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* wgGallery module for xoops
* @copyright module for xoops
* @license GPL 2.0 or later
* @package wggallery
* @since 1.0
* @min_xoops 2.5.9
* @author Wedega - Email:<webmaster@wedega.com> - Website:<https://wedega.com>
* @version $Id: 1.0 blocks.php 1 Mon 2018-03-19 10:04:53Z XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org) $
// Admin Edit
define('_MB_WGGALLERY_BLOCKTYPE', 'Block type');
define('_MB_WGGALLERY_BLOCKTYPE_DEFAULT', 'Default (sorted by date descending)');
define('_MB_WGGALLERY_BLOCKTYPE_RECENT', 'Recent items');
define('_MB_WGGALLERY_BLOCKTYPE_RANDOM', 'Random items');
define('_MB_WGGALLERY_TITLE_SHOW', 'Show title');
define('_MB_WGGALLERY_TITLE_LENGTH', 'Title length (0 means no limit)');
define('_MB_WGGALLERY_DESC_SHOW', 'Show description');
define('_MB_WGGALLERY_DESC_LENGTH', 'Description length (0 means no limit)');
define('_MB_WGGALLERY_SHOW', 'Action after click on album');
define('_MB_WGGALLERY_SHOW_GALLERY', 'Show gallery (if a gallery type is selected)');
define('_MB_WGGALLERY_SHOW_INDEX', 'Show index page');
define('_MB_WGGALLERY_NUMB_ALBUMS', 'Number of albums for display in each row');
define('_MB_WGGALLERY_ALBUMS_DISPLAYLIST', 'How many albums to load for display list');
define('_MB_WGGALLERY_ALBUMS_TO_DISPLAY', 'Albums to display');
define('_MB_WGGALLERY_ALL_ALBUMS', "All albums with state 'online'");
define('_MB_WGGALLERY_IMAGES_DISPLAYLIST', 'How many images to load for display list');
define('_MB_WGGALLERY_ALBUMTYPES', 'Use following albumtype for display');
define('_MB_WGGALLERY_ALBUMTYPES_PRIMARY', 'Use primary albumtype');
define('_MB_WGGALLERY_ALBUMTYPES_OTHER', "Independent from primary albumtype use '%s' albumtype");
define('_MB_WGGALLERY_NUMB_IMAGES', 'Number of images for display in each row');