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File: admin/maintenance.php

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File: admin/maintenance.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: wgGallery
Image gallery module for XOOPS CMS
Author: By
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Date: 4 years ago
Size: 60,084 bytes


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<?php /* You may not change or alter any portion of this comment or credits of supporting developers from this source code or any supporting source code which is considered copyrighted (c) material of the original comment or credit authors. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. */ /** * wgGallery module for xoops * * @copyright module for xoops * @license GPL 2.0 or later * @package wggallery * @since 1.0 * @min_xoops 2.5.9 * @author Wedega - Email:<> - Website:<> * @version $Id: 1.0 albums.php 1 Mon 2018-03-19 10:04:49Z XOOPS Project ( $ */ use Xmf\Request; use XoopsModules\Wggallery; use XoopsModules\Wggallery\Constants; require __DIR__ . '/header.php'; //require_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/wggallery/include/imagehandler.php'; $op = Request::getString('op', 'list'); $albId = Request::getInt('alb_id'); // add scripts $GLOBALS['xoTheme']->addScript(XOOPS_URL . '/modules/wggallery/assets/js/admin.js'); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('wggallery_icon_url_16', WGGALLERY_ICONS_URL . '16/'); $maintainance_resize_desc = str_replace( ['%lw', '%lh', '%mw', '%mh', '%tw', '%th'], [ $helper->getConfig('maxwidth_large'), $helper->getConfig('maxheight_large'), $helper->getConfig('maxwidth_medium'), $helper->getConfig('maxheight_medium'), $helper->getConfig('maxwidth_thumbs'), $helper->getConfig('maxheight_thumbs'), ], _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_RESIZE_DESC ); $maintainance_dui_desc = str_replace('%p', WGGALLERY_UPLOAD_IMAGE_PATH, _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_DELETE_UNUSED_DESC); // exif $imagesCount = $imagesHandler->getCount(); $current = str_replace('%t', $imagesCount, _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_EXIF_CURRENT); $crImages = new \CriteriaCompo(); $crImages->add(new \Criteria('img_exif', '', 'IS NULL')); $imagesCountNull = $imagesHandler->getCount($crImages); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('exif_current', str_replace('%c', $imagesCountNull, $current)); switch ($op) { case 'reset_gt': case 'delete_reset_gt': if (isset($_REQUEST['ok']) && 1 == $_REQUEST['ok']) { if (!$GLOBALS['xoopsSecurity']->check()) { redirect_header('maintenance.php', 3, implode(', ', $GLOBALS['xoopsSecurity']->getErrors())); } $success = []; $errors = []; if ('delete_reset_gt' === $op) { // delete all existing gallerytypes $gallerytypesAll = $gallerytypesHandler->getAll(); foreach (array_keys($gallerytypesAll) as $i) { $gallerytypeObjDel = $gallerytypesHandler->get($gallerytypesAll[$i]->getVar('gt_id')); if ($gallerytypesHandler->delete($gallerytypeObjDel, true)) { $success[] = _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_SUCCESS_DELETE . $gallerytypeObjDel->getVar('gt_name'); } else { $errors[] = _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_ERROR_DELETE . $gallerytypeObjDel->getVar('gt_name'); unset($gallerytypeObjDel); } } } $gallerytypesHandler->gallerytypesCreateReset($success, $errors); $templateMain = 'wggallery_admin_maintenance.tpl'; $err_text = ''; if (count($errors) > 0) { foreach ($errors as $error) { $err_text .= '<br>' . $error; } } $success_text = ''; foreach ($success as $s) { if ('' !== $success_text) { $success_text .= '<br>'; } $success_text .= $s; } $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('result_success', $success_text); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('result_error', $err_text); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('show_gt', true); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('show_result', true); } elseif ('reset_gt' === $op) { xoops_confirm(['ok' => 1, 'op' => 'reset_gt'], $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_GT_SURERESET); } else { xoops_confirm(['ok' => 1, 'op' => 'delete_reset_gt'], $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_GT_SUREDELETE); } break; case 'reset_at': case 'delete_reset_at': if (isset($_REQUEST['ok']) && 1 == $_REQUEST['ok']) { if (!$GLOBALS['xoopsSecurity']->check()) { redirect_header('maintenance.php', 3, implode(', ', $GLOBALS['xoopsSecurity']->getErrors())); } $success = []; $errors = []; if ('delete_reset_at' === $op) { // delete all existing albumtypes $albumtypesAll = $albumtypesHandler->getAll(); foreach (array_keys($albumtypesAll) as $i) { $albumtypeObjDel = $albumtypesHandler->get($albumtypesAll[$i]->getVar('gt_id')); if ($albumtypesHandler->delete($albumtypeObjDel, true)) { $success[] = _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_SUCCESS_DELETE . $albumtypeObjDel->getVar('gt_name'); } else { $errors[] = _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_ERROR_DELETE . $albumtypeObjDel->getVar('gt_name'); } unset($albumtypeObjDel); } } $albumtypesHandler->albumtypesCreateReset($success, $errors); $templateMain = 'wggallery_admin_maintenance.tpl'; $err_text = ''; if (count($errors) > 0) { foreach ($errors as $error) { $err_text .= '<br>' . $error; } } $success_text = ''; foreach ($success as $s) { if ('' !== $success_text) { $success_text .= '<br>'; } $success_text .= $s; } $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('result_success', $success_text); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('result_error', $err_text); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('show_at', true); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('show_result', true); } elseif ('reset_at' === $op) { xoops_confirm(['ok' => 1, 'op' => 'reset_at'], $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_AT_SURERESET); } else { xoops_confirm(['ok' => 1, 'op' => 'delete_reset_at'], $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_AT_SUREDELETE); } break; case 'resize_album_select': // Get Theme Form xoops_load('XoopsFormLoader'); $form = new \XoopsThemeForm(_AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_RESIZE, 'form_resize', 'maintenance.php', 'post', true); $form->setExtra('enctype="multipart/form-data"'); // Form Select Parent Album $albumsHandler = $helper->getHandler('Albums'); $rAlbid = new \XoopsFormSelect(_AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_ALBUM_SELECT, 'resize_albid', 0); $rAlbid->addOption('', '&nbsp;'); $albumsAll = $albumsHandler->getAll(); foreach (array_keys($albumsAll) as $i) { $albName = $albumsAll[$i]->getVar('alb_name'); $albAlbPid = $albumsAll[$i]->getVar('alb_pid'); if ($albAlbPid > 0) { $albumsObj = $albumsHandler->get($albAlbPid); $albName .