# \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\ AzDG - S C R I P T S /-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/ #
# AzDGOnlineUsers(class) Version 1 #
# Writed by AzDG (support@azdg.com) #
# Created 25/08/02 Last Modified 25/08/02 #
# Scripts Home: http://www.azdg.com #
1. About
2. Purposes
3. Requirements
4. Installation
5. How to use?
1. This class writed by AzDG. Its free, but under GPL.
2. This class count online users on the all pages where class-code are included. It may count:
- users on all pages (website) or only this page
- hits number from last $sec time in the site or only this page
3. Requirements, PHP 4.0.6, MySQL 3.20 or more versions
4. Installation:
- unzip archiv to some directory (ex. online)
- change configs in install.php, and open it from www
//////// Change configs //////////
$host = 'localhost';
$database = 'database';
$user = 'user';
$password = 'password';
$table = 'ou';
- change configs in AzDGOnlineUsers.class.inc.php
// Auth information - Please change
###### Be Carefull - "var" must entered before each $variable
var $host = 'localhost';
var $database = 'database';
var $user = 'user';
var $password = 'password';
var $table = 'ou';
var $sec = 180; // how many second set to user for timeout
- Thats all (read about insert code in your pages)
5. How to use?
Code Example
Online code (without statistic see, only code)
$ol = new ou();
$ol = new ou();
$ol->view(1); // 1 - Show online users number on all page with code
$ol->view(2); // 2 - Show hits on all pages with code
// You may show all 2 statistics line
$ol->view(); // Show all 2 statistics line
Please send me all questions to support@azdg.com