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File: pagination.php

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  Classes of John Doe  >  Simple pagination MySQL  >  pagination.php  >  Download  
File: pagination.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: How to use the class
Class: Simple pagination MySQL
Show MySQL query results split in multiple pages
Author: By
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Date: 2008-07-14 01:41
Size: 2,788 bytes


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include 'pageination.class.php';

$db_info = array( 'hostname' => 'localhost',          // Mysql server hostname 90% this will be localhost 
'username' => 'user',               // Your mysql username
'password' =>'pass',              // Your mysql password
'database' => 'db',              // Mysql database name this is not same with the tablename !
'table' => 'table'                  // Mysql tablename goes here
$dis_info = array('results_per_page' => '10',         // How much results you want to be displayed on one page 
'numbers' => '8'                    // How much you want digits pageination bar should have 
);                                  //    Back 1 2 3 4 Next  >> this is 4 digits
                                                        //    Back 1 2 3 4 5 Next  >> this is 5 digits                
$col_info = array('colnameX' => 'all');                  // Which columns you want to be displayed if youre not sure
                                                      // leave it like this , if you want specific columns edit 
                                                      // the one bellow 
                                                      //$col_info = array (   '0' => 'col1',
                                                      //                       '1' => 'col2',
                                                      //                       '2' => 'col3',
                                                      //                       '3' => 'col4',
                                                      //                   );

$MAKE = new Pageination;
$MAKE->connect_info $db_info;
$MAKE->display_data $dis_info;
$MAKE->selected_columns $col_info;

$MAKE->GetMysqlData("SELECT * FROM  $db_info[table] ");   // You can put your mysql query here but instead the table name
                                                          // use  $db_info[table]  
