Download[comment]: # (This file is part of Asit, manages array collections. Copyright 2020 Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult, All rights reserved, licence LGPL 3.0)
List Summary
> Class ItList extends [It]
> Class AsitList extends [Asit]
> Class AsittagList extends [Asittag]
> Class AsmitList extends [Asmit]
> Class AsmittagList extends [Asmittag]
assert collection elements of expected valueType
* one of TypeInterface constants or FQCN (for class or interface)
Shared methods
* ```collection``` _array_ / _Traversable_
* ```valueType``` _string_
* Throws CollectionException, TypeException
* ```collection``` _array_ / _Traversable_
* ```valueType``` _string_
* Return _static_
* Throws CollectionException, TypeException
* Static
Return _static_
Throws TypeException
* ```collection``` _array_ / _Traversable_
* ```valueType``` _string_
* Return _static_
* Throws CollectionException, TypeException
* Static
Return _static_
Throws TypeException
Inherited methods
Inherited methods from [It] - [Asit] - [Asmit] - [Asittag] - [Asmittag]
Element value type methods
* Assert collection element value type
* ```element``` _mixed_
* Throws TypeException
Assert value type
* one of TypeInterface constants or FQCN (for class or interface)
Throws TypeException
* Return _string_
* ```valueType``` _string_
* one of TypeInterface constants or FQCN (for class or interface)
* Return _static_
* Throws TypeException
Go to [README] - [It] summary - [Asit]/[Asmit] summary - [Asittag]/[Asmittag] summary