You may not change or alter any portion of this comment or credits
of supporting developers from this source code or any supporting source code
which is considered copyrighted (c) material of the original comment or credit authors.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* wgGallery module for xoops
* @copyright module for xoops
* @license GPL 2.0 or later
* @package wggallery
* @since 1.0
* @min_xoops 2.5.10
* @author Wedega - Email:<webmaster@wedega.com> - Website:<https://wedega.com>
* @version $Id: 1.0 xoops_version.php 1 Mon 2018-03-19 07:47:33Z XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org) $
$moduleDirName = basename(__DIR__);
$moduleDirNameUpper = mb_strtoupper($moduleDirName);
// ------------------- Informations ------------------- //
$modversion = [
'version' => '1.14',
'module_status' => 'final',
'release_date' => '2020/07/01',
'description' => _MI_WGGALLERY_DESC,
'author' => 'Wedega',
'author_mail' => 'webmaster@wedega.com',
'author_website_url' => 'https://wedega.com',
'author_website_name' => 'Wedega - Webdesign Gabor',
'credits' => 'XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)',
'license' => 'GPL 2.0 or later',
'license_url' => 'https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html',
'help' => 'page=help',
'release_info' => 'release_info',
'release_file' => XOOPS_URL . '/modules/wggallery/docs/release_info file',
'manual' => 'link to manual file',
'manual_file' => XOOPS_URL . '/modules/wggallery/docs/install.txt',
'min_php' => '7.2',
'min_xoops' => '2.5.10',
'min_admin' => '1.1',
'min_db' => ['mysql' => '5.5'],
'image' => 'assets/images/logoModule.png',
'dirname' => basename(__DIR__),
'modicons16' => 'assets/icons/16',
'modicons32' => 'assets/icons/32',
'demo_site_url' => 'https://xoops.wedega.com',
'demo_site_name' => 'Wedega XOOPS Demo Site',
'support_url' => 'https://xoops.wedega.com',
'support_name' => 'Wedega - Webdesign Gabor',
'module_website_url' => 'https://xoops.wedega.com',
'module_website_name' => 'Wedega XOOPS Demo Site',
'release' => '01/07/2020',
'system_menu' => 1,
'hasAdmin' => 1,
'hasMain' => 1,
'adminindex' => 'admin/index.php',
'adminmenu' => 'admin/menu.php',
'onInstall' => 'include/oninstall.php',
'onUpdate' => 'include/onupdate.php',
'onUninstall' => 'include/onuninstall.php',
// ------------------- Mysql -----------------------------
'sqlfile' => ['mysql' => 'sql/mysql.sql'],
// ------------------- Tables ----------------------------
'tables' => [
$moduleDirName . '_' . 'albums',
$moduleDirName . '_' . 'albumtypes',
$moduleDirName . '_' . 'categories',
$moduleDirName . '_' . 'gallerytypes',
$moduleDirName . '_' . 'images',
$moduleDirName . '_' . 'ratings',
$moduleDirName . '_' . 'watermarks',
// ------------------- Templates ------------------- //
$modversion['templates'] = [
// Admin
['file' => 'wggallery_admin_about.tpl', 'description' => '', 'type' => 'admin'],
['file' => 'wggallery_admin_header.tpl', 'description' => '', 'type' => 'admin'],
['file' => 'wggallery_admin_index.tpl', 'description' => '', 'type' => 'admin'],
['file' => 'wggallery_admin_albums.tpl', 'description' => '', 'type' => 'admin'],
['file' => 'wggallery_admin_images.tpl', 'description' => '', 'type' => 'admin'],
['file' => 'wggallery_admin_gallerytypes.tpl', 'description' => '', 'type' => 'admin'],
['file' => 'wggallery_admin_albumtypes.tpl', 'description' => '', 'type' => 'admin'],
['file' => 'wggallery_admin_watermarks.tpl', 'description' => '', 'type' => 'admin'],
['file' => 'wggallery_admin_maintenance.tpl', 'description' => '', 'type' => 'admin'],
['file' => 'wggallery_admin_permissions.tpl', 'description' => '', 'type' => 'admin'],
['file' => 'wggallery_admin_import.tpl', 'description' => '', 'type' => 'admin'],
['file' => 'wggallery_admin_footer.tpl', 'description' => '', 'type' => 'admin'],
