// $Id: qcp64.enumerator.php 1.6.4 2008-08-15 13:40:00 (final) wishcraft $
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
// CLORA - Chronolabs Australia //
// Copyright (c) 2008 //
// <http://www.chronolabs.org.au/> //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify //
// it under the terms of the SDPL Source Directive Public Licence //
// as published by Chronolabs Australia; either version 2 of the License, //
// (at your option) any later version. //
// //
// You may not change or alter any portion of this comment or credits //
// of supporting developers from this source code or any supporting //
// source code which is considered copyrighted (c) material of the //
// original comment or credit authors. //
// //
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //
// GNU General Public License for more details. //
// //
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License //
// along with this program; if not, write to the Chronolab Australia //
// Chronolabs International PO BOX 699, DULWICH HILL, NSW, 2203, Australia //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
if (!class_exists('qcp64_enumerator'))
class qcp64_enumerator extends qcp64
var $elekey;
var $base;
var $len;
function __construct ($base, $len)
@$this->len = $len;
private function setElements($base)
@$this->base = $base;
@$this->elekey = array();
foreach ($base->base as $key => $data)
if (strlen((string)$data)==1)
if (strlen(bindec(ord($data)))==5)
$offset = array("ice" => (int)substr(decbin(ord($data)),5,1),
"icd" => (int)substr(decbin(ord($data)),4,1),
"icc" => (int)substr(decbin(ord($data)),3,1),
"icb" => (int)substr(decbin(ord($data)),2,1),
"ica" => (int)substr(decbin(ord($data)),1,1));
if (substr(decbin(ord($data)),5,1)==1)
$offset['icf'] = 0;
} else {
$offset['icf'] = 1;
} elseif (strlen(decbin(ord($data)))==6)
$offset = array("icf" => (int)substr(decbin(ord($data)),6,1),
"ice" => (int)substr(decbin(ord($data)),5,1),
"icd" => (int)substr(decbin(ord($data)),4,1),
"icc" => (int)substr(decbin(ord($data)),3,1),
"icb" => (int)substr(decbin(ord($data)),2,1),
"ica" => (int)substr(decbin(ord($data)),1,1));
} elseif (strlen(decbin(ord($data)))==7)
$offset = array("ica" => (int)substr(decbin(ord($data)),6,1),
"icb" => (int)substr(decbin(ord($data)),5,1),
"icc" => (int)substr(decbin(ord($data)),4,1),
"icd" => (int)substr(decbin(ord($data)),3,1),
"ice" => (int)substr(decbin(ord($data)),2,1),
"icf" => (int)substr(decbin(ord($data)),1,1));
} else {
$offset = array("ica" => (int)substr(decbin(ord(substr($key,strlen($key)-1,1))),6,1),
"icb" => (int)substr(decbin(ord(substr($key,strlen($key)-1,1))),5,1),
"icc" => (int)substr(decbin(ord(substr($key,strlen($key)-1,1))),4,1),
"icd" => (int)substr(decbin(ord(substr($key,strlen($key)-1,1))),2,1),
"ice" => (int)substr(decbin(ord(substr($key,strlen($key)-1,1))),1,1),
"icf" => (int)substr(decbin(ord(substr($key,strlen($key)-1,1))),0,1));
if (strlen(decbin(ord($data)))==7)
if (strlen($data)==1)
$cycle = array("icf", "ice", "icd", "icc", "icb", "ica");
foreach ($cycle as $element)
if ($done==false)
if ($offset[$element]=='0')
if ($prev_ele!='')
if ($offset[$prev_ele] == '1')
$offset[$prev_ele] = '0';
} else {
$offset[$prev_ele] = '1';
$offset[$element]= '1';
} else {
$cycle = array("ica", "icb", "icc", "icd", "ice", "icf");
foreach ($cycle as $element)
if ($done==false)
if ($offset[$element]=='0')
if ($prev_ele!='')
if ($offset[$prev_ele] == '1')
$offset[$prev_ele] = '0';
} else {
$offset[$prev_ele] = '1';
$offset[$element]= '1';
if (strlen($data)==1)
@$this->elekey[$key] = array("key" => $data,
"bin" => decbin(ord($data)),
"offset" => $offset,
"flip" => 0);
} else {
@$this->elekey[$key] = array("key" => $data,
"bin" => decbin(ord($data)),
"offset" => $offset,
"flip" => 1);
private function getBytePos($char)
return floor((ord($char)+1)/4);
function enum_calc ($char, $enum_calc, $debug=false)
static $flip;
foreach ($enum_calc as $key => $value)
${$key} = $value;
static $charnum;
if ($charnum>3)
$nx_key.= $char;
if ($this->len>15)
if (strlen($nx_key)>$this->len)
$nx_key = substr($nx_key, strlen($nx_key)/($charnum+1), strlen($nx_key) - (strlen($nx_key)/($charnum+1))).substr($nx_key, 1, strlen($nx_key)-(strlen($nx_key) - (strlen($nx_key)/($charnum+1))));
