* Debug Bar: tab "dumps" template.
* This file is part of the Tracy (https://tracy.nette.org)
* Copyright (c) 2004 David Grudl (https://davidgrudl.com)
namespace Tracy;
if (empty($data)) {
<svg viewBox="0 0 2048 2048"><path fill="#154ABD" d="m1084 540c-110-1-228-2-325 58-54 35-87 94-126 143-94 162-71 383 59 519 83 94 207 151 333 149 132 3 261-60 344-160 122-138 139-355 44-511-73-66-133-158-234-183-31-9-65-9-95-14zm-60 116c73 0 53 115-16 97-105 5-195 102-192 207-2 78-122 48-95-23 8-153 151-285 304-280l-1-1zM1021 511"/><path fill="#4B6193" d="m1021 511c-284-2-560 131-746 344-53 64-118 125-145 206-16 86 59 152 103 217 219 267 575 428 921 377 312-44 600-241 755-515 39-81-30-156-74-217-145-187-355-327-581-384-77-19-156-29-234-28zm0 128c263-4 512 132 679 330 33 52 132 110 58 168-170 237-449 409-747 399-309 0-590-193-752-447 121-192 305-346 526-407 75-25 170-38 237-43z"/>
</svg><span class="tracy-label">dumps</span>