['file' => 'wggallery_admin_categories.tpl', 'description' => '', 'type' => 'admin'],
// User
['file' => 'wggallery_header.tpl', 'description' => ''],
['file' => 'wggallery_index_default.tpl', 'description' => ''],
['file' => 'wggallery_index_hovereffectideas.tpl', 'description' => ''],
['file' => 'wggallery_index_simple.tpl', 'description' => ''],
['file' => 'wggallery_index_bcards.tpl', 'description' => ''],
['file' => 'wggallery_albums_default.tpl', 'description' => ''],
['file' => 'wggallery_album_images.tpl', 'description' => ''],
['file' => 'wggallery_albumitem_1.tpl', 'description' => ''],
['file' => 'wggallery_albumitem_2.tpl', 'description' => ''],
['file' => 'wggallery_albumitem_hovereffectideas.tpl', 'description' => ''],
['file' => 'wggallery_albumitem_simple.tpl', 'description' => ''],
['file' => 'wggallery_albumitem_bcards.tpl', 'description' => ''],
['file' => 'wggallery_categoryitem_1.tpl', 'description' => ''],
['file' => 'wggallery_categoryitem_2.tpl', 'description' => ''],
['file' => 'wggallery_categoryitem_hovereffectideas.tpl', 'description' => ''],
['file' => 'wggallery_categoryitem_simple.tpl', 'description' => ''],
['file' => 'wggallery_categoryitem_bcards.tpl', 'description' => ''],
['file' => 'wggallery_images_default.tpl', 'description' => ''],
['file' => 'wggallery_imageitem_2.tpl', 'description' => ''],
['file' => 'wggallery_images_manage.tpl', 'description' => ''],
['file' => 'wggallery_gallery_jssor.tpl', 'description' => ''],
['file' => 'wggallery_gallery_jssor_arrows.tpl', 'description' => ''],
['file' => 'wggallery_gallery_jssor_bullets.tpl', 'description' => ''],
['file' => 'wggallery_gallery_jssor_thumbnails.tpl', 'description' => ''],
['file' => 'wggallery_gallery_jssor_loadings.tpl', 'description' => ''],
['file' => 'wggallery_gallery_viewerjs.tpl', 'description' => ''],
['file' => 'wggallery_gallery_blueimpgallery.tpl', 'description' => ''],
['file' => 'wggallery_gallery_justifiedgallery.tpl', 'description' => ''],
['file' => 'wggallery_gallery_lightbox2.tpl', 'description' => ''],
['file' => 'wggallery_gallery_lclightboxlite.tpl', 'description' => ''],
// Blocks
// array('file' => 'wggallery_block_albums_default.tpl', 'description' => 'blocks'),
// array('file' => 'wggallery_block_albums_full.tpl', 'description' => ''),
// array('file' => 'wggallery_block_albums_slider.tpl', 'description' => ''),
// array('file' => 'wggallery_block_images_default.tpl', 'description' => ''),
['file' => 'wggallery_breadcrumbs.tpl', 'description' => ''],
['file' => 'wggallery_rating_img.tpl', 'description' => ''],
['file' => 'wggallery_rss.tpl', 'description' => ''],
['file' => 'wggallery_search.tpl', 'description' => ''],
['file' => 'wggallery_trigger_uploads.tpl', 'description' => ''],
['file' => 'wggallery_upload.tpl', 'description' => ''],
['file' => 'wggallery_footer.tpl', 'description' => ''],
// ------------------- Search ------------------- //
$modversion['hasSearch'] = 1;
$modversion['search']['file'] = 'include/search.inc.php';
$modversion['search']['func'] = 'wggallery_search';
// ------------------- Comments ------------------- //
$modversion['hasComments'] = 1;
$modversion['comments']['pageName'] = 'images.php';
$modversion['comments']['itemName'] = 'img_id';
$modversion['comments']['extraParams'] = ['op', 'alb_id', 'start', 'limit', 'img_submitter', 'redir'];
// Comment callback functions
$modversion['comments']['callbackFile'] = 'include/comment_functions.php';
$modversion['comments']['callback']['approve'] = 'wggalleryCommentsApprove';
$modversion['comments']['callback']['update'] = 'wggalleryCommentsUpdate';
// ------------------- Submenu ------------------- //
$currdirname = isset($GLOBALS['xoopsModule']) && is_object($GLOBALS['xoopsModule']) ? $GLOBALS['xoopsModule']->getVar('dirname') : 'system';
if ($moduleDirName == $currdirname) {