= ' (' . $albumsObj->getVar('alb_name') . ')'; } $rAlbid->addOption($albumsAll[$i]->getVar('alb_id'), $albName); } $form->addElement($rAlbid, true); unset($criteria); $rTargetSelect = new \XoopsFormRadio(_AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_RESIZE_SELECT, 'resize_target', 0); $rTargetSelect->addOption(Constants::IMAGE_ALL, _CO_WGGALLERY_IMAGE_ALL); $rTargetSelect->addOption(Constants::IMAGE_THUMB, _CO_WGGALLERY_IMAGE_THUMB); $rTargetSelect->addOption(Constants::IMAGE_MEDIUM, _CO_WGGALLERY_IMAGE_MEDIUM); $rTargetSelect->addOption(Constants::IMAGE_LARGE, _CO_WGGALLERY_IMAGE_LARGE); $form->addElement($rTargetSelect, true); $form->addElement(new \XoopsFormLabel('', _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_RESIZE_INFO)); $form->addElement(new \XoopsFormHidden('op', 'resize_album')); $form->addElement(new \XoopsFormButtonTray('', _SUBMIT, 'submit', '', false)); $form->display(); break; case 'resize_album': case 'resize_large': case 'resize_medium': case 'resize_thumb': $counter = 0; $success = 0; $errors = []; $resize_thumb = 0; $resize_medium = 0; $resize_large = 0; $img_original = false; $resize_target = Request::getInt('resize_target'); $resize_albid = Request::getInt('resize_albid', 0); if ('resize_thumb' === $op) { $resize_thumb = 1; } if ('resize_medium' === $op) { $resize_medium = 1; } if ('resize_large' === $op) { $resize_large = 1; } if ('resize_album' === $op) { if (Constants::IMAGE_ALL === $resize_target || Constants::IMAGE_THUMB === $resize_target) { $resize_thumb = 1; } if (Constants::IMAGE_ALL === $resize_target || Constants::IMAGE_MEDIUM === $resize_target) { $resize_medium = 1; } if (Constants::IMAGE_ALL === $resize_target || Constants::IMAGE_LARGE === $resize_target) { $resize_large = 1; } } $crImages = new \CriteriaCompo(); if ($resize_albid > 0) { $crImages->add(new \Criteria('img_albid', $resize_albid)); } $imagesCount = $imagesHandler->getCount($crImages); $imagesAll = $imagesHandler->getAll($crImages); if ($imagesCount > 0 && ($resize_thumb + $resize_medium + $resize_large) > 0) { foreach (array_keys($imagesAll) as $i) { $sourcefile = WGGALLERY_UPLOAD_IMAGE_PATH . '/original/' . $imagesAll[$i]->getVar('img_nameorig'); if (file_exists($sourcefile)) { $img_original = true; } else { $sourcefile = WGGALLERY_UPLOAD_IMAGE_PATH . '/large/' . $imagesAll[$i]->getVar('img_namelarge'); } if (file_exists($sourcefile)) { $counter++; if (1 === $resize_large && $img_original) { $maxwidth = $helper->getConfig('maxwidth_large'); $maxheight = $helper->getConfig('maxheight_large'); $target = WGGALLERY_UPLOAD_IMAGE_PATH . '/large/'; $endfile = $target . $imagesAll[$i]->getVar('img_namelarge'); $imageMimetype = $imagesAll[$i]->getVar('img_mimetype'); $imgHandler = new Wggallery\Resizer(); $imgHandler->sourceFile = $sourcefile; $imgHandler->endFile = $endfile; $imgHandler->imageMimetype = $imageMimetype; $imgHandler->maxWidth = $maxwidth; $imgHandler->maxHeight = $maxheight; $result = $imgHandler->resizeImage(); if ('copy' === $result) { unlink($endfile); copy($sourcefile, $endfile); $success++; } elseif ('Unsupported format' === $result) { $errors[] = _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_ERROR_RESIZE . $result . ' - ' . $imagesAll[$i]->getVar('img_namelarge'); } elseif ($result) { $success++; } else { $errors[] = _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_ERROR_RESIZE . $imagesAll[$i]->getVar('img_namelarge'); } } if (1 === $resize_medium) { $maxwidth = $helper->getConfig('maxwidth_medium'); $maxheight = $helper->getConfig('maxheight_medium'); $target = WGGALLERY_UPLOAD_IMAGE_PATH . '/medium/'; $endfile = $target . $imagesAll[$i]->getVar('img_name'); $imageMimetype = $imagesAll[$i]->getVar('img_mimetype'); $imgHandler = new Wggallery\Resizer(); $imgHandler->sourceFile = $sourcefile; $imgHandler->endFile = $endfile; $imgHandler->imageMimetype = $imageMimetype; $imgHandler->maxWidth = $maxwidth; $imgHandler->maxHeight = $maxheight; $result = $imgHandler->resizeImage(); if ('copy' === $result) { unlink($endfile); copy($sourcefile, $endfile); $success++; } elseif ('Unsupported format' === $result) { $errors[] = _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_ERROR_RESIZE . $result . ' - ' . $imagesAll[$i]->getVar('img_name'); } elseif ($result) { $success++; } else { $errors[] = _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_ERROR_RESIZE . $imagesAll[$i]->getVar('img_name'); } } if (1 === $resize_thumb) { $maxwidth = $helper->getConfig('maxwidth_thumbs'); $maxheight = $helper->getConfig('maxheight_thumbs'); $target = WGGALLERY_UPLOAD_IMAGE_PATH . '/thumbs/'; $endfile = $target . $imagesAll[$i]->getVar('img_name'); $imageMimetype = $imagesAll[$i]->getVar('img_mimetype'); $imgHandler = new Wggallery\Resizer(); $imgHandler->sourceFile = $sourcefile; $imgHandler->endFile = $endfile; $imgHandler->imageMimetype = $imageMimetype; $imgHandler->maxWidth = $maxwidth; $imgHandler->maxHeight = $maxheight; $result = $imgHandler->resizeImage(); if ('copy' === $result) { unlink($endfile); copy($sourcefile, $endfile); $success++; } elseif ('Unsupported format' === $result) { $errors[] = _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_ERROR_RESIZE . $result . ' - ' . $imagesAll[$i]->getVar('img_name'); } elseif ($result) { $success++; } else { $errors[] = _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_ERROR_RESIZE . $imagesAll[$i]->getVar('img_name'); } } } else { $errors[] = _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_ERROR_SOURCE . $sourcefile; } } } $templateMain = 'wggallery_admin_maintenance.tpl'; $err_text = ''; if (count($errors) > 0) { foreach ($errors as $error) { $err_text .