ function getFormUploadImage($imageOrigin, $imageId) { $helper = \XoopsModules\Wgteams\Helper::getInstance(); // Get Theme Form xoops_load('XoopsFormLoader'); $form = new \XoopsThemeForm('', 'formuploadimage', 'image_editor.php', 'post', true); $form->setExtra('enctype="multipart/form-data"'); // upload new image $imageTray1 = new \XoopsFormElementTray(_AM_WGTEAMS_FORM_UPLOAD_IMG, '<br>'); $imageFileSelect = new \XoopsFormFile('', 'attachedfile', $helper->getConfig('maxsize')); $imageTray1->addElement($imageFileSelect); $form->addElement($imageTray1); $cond = _MI_WGTEAMS_IMG_MAXSIZE . ': ' . ($helper->getConfig('wgteams_img_maxsize') / 1048576) . ' ' . _MI_WGTEAMS_SIZE_MB . '<br>'; $cond .= _MI_WGTEAMS_MAXWIDTH . ': ' . $helper->getConfig('maxwidth') . ' px<br>'; $cond .= _MI_WGTEAMS_MAXHEIGHT . ': ' . $helper->getConfig('maxheight') . ' px<br>'; $cond .= _MI_WGTEAMS_IMG_MIMETYPES . ': ' . implode(', ', $helper->getConfig('wgteams_img_mimetypes')) . '<br>'; $form->addElement(new \XoopsFormLabel(_AM_WGTEAMS_IMG_EDITOR_UPLOAD, $cond)); $imageTray3 = new \XoopsFormElementTray(_AM_WGTEAMS_IMG_EDITOR_RESIZE, ''); $resizeinfo = str_replace('%w', $helper->getConfig('maxwidth_imgeditor'), _AM_WGTEAMS_IMG_EDITOR_RESIZE_DESC); $resizeinfo = str_replace('%h', $helper->getConfig('maxheight_imgeditor'), $resizeinfo); $imageTray3->addElement(new \XoopsFormLabel($resizeinfo, '')); $imageTray3->addElement(new \XoopsFormRadioYN('', 'img_resize', 1)); $form->addElement($imageTray3); $form->addElement(new \XoopsFormHidden($imageOrigin, $imageId)); $form->addElement(new \XoopsFormHidden('op', 'uploadImage')); $form->addElement(new \XoopsFormButtonTray('', _SUBMIT, 'submit', '', false)); return $form; }