Download[comment]: # (This file is part of PcGen, PHP Code Generation support package. Copyright 2020 Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult, All rights reserved, licence GPL 3.0)
The ` ArgumentDto` class, extends [VarDto] class, manages function/method arguments base data and has only getter and setter methods, no logic.
Used in [ClassMgr], [FcnFrameMgr] and [FcnInvokeMgr], defining arguments.
ArgumentDto Methods
Inherited [VarDto] methods
* ```varDto``` _VarDto_
* Return _static_
* Static
* Throws _InvalidArgumentException_
Return _bool_, true, if argument is passed as reference
Throws _InvalidArgumentException_
* If not set, default, false.
* ```by-reference``` _bool_, if true argument is going to be passed as reference
* Return _static_
Return _int_
Throws _InvalidArgumentException_
* If not set, default, no update.
* ```updClassProp``` _int_, default ```ArgumentDto::BEFORE```
* ` ArgumentDto::AFTER` : argument (value) will update the class property after opt set method body (but before opt. set return(value))
* ` ArgumentDto::NONE` : no update
* Return _static_
* Return _bool_, true, if argument (value) will append the class property array
* Throws _InvalidArgumentException_
<small>Return to [README] - [Summary]</small>