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File: SODA/drivers/driver_pg.php

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File: SODA/drivers/driver_pg.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Postgresql driver
Class: SODA
Database abstraction layer that encrypt data
Author: By
Last change: new version 1.1
Date: 16 years ago
Size: 11,775 bytes


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<?php /** * Postgresql Driver file * @package SODA * @ignore */ ini_set('display_errors',1); error_reporting(E_ALL); /** * driver_pg.php, extends SODA * This class permit to manipulate postgresql databases * @package SODA * @subpackage drivers * @author Salvan Gregory <> * @version 1.1 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008, Gregory Salvan * @license GNU Public License */ final class driver_pg extends SODA { /* * Protected constructor * Because of the singleton pattern $this===parent::$instance */ protected function __construct($nom='',$pw='',$dbname='',$srv='localhost',$opt=array('_persistant'=>false)) { $this->init_this(); $this->_user=$nom; $this->_pwd=$pw; $this->_server=$srv; $this->_dbname=$dbname; $this->_driver='driver_pg'; $this->_dbtype='pg'; if (is_array($opt)){ foreach ($opt as $key=>$val) { $this->$key=$val; } } } /*--------------------------------------------------------------- * overloaded functions: ---------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * we override the parent static constructor * */ public static function create($dbtype='pg',$nom='',$pw='',$dbname='',$srv='localhost',$opt=array('_persistant'=>false)) { return parent::create($dbtype,$nom,$pw,$dbname,$srv,$opt); } /** * Opens the connection to the Data Base * */ public function connect() { $con="host=".$this->_server." user=".$this->_user." password=".$this->_pwd; if (isset($this->_dbname))$con.=" dbname=".$this->_dbname; if (isset($this->_hostaddr))$con.=" hostaddr=".$this->_hostaddr; if (isset($this->_port))$con.=" port=".$this->_port; if (isset($this->_connect_timeout))$con.=" connect_timeout=".$this->_connect_timeout; if (isset($this->_options))$con.=" options=".$this->_options; if (isset($this->_tty))$con.=" tty=".$this->_tty; if (isset($this->_sslmode))$con.=" sslmode=".$this->_sslmode; if (isset($this->_service))$con.=" service=".$this->_service; $this->_connected=false; if ($this->_persistant){ $this->_connection=@pg_pconnect($con); } else { $this->_connection=@pg_connect($con); } if ($this->_connection==false)$this->_connected=false; else { $this->_connected=true; } $this->_select_db=@pg_dbname()!=false; if (!$this->_connected){ $this->_errors[]='Connection Error'; } return $this->_connected; } /** * Closes the connection to the Data Base * */ public function close() { @pg_close($this->_connection); $this->_connected=false; unset($this->_connection); $this->_select_db=false; } /** * Selects a Data Base * */ public function select_db($name) { $this->_dbname=$name; $this->connect(); if (!$this->_select_db) $this->close(); return $this->_select_db; } /** * Execute a query and return datas or false * A property with the name or index $rname is created to store the request * @param $sql string sql requests * @param $rname int|string name or index of the request * @param $type string 'array'|'object'|'row'|'field'|'assoc' set the type of returned values * @param $len int 0|1|2 set the type of the property _lengths of the request object */ public function query($sql,$rname=-1,$type='row',$len=0) { //$dtype is defined 2 times because of dproto uses facilties $dtype=array('array'=>'pg_fetch_array', 'object'=>'pg_fetch_object','row'=>'pg_fetch_row', 'field'=>'pg_fetch_field','assoc'=>'pg_fetch_assoc'); if (array_key_exists($rname,$this->_requests)) { $this->_requests[$rname]->reset(); } else $rname=$this->prepare($sql,$rname,$type,$len); //NOTE: take care about _requests because of overloading, $req is binded to it.(= -> &=) $req=$this->_requests[$rname]; $this->connect(); $req->_result=@pg_query($this->_connection,$req->get_sql()); //the query return true because of INSERT request type if ($req->_result==1) $req->_rows=@pg_affected_rows($req->_result); elseif($req->_result==0){ $req->_errors[]=pg_result_error($req->_result); } //the query return values because of SELECT request type else { $nb_field=@pg_num_fields($req->_result); $f=$dtype[$type]; //for fields fetch $len is always set to 0 if ($type=='field') $len=0; if ($len==1) { $req['_lengths']= new Array_Object(); while ($row = @$f($req->_result)){ $req['_data'][]=$row; for ($fi=0;$fi<$nb_field;$fi++) $ar[]=@pg_prtlen($req->_result,$fi); $req['_lengths'][]=$ar; } } elseif($len==2) { for ($fi=0;$fi<$nb_field;$fi++) $req['_lengths'][$fi]=0; $row = @$f($req->_result); $req['_data'][]=$row; $req['_lengths']=@pg_fetch_lengths($req->_result); while ($row = @$f($req->_result)) { $req['_data'][]=$row; for ($fi=0;$fi<$nb_field;$fi++) $req['_lengths'][$fi]+=@pg_prtlen($req->_result,$fi); } } else { //$len=0 : $req['_lengths']=0; //pg_fetch_field: if ($req->_type=='field') { for ($fi=0;$fi<$nb_field;$fi++) { $req['_data'][$fi]->name= @pg_field_name($req->_result,$fi); $req['_data'][$fi]->type= @pg_field_type($req->_result, $fi); $req['_data'][$fi]->not_null=!