$subcount = 1;
$pathname = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/' . $moduleDirName;
$modversion['sub'][$subcount]['name'] = _MI_WGGALLERY_SMNAME1;
$modversion['sub'][$subcount]['url'] = 'index.php';
require_once $pathname . '/include/common.php';
/** @var \XoopsModules\Wggallery\Helper $helper */
$helper = \XoopsModules\Wggallery\Helper::getInstance();
$permissionsHandler = $helper->getHandler('Permissions');
if ($permissionsHandler->permGlobalSubmit() > 0) {
$modversion['sub'][$subcount]['name'] = _MI_WGGALLERY_SMNAME2;
$modversion['sub'][$subcount]['url'] = 'albums.php';
$modversion['sub'][$subcount]['name'] = _MI_WGGALLERY_SMNAME5;
$modversion['sub'][$subcount]['url'] = 'images.php?op=manage';
$modversion['sub'][$subcount]['name'] = _MI_WGGALLERY_SMNAME3;
$modversion['sub'][$subcount]['url'] = 'albums.php?op=new';
$modversion['sub'][$subcount]['name'] = _MI_WGGALLERY_SMNAME4;
$modversion['sub'][$subcount]['url'] = 'upload.php';
$modversion['sub'][$subcount]['name'] = _MI_WGGALLERY_SMNAME6;
$modversion['sub'][$subcount]['url'] = 'search.php';
// ------------------- Blocks ------------------- //
// Albums default block
$modversion['blocks'][] = [
'file' => 'albums.php',
'show_func' => 'b_wggallery_albums_show',
'edit_func' => 'b_wggallery_albums_edit',
'template' => $moduleDirName . '_block_albums_default.tpl',
'options' => 'default|4|0|20|0|20|1|1|0|0',
// Images
$modversion['blocks'][] = [
'file' => 'images.php',
'show_func' => 'b_wggallery_images_show',
'edit_func' => 'b_wggallery_images_edit',
'template' => $moduleDirName . '_block_images_default.tpl',
'options' => 'default|5|0|20|0|20|1|0',
// ------------------- Config ------------------- //
// group header
$modversion['config'][] = [
'name' => 'group_upload',
'description' => '',
'formtype' => 'line_break',
'valuetype' => 'textbox',
'default' => 'even',
'category' => 'group_header',
// Uploads : maxsize of image
require_once __DIR__ . '/include/xoops_version.inc.php';
$iniPostMaxSize = wggalleryReturnBytes(ini_get('post_max_size'));
$iniUploadMaxFileSize = wggalleryReturnBytes(ini_get('upload_max_filesize'));
$maxSize = min($iniPostMaxSize, $iniUploadMaxFileSize);
if ($maxSize > 10000 * 1048576) {
$increment = 500;
if ($maxSize <= 10000 * 1048576) {
$increment = 200;
if ($maxSize <= 5000 * 1048576) {
$increment = 100;
if ($maxSize <= 2500 * 1048576) {
$increment = 50;
if ($maxSize <= 1000 * 1048576) {
$increment = 20;
if ($maxSize <= 500 * 1048576) {
$increment = 10;
if ($maxSize <= 100 * 1048576) {
$increment = 2;
if ($maxSize <= 50 * 1048576) {
$increment = 1;
if ($maxSize <= 25 * 1048576) {
$increment = 0.5;
$optionMaxsize = [];
$i = $increment;
while ($i * 1048576 <= $maxSize) {
$optionMaxsize[$i . ' ' . _MI_WGGALLERY_SIZE_MB] = $i * 1048576;
$i += $increment;
$modversion['config'][] = [
'name' => 'maxsize',
'description' => '_MI_WGGALLERY_MAXSIZE_DESC',
'formtype' => 'select',
'valuetype' => 'int',
'default' => 10485760,
'options' => $optionMaxsize,
// Uploads : mimetypes of image
$modversion['config'][] = [
'name' => 'fileext',
'description' => '_MI_WGGALLERY_FILEEXT_DESC',
'formtype' => 'select_multi',
'valuetype' => 'array',
'default' => ['image/gif', 'image/jpeg', 'image/png'],
'options' => ['gif' => 'image/gif', 'jpeg, jpg, jpe' => 'image/jpeg', 'png' => 'image/png'],
// Uploads : max width of images for upload
$modversion['config'][] = [
'name' => 'maxwidth',
'description' => '_MI_WGGALLERY_MAXWIDTH_DESC',
'formtype' => 'textbox',
'valuetype' => 'int',
'default' => 8000,
// Uploads : max height of images for upload
$modversion['config'][] = [
'name' => 'maxheight',
'description' => '_MI_WGGALLERY_MAXHEIGHT_DESC',
'formtype' => 'textbox',
'valuetype' => 'int',
'default' => 8000,
// store original images
$modversion['config'][] = [
'name' => 'store_original',
'formtype' => 'yesno',
