Download[comment]: # (This file is part of Asit, manages array collections. Copyright 2020 Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult, All rights reserved, licence LGPL 3.0)
Asittag/Asmittag Summary
> Class Asittag
* extends [Asit]
* (unique) primary key for each collection element
> Class Asmittag
* extends [Asmit]
* accepts multiple (unique) primary keys for (each) collection element
Also secondary keys, additional (non-unique) tags (aka attributes?)
may be set for each element. Tags are of int or string valueType.
Collection elements are searchable using
* Iterator (et al.) methods
* primary key(s)
* tag(s)
* primary key(s) + tag(s)
For non-assoc arrays,
* primary key is the (numeric) array index
* may also have tags
Asittag class extends :
* [AsittagList], assert collection elements of expected valueType
Asmittag class extends :
* [AsmittagList], assert collection elements of expected valueType
Inherited methods
Inherited methods from [It] - [Asit]
Pkey - Tag methods
* Return all primary keys, primary keys for collection elements using tag or empty array on not found
* Override parent
* ```tag``` _int_|_string_
* ```sortFlag``` _int_ default _SORT_REGULAR_
* Return _array_
Return all tags, tags for one collection element using the primary key or empty array on not found
Return _array_
* Return tags for one collection element using the primary key or empty array on not found
* Convenient getTags method alias
* ```pKey``` _int_|_string_
* ```sortFlag``` _int_ default _SORT_REGULAR_
* Return _array_
Return bool true if element (identified by pKey) has tag(s), not found pKey/tag return false
Return _bool_
Tag methods
* Assert tag, int and string allowed
* ```tag``` _mixed_
* Return _void_
* Throws TagException
* Static
Return bool true if single or any tag in array are set
Return _bool_
* Return tags for ```current```
* Return _array_
* Throws RuntimeException
Return bool true if ```current``` has tag(s)
Return _bool_
Throws RuntimeException
* Return count of collection element using the tag, not found return 0
* ```tag``` _int_|_string_
* Return _bool_
#### Get methods
Return (non-assoc) array of element(s) in collection, opt using primary keys and/or tag(s)
If primary keys are given, the return collection element includes only these matching the primary keys.
Then, and if tags are given and if union is bool true, the result collection element hits match all tags, false match any tag.
Hits with exclTags are excluded
Override parent
Return _array_
Throws SortException
* Return (non-assoc array) sub-set of element(s) in collection using tags
* If union is bool true, the result collection element hits match all tags, false match any tag.
* Convenient get method alias
* ```tags``` _int_|_string_|_array_ none-used tag is skipped
* ```union``` _bool_ default true
* ```exclTags``` _int_|_string_|_array_ tags to exclude
* ```sortParam``` _int_|_callable_ asort sort_flags or uasort callable
* Return _array_
* Throws SortException
#### Set methods
Append element to (array) collection, opt with primary key and/or tags (secondary keys)
Note, last appended element is always ```current```
Override parent
Return _static_
Throws PkeyException, TagException
* Add tag (secondary key) for primary key element
* ```pKey``` _int_|_string_
* ```tag``` _int_|_string_
* Return _static_
* Throws PkeyException, TagException
Add tag (secondary key) for ```current```
Return _static_
Throws RuntimeException, TagException
Remove methods
* Remove tag (secondary key) for primary key element
* ```pKey``` _int_|_string_
* ```tag``` _int_|_string_
* Return _static_
* Throws PkeyException
Remove tag (secondary key) for ```current```
Return _static_
Throws RuntimeException
Current element tag methods summary
* Return bool true if ```current``` has tag(s)
* Throws RuntimeException
Add tag (secondary key) for ```current```
Throws RuntimeException, TagException
* Remove tag (secondary key) for ```current```
* Throws RuntimeException
Append element to (array) collection, with primary key and/or tags (secondary keys)
Note, last appended element is always ```current```
Throws PkeyException, TagException
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