= '<br>' . $error; } } $success_text = str_replace(['%s', '%t'], [$success, $counter], _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_SUCCESS_RESIZE); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('maintainance_resize_desc', $maintainance_resize_desc); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('result_success', $success_text); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('result_error', $err_text); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('show_resize', true); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('show_result', true); break; case 'delete_unused_images_show': $unused = []; $errors = []; $directory = WGGALLERY_UPLOAD_IMAGE_PATH . '/original'; if (false === getUnusedImages($unused, $directory)) { $errors[] = _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_ERROR_READDIR . $directory; } $directory = WGGALLERY_UPLOAD_IMAGE_PATH . '/large'; if (false === getUnusedImages($unused, $directory)) { $errors[] = _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_ERROR_READDIR . $directory; } $directory = WGGALLERY_UPLOAD_IMAGE_PATH . '/medium'; if (false === getUnusedImages($unused, $directory)) { $errors[] = _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_ERROR_READDIR . $directory; } $directory = WGGALLERY_UPLOAD_IMAGE_PATH . '/thumbs'; if (false === getUnusedImages($unused, $directory)) { $errors[] = _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_ERROR_READDIR . $directory; } $directory = WGGALLERY_UPLOAD_IMAGE_PATH . '/albums'; if (false === getUnusedImages($unused, $directory)) { $errors[] = _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_ERROR_READDIR . $directory; } $directory = WGGALLERY_UPLOAD_IMAGE_PATH . '/temp'; if (false === getUnusedImages($unused, $directory)) { $errors[] = _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_ERROR_READDIR . $directory; } $templateMain = 'wggallery_admin_maintenance.tpl'; $unused_text = ''; $err_text = ''; if (count($errors) > 0) { foreach ($errors as $error) { $err_text .= '<br>' . $error; } } if (count($unused) > 0) { foreach ($unused as $image) { if ('' !== $unused_text) { $unused_text .= '<br>'; } $unused_text .= $image['path']; } } else { $unused_text = _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_DELETE_UNUSED_NONE; } // $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('maintainance_resize_desc', $maintainance_resize_desc); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('maintainance_dui_desc', $maintainance_dui_desc); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('result_success', $unused_text); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('result_error', $err_text); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('show_unnused', true); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('show_result', true); break; case 'delete_unused_images': if (isset($_REQUEST['ok']) && 1 == $_REQUEST['ok']) { if (!$GLOBALS['xoopsSecurity']->check()) { redirect_header('maintenance.php', 3, implode(', ', $GLOBALS['xoopsSecurity']->getErrors())); } $success = []; $errors = []; $unused = []; $directory = WGGALLERY_UPLOAD_IMAGE_PATH . '/original'; if (false === getUnusedImages($unused, $directory)) { $errors[] = _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_ERROR_READDIR . $directory; } $directory = WGGALLERY_UPLOAD_IMAGE_PATH . '/large'; if (false === getUnusedImages($unused, $directory)) { $errors[] = _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_ERROR_READDIR . $directory; } $directory = WGGALLERY_UPLOAD_IMAGE_PATH . '/medium'; if (false === getUnusedImages($unused, $directory)) { $errors[] = _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_ERROR_READDIR . $directory; } $directory = WGGALLERY_UPLOAD_IMAGE_PATH . '/thumbs'; if (false === getUnusedImages($unused, $directory)) { $errors[] = _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_ERROR_READDIR . $directory; } $directory = WGGALLERY_UPLOAD_IMAGE_PATH . '/albums'; if (false === getUnusedImages($unused, $directory)) { $errors[] = _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_ERROR_READDIR . $directory; } $directory = WGGALLERY_UPLOAD_IMAGE_PATH . '/temp'; if (false === getUnusedImages($unused, $directory)) { $errors[] = _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_ERROR_READDIR . $directory; } if (count($unused) > 0) { foreach ($unused as $image) { unlink($image['path']); if (file_exists($image['path'])) { $errors[] = _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_ERROR_DELETE . $image['path']; } else { $success[] = _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_SUCCESS_DELETE . $image['path']; } } } $templateMain = 'wggallery_admin_maintenance.tpl'; $err_text = ''; if (count($errors) > 0) { foreach ($errors as $error) { $err_text .= '<br>' . $error; } } $success_text = ''; foreach ($success as $s) { if ('' !== $success_text) { $success_text .= '<br>'; } $success_text .= $s; } $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('maintainance_dui_desc', $maintainance_dui_desc); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('result_success', $success_text); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('result_error', $err_text); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('show_unnused', true); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('show_result', true); } else { xoops_confirm(['ok' => 1, 'op' => 'delete_unused_images'], $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_DUI_SUREDELETE); } break; case 'invalid_ratings_search': $templateMain = 'wggallery_admin_maintenance.tpl'; $success = []; $errors = []; $countTotal = 0; $crRatings = new \CriteriaCompo(); $crRatings->add(new \Criteria('rate_source', 1)); $ratingsCount = $ratingsHandler->getCount($crRatings); if ($ratingsCount > 0) { $ratingsAll = $ratingsHandler->getAll($crRatings); foreach (array_keys($ratingsAll) as $i) { $crImages = new \CriteriaCompo(); $crImages->add(new \Criteria('img_id', $ratingsAll[$i]->getVar('rate_itemid'))); $imagesCount = $imagesHandler->getCount($crImages); $countTotal++; if ($imagesCount > 