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File: public/js/jquery.toast.js

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  Classes of saber tabatabaee   Laravel PHP Task Manager   public/js/jquery.toast.js   Download  
File: public/js/jquery.toast.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Laravel PHP Task Manager
Application to manage project tasks
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 4 years ago
Size: 10,965 bytes


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; // jQuery toast plugin created by Kamran Ahmed copyright MIT license 2014 // v0.1 if ( typeof Object.create !== 'function' ) { Object.create = function( obj ) { function F() {} F.prototype = obj; return new F(); }; } (function( $, window, document, undefined ) { "use strict"; var Toast = { _positionClasses : ['bottom-left', 'bottom-right', 'top-right', 'top-left', 'bottom-center', 'top-center', 'mid-center'], _defaultIcons : ['success', 'error', 'info', 'warning'], init: function (options, elem) { this.prepareOptions(options, $.toast.options); this.process(); }, prepareOptions: function(options, options_to_extend) { var _options = {}; if ( ( typeof options === 'string' ) || ( options instanceof Array ) ) { _options.text = options; } else { _options = options; } this.options = $.extend( {}, options_to_extend, _options ); }, process: function () { this.setup(); this.addToDom(); this.position(); this.bindToast(); this.animate(); }, setup: function () { var _toastContent = ''; this._toastEl = this._toastEl || $('<div></div>', { class : 'jq-toast-single' }); if ( this.options.allowToastClose ) { _toastContent += '<span class="close-jq-toast-single">&times;</span>'; }; if ( this.options.text instanceof Array ) { if ( this.options.heading ) { _toastContent +='<h2 class="jq-toast-heading">' + this.options.heading + '</h2>'; }; _toastContent += '<ul class="jq-toast-ul">'; for (var i = 0; i < this.options.text.length; i++) { _toastContent += '<li class="jq-toast-li" id="jq-toast-item-' + i + '">' + this.options.text[i] + '</li>'; } _toastContent += '</ul>'; } else { if ( this.options.heading ) { _toastContent +='<h2 class="jq-toast-heading">' + this.options.heading + '</h2>'; }; _toastContent += this.options.text; } this._toastEl.html( _toastContent ); if ( this.options.bgColor !== false ) { this._toastEl.css("background-color", this.options.bgColor); }; if ( this.options.textColor !== false ) { this._toastEl.css("color", this.options.textColor); }; if ( this.options.textAlign ) { this._toastEl.css('text-align', this.options.textAlign); } if ( this.options.icon !== false ) { this._toastEl.addClass('jq-has-icon'); if ( $.inArray(this.options.icon, this._defaultIcons) !== -1 ) { this._toastEl.addClass('jq-icon-' + this.options.icon); }; }; }, position: function () { if ( ( typeof this.options.position === 'string' ) && ( $.inArray( this.options.position, this._positionClasses) !== -1 ) ) { if ( this.options.position === 'bottom-center' ) { this._container.css({ left: ( $(window).outerWidth() / 2 ) - this._container.outerWidth()/2, bottom: 20 }); } else if ( this.options.position === 'top-center' ) { this._container.css({ left: ( $(window).outerWidth() / 2 ) - this._container.outerWidth()/2, top: 20 }); } else if ( this.options.position === 'mid-center' ) { this._container.css({ left: ( $(window).outerWidth() / 2 ) - this._container.outerWidth()/2, top: ( $(window).outerHeight() / 2 ) - this._container.outerHeight()/2 }); } else { this._container.addClass( this.options.position ); } } else if ( typeof this.options.position === 'object' ) { this._container.css({ top : ? : 'auto', bottom : this.options.position.bottom ? this.options.position.bottom : 'auto', left : this.options.position.left ? this.options.position.left : 'auto', right : this.options.position.right ? this.options.position.right : 'auto' }); } else { this._container.addClass( 'bottom-left' ); } }, bindToast: function () { var that = this; this._toastEl.find('.close-jq-toast-single').on('click', function ( e ) { e.preventDefault(); if( that.options.showHideTransition === 'fade') { that._toastEl.trigger('beforeHide'); that._toastEl.fadeOut(function () { that._toastEl.trigger('afterHidden'); }); } else if ( that.options.showHideTransition === 'slide' ) { that._toastEl.trigger('beforeHide'); that._toastEl.slideUp(function () { that._toastEl.trigger('afterHidden'); }); } else { that._toastEl.trigger('beforeHide'); that._toastEl.hide(function () { that._toastEl.trigger('afterHidden'); }); } }); if ( typeof this.options.beforeShow == 'function' ) { this._toastEl.on('beforeShow', function () { that.options.beforeShow(); }); }; if ( typeof this.options.afterShown == 'function' ) { this._toastEl.on('afterShown', function () { that.options.afterShown(); }); }; if ( typeof this.options.beforeHide == 'function' ) { this._toastEl.on('beforeHide', function () { that.options.beforeHide(); }); }; if ( typeof this.options.afterHidden == 'function' ) { this._toastEl.on('afterHidden', function () { that.options.afterHidden(); }); }; }, addToDom: function () { var _container = $('.jq-toast-wrap'); if ( _container.length === 0 ) { _container = $('<div></div>',{ class: "jq-toast-wrap" }); $('body').append( _container ); } else if ( !this.options.stack || isNaN( parseInt(this.options.stack, 10) ) ) { _container.empty(); } _container.find('.jq-toast-single:hidden').remove(); _container.append( this._toastEl ); if ( this.options.stack && !isNaN( parseInt( this.options.stack ), 10 ) ) { var _prevToastCount = _container.find('.jq-toast-single').length, _extToastCount = _prevToastCount - this.options.stack; if ( _extToastCount > 0 ) { $('.jq-toast-wrap').find('.jq-toast-single').slice(0, _extToastCount).remove(); }; } this._container = _container; }, animate: function () { var that = this; this._toastEl.hide(); this._toastEl.trigger('beforeShow'); if ( this.options.showHideTransition.toLowerCase() === 'fade' ) { this._toastEl.fadeIn(function ( ){ that._toastEl.trigger('afterShown'); }); } else if ( this.options.showHideTransition.toLowerCase() === 'slide' ) { this._toastEl.slideDown(function ( ){ that._toastEl.trigger('afterShown'); }); } else { ( ){ that._toastEl.trigger('afterShown'); }); } if ( ( this.options.hideAfter !== false ) && !isNaN( parseInt( this.options.hideAfter, 10 ) ) ) { var that = this; window.setTimeout(function(){ if ( that.options.showHideTransition.toLowerCase() === 'fade' ) { that._toastEl.trigger('beforeHide'); that._toastEl.fadeOut(function () { that._toastEl.trigger('afterHidden'); }); } else if ( that.options.showHideTransition.toLowerCase() === 'slide' ) { that._toastEl.trigger('beforeHide'); that._toastEl.slideUp(function () { that._toastEl.trigger('afterHidden'); }); } else { that._toastEl.trigger('beforeHide'); that._toastEl.hide(function () { that._toastEl.trigger('afterHidden'); }); } }, this.options.hideAfter); }; }, reset: function ( resetWhat ) { if ( resetWhat === 'all' ) { $('.jq-toast-wrap').remove(); } else { this._toastEl.remove(); } }, update: function(options) { this.prepareOptions(options, this.options); this.setup(); this.bindToast(); } }; $.toast = function(options) { var toast = Object.create(Toast); toast.init(options, this); return { reset: function ( what ) { toast.reset( what ); }, update: function( options ) { toast.update( options ); } } }; $.toast.options = { text: '', heading: '', showHideTransition: 'fade', allowToastClose: true, hideAfter: 5000, stack: 5, position: 'bottom-left', bgColor: false, textColor: false, textAlign: 'left', icon: false, beforeShow: function () {}, afterShown: function () {}, beforeHide: function () {}, afterHidden: function () {} }; })( jQuery, window, document );