@pg_field_is_null($req->_result,$fi); $req['_data'][$fi]->table=@pg_field_table($req->_result,$fi); $req['_data'][$fi]->numeric= preg_match('@int@',$req['_data'][$fi]->type)?true:$req['_data'][$fi]->type=='numeric'; $req['_data'][$fi]->blob= $req['_data'][$fi]->type=='text'; $req['_data'][$fi]->max_lenght=0; if($req['_data'][$fi]->type=='int')$req['_data'][$fi]->unsigned=true; } while ($row = @pg_fetch_row($req->_result)) { for ($fi=0;$fi<$nb_field;$fi++){ $l=@pg_field_prtlen($req->_result,$fi); if($l>$req['_data'][$fi]->max_lenght)$req['_data'][$fi]->max_lenght=$l; if(is_int($row[$fi])&& $row[$fi]<0)$req['_data'][$fi]->unsigned=false; } } } else { while ($row = @$f($req->_result)) { $req['_data'][]=$row; for ($fi=0;$fi<$nb_field;$fi++) $req['_lengths']+=@pg_field_prtlen($req->_result,$fi); } } } $req['_fields']=@pg_num_fields($req->_result); $req['_rows']=@pg_num_rows($req->_result); @pg_free_result($req->_result); $req->_result=true; } if ($req->_data!=false) $req->_data= new Array_Object($req->_data); return $req->_data; } /** * Prepare one or more queries and return the index or an array of indexes * Parameters can be an array, an object or parameters like query. * A property with the name or index $rname is created to store the request * @param $sql string sql request * @param $rname int|string name or index of the request * @param $type string 'array'|'object'|'row'|'field'|'assoc' set the type of returned values * @param $len int 0|1|2 set the type of the property _lengths of the request object */ public function prepare() { //$dtype is redefined because of dbproto $dtype=array('array'=>'pg_fetch_array', 'object'=>'pg_fetch_object','row'=>'pg_fetch_row', 'field'=>'pg_fetch_field','assoc'=>'pg_fetch_assoc'); // $arg_list = func_get_args(); if (is_array($arg_list[0]) && count($arg_list[0])>0) { $r=array(); foreach ($arg_list[0] as $key=>$value) { $sql= isset($value[0])?$value[0]:''; $rname = isset($value[1])?$value[1]:-1; $type = (isset($value[2]) && array_key_exists($value[2],$dtype))?$value[2]:'row'; $len = isset($value[3])?$value[3]:0; $r[$key]=$this->prepare($sql,$rname,$type,$len); } return $r; } else { $sql= isset($arg_list[0])?$arg_list[0]:''; $rname = isset($arg_list[1])?$arg_list[1]:-1; $type = (isset($arg_list[2])&& array_key_exists($arg_list[2],$dtype))?$arg_list[2]:'row'; $len = isset($arg_list[3])?$arg_list[3]:0; if (!is_string($type) || !array_key_exists($type,$dtype)) $type='row'; //if $rname isn't set we use an integer index if ($rname==-1)$rname=$this->_requests->count_num_index(); //if the request is set we delete it if (isset($this->_requests[$rname]))$this->clean($rname); $req=new request(); $req->_sql=$sql; $req->_type=$type; $req->_ltype=$len; $this->_requests[$rname]=$req; return $rname; } } /** * Execute one or more queries and return true if succeed otherwise false * Parameter can be an array, an object of requests indexes or a string or int index. * @param $req_id mixed index or indexes of requests if -1 or nothing all prepared requests are executed. */ public function exec($req_id=-1) { //if $req_id == -1 all requests are executed if ($req_id==-1){ foreach ($this->_requests as $k=>$v){ $ar[$k]['_sql']=$v->_sql; $ar[$k]['_type']=$v->_type; $ar[$k]['_ltype']=$v->_ltype; } //As query modify $this->_requests we can't do it all in once foreach($ar as $k=>$v)$this->query($ar[$k]['_sql'],$k,$ar[$k]['_type'],$ar[$k]['_ltype']); return true; } //If $req_id is a valid index we return datas or false if the request isn't set elseif (is_int($req_id) || is_string($req_id)) { if (isset($this->_requests[$req_id])){ return $this->query($this->_requests[$req_id]->_sql,$req_id,$this->_requests[$req_id]->_type,$this->_requests[$req_id]->_ltype); } return false; } //else we execute all requests givens by the array or object $req_id elseif (is_array($req_id) || (is_object($req_id) && (get_class($req_id)=='Array_Object'||get_class($req_id)=='stdClass'))) { foreach ($req_id as $id) { $this->query($this->_requests[$id]->_sql,$id,$this->_requests[$id]->_type,$this->_requests[$id]->_ltype); } return true; } return false; } /** * Delete one or more queries and return true if succeed otherwise false * Parameter can be an array, an object of requests indexes or a string or int index. * @param $req_id mixed index or indexes of requests if -1 or nothing all prepared requests are deleted. */ public function clean($req_id=-1) { $r=true; if ($req_id==-1)$this->_requests=new Array_Object(); elseif (is_int($req_id)||is_string($req_id)) { if (isset($this->_requests[$req_id]))unset($this->_requests[$req_id]); $r= !isset($this->_requests[$req_id]); if (!$r) $this->_errors[]="Can't delete the request $req_id"; } elseif (is_array($req_id)) { foreach ($req_id as $id) { $v=$this->clean($id); $r=$v==false?false:$r; } } return $r; } }//end of the class driver_pg ?>