0) { $success[] = $ratingsAll[$i]->getVar('rate_itemid'); } else { $errors[] = $ratingsAll[$i]->getVar('rate_itemid'); } } } $success_text = str_replace(['%e', '%s'], [count($errors), $countTotal], _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_INVALIDRATE_NUM); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('result_success', $success_text); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('result_error', $err_text); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('show_invalidrate', true); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('show_result', true); break; case 'invalid_ratings_clean': $templateMain = 'wggallery_admin_maintenance.tpl'; $success = []; $errors = []; $countTotal = 0; $crRatings = new \CriteriaCompo(); $crRatings->add(new \Criteria('rate_source', 1)); $ratingsCount = $ratingsHandler->getCount($crRatings); if ($ratingsCount > 0) { $ratingsAll = $ratingsHandler->getAll($crRatings); foreach (array_keys($ratingsAll) as $i) { $crImages = new \CriteriaCompo(); $crImages->add(new \Criteria('img_id', $ratingsAll[$i]->getVar('rate_itemid'))); $imagesCount = $imagesHandler->getCount($crImages); if (0 == $imagesCount) { $countTotal++; $ratingsObj = $ratingsHandler->get($ratingsAll[$i]->getVar('rate_id')); if ($ratingsHandler->delete($ratingsObj, true)) { $success[] = $ratingsAll[$i]->getVar('rate_itemid'); } else { $errors[] = $ratingsAll[$i]->getVar('rate_itemid'); } } } } $success_text = str_replace(['%s', '%t'], [count($success), $countTotal], _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_INVALIDRATE_RESULT); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('result_success', $success_text); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('show_invalidrate', true); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('show_result', true); break; case 'invalid_cats_clean': $templateMain = 'wggallery_admin_maintenance.tpl'; $success = []; $errors = []; $countTotal = 0; $crCheck = new \CriteriaCompo(); $crCheck->add(new \Criteria('alb_cats', '', '<>')); $albumsCount = $albumsHandler->getCount($crCheck); if ($albumsCount > 0) { $albumsAll = $albumsHandler->getAll($crCheck); foreach (array_keys($albumsAll) as $i) { $cats = unserialize($albumsAll[$i]->getVar('alb_cats')); if (is_array($cats)) { $cats_new = []; foreach ($cats as $cat) { $categoryObj = $categoriesHandler->get($cat); if (is_object($categoryObj)) { $cats_new[] = $cat; } } $albumsAll[$i]->setVar('alb_cats', serialize($cats_new)); $albumsHandler->insert($albumsAll[$i], true); $countTotal = $countTotal + count($cats) - count($cats_new); } } } unset($crCheck); $crCheck = new \CriteriaCompo(); $crCheck->add(new \Criteria('img_cats', '', '<>')); $imagesCount = $imagesHandler->getCount($crCheck); if ($imagesCount > 0) { $imagesAll = $imagesHandler->getAll($crCheck); foreach (array_keys($imagesAll) as $i) { $cats = unserialize($imagesAll[$i]->getVar('img_cats')); if (is_array($cats)) { $cats_new = []; foreach ($cats as $cat) { $categoryObj = $categoriesHandler->get($cat); if (is_object($categoryObj)) { $cats_new[] = $cat; } } $imagesAll[$i]->setVar('img_cats', serialize($cats_new)); $imagesHandler->insert($imagesAll[$i], true); $countTotal = $countTotal + count($cats) - count($cats_new); } } } unset($crCheck); $success_text = str_replace('%t', $countTotal, _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_INVALIDCATS_RESULT); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('result_success', $success_text); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('show_invalidcats', true); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('show_result', true); break; case 'invalid_images_search': $success = []; $errors = []; $crImages = new \CriteriaCompo(); $crImages->add(new \Criteria('img_name', '')); $imagesCount = $imagesHandler->getCount($crImages); if ($imagesCount > 0) { $imagesAll = $imagesHandler->getAll($crImages); foreach (array_keys($imagesAll) as $i) { $image = $imagesAll[$i]->getValuesImages(); $success[] = _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_DELETE_INVALID_IMG . $image['id']; unset($image); } } else { $errors[] = _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_IMG_SEARCHOK; } $templateMain = 'wggallery_admin_maintenance.tpl'; $err_text = ''; if (count($errors) > 0) { foreach ($errors as $error) { $err_text .= '<br>' . $error; } } $success_text = ''; foreach ($success as $s) { if ('' !== $success_text) { $success_text .= '<br>'; } $success_text .= $s; } $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('result_success', $success_text); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('result_error', $err_text); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('show_invalid', true); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('show_result', true); break; case 'invalid_images_clean': $success = []; $errors = []; $crImages = new \CriteriaCompo(); $crImages->add(new \Criteria('img_name', '')); //TODO have to be checked in case of invalid items $imagesCount = $imagesHandler->getCount($crImages); if ($imagesCount > 0) { $imagesAll = $imagesHandler->getAll($crImages); foreach (array_keys($imagesAll) as $i) { $image = $imagesAll[$i]->getValuesImages(); $imagesObj = $imagesHandler->get($image['img_id']); if ($imagesHandler->delete($imagesObj, true)) { $success[] = _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_SUCCESS_DELETE . ': ' . _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_DELETE_INVALID_IMG . $image['id']; } else { $errors[] = _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_ERROR_DELETE . ': ' . _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_DELETE_INVALID_IMG . $image['id']; } unset($imagesObj); unset($image); } } else { $errors[] = _CO_WGGALLERY_THEREARENT_IMAGES; } $templateMain = 'wggallery_admin_maintenance.tpl'; $err_text = ''; if (count($errors) > 0) { foreach ($errors as $error) { $err_text .= '<br>' . $error; } } $success_text = ''; foreach ($success as $s) { if ('' !== $success_text) { $success_text .= '<br>'; } $success_text .