PHP Classes


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Role: Documentation
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Description: Documentation
Class: PcGen
Generate PHP code from parameters
Author: By
Last change: 1.1.47
Date: 3 years ago
Size: 2,946 bytes


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[comment]: # (This file is part of PcGen, PHP Code Generation support package. Copyright 2020 Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult, All rights reserved, licence GPL 3.0)


the PHP Code Generation support package

  • create PHP class / interface / trait code opt shipped with file docBlock with namespace, use, extends, implements with constuctor and factory methods with constants and properties with opt. getter(+iterator) and setter methods allow insert of (pre-produced, logic) code
  • create docBlocks in compliance with [phpdoc]
  • create PHP function/method frame (shell) code with arguments and closure use variables with property(/variable) set code with method return code allow insert of (pre-produced, logic) code
  • create code for single or chained function/method invoke(s)
  • create define variable property/variable/constant code with PHP primitive value, array, closure or callback
  • create code for variable/property value assign from variable/property value (scalar) fixedSourceValue ternary or null coalesce operator expression other PHP expression constant function/method invoke(s)
  • create logic code using * control structures * ternary or null coalesce operator expressions * try/catch-blocks
  • create code for function/method return of variable/property value (scalar) fixedSourceValue ternary or null coalesce operator expression other PHP expression constant * function/method invoke(s)

More info in the PcGen [Summary].



The target PHP version code is, default, the current PHP version but configurable.

Using a PHP reserved name as _name_ (ex FQCN/className) will thow an InvalidArgumentException.

You may need to readjust result output code style and indents.


Tests are executed in `DISPLAY` mode, to alter, update _PHP_ const in top of `phpunit.xml`. Asserted PHP 7+ compability using [PHPCompatibility].


For support use [ PcGen]. Non-emergence support issues are, unless sponsored, fixed in due time.


Donation using <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> are appreciated. For invoice, <a href="">please e-mail</a>.


composer require kigkonsult/pcgen:dev-master

Composer, in your composer.json:

    "require": {
        "kigkonsult/pcgen": "dev-master"

Otherwise , download and acquire..

namespace Kigkonsult\PcGen;
include 'pathToSource/Kigkonsult/PcGen/autoload.php';


This project is licensed under the GPLv3 License

[Composer]: [ PcGen]: [phpdoc]: [Summary]:docs/ [PHPCompatibility]: