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File: SODA/

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File: SODA/
Role: Class source
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Description: main file
Class: SODA
Database abstraction layer that encrypt data
Author: By
Last change: New version 1.1:
Now you can change the type of database on the fly by setting the property _dbtype (change the driver)
More security with methods lock and unlock used to export the object and import it only if the file is the same as it creator.
Date: 16 years ago
Size: 25,786 bytes


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<?php /** * Main File * @package SODA * @ignore */ ini_set('display_errors',1); error_reporting(E_ALL); /** * Main class: encrypt properties, load the right driver, import or export the encrypted object * @package SODA * @subpackage SODA * @author Salvan Gregory <> * @version 1.1 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008, Salvan Gregory * @license GNU Public License * @property array $protected array of protected properties * @property-read array $read_only array of read only properties * @property-write array $write_only array of write only properties */ class SODA { /** * single instance of the driver class (singleton pattern) # * @access protected # * @var object # * @static $instance # */ protected static $instance; /** * read only properties # * @access protected # * @var array # */ protected $read_only=array('_persistant' => '','_driver'=>'','_dbtype'=>'','_connected'=>false,'_select_db'=>false,'_requests'=>array(),'_errors'=>array()); /** * write only properties # * @access protected # * @var array # */ protected $write_only=array('_persistant' => '','_user'=>'','_pwd'=>'','_server'=>'','_dbname'=>'','_requests'=>array()); /** * protected properties # * @access protected # * @var array # */ protected $protected=array('_connection' =>'','_lock'=>false); /** * private constructor prevents direct creation of object. # * * @return true */ private function __construct($dbtype='mysql',$nom='',$pw='',$dbname='',$srv='',$opt=array('_persistant'=>false)) { $classname = 'driver_' . $dbtype; //resolves the real dir of the main file $rp=realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']); $txt=file_get_contents($rp); if (preg_match("@(?<=[\"'])[^\"']*base\.inc\.php(?=[\"'])@",$txt,$ret))$dirname=dirname($ret[0]); else $dirname='.'; ini_set('include_path',ini_get('include_path').":".realpath($dirname)); $this->_basedir=$dirname.'/'; if (file_exists($dirname.'/drivers/' . $classname . '.php') && @include_once $dirname.'/drivers/' . $classname . '.php') { self::$instance = new $classname($nom,$pw,$dbname,$srv,$opt); self::$instance->protected['_basedir']=$dirname.'/'; self::$instance->protected['_driver_file']=$dirname.'/drivers/' . $classname . '.php'; return true; } else { $drv = $this->find_drivers($dirname); if ($drv==false) return false; foreach ($drv as $classname=>$file) { ini_set('include_path',ini_get('include_path').":".dirname($file)); if (include_once ($file)) { $c= new $classname($nom,$pw,$dbname,$srv,$opt); if (@$c->connect()) { $c->close(); self::$instance = $c; self::$instance->protected['_basedir']=$this->_basedir; self::$instance->protected['_driver_file']=$file; return true; } } } } return false; } final private function scandir($dir) { $r=array(); $dh = opendir($dir); while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if ($file!='.' && $file !='..') { if (is_dir($dir.'/'.$file)) $r=array_merge($r,$this->scandir($dir.'/'.$file)); elseif (substr($file,0,7)=='driver_') { $nom=substr($file,0,strlen($file)-4); $r[$nom]=$dir.'/'.$file; } } } return $r; } final private function find_drivers($dir) { $dir=$dir.'/drivers'; $r=false; if (is_dir($dir)) { if ($dh = opendir($dir)) { while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { $d=substr($file,0,7); $nom=substr($file,0,strlen($file)-4); if ($d== 'driver_') $r[$nom]=$dir.'/'.$file; } closedir($dh); return $r; } else { if ($this->_basedir!='./') { $this->_basedir='./'; return $this->find_drivers(); } else return false; } } else { return $this->scandir(realpath('.')); } } protected function init_this() { $this->read_only=new Array_Object($this->read_only); $this->write_only=new Array_Object($this->write_only); $this->protected=new Array_Object($this->protected); $this->_requests=new Array_Object(); $this->_errors=new Array_Object(); } protected function change_driver($name) { $nom=$this->_user; $pw=$this->_pwd; $dbname=$this->_dbname; $srv=$this->_server; foreach ($this->read_only as $key=>$value) { if (array_key_exists($key,$this->write_only)){ $opt[$key]=$this->$key; } } self::$instance=false; self::create($name,$nom,$pw,$dbname,$srv,$opt); foreach($GLOBALS as $key=>$value) { if ($value===$this) { $nm=$key; } } global $$nm; $$nm=self::$instance; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Method that encrypt properties: * don't forget to modify it before production use for more security --------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ protected function scrypt($sel,$value) { if (is_scalar($value)) { /*---------------------- modify from here ------------------------------------------*/ $pass1="passphrase1"; $pass2="passphrase2"; $pass3="passphrase3"; //SSL encryption //if the protected variable $this->_certificate is not defined we create a private key and an auto trusted certificate. if (!array_key_exists('_certificate',$this->protected)) { $this->protected['_vecteur'] = base64_encode(mcrypt_create_iv(mcrypt_get_iv_size(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, MCRYPT_MODE_NOFB), MCRYPT_RAND)); $dn = array( "countryName" => "FR", "stateOrProvinceName" => md5(mt_rand()), "localityName" => md5(mt_rand()), "organizationName" => md5(mt_rand()), "organizationalUnitName" => "SODA_dev", "commonName" => md5(mt_rand()), "emailAddress" => md5(mt_rand()) ); // create a private key $privkey = openssl_pkey_new(); //create the Certificate Signing Request $csr = openssl_csr_new($dn, $privkey); //trust the request to enable the certificate $sscert = openssl_csr_sign($csr, null, $privkey, 365); //export to string the certificate openssl_x509_export($sscert, $certout); //free the certificate ressource openssl_x509_free($sscert); //export to string the private key openssl_pkey_export($privkey, $pkeyout, $pass2); //free the key ressource openssl_free_key($privkey); //we store the certificate and the private key in the protected variables certificate and private_key $this->protected['_certificate']=base64_encode(mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, $pass3,$certout , MCRYPT_MODE_NOFB,base64_decode($this->protected['_vecteur']))); $this->protected['_private_key']=base64_encode(mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, $pass1,$pkeyout , MCRYPT_MODE_NOFB,base64_decode($this->protected['_vecteur']))); } //we get a ressource of a public key $certout=mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, $pass3, base64_decode($this->protected['_certificate']), MCRYPT_MODE_NOFB,base64_decode($this->protected['_vecteur'])); $public_key=openssl_pkey_get_public($certout); //we encrypt datas with the public key openssl_public_encrypt($value, $crypted, $public_key); //free the public key ressource openssl_free_key($public_key); //we encode the saltz to be sure that datas are crypted before decypher. $sel=base64_encode($sel); //we return saltz and encrypted value as a single string. return $sel.base64_encode($crypted); /*----------------------------- modify to here ----------------------------------------------*/ } //for array, Array_object and stdClass object we decrypt recursively elseif (is_array($value) || (is_object($value) && (get_class($value)=='Array_Object'||get_class($value)=='stdClass'))) { $r= new Array_Object($value); foreach ($r as $key=>$val) { $r[$key]=$this->scrypt($key,$val); } return $r; } //ressources and complexes objects aren't stored encrypted else return $value; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Method that decrypt properties: * don't forget to modify it before production use for more security --------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ protected function dcrypt($sel,$value) { if (is_string($value)) { /*---------------------- modify from here ------------------------------------------*/ $pass1="passphrase1"; $pass2="passphrase2"; //SSL encryption //we get the saltz $sel=base64_encode($sel); $len=strlen($sel); $begin=substr($value,0,$len); //$value is encrypted ? if ($begin==$sel) { //we extract the value to decypher $v=base64_decode(substr($value,$len,(strlen($value)-$len))); //we get a ressource of the private key $pkeyout=mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, $pass1,base64_decode($this->protected['_private_key']) , MCRYPT_MODE_NOFB,base64_decode($this->protected['_vecteur'])); $private_key=openssl_pkey_get_private($pkeyout,$pass2); //we decypher the variable $res= openssl_private_decrypt($v, $dcrypted, $private_key); //free the private key ressource openssl_free_key($private_key); //we return the decrypted value return $dcrypted; } //if the value isn't encrypted we return as it. else return $value; /*----------------------------- modify to here ----------------------------------------------*/ } //for array, Array_object and stdClass object we decrypt recursively elseif (is_array($value) || (is_object($value) && (get_class($value)=='Array_Object'||get_class($value)=='stdClass'))) { $r=new Array_Object($value); foreach ($r as $key=>$val) { $r[$key]=$this->dcrypt($key,$val); } return $r; } else return $value; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------- * overloaded functions: ---------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * override properties setting * @category overload */ public function __set($varname,$value) { if ($this->protected['_lock']===true) { $this->read_only['_errors'][]="Can't set variables with locked object"; return; } if (isset($this->_requests[$varname])) { $this->_requests[$varname]=$this->scrypt($varname,$value); return; } $ro=array_key_exists($varname,$this->read_only); $wo=array_key_exists($varname,$this->write_only); $pr=array_key_exists($varname,$this->protected); // who call ? $internal=false; $bkt=debug_backtrace(); if(count($bkt)>1 && array_key_exists('object',$bkt[1])) { $internal = $bkt[1]['object']===$this; } //internal call ($this->) if ($internal) { //if the array key exists in read_only or write_only and not in protected if (($ro || $wo) && !$pr) { $val=$this->scrypt($varname,$value); if($ro) $this->read_only[$varname] = $val; if($wo) $this->write_only[$varname]= $val; } //else the variable is protected and not crypted else $this->protected[$varname]=$value; } // external call: for a not defined variable or defined as a read/write or write only variable elseif (!$pr && (!$ro || ($ro && $wo))) { $val=$this->scrypt($varname,$value); $this->write_only[$varname]=$val; //if the variable is defined too in read only mode or if it's not defined, it's in read and write mode if ($ro || (!$ro && !$wo)) { $this->read_only[$varname]=$val; } } else { if ($varname == '_dbtype' && $value!=$this->_dbtype) { $this->change_driver($value); } } } /** * override properties getting * @category overload */ public function __get($varname) { if($this->protected['_lock']===true){ $this->read_only['_errors'][]="Can't get variables with locked object"; return; } if (isset($this->_requests[$varname])) return $this->_requests[$varname]; $internal=false; $bkt=debug_backtrace(); if(count($bkt)>1 && array_key_exists('object',$bkt[1])) { $internal = $bkt[1]['object']===$this; } $ro=array_key_exists($varname,$this->read_only); if ($ro) { $r=$this->dcrypt($varname,$this->read_only[$varname]); } elseif ($internal) { if (array_key_exists($varname,$this->write_only)){ $r=$this->dcrypt($varname,$this->write_only[$varname]); } elseif (array_key_exists($varname,$this->protected)){ $r=$this->protected[$varname]; } } return isset($r)?$r:null; } public function __isset($varname) { $bkt=debug_backtrace(); $internal=false; if(count($bkt)>1 && array_key_exists('object',$bkt[1])) { $internal = $bkt[1]['object']===$this; } if ($internal && array_key_exists($varname,$this->protected))return true; if (array_key_exists($varname,$this->write_only)||array_key_exists($varname,$this->read_only))return true; return false; } public function __unset($varname) { $bkt=debug_backtrace(); $internal=false; if(count($bkt)>1 && array_key_exists('object',$bkt[1])) { $internal = $bkt[1]['object']===$this; } if ($internal) { if (array_key_exists($varname,$this->read_only))unset($this->read_only[$varname]); if (array_key_exists($varname,$this->write_only))unset($this->write_only[$varname]); if (array_key_exists($varname,$this->protected))unset($this->protected[$varname]); } elseif (array_key_exists($varname,$this->write_only))unset($this->write_only[$varname]); } /** * Prevents users to clone the object */ protected function __clone() { } /** * override methods call to permit the use of natives functions of a driver * * for example: $this->_connect is the same as mysql_connect if the driver is mysql. * <br/>This function use the read only variable $dbtype as a prefix for the called function */ public function __call($f,$a) { //for functions wich need a valid ressource $this->connect(); foreach($a as $i=>$v) { $arg[]='$a['.