= $s; } $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('result_success', $success_text); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('result_error', $err_text); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('show_invalid', true); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('show_result', true); break; case 'watermark_select': // Get Theme Form xoops_load('XoopsFormLoader'); $form = new \XoopsThemeForm(_AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_WATERMARK, 'form', 'maintenance.php', 'post', true); $form->setExtra('enctype="multipart/form-data"'); // Form Select Parent Album $albumsHandler = $helper->getHandler('Albums'); $wmAlbid = new \XoopsFormSelect(_AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_ALBUM_SELECT, 'wm_albid', 0); $wmAlbid->addOption('', '&nbsp;'); $albumsAll = $albumsHandler->getAll(); foreach (array_keys($albumsAll) as $i) { $albName = $albumsAll[$i]->getVar('alb_name'); $albAlbPid = $albumsAll[$i]->getVar('alb_pid'); if ($albAlbPid > 0) { $albumsObj = $albumsHandler->get($albAlbPid); $albName .= ' (' . $albumsObj->getVar('alb_name') . ')'; } $wmAlbid->addOption($albumsAll[$i]->getVar('alb_id'), $albName); } $form->addElement($wmAlbid, true); unset($criteria); // Form Select Album watermark $watermarksHandler = $helper->getHandler('Watermarks'); $albWidSelect = new \XoopsFormSelect(_CO_WGGALLERY_WATERMARK, 'wm_id', 0); $albWidSelect->addOption('', '&nbsp;'); $criteria = new \CriteriaCompo(); $criteria->add(new \Criteria('wm_usage', Constants::WATERMARK_USAGENONE, '>')); $countWm = $watermarksHandler->getCount($criteria); if ($countWm > 0) { $albWidSelect->addOptionArray($watermarksHandler->getList($criteria)); } $form->addElement($albWidSelect, true); unset($criteria); $wmTargetSelect = new \XoopsFormRadio(_CO_WGGALLERY_WATERMARK_TARGET, 'wm_target', 0); $wmTargetSelect->addOption(Constants::WATERMARK_TARGET_A, _CO_WGGALLERY_WATERMARK_TARGET_A); $wmTargetSelect->addOption(Constants::WATERMARK_TARGET_M, _CO_WGGALLERY_WATERMARK_TARGET_M); $wmTargetSelect->addOption(Constants::WATERMARK_TARGET_L, _CO_WGGALLERY_WATERMARK_TARGET_L); $form->addElement($wmTargetSelect, true); $form->addElement(new \XoopsFormHidden('op', 'watermark_add')); $form->addElement(new \XoopsFormButtonTray('', _SUBMIT, 'submit', '', false)); $form->display(); break; case 'watermark_add': $wmAlbid = Request::getInt('wm_albid'); $wmId = Request::getInt('wm_id'); $wmTarget = Request::getInt('wm_target'); $success = []; $errors = []; $crImages = new \CriteriaCompo(); $crImages->add(new \Criteria('img_albid', $wmAlbid)); $imagesCount = $imagesHandler->getCount($crImages); if ($imagesCount > 0) { $imagesAll = $imagesHandler->getAll($crImages); foreach (array_keys($imagesAll) as $i) { $image = $imagesAll[$i]->getValuesImages(); if (Constants::WATERMARK_TARGET_A === $wmTarget || Constants::WATERMARK_TARGET_M === $wmTarget) { $imgWm = WGGALLERY_UPLOAD_IMAGE_PATH . '/medium/' . $image['img_name']; $resWm = $watermarksHandler->watermarkImage($wmId, $imgWm, $imgWm); if (true === $resWm) { $success[] = _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_SUCCESS_CREATE . $imgWm; } else { $errors[] = _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_ERROR_CREATE . $imgWm . ' - ' . $resWm; } } if (Constants::WATERMARK_TARGET_A === $wmTarget || Constants::WATERMARK_TARGET_L === $wmTarget) { $imgWm = WGGALLERY_UPLOAD_IMAGE_PATH . '/large/' . $image['img_namelarge']; $resWm = $watermarksHandler->watermarkImage($wmId, $imgWm, $imgWm); if (true === $resWm) { $success[] = _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_SUCCESS_CREATE . $imgWm; } else { $errors[] = _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_ERROR_CREATE . $imgWm . ' - ' . $resWm; } } unset($image); } } else { $errors[] = _CO_WGGALLERY_THEREARENT_IMAGES; } $templateMain = 'wggallery_admin_maintenance.tpl'; $err_text = ''; if (count($errors) > 0) { $err_text = '<ul>'; foreach ($errors as $error) { $err_text .= '<li>' . $error . '</li>'; } $err_text .= '</ul>'; } $success_text = '<ul>'; foreach ($success as $s) { $success_text .= '<li>' . $s . '</li>'; } $success_text .= '</ul>'; $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('result_success', $success_text); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('result_error', $err_text); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('show_result', true); break; case 'broken_imgdir_search': $success = []; $errors = []; $imagesCount = $imagesHandler->getCount(); if ($imagesCount > 0) { $imagesAll = $imagesHandler->getAll(); foreach (array_keys($imagesAll) as $i) { $image = $imagesAll[$i]->getValuesImages(); $imgWm = WGGALLERY_UPLOAD_IMAGE_PATH . '/medium/' . $image['img_name']; if (!file_exists($imgWm)) { $success[] = $imgWm; } unset($image); } } else { $errors[] = _CO_WGGALLERY_THEREARENT_IMAGES; } $templateMain = 'wggallery_admin_maintenance.tpl'; $err_text = ''; if (count($errors) > 0) { $err_text = '<ul>'; foreach ($errors as $error) { $err_text .= '<li>' . $error . '</li>'; } $err_text .= '</ul>'; } if (count($success) > 0) { $success_text = '<ul>'; foreach ($success as $s) { $success_text .= '<li>' . $s . '</li>'; } $success_text .= '</ul>'; } else { $success_text = _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_IMG_SEARCHOK; } $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('result_success', $success_text); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('result_error', $err_text); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('show_imgdir', true); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('show_result', true); break; case 'broken_imgdir_clean': $success = []; $errors = []; $imagesCount = $imagesHandler->getCount(); if ($imagesCount > 0) { $imagesAll = $imagesHandler->getAll(); foreach (array_keys($imagesAll) as $i) { $image = $imagesAll[$i]->getValuesImages(); $imgWm = WGGALLERY_UPLOAD_IMAGE_PATH . '/medium/' . $image['img_name']; if (!file_exists($imgWm)) { $imagesObj = $imagesHandler->get($image['img_id']); if ($imagesHandler->delete($imagesObj, true)) { $success[] = _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_SUCCESS_DELETE . $image['img_name']; } else { $errors[] = _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_ERROR_DELETE . $image['img_name']; } } unset($image); } } else { $errors[] = _CO_WGGALLERY_THEREARENT_IMAGES; } $templateMain = 'wggallery_admin_maintenance.tpl'; $err_text = ''; if (count($errors) > 0) { $err_text = '<ul>'; foreach ($errors as $error) { $err_text .