'valuetype' => 'int',
'default' => 0,
// group header
$modversion['config'][] = [
'name' => 'group_image',
'description' => '',
'formtype' => 'line_break',
'valuetype' => 'textbox',
'default' => 'even',
'category' => 'group_header',
// Uploads : max width for large images
$modversion['config'][] = [
'name' => 'maxwidth_large',
'formtype' => 'textbox',
'valuetype' => 'int',
'default' => 2000,
// Uploads : max height for large images
$modversion['config'][] = [
'name' => 'maxheight_large',
'formtype' => 'textbox',
'valuetype' => 'int',
'default' => 2000,
// Uploads : max width for medium images
$modversion['config'][] = [
'name' => 'maxwidth_medium',
'formtype' => 'textbox',
'valuetype' => 'int',
'default' => 1000,
// Uploads : max height for medium images
$modversion['config'][] = [
'name' => 'maxheight_medium',
'formtype' => 'textbox',
'valuetype' => 'int',
'default' => 1000,
// Uploads : max width for thumbs
$modversion['config'][] = [
'name' => 'maxwidth_thumbs',
'formtype' => 'textbox',
'valuetype' => 'int',
'default' => 100,
// Uploads : max height for thumbs
$modversion['config'][] = [
'name' => 'maxheight_thumbs',
'formtype' => 'textbox',
'valuetype' => 'int',
'default' => 100,
// Uploads : max width for album images
$modversion['config'][] = [
'name' => 'maxwidth_albimage',
'formtype' => 'textbox',
'valuetype' => 'int',
'default' => 800,
// Uploads : max height for album images
$modversion['config'][] = [
'name' => 'maxheight_albimage',
'formtype' => 'textbox',
'valuetype' => 'int',
'default' => 600,
// Exif : Store exif
$modversion['config'][] = [
'name' => 'store_exif',
'description' => '_MI_WGGALLERY_STOREEXIF_DESC',
'formtype' => 'yesno',
'valuetype' => 'int',
'default' => 1,
// Exif : extract tags
$modversion['config'][] = [
'name' => 'exif_tags',
'description' => '_MI_WGGALLERY_EXIF_TAGS_DESC',
'formtype' => 'select_multi',
'valuetype' => 'array',
'default' => ['none'],
'options' => [
'_CO_WGGALLERY_NONE' => 'none',
'_CO_WGGALLERY_EXIF_LENSMAKE' => 'UndefinedTag:0xA433',
'_CO_WGGALLERY_EXIF_LENSMODEL' => 'UndefinedTag:0xA434',
// group header
$modversion['config'][] = [
'name' => 'group_display',
'description' => '',
'formtype' => 'line_break',
'valuetype' => 'textbox',
'default' => 'even',
'category' => 'group_header',
// Admin pager
$modversion['config'][] = [
'name' => 'adminpager',
'description' => '_MI_WGGALLERY_ADMIN_PAGER_DESC',
'formtype' => 'textbox',
'valuetype' => 'int',
'default' => 10,
// User pager
$modversion['config'][] = [
'name' => 'userpager',
'description' => '_MI_WGGALLERY_USER_PAGER_DESC',
'formtype' => 'textbox',
'valuetype' => 'int',
'default' => 10,
// target for gallery page
$modversion['config'][] = [
'name' => 'gallery_target',
'formtype' => 'select',
'valuetype' => 'text',
'default' => '_self',
'options' => ['_MI_WGGALLERY_LINK_TARGET_SELF' => '_self', '_MI_WGGALLERY_LINK_TARGET_BLANK' => '_blank'],
// target for show single image
$modversion['config'][] = [
'name' => 'image_target',
'formtype' => 'select',
'valuetype' => 'text',
'default' => '_self',
// Panel by
$modversion['config'][] = [
'name' => 'panel_type',
'description' => '_MI_WGGALLERY_PANEL_TYPE_DESC',
'formtype' => 'select',
'valuetype' => 'text',
'default' => 'default',
'options' => ['default' => 'default', 'primary' => 'primary', 'success' => 'success', 'info' => 'info', 'warning' => 'warning', 'danger' => 'danger'],
// Show breadcrumb
$modversion['config'][] = [
'name' => 'show_breadcrumbs',
'formtype' => 'yesno',
'valuetype' => 'int',
'default' => 1,
// Show module name
$modversion['config'][] = [
'name' => 'show_bcrumb_mname',
'formtype' => 'yesno',
'valuetype' => 'int',
'default' => 1,
// Show copyright
$modversion['config'][] = [
'name' => 'show_copyright',
'formtype' => 'yesno',
'valuetype' => 'int',
'default' => 1,
* Make button text visible?