$i.']'; } if (isset($arg)&& is_array($arg))$arg=implode($arg,","); else $arg=''; $b=var_export($a,true); $f=$this->_dbtype.$f; $code='$a='.$b.'; $res='.$f.'('.$arg.');'; eval($code); return isset($res)?$res:false; } /** * Magic method that disconnect to the database before serialization * */ public function __sleep() { $this->close(); foreach($this as $key => $value) { $r[]=$key; } $k=md5(file_get_contents($this->_basedir."/")); $this->lock($k); return $r; } /** * Magic method to reconnect to the database after unserialization * */ public function __wakeup() { global $path; $u=$this->unlock(md5(file_get_contents("$path/"))); $c=$this->connect(); if(!$c && !$u)$this->read_only['_errors'][]="Can't unlock the object: the file is different from the file wich had constructed the object"; if(!$c && $u)$this->read_only['_errors'][]="Can't connect to the database because of bad user, password, server or database name"; } /*--------------- end of overloading ----------------------------------*/ /** * Method to lock the object * */ public function lock($key) { $pvk=$this->protected['_private_key']; $this->protected['_private_key']=mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, $key,$pvk , MCRYPT_MODE_NOFB,base64_decode($this->protected['_vecteur'])); $this->_lock_key=$this->scrypt('_lock_key',$key); $this->_lock=true; return $this->protected['_lock']; } /** * Method to unlock the object * */ public function unlock($key) { $this->protected['_private_key']=mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, $key,$this->protected['_private_key'] , MCRYPT_MODE_NOFB,base64_decode($this->protected['_vecteur'])); $k=$this->dcrypt('_lock_key',$this->protected['_lock_key']); if($k==$key){ $this->protected['_lock']=false; unset($this->protected['_lock_key']); } else { $this->read_only['_errors'][]="Can't unlock this object: bad key given"; $this->protected['_private_key']=mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, $key,$this->protected['_private_key'], MCRYPT_MODE_NOFB,base64_decode($this->protected['_vecteur'])); } return !$this->protected['_lock']; } /** * Method to export the object as string * */ public function export() { $k=md5(file_get_contents($this->_basedir."/")); $s=serialize($this); $this->unlock($k); return base64_encode($s); } /** * Method to export the object and load it in an external file * */ public function export_to_file($filename,$varname='$SODA_obj') { $inc='ini_get("include_path")'; $dirname=dirname($filename); $bname= basename($filename); $df=$this->_driver_file; $l=strlen($dirname); if (substr($df,0,$l)==$dirname)$df=substr($df,$l,strlen($df)-$l); $f='/'; $e= $this->export(); $str='<?php //You can modify the path value but don\'t mofify it name: $path=realpath("'.$dirname.'"); ini_set("include_path",'.$inc.'.":$path"); require_once("$path'.$f.'"); require_once("$path'.$df.'"); '.$varname.'= SODA::import("'.$e.'"); ?>'; return file_put_contents($filename,$str); } /** * Static Method to import a SODA object * */ public static function import($obj) { self::$instance= unserialize(base64_decode($obj)); return self::$instance; } /** * Singleton pattern method contructor * In order to have a single instance of a class driver the real constructor is private and the construction is made by this static method * <br/>If an object is set this function don't create another one but return the existing object. */ public static function create($dbtype='mysql',$nom='',$pw='',$dbname='',$srv='localhost',$opt=array('_persistant'=>false)) { if (!isset(self::$instance) || self::$instance==false) { $r=new SODA($dbtype,$nom,$pw,$dbname,$srv,$opt); if(!