= '<li>' . $error . '</li>'; } $err_text .= '</ul>'; } if (count($success) > 0) { $success_text = '<ul>'; foreach ($success as $s) { $success_text .= '<li>' . $s . '</li>'; } $success_text .= '</ul>'; } else { $success_text = '<ul>'; } $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('result_success', $success_text); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('result_error', $err_text); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('show_imgdir', true); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('show_result', true); break; case 'broken_imgalb_search': $success = []; $errors = []; $imagesCount = $imagesHandler->getCount(); if ($imagesCount > 0) { $imagesAll = $imagesHandler->getAll(); foreach (array_keys($imagesAll) as $i) { $image = $imagesAll[$i]->getValuesImages(); $crAlbums = new \CriteriaCompo(); $crAlbums->add(new \Criteria('alb_id', $image['img_albid'])); $albumsCount = $albumsHandler->getCount($crAlbums); if (0 == $albumsCount) { $success[] = $image['img_name']; } unset($image); } } else { $errors[] = _CO_WGGALLERY_THEREARENT_IMAGES; } $templateMain = 'wggallery_admin_maintenance.tpl'; $err_text = ''; if (count($errors) > 0) { $err_text = '<ul>'; foreach ($errors as $error) { $err_text .= '<li>' . $error . '</li>'; } $err_text .= '</ul>'; } if (count($success) > 0) { $success_text = '<ul>'; foreach ($success as $s) { $success_text .= '<li>' . $s . '</li>'; } $success_text .= '</ul>'; } else { $success_text = _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_IMG_SEARCHOK; } $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('result_success', $success_text); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('result_error', $err_text); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('show_imgalb', true); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('show_result', true); break; case 'broken_imgalb_clean': $success = []; $errors = []; $imagesCount = $imagesHandler->getCount(); if ($imagesCount > 0) { $imagesAll = $imagesHandler->getAll(); foreach (array_keys($imagesAll) as $i) { $image = $imagesAll[$i]->getValuesImages(); $crAlbums = new \CriteriaCompo(); $crAlbums->add(new \Criteria('alb_id', $image['img_albid'])); $albumsCount = $albumsHandler->getCount($crAlbums); if (0 == $albumsCount) { $imagesObj = $imagesHandler->get($image['img_id']); if ($imagesHandler->delete($imagesObj, true)) { $success[] = _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_SUCCESS_DELETE . $image['img_name']; } else { $errors[] = _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_ERROR_DELETE . $image['img_name']; } } unset($image); } } else { $errors[] = _CO_WGGALLERY_THEREARENT_IMAGES; } $templateMain = 'wggallery_admin_maintenance.tpl'; $err_text = ''; if (count($errors) > 0) { $err_text = '<ul>'; foreach ($errors as $error) { $err_text .= '<li>' . $error . '</li>'; } $err_text .= '</ul>'; } if (count($success) > 0) { $success_text = '<ul>'; foreach ($success as $s) { $success_text .= '<li>' . $s . '</li>'; } $success_text .= '</ul>'; } else { $success_text = _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_IMG_SEARCHOK; } $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('result_success', $success_text); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('result_error', $err_text); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('show_imgalb', true); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('show_result', true); break; case 'delete_exif': $strSQL = 'UPDATE `' . $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('wggallery_images') . '` SET `img_exif` = NULL;'; $ret = $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->queryF($strSQL); $templateMain = 'wggallery_admin_maintenance.tpl'; $err_text = ''; if ($ret) { $success_text = _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_DELETE_EXIF_SUCCESS; } else { $$err_text = _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_DELETE_EXIF_ERROR; } // $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('maintainance_resize_desc', $maintainance_resize_desc); // $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('maintainance_dui_desc', $maintainance_dui_desc); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('result_success', $success_text); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('result_error', $err_text); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('show_exif', true); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('show_result', true); break; case 'read_exif': case 'read_exifall': $strSQL = 'UPDATE `' . $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('wggallery_images') . "` SET `img_exif` = NULL WHERE `img_exif`='';"; $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->queryF($strSQL); if ('read_exifall' === $op) { $strSQL = 'UPDATE `' . $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('wggallery_images') . '` SET `img_exif` = NULL;'; $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->queryF($strSQL); } $success = []; $errors = []; $crImages = new \CriteriaCompo(); $crImages->add(new \Criteria('img_exif', '', 'IS NULL')); $imagesCount = $imagesHandler->getCount($crImages); if ($imagesCount > 0) { $counter = 0; do { $crImages->setStart($counter); $crImages->setLimit(1000); $imagesAll = $imagesHandler->getAll($crImages); foreach (array_keys($imagesAll) as $i) { $counter++; $image = $imagesAll[$i]->getValuesImages(); $imagesObj = $imagesHandler->get($image['img_id']); $sourcefile = WGGALLERY_UPLOAD_IMAGE_PATH . '/original/' . $imagesAll[$i]->getVar('img_nameorig'); if (!file_exists($sourcefile)) { $sourcefile = WGGALLERY_UPLOAD_IMAGE_PATH . '/large/' . $imagesAll[$i]->getVar('img_namelarge'); } $imgExif = $imagesHandler->exifRead($sourcefile); $imagesObj->setVar('img_exif', json_encode($imgExif)); if ($imagesHandler->insert($imagesObj, true)) { $success[] = _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_READ_EXIF_SUCCESS . ': ' . $image['img_id']; } else { $errors[] = _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_READ_EXIF_ERROR . ': ' . $image['img_id']; } unset($imagesObj); unset($image); } unset($imagesAll); } while ($counter < $imagesCount); } $templateMain = 'wggallery_admin_maintenance.tpl'; $err_text = ''; if (count($errors) > 0) { $err_text = '<ul>'; foreach ($errors as $error) { $err_text .= '<li>' . $error . '</li>'; } $err_text .= '</ul>'; } if (count($success) > 0) { $success_text = '<ul>'; foreach ($success as $s) { $success_text .= '<li>' . $s . '</li>'; } $success_text .= '</ul>'; } else { $success_text = _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_READ_EXIF_SUCCESS; } // $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('maintainance_resize_desc', $maintainance_resize_desc); // $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('maintainance_dui_desc', $maintainance_dui_desc); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('result_success', $success_text); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('result_error', $err_text); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('show_exif', true); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('show_result', true); break; case 'system_check': $GLOBALS['xoTheme']->addStylesheet($style, null); $templateMain = 'wggallery_admin_maintenance.tpl'; $system_check = []; // system checks // file_uploads Bestimmt, ob Datei-Uploads per HTTP erlaubt sind $type = str_replace('%s', 'file_uploads', _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_CHECK_TYPE); $value_fu_ini = ini_get('file_uploads'); $result1 = _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_CHECK_FU_DESC; $result2 = ''; if ($value_fu_ini > 0) { $change = false; $result1 .= _YES; $solve = ''; } else { $change = true; $result1 .= _NO; $solve = _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_CHECK_MS_ERROR2; } $system_check[] = ['type' => $type, 'info1' => _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_CHECK_FU_INFO, 'result1' => $result1, 'change' => $change, 'solve' => $solve]; // post_max_size $type = str_replace('%s', 'post_max_size', _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_CHECK_TYPE); $value_ini = ini_get('post_max_size'); $value_pms_php = returnCleanBytes($value_ini); $maxsize_module = $helper->getConfig('maxsize'); $result1 = str_replace(['%s', '%b'], [$value_ini, $value_pms_php], _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_CHECK_PMS_DESC); $result2 = str_replace('%s', $maxsize_module, _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_CHECK_MS_DESC); $change = false; $solve = ''; if ($maxsize_module > $value_pms_php) { $change = true; $solve = _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_CHECK_MS_ERROR1; } $system_check[] = ['type' => $type, 'info1' => _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_CHECK_PMS_INFO, 'result1' => $result1, 'result2' => $result2, 'change' => $change, 'solve' => $solve]; // upload_max_filesize $type = str_replace('%s', 'upload_max_filesize', _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_CHECK_TYPE); $value_ini = ini_get('upload_max_filesize'); $value_umf_php = returnCleanBytes($value_ini); $result1 = str_replace(['%s', '%b'], [$value_ini, $value_umf_php], _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_CHECK_UMF_DESC); $result2 = str_replace('%s', $maxsize_module, _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_CHECK_MS_DESC); $change = false; $solve = ''; if ($maxsize_module > $value_umf_php) { $change = true; $solve = _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_CHECK_MS_ERROR1; } $system_check[] = ['type' => $type, 'info1' => _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_CHECK_UMF_INFO, 'result1' => $result1, 'result2' => $result2, 'change' => $change, 'solve' => $solve]; // memory_limit $type = str_replace('%s', 'memory_limit', _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_CHECK_TYPE); $value_ini = ini_get('memory_limit'); $value_ml_php = returnCleanBytes($value_ini); $result1 = str_replace(['%s', '%b'], [$value_ini, $value_ml_php], _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_CHECK_ML_DESC); $result2 = ''; $change = false; $solve = ''; if ($value_pms_php > $value_ml_php || $value_umf_php > $value_ml_php) { $change = true; $solve = _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_CHECK_MS_ERROR3; } $system_check[] = ['type' => $type, 'info1' => _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_CHECK_ML_INFO1, 'info2' => _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_CHECK_ML_INFO2, 'result1' => $result1, 'change' => $change, 'solve' => $solve]; $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('system_check', $system_check); break; case 'mimetypes_search': case 'mimetypes_clean': $success = []; $errors = []; $imgMimetype = ''; $result = false; $fileextions = $helper->getConfig('fileext'); $imagesCount = $imagesHandler->getCount(); if ($imagesCount > 0) { $imagesAll = $imagesHandler->getAll(); foreach (array_keys($imagesAll) as $i) { $image = $imagesAll[$i]->getValuesImages(); if ('mimetypes_search' === $op) { $imgMimetype = $image['img_mimetype']; $result = in_array($imgMimetype, $fileextions); if ($result) { $success[] = $image['img_name']; } else { $errors[] = $image['img_name'] . ' - ' . _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_CHECK_MT_ERROR . ': ' . $image['img_mimetype']; } } if ('mimetypes_clean' === $op) { $imgMimetype = $image['img_mimetype']; $result = in_array($imgMimetype, $fileextions); if ($result) { $success[] = _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_CHECK_MT_SUCCESSOK . ': ' . $image['img_name']; } else { $imagesObj = $imagesHandler->get($image['img_id']); $imgLarge = WGGALLERY_UPLOAD_IMAGE_PATH . '/large/' . $image['img_namelarge']; $imgMimetype = mime_content_type($imgLarge); $imagesObj->setVar('img_mimetype', $imgMimetype); if ($imagesHandler->insert($imagesObj, true)) { $success[] = _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_CHECK_MT_SAVESUCCESS . ': ' . $image['img_name']; } else { $errors[] = _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_CHECK_MT_SAVEERROR . ': ' . $image['img_name']; } unset($imagesObj); } } unset($image); } } $templateMain = 'wggallery_admin_maintenance.tpl'; $err_text = ''; if (count($errors) > 0) { $err_text = '<ul>'; foreach ($errors as $error) { $err_text .