$modversion['config'][] = [
'name' => 'displayButtonText',
'formtype' => 'yesno',
'valuetype' => 'int',
'default' => 1,
// use categories for images/albums
$modversion['config'][] = [
'name' => 'use_categories',
'title' => '_MI_WGGALLERY_USE_CATS',
'description' => '_MI_WGGALLERY_USE_CATS_DESC',
'formtype' => 'yesno',
'valuetype' => 'int',
'default' => 1,
// use tags for images/albums
$modversion['config'][] = [
'name' => 'use_tags',
'title' => '_MI_WGGALLERY_USE_TAGS',
'description' => '_MI_WGGALLERY_USE_TAGS_DESC',
'formtype' => 'yesno',
'valuetype' => 'int',
'default' => 1,
// Exif : display exif infos
// the value must be exactly the exif name (case sensitive)
$modversion['config'][] = [
'name' => 'exif_types',
'description' => '_MI_WGGALLERY_EXIFTYPES_DESC',
'formtype' => 'select_multi',
'valuetype' => 'array',
'default' => ['FileName', 'FileDateTime', 'FileSize', 'MimeType', 'Make', 'Model', 'ExposureTime', 'FocalLength', 'DateTimeOriginal', 'ISOSpeedRatings', 'UndefinedTag:0xA433', 'UndefinedTag:0xA434'],
'options' => [
'_CO_WGGALLERY_EXIF_ISO' => 'ISOSpeedRatings',
'_CO_WGGALLERY_EXIF_LENSMAKE' => 'UndefinedTag:0xA433',
'_CO_WGGALLERY_EXIF_LENSMODEL' => 'UndefinedTag:0xA434',
// Rating bar
$modversion['config'][] = [
'name' => 'ratingbars',
'formtype' => 'select',
'valuetype' => 'int',
'default' => 0,
$group_handler = xoops_getHandler('group');
$group_arr = $group_handler->getObjects();
$ratingbar_groups = [];
foreach (array_keys($group_arr) as $i) {
$ratingbar_groups[$group_arr[$i]->getVar('name')] = $group_arr[$i]->getVar('groupid');
$modversion['config'][] = [
'name' => 'ratingbar_groups',
'formtype' => 'select_multi',
'valuetype' => 'array',
'default' => ['1'],
'options' => $ratingbar_groups,
* Make Sample button visible?
$modversion['config'][] = [
'name' => 'displaySampleButton',
'title' => 'CO_' . $moduleDirNameUpper . '_' . 'SHOW_SAMPLE_BUTTON',
'description' => 'CO_' . $moduleDirNameUpper . '_' . 'SHOW_SAMPLE_BUTTON_DESC',
'formtype' => 'yesno',
'valuetype' => 'int',
'default' => 1,
* Show Developer Tools?