} else {
if (strlen($nx_key)>32)
$nx_key = substr($nx_key, strlen($nx_key)/($charnum+1), strlen($nx_key) - (strlen($nx_key)/($charnum+1))).substr($nx_key, 1, strlen($nx_key)-(strlen($nx_key) - (strlen($nx_key)/($charnum+1))));
if ($this->elekey[$this->getBytePos($char)]['flip']==0)
$ica = $this->elekey[$this->getBytePos($char)]['offset']['ica'];
$icb = $this->elekey[$this->getBytePos($char)]['offset']['icb'];
$icc = $this->elekey[$this->getBytePos($char)]['offset']['icc'];
$icd = $this->elekey[$this->getBytePos($char)]['offset']['icd'];
$ice = $this->elekey[$this->getBytePos($char)]['offset']['ice'];
$icf = $this->elekey[$this->getBytePos($char)]['offset']['icf'];
} else {
if ($charnum==1)
$icf = $this->elekey[$this->getBytePos($char)]['offset']['ica'];
$ice = $this->elekey[$this->getBytePos($char)]['offset']['icb'];
$icd = $this->elekey[$this->getBytePos($char)]['offset']['icc'];
$icc = $this->elekey[$this->getBytePos($char)]['offset']['icd'];
$icb = $this->elekey[$this->getBytePos($char)]['offset']['ice'];
$ica = $this->elekey[$this->getBytePos($char)]['offset']['icf'];
} elseif ($charnum==2)
$icf = $this->elekey[$this->getBytePos($char)]['offset']['ica'];
$ice = $this->elekey[$this->getBytePos($char)]['offset']['icb'];
$icd = $this->elekey[$this->getBytePos($char)]['offset']['icc'];
$icc = $this->elekey[$this->getBytePos($char)]['offset']['icf'];
$icb = $this->elekey[$this->getBytePos($char)]['offset']['ice'];
$ica = $this->elekey[$this->getBytePos($char)]['offset']['icd'];
} else
$icf = $this->elekey[$this->getBytePos($char)]['offset']['icc'];
$ice = $this->elekey[$this->getBytePos($char)]['offset']['icb'];
$icd = $this->elekey[$this->getBytePos($char)]['offset']['ica'];
$icc = $this->elekey[$this->getBytePos($char)]['offset']['icd'];
$icb = $this->elekey[$this->getBytePos($char)]['offset']['ice'];
$ica = $this->elekey[$this->getBytePos($char)]['offset']['icf'];
for ($icount=1; $icount<65; $icount++)
if ($this->elekey[$icount]['offset']['ica'] == $icb && $this->elekey[$icount]['offset']['icb'] == $icc && $this->elekey[$icount]['offset']['icc'] == $icd) {
$nuclear .= '10';
if ($icb = $this->elekey[$icount]['flip']) {
$nuclear .= '0';
} else {
$nuclear .= '1';
if ($icc = $this->elekey[$icount]['flip']) {
$nuclear .= '0';
} else {
$nuclear .= '1';
if ($icd = $this->elekey[$icount]['flip']) {
$nuclear .= '0';
} else {
$nuclear .= '1';
if ($this->elekey[$icount]['offset']['ica'] == $icc && $this->elekey[$icount]['offset']['icb'] == $icd && $this->elekey[$icount]['offset']['icc'] == $ice) {
$nuclear .= '01';
if ($icb = $this->elekey[$icount]['flip']) {
$nuclear .= '0';
} else {
$nuclear .= '1';
if ($icc = $this->elekey[$icount]['flip']) {
$nuclear .= '0';
} else {
$nuclear .= '1';
if ($icd = $this->elekey[$icount]['flip']) {
$nuclear .= '0';
} else {
$nuclear .= '1';
// Change in version 1.6.4
if (strlen($nuclear)>32768)
$nuclear = substr($nuclear,strlen($nuclear)-32768,32768);
$result = $result + $ica;
$prince = $prince + $icb;
$karma = $karma + $icc;
$motivation = $motivation + $icd;
$official = $official + $ice;
$outsidecause = $outsidecause + $icf;
if ($ica == '0') {$yang = $yang + 1;} else {$yin = $yin + 1;}
if ($icb == '0') {$yang = yang + 1;} else {$yin = $yin + 1;}
if ($icc == '0') {$yang = $yang+ 1;} else {$yin = $yin + 1;}
if ($icd == '0') {$yang = $yang + 1;} else {$yin = $yin + 1;}
if ($ice == '0') {$yang = yang + 1;} else {$yin = $yin + 1;}
if ($icf == '0') {$yang = $yang+ 1;} else {$yin = $yin + 1;}
if ($debug==true)
$data[sizeof($data)+1] = array("pos" => $this->getBytePos($char),
"elements" => $this->elekey);
$result = array("result" => $result,
"prince" => $prince,
"karma" => $karma,
"motivation" => $motivation,
"official" => $official,
"outsidecause" => $outsidecause,
"nuclear" => $nuclear,
"yin" => $yin,
"yang" => $yang,
"nx_key" => $nx_key,
"data"=> $data);
} else {
$result = array("result" => $result,
"prince" => $prince,
"karma" => $karma,
"motivation" => $motivation,
"official" => $official,
"outsidecause" => $outsidecause,
"nuclear" => $nuclear,
"yin" => $yin,
"yang" => $yang,
"nx_key" => $nx_key);
return $result;