= '<li>' . $error . '</li>'; } $err_text .= '</ul>'; } if ('mimetypes_search' === $op) { $success_text = str_replace(['%s', '%t'], [count($success), $imagesCount], _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_CHECK_MT_SUCCESS); } else { $success_text = '<ul>'; foreach ($success as $s) { $success_text .= '<li>' . $s . '</li>'; } $success_text .= '</ul>'; } $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('result_success', $success_text); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('result_error', $err_text); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('show_mimetypes', true); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('show_result', true); break; case 'check_space': $success = []; $errors = []; $path = WGGALLERY_UPLOAD_IMAGE_PATH . '/albums'; $disk_used = wgg_foldersize($path); $success[] = $path . ': ' . wgg_format_size($disk_used); $path = WGGALLERY_UPLOAD_IMAGE_PATH . '/large'; $disk_used = wgg_foldersize($path); $success[] = $path . ': ' . wgg_format_size($disk_used); $path = WGGALLERY_UPLOAD_IMAGE_PATH . '/medium'; $disk_used = wgg_foldersize($path); $success[] = $path . ': ' . wgg_format_size($disk_used); $path = WGGALLERY_UPLOAD_IMAGE_PATH . '/thumbs'; $disk_used = wgg_foldersize($path); $success[] = $path . ': ' . wgg_format_size($disk_used); $path = WGGALLERY_UPLOAD_IMAGE_PATH . '/temp'; $disk_used = wgg_foldersize($path); $success[] = $path . ': ' . wgg_format_size($disk_used); $templateMain = 'wggallery_admin_maintenance.tpl'; $err_text = ''; if (count($errors) > 0) { $err_text = '<ul>'; foreach ($errors as $error) { $err_text .= '<li>' . $error . '</li>'; } $err_text .= '</ul>'; } if (count($success) > 0) { $success_text = '<ul>'; foreach ($success as $s) { $success_text .= '<li>' . $s . '</li>'; } $success_text .= '</ul>'; } $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('result_success', $success_text); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('result_error', $err_text); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('show_checkspace', true); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('show_result', true); break; case 'list': default: $templateMain = 'wggallery_admin_maintenance.tpl'; $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('maintainance_resize_desc', $maintainance_resize_desc); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('maintainance_dui_desc', $maintainance_dui_desc); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('show_check', true); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('show_gt', true); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('show_at', true); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('show_resize', true); // $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('show_invalid', true); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('show_unnused', true); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('show_imgdir', true); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('show_imgalb', true); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('show_wm', true); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('show_exif', true); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('show_mimetypes', true); $maintainance_cs_desc = str_replace('%p', WGGALLERY_UPLOAD_IMAGE_PATH, _AM_WGGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_CHECK_SPACE_DESC); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('maintainance_cs_desc', $maintainance_cs_desc); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('show_checkspace', true); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('show_invalidrate', true); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('show_invalidcats', true); break; } /** * @param $val * @return float|int */ function returnCleanBytes($val) { switch (mb_substr($val, -1)) { case 'K': case 'k': return (int)$val * 1024; case 'M': case 'm': return (int)$val * 1048576; case 'G': case 'g': return (int)$val * 1073741824; default: return $val; } } /** * get unused images of given directory * @param array $unused * @param string $directory * @return bool */ function getUnusedImages(&$unused, $directory) { // Get instance of module /** @var \XoopsModules\Wggallery\Helper $helper */ $helper = \XoopsModules\Wggallery\Helper::getInstance(); $imagesHandler = $helper->getHandler('Images'); $albumsHandler = $helper->getHandler('Albums'); if (is_dir($directory)) { $handle = opendir($directory); if ($handle) { while (false !== ($entry = readdir($handle))) { switch ($entry) { case 'blank.gif': case 'index.html': case 'noimage.png': case '..': case '.': break; case 'default': default: if (WGGALLERY_UPLOAD_IMAGE_PATH . '/temp' === $directory) { $unused[] = ['name' => $entry, 'path' => $directory . '/' . $entry]; } else { $crImages = new \CriteriaCompo(); $crImages->add(new \Criteria('img_name', $entry)); $crImages->add(new \Criteria('img_namelarge', $entry), 'OR'); $crImages->add(new \Criteria('img_nameorig', $entry), 'OR'); $imagesCount = $imagesHandler->getCount($crImages); $crAlbums = new \CriteriaCompo(); $crAlbums->add(new \Criteria('alb_image', $entry)); $imagesCount += $albumsHandler->getCount($crAlbums); if (0 == $imagesCount) { $unused[] = ['name' => $entry, 'path' => $directory . '/' . $entry]; } unset($crImages); unset($crAlbums); } break; } } closedir($handle); } else { return false; } } else { return false; } return true; } /** * get size of given directory * @param string $path * @return int */ function wgg_foldersize($path) { $total_size = 0; $files = scandir($path); foreach ($files as $t) { if (is_dir(rtrim($path, '/') . '/' . $t)) { if ('.' != $t && '..' != $t) { $size = wgg_foldersize(rtrim($path, '/') . '/' . $t); $total_size += $size; } } else { $size = filesize(rtrim($path, '/') . '/' . $t); $total_size += $size; } } return $total_size; } /** * format size * @param int $size * @return string */ function wgg_format_size($size) { $mod = 1024; $units = explode(' ', 'B KB MB GB TB PB'); for ($i = 0; $size > $mod; $i++) { $size /= $mod; } return round($size, 2) . ' ' . $units[$i]; } require __DIR__ . '/footer.php';