/* $modversion['config'][] = [
'name' => 'displayDeveloperTools',
'title' => 'CO_' . $moduleDirNameUpper . '_' . 'SHOW_DEV_TOOLS',
'description' => 'CO_' . $moduleDirNameUpper . '_' . 'SHOW_DEV_TOOLS_DESC',
'formtype' => 'yesno',
'valuetype' => 'int',
'default' => 0,
]; */
// group header
$modversion['config'][] = [
'name' => 'group_misc',
'description' => '',
'formtype' => 'line_break',
'valuetype' => 'textbox',
'default' => 'even',
'category' => 'group_header',
// Editor desc
$editorHandlerDesc = \XoopsEditorHandler::getInstance();
$modversion['config'][] = [
'name' => 'editor',
'title' => '_MI_WGGALLERY_EDITOR',
'description' => '_MI_WGGALLERY_EDITOR_DESC',
'formtype' => 'select',
'valuetype' => 'text',
'default' => 'dhtmltextarea',
'options' => array_flip($editorHandlerDesc->getList()),
// Keywords
$modversion['config'][] = [
'name' => 'keywords',
'description' => '_MI_WGGALLERY_KEYWORDS_DESC',
'formtype' => 'textbox',
'valuetype' => 'text',
'default' => 'wggallery, albums, images',
// jquery
$modversion['config'][] = [
'name' => 'addjquery',
'description' => '_MI_WGGALLERY_ADDJQUERY_DESC',
'formtype' => 'yesno',
'valuetype' => 'int',
'default' => 0,
// Maintained by
$modversion['config'][] = [
'name' => 'maintainedby',
'formtype' => 'textbox',
'valuetype' => 'text',
'default' => 'https://xoops.wedega.com',
// ------------------- Notifications ------------------- //
$modversion['hasNotification'] = 1;
$modversion['notification']['lookup_file'] = 'include/notification.inc.php';
$modversion['notification']['lookup_func'] = 'wggallery_notify_iteminfo';
// Global Notify
$modversion['notification']['category'][] = [
'name' => 'global',
'description' => '',
'subscribe_from' => ['index.php'], //'subscribe_from' => ['index.php', 'albums.php', 'images.php'],
$modversion['notification']['category'][] = [
'name' => 'albums',
'description' => '',
'subscribe_from' => ['albums.php', 'images.php'],
'item_name' => 'alb_id',
'allow_bookmark' => 1,
$modversion['notification']['category'][] = [
'name' => 'images',
'description' => '',
'subscribe_from' => ['images.php'],
'item_name' => 'img_id',
'allow_bookmark' => 1,
// GLOBAL Events Notify Album New
$modversion['notification']['event'][] = [
'name' => 'album_new_all',
'category' => 'global',
'admin_only' => 0,
'description' => '',
'mail_template' => 'global_alb_new_notify',
// GLOBAL Events Notify about each modification of albums
$modversion['notification']['event'][] = [
'name' => 'album_modify_all',
'category' => 'global',
'admin_only' => 0,
'description' => '',
'mail_template' => 'global_alb_modify_notify',
// GLOBAL Events Notify Album Approved
$modversion['notification']['event'][] = [
'name' => 'album_approve_all',
'category' => 'global',
'admin_only' => 0,
'description' => '',
'mail_template' => 'global_alb_approve_notify',
// GLOBAL Events Notify about each deleting of albums
$modversion['notification']['event'][] = [
'name' => 'album_delete_all',
'category' => 'global',
'admin_only' => 0,
'description' => '',
'mail_template' => 'global_alb_delete_notify',
// GLOBAL Events Notify Album New
$modversion['notification']['event'][] = [
'name' => 'image_new_all',
'category' => 'global',
'admin_only' => 0,
'description' => '',
'mail_template' => 'global_img_new_notify',
// GLOBAL Events Notify Album New
$modversion['notification']['event'][] = [
'name' => 'image_delete_all',
'category' => 'global',
'admin_only' => 0,
'description' => '',
'mail_template' => 'global_img_new_notify',
// Album Events Notify about modification own albums
$modversion['notification']['event'][] = [
'name' => 'album_modify',
'category' => 'albums',
'admin_only' => 0,
'description' => '',
'mail_template' => 'global_alb_modify_notify',
// Album Events Notify about deleting this albums
$modversion['notification']['event'][] = [
'name' => 'album_delete',
'category' => 'albums',
'admin_only' => 0,
'description' => '',
'mail_template' => 'global_alb_delete_notify',
// Album Events Image new Notify
$modversion['notification']['event'][] = [
'name' => 'image_new',
'category' => 'albums',
'admin_only' => 0,
'description' => '',
'mail_template' => 'global_img_new_notify',
// Album Events Image approve Notify
$modversion['notification']['event'][] = [
'name' => 'image_approve',
'category' => 'albums',
'admin_only' => 0,
'description' => '',
'mail_template' => 'global_img_approve_notify',
// Album Events Image deleted Notify
$modversion['notification']['event'][] = [
'name' => 'image_delete',
'category' => 'albums',
'admin_only' => 0,
'description' => '',
'mail_template' => 'global_img_delete_notify',
// Global Events Image commented
$modversion['notification']['event'][] = [
'name' => 'image_comment_all',
'category' => 'global',
'admin_only' => 0,
'description' => '',
'mail_template' => 'global_img_comment_notify',
// Album Events Image commented
$modversion['notification']['event'][] = [
'name' => 'image_comment_alb',
'category' => 'albums',
'admin_only' => 0,
'description' => '',
'mail_template' => 'global_img_comment_notify',
// Image Events Image commented
$modversion['notification']['event'][] = [
'name' => 'image_comment',
'category' => 'images',
'admin_only' => 0,
'description' => '',
'mail_template' => 'global_img_comment_notify',