$r) return false; } return self::$instance; } }//end of the class SODA /** * This class extends the SPL object array in order to acces at arrays values with a string index like properties of an object. * * <b>Example:</b> $mon_tableau=array('cle1'=>'valeur1'); # * You can get the value of the index cle1 with: * - or $mon_tableau['cle1'] * - or $mon_tableau->cle1 * @package SODA * @subpackage SODA * @author Salvan Gregory <> * @version 1.1 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008, Salvan Gregory * @license GNU Public License */ class Array_Object extends ArrayObject { public function __construct($config = array()) { parent::__construct($config, ArrayObject::ARRAY_AS_PROPS); } /** * This method the next integer index * As this object extends arrays you can have integers indexes or strings indexes, it's useful to have the next integer index. * <br/> Note: It return the biggest index + 1 example:Array_Object(2=>'valeur') return 3 */ public function count_num_index() { $i=count($this); while (!array_key_exists($i-1,$this) && $i>0)$i--; return $i; } //overloading: public function __set($varname,$value) { if (is_array($value))$value=new Array_Object($value); $this[$varname]=$value; } public function __get($varname) { if(array_key_exists($varname,$this)) { if (is_array($this[$varname]))$this[$varname]= new Array_Object($this[$varname]); return $this[$varname]; } } final public function __tostring() { return var_export($this,true); } public static function _new() { $numargs = func_num_args(); $config=array(); if ($numargs == 1)$config=func_get_arg(0); return new Array_Object($config); } }//end of the class Array_Object /** * This implements requests objects * @package SODA * @subpackage request * @author Salvan Gregory <> * @version 1.1 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008, Salvan Gregory * @license GNU Public License */ class request extends Array_Object { function __construct() { $prop= array( '_sql'=>'', '_data'=>false, '_type'=>'', '_ltype'=>0, '_result'=>false, '_lengths'=>0, '_fields'=>0, '_rows'=>0, '_vars'=>'', '_parent'=>false ); $prop['_errors']=new Array_Object(); $prop['_vars']= new Array_Object(); parent::__construct($prop); $bkt=debug_backtrace(); if (isset($bkt[1]['object'])) $this->_parent =&$bkt[1]['object']; } /** * Parses sql code and replaces variables by its values * @return string the correct sql code */ public function get_sql() { $this->set_sql(); $ret=$this->_sql; foreach ($this->_vars as $key=>$val) { if (is_int($key)) $ret=preg_replace("@[\?]@m",$val,$ret,1); else { $search="@\{$key\}@m"; $ret=preg_replace($search,$val,$ret); } } return $ret; } /** * Analyse sql code to find variables and prepares values of replacement * */ public function set_sql() { $value=$this->_sql; preg_match_all( "@\{(?>[a-z_$0-9A-Z]+)\}@xm", $value,$ar); if ($ar[0]!=array()) { foreach ($ar[0] as $val) { $c= count($val) - 2; $val=substr($val,1,$c); $val=trim($val); $$val=''; if (isset($this->_vars[$val])) $$val=$this->_vars[$val]; if (isset($this->$val)) { $$val=$this->$val; unset($this->$val); } else { global $$val; if (!isset($$val))$$val=''; } $this->_vars[$val]=$$val; } } $c=substr_count($value,'?'); for ($i=0;$i<$c;$i++){ $v=isset($this[$i])?$this[$i]:(isset($this->_vars[$i])?$this->_vars[$i]:''); unset($this[$i]); $this->_vars[$i]=$v; } } /** * deletes internal variables to prepare another request * */ public function reset() { $this->_data=false; $this->_result=false; $this->_lengths=0; $this->_fields=0; $this->_rows=0; $this->_errors= new Array_Object(); } /** * overloads methods to permit the call of parent methods as if they were defined for this object * NOTE: if this object is a property (called 'name') of the object $parent: * </br> $parent->name->exec() call $parent->exec('name'); */ public function __call($f,$a) { if ($this->_parent !=false && isset($this->_parent->_requests)) { //first we find the name of the parent property wich correspond to $this foreach($this->_parent->_requests as $name=>$prop) { if ($prop=== $this) $myname = $name; } //then we call the parent method by passing the name of $this as a parameter. if (isset($myname)){ if ($f=='exec'|| $f=='clean'){ $args=array_merge(array($myname),$a); return call_user_func_array(array($this->_parent, $f),$args); } } } return; } }//end of the class request ?>