# Simple MySQLi database access wrapper
In this document you can find proper usage of this library.
By - Chetankumar Akarte
for help email me - chetan.akarte@gmail.com
get connect @ https://www.linkedin.com/in/chetanakarte
### About
This class is used to Connect and query a MySQL database using the MySQLi.extension.
### Requirements
- PHP: >=7.3.0
### Overview
This class library can read and parse a configuration file in the INI format and establishes a connection to a MySQL database server using connection parameters obtained from that configuration file.
### Usage
First you need to update config.ini with your database details and keep it in the same folder where your have db.php
localhost = localhost //MySQL Host
username = root //MySQL User
password = '' //MySQL Password
dbname = classic_news //MySQL Database
Include db.php where you want to used MySQL data and initializa class.
$DB = new DB;
### Execute Query
$query = "SELECT * tbl_category";
### Process Query Result - 1st Row
$query = "SELECT * tbl_category";
$get_cat = $DB->select($query);
if(count($get_cat) > 0){
$_cid= $get_cat[0]['cid'];
$_catName = $get_cat[0]['category_name'];
$_catStatus = $get_cat[0]['category_status'];
$_imgDefault = $get_cat[0]['category_image'];
$_catSequence = $get_cat[0]['category_sequence'];
### Process Query Result - All Row
$query = "SELECT * tbl_category";
$get_cat = $DB->select($query);
if(count($get_cat) > 0){
foreach ($category_check as $get_cat) {
$_cid= $get_cat['cid'];
$_catName = $get_cat['category_name'];
$_catStatus = $get_cat['category_status'];
$_imgDefault = $get_cat['category_image'];
$_catSequence = $get_cat['category_sequence'];
### Fetch the last Insert Id from the database
$query = "INSERT INTO tbl_news (featured, news_title, news_cat, news_description, news_cover_img,published_on) VALUES('".trim($_POST['isFeatured'])."','".trim($_POST['txtTitle'])."','".$_cid."','".$strDummy."','".$file_name."', now())";
//echo $query;