* @file
* Template for the NBG Currency block.
* Available variables:
* - currency_data: Array of currency data.
* - module_path: Path to module.
{% if currency_data is empty %}
<h1>{{ 'The list of currencies is empty.'|trans }}</h1>
{% else %}
{% for k, v in currency_data %}
{% if v.rate == -1 %}
{% set change_class = 'nbg-currency-decreased' %}
{% set change_status = 'Decreased by %change%' %}
{% elseif v.rate == 1 %}
{% set change_class = 'nbg-currency-increased' %}
{% set change_status = 'Increased by %change%' %}
{% else %}
{% set change_class = null %}
{% set change_status = 'Unchanged' %}
{% endif %}
<td title="{{ v.title }}" class="nbg-currency-td-flag">
<img src="/{{ module_path }}/images/flags/{{ k|lower }}.png" alt="{{ k }}">
<td title="{{ v.description|trans }}">{{ v.currency }}</td>
<td class="{{ change_class }}"
title="{{ change_status|trans({ '%change%': v.change|abs })|striptags }